road 7over eagle head

Started by oldfart, June 25, 2011, 04:58:35 PM

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Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 24, 2011, 05:34:19 PM
   I personally would never give free reign to whomever is watching the chickens or cows.

On that we agree.  But isn't is interesting how those who would attend to the watching and asking at commission meetings are given a steam of reasons (excuses), diversions, or are demeaned, called names, put down by the likes of you?  No wonder some persist in taking their questions to the other stockholders (voters/taxpayers). 

Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 24, 2011, 05:34:19 PM
My experience has been that anyone can fall prey to avarice and greed.

As has mine.  But my experience has taught me that those with power at the top have much greater opportunity to give in to and act on those temptations without fear of retribution.  As the saying goes:  With power comes privilege.  And not always just the usual privileges as an air conditioned office and leather chair.

Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 24, 2011, 05:34:19 PM
Without checks and balances , no system will work. And without honest men and women the same will occur.

Well, then count Ross and I as a form of Mr Check and Mr Balance.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Hefe de vaca

    I can agree to that if you include all participants, not just the hierarchy.


Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 24, 2011, 05:46:45 PM
   Patriot is polite, and obviously well read, you , Ross , are another species.Perhaps a bit Hillbilly.

First, thanks for the compliment. 

Second a person's typing, spelling or vocabulary skills nor their articulation should give rise to a judgement that they lack understanding or wisdom.  To so judge might be unwise and surely reeks of a class distinction that's quite disgusting and unfitting a person in this country.  Maybe those folks bitterly clinging to God and their guns actually know something.  So let's take care how we label them.

Third, I can be just as much an a** as the next guy, well read or otherwise.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Hefe de vaca

     Well put , I only retort to the barbs sent my way, as have you once in a while.


Why did Dick Scott retire?


Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 24, 2011, 05:23:20 PM
  Watch out Ross , your adding post count to someone else's thread.
Pure silly.


Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 24, 2011, 05:46:45 PM
   Patriot is polite, and obviously well read, you , Ross , are another species.Perhaps a bit Hillbilly.

So what has that got to do with the truth?  Ross is right in what he is saying no matter how he says it.  I mean i can use 50 dollar words and distort them to make my true meaning sound like something else, Much like the circle of chairs groups, and the facilitators that use these pre-prepared dialogues to confuse and distort the facts!   BTW do ya know whos running things over there at EK?? 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Catwoman on July 24, 2011, 05:48:03 PM
To not do what you are instructed to do is job suicide in this day and age.
ONLY IF you do it wrong.    There's a process that you use and that's called CYA.  IF you do that, its not yours that gets canned.

QuoteThe problem is, if you do what you are instructed to do, it doesn't keep you from being complicit in having done the wrongdoing...It merely means you didn't have the backbone to stick to what was right.  So, you have to make the decision as to how far you're willing to cross that line in order to keep your job so that you can continue to support your family.  I remember when you stuck to your guns, Angie.  I was proud of you.  I am glad to hear that you are going into SPED...I hope that you will find a niche there!!  ;)

I don't know of many folks that are honest and ethical that would go along with something like that.  :)  BUT I'll tell ya, IF i were in the position i have had before where i hire and fire, and one of my managers or supers used their power and authority to cause their charges the duress of fear of loss of their jobs, those individuals would be physically tossed on their ass's outside of company property with whatever charges the company could bring against them.  The charges would only be reprimanded in that fear is a great intimidator and not a indicator of lack of character.  I would give them quarter and be more forgiving of them due to the fact that 1. they had to make a choice of family or their job and chose family over their job. (Great character trait) 2. Fear is one of the hardest things to overcome and the easiest emotion to instill in people through threats against those they love.   

