road 7over eagle head

Started by oldfart, June 25, 2011, 04:58:35 PM

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Hefe de vaca

     I guess there is still some confusion about where exactly this dastardly road is. Diane , I believe knows the road I refer to now. You won't find it on any recent map, other than one of the wind farm. I will say again, NO county rock or machinery or personell are being used there, nor are they taking care of Limestone to Road 9 to Killdeer to the "hill" or beyond. Enel is maiintaining this "truck route" for the simple fact they are hauling tons of rock and equipment on it. Diane and W. Gray as well have obviously been at least partially up that hill and cited the condition of the "road", SUV or four wheel drive, my reason for questioning any rock or maintanence.O course NOW it is a gravel highway. I didn't say anyone was being untruthful, just that I had seen no evidence of it. Perhaps they are talking about a different road. The north end of Road 5 WAS , I said WAS maintained and even had /has road signs and is on the maps, up to the old Eagle Head ranch. It also has /had an easement on it.

    Nope, Hillbilly. I'm not Perkins, nor related, nor employed by, or need their permission. ???     If you want to look around, go through the safety orientation , put on your PPE , get permission from the site manager and have at it. Depends on the day and time , but you may have to adjust you demeanor. ;)


think they are talking about road 7 that goes up the hill to killdeer that roar is a bitch and road that goes west at Harrisions was bad to dont know about now

Hefe de vaca

     Well. That's different.  Road 7 from Limestone to Killdeer is indeed maintained . Has a low water bridge as you turn off Limestone that sets "cockeyed" which replaced the old stone bridge a flood washed downstream. Don't remember what year. The Amberg place is on the Northeast corner there. Going toward Killdeer there is another low water bridge before you head up the hill. I thought you were talking of continuing past Killdeer to the southwest, not on the map and not Road 7 or Killdeer, to the top of the hill on the oil field road, private property, which is where you will find the security guard now.

    The last time Todd went on down Limestone past Harrison's was, as I said in an earlier post, after one of the fire trucks got stuck trying to get to a grass fire. Don and Bill are the only ones who use it, and it's passible. Wouldn't be worth trying to grade due to the boulders you'd pull out. Just make it worse.  It's a dead end anyway and aside from putting rock in the mudhole where the firetruck got stuck, I don't think Don would even ask the county to do anything.

Janet Harrington

Damn it Janet. It must be nice to be in you and yo mama's fantasy world. You don't believe anything anyone says, but the hell of it is I have proof. Thank you for believing Oldfart when he says he bladed private property. Are you reading this I said PRIVATE property. At the time he bladed and put rock on there, it was not owned by the county. At the time I, are you listening, I said I, had hauled rock out there to the road grader operator, it was private property. And as far as I know, it still is. There is no, listen, there is NO easement across that property. How in the hell did you ever become sheriff? You can't read or understand, or maybe you just can't comprehend. I don't need to help Oldfart out. I've talked to Oldfart. No more than you need to help yo mama. Thank you for publishing the phone number on here. I'll be sure to contact Connie or whoever else in the courthouse that would have any konnection with the knowledge of the Road Department.

P.S. Janet, for your information, I work for District Number One. That's Longton. I don't get to Howard very often, especially on work days.
MR. KSHillbilly

Robert, I got my information from the Elk County Appraiser's Office from the cartographer. Where did you get yours?  I agree that this is PRIVATE PROPERTY, however; the county has an EASEMENT (right-of-way) to go across according to the cartographer in the COURTHOUSE. Where did you get your information that the county does not have an easement???

Now, Robert, have I ever made any references to how in the hell did you ever get your job with the road department? No. Have I ever indicated with harse words that you can't read, understand, or comprehend? No. Have I ever been critical about how you do your job with the county road department? No. And thanks for telling which road district that you work for. I didn't have any idea, but I do now. That district is under the jurisdication of Commissioners Doug Ritz. Thanks.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on July 01, 2011, 03:49:36 PM
I got my information from the Elk County Appraiser's Office from the cartographer.  I agree that this is PRIVATE PROPERTY, however; the county has an EASEMENT (right-of-way) to go across according to the cartographer in the COURTHOUSE.

What is the purpose of the EASEMENT?
There is an easment on my property for water and natural gas lines.
What is the purpose of this EASEMENT?


The purpose of the easement is to build and maintain a public road for the use of the public.  The easement is recorded at the Register of Deeds Office and is effective until such time as the road is officially closed, which will also be recorded with the Register of Deeds.  If the county cartographer says that there is an easement, then there is an existing easement, whether or not the road is maintained.  The fact that the road is not generally used and the land on all sides is owned by one entity does not automatically close the road or void the easement.

If we are still talking about Rd. 5 in Sec. 17, Twshp. 30, Rge. 9, then there was a road that crossed the section to Kildeer.  A  1988 map does not show the road going completely across the section, but ending in the center of the section.  This does not mean that there is now no easement on that half mile of road.  The easement still exists as the road has not been officially closed.

One more thing, if Janet says she talked to the cartographer at the courthouse and was told that there is an easement, then there is an easement.  Otherwise, you are calling Janet and the cartographer liars.  Have you checked with the county?  The County Clerk, the Register of Deeds or the Appraiser's Office can tell you.


The Road and Bridge Dept. also has the information on easements and public and private roads with books with pictures! That's where I went to find out my information, Wednesday morning January 29th at approximately 11 a.m. I would think the Road and Bridge Dept. would know such things, but maybe they are just stupid like everyone thinks I am. I am done with this subject as I know what I was told, saw it with my own eyes, believe it to be the truth and know when to say when on trying to convince anyone that doesn't believe anyone else about anything and trying to convince people that don't know how to listen. Carry on...........Jennifer L. Walker



Diane Amberg

What in the world makes you think everyone thinks you are stupid? I have a feeling there are two different sets of information on this.Could it be the difference between an easement and a right of way? Or some information is more current? I don't know how often things get updated there, but I do know it's sometimes very slow here.


Sarcasm...I KNOW I'm not stupid...But I also KNOW what's being said.  ;)---Ms. KSH



Janet Harrington

Quote from: kshillbillys on July 01, 2011, 07:16:06 PM
The Road and Bridge Dept. also has the information on easements and public and private roads with books with pictures! That's where I went to find out my information, Wednesday morning January 29th at approximately 11 a.m. I would think the Road and Bridge Dept. would know such things, but maybe they are just stupid like everyone thinks I am. I am done with this subject as I know what I was told, saw it with my own eyes, believe it to be the truth and know when to say when on trying to convince anyone that doesn't believe anyone else about anything and trying to convince people that don't know how to listen. Carry on...........Jennifer L. Walker

I wasn't talking to you, Jennifer. I was talking to your husband. And as for what you saw with your own eyes, I have no idea. I don't know what the road department has. I only talked to the cartographer in the appraiser's office. I didn't talk to anyone else, but I will do so on Tuesday. I can't go to the courthouse because I work during those hours. I can only do it by telephone. Now, if someone wants to produce a document to show me, feel free. Until I can investigate further, I will believe what the cartographer told me.

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