Now would i tolerate it after that?  Nope.  I would make damn sure they know they would be able to come directly to me and get it dealt with, with no repercussions.  I hate the bullshit of chain of command that supers impose on their charges.  It is only used to suppress information and to keep the supers boss uninformed.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 24, 2011, 05:46:45 PM
   Patriot is polite, and obviously w ell read, you , Ross , are another species.Perhaps a bit Hillbilly.
I am just a plain old truthful, redneck, hick and proud of it.
I have dealt with good managers and bad managers and bully managers.

I have had my fill of world travel and living in the cities.

Now I'm happy to be just a plain old truthful, redneck, hick and proud of it.

And I am not inviting you to like it, it is what it is.


I remember a boss i had at Cox communications.   You see, I built Cox's current computer department.  They used to operate on AS400's but in the late 90's they decided to get into internet.  Soooo. I went in, took what was given me 3 HPUX boxes, and 3 sun boxes and turned it into a 150 server Sun Shop.  The last server i bought was 14 million dollars. 

At any rate in 2000 i had a heart attack, and being the ONLY ADMIN there, i had all the passowords and i was the only one who knew how the systems were designed.  But fortunately for Cox i was ethical and honest.  This was my reputation in Atlanta, one of the top 5 admins in the city and trusted completely with multimillion dollar budgets.   Meanwhile while i was recovering from heart attack, they brought in this 2 bit manager, had the beadiest eyes i had ever seen on any one individual.  His management methods consisted of running over everyone and micromanaging everything.  So when i returned to work, I was put on light duty and when i saw that i knew that the manager had my days numbered at Cox so i was going to make sure i had my ass covered.

Being the Traditional System admin i made sure i had backdoors around anyones passwords prior to my illness, and I utilized them to keep records of what was going on in my systems.  Emails, System logins, all kinds of things were monitored and i came up with a long long list of shady dealings, illegal firing of people that he didn't like, and illegal access to database systems that he had done including access to the payroll server.  That was highly forbidden and ONLY The sysadmin as well as the Payroll department had that key access. How he got it, i suppose through intimidation and threat.  BUT i managed with patience and careful watching logged every access he made to the server.   One day i got sick again, and couldn't get in.  Now when i say sick, i mean i couldn't stand up and walk sick. Crawling to the door was impossible and i called in.  4 days later, i went in to work after calling every day to let them know i was sick each day. 

Now when i went in to work, my keycard didn't work.  I knew at this time that it was cut off.  So i waited. Got into the front doors.  Waited a bit and then when someone opened the door to the office i walked in right behind them and went to the desk. my computer was disconnected and sitting on the managers desk. 

I grinned and smiled and immediately went to the 2nd floor where the director of IT's office was. he was a kool boss.  I waited on him to get there.  I managed to get entrance to the second floor the same way i got into the office area, waited for someone to swipe their card and i went and open and held the door for them as they went in then i entered the same. NOt a soul questioned me.  I went to rays office and waited.  Meanwhile i saw ray approaching his office and security hot on his heals.  when he got there, i asked him to speak with me about my keycard not working.  He said What???  Security caught up and was about to lay hands on me and drag me off and ray stopped them.

I told Ray the manager in charge set me up and was terminating me because i was sick and that he used any means to get anyone he deemed a threat fired.  Ray called his ass up to his office immediately.  When he arrived this elaborate tale of how i did not do my job and that i voluntarily quit cause i didn't call in when i was sick ensued.   I sat there smiling, and just bide my time and when he was done, Ray looked at me and asked me if it was true.

I told ray what had happened and that I knew why the manager was trying to get me fired and that if he would go get the computer off his desk and let me show him i would prove it.  He did so.  Boy you should have seen that managers face when i showed ray logs of illegal access's to payroll databases. He started screaming that i was hacking the computers.  BUT the simple fact was the evidence was there. It showed not me but the manager was doing all the hacking.  I was only doing MY JOB as System administrator, securing the network and making sure nothing threatened the data integrity.  So my actions of entering his computer and logging his actions was justified in the corporate eye! Needless to say security physically tossed his ass onto the street!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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