road 7over eagle head

Started by oldfart, June 25, 2011, 04:58:35 PM

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Diane Amberg

   SHADOW. careful or I'll start checking spelling and grammar again. ;D ;D ;D Frankly, I'd like to see us ALL get along better, no matter what the topic or background of the poster. But you knew that. I've certainly said it often enough. 

the shadow

Wilma=I am talking to Mr. Hillbilly. I have never spoken badly about him. If I ever had anything to say about him (or anyone), I am man enough to go find him (or anyone) and say it to their face.
Quote from: Wilma on June 29, 2011, 01:45:17 PM
It hurts my soul to admit this, but I have been making a mistake. Whatever I post, I believe to be the truth and when I find that it isn't I correct it.  

Isn't that true with most people? Whatever they post, they believe to be the truth? Most people are this way. Most people do not set out to fill others' minds with half-truths or no-truths. But when one acts superior, like they know everything, and then find out they don't, can't you see why people get so upset? When they are trying to prove a point and the superior one will have no part of it because what they posted is "right" and then all of a sudden the superior being finds themself wrong, but never apologizes, the actual right person can get a little miffed! It shouldn't "hurt your soul" to be wrong. You should just do better research before putting yourself in that position.

I usually love reading this forum. I just find in reading it, that there are a lot of people, that when they don't like what others' say, go on and on about how upstanding certain people are, they are, you aren't, etc. And certain people on this forum are very vocal about everything; I believe the phrase being used is "been there, done that." And a lot of people on this forum, have a very high opinion of themselves and the fact that they are always right, never wrong and perfect. To an outsider, as I am, it gets disgusting! If I am not 100% certain on a subject, do I post like I am all-knowing? NO! I make phone calls or do research until I am positive that what I am about to post is absolutely correct. I don't like giving people wrong and misleading information; therefore, I DON'T!

the shadow                                KNOWS!
The Shadow knows!


Shadow, I don't give misinformation, either, and if I accidentally do, I say so.  But I do find that a lot of what is said is hard to believe.  Especially when they don't back it up with anything.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 29, 2011, 01:39:26 PM
Wilma,I'm sorry, but there was just something about "Old Fart" working at a "wind farm" that just rolled me on the floor

YAY!! A fart joke (sorry Old Fart)!!! Diane, you and I will get along just fine..... ;D


Hefe de vaca

     Grandma had an old Jolly Rancher sort of like post card, of which there must of been several, with quotes of all kinds , but this one she kept on the bureau. " Experience is the name given by people to their mistakes " . I still have it. Rang a bell with me when I was young.


Quote from: Hefe de vaca on June 29, 2011, 11:59:50 PM
     Grandma had an old Jolly Rancher sort of like post card, of which there must of been several, with quotes of all kinds , but this one she kept on the bureau. " Experience is the name given by people to their mistakes " . I still have it. Rang a bell with me when I was young.

Grandma was VERY wise.....



Lisa you are one block off teachers row . Wilma I;m hauling cementup there but thats all I can say TOP SECECT you know , if county going maintain oil field I know one fat man would like his done to and farmers hay field done to ;fishing ponds done to.I dont make stuff up about countyworks I have note book full thinks not time for all of it ,little at a time


I was afraid that would be the case.  Which I understand.  I worked several jobs where what happened at work stayed at work.  One in a school system, one in a lawyer's office and 12 years with the IRS.  Believe me, there are still things that I know that I won't talk about, mostly because the people affected are still living.  There is no need for me to know how things are going up on the hill, but I really would like to know.

I am not disputing your word for what you did when you worked for county road.  I believe that you did what you say you did.  What I am saying is that you can't blame the landowners if their roads got worked.  If the county has an easement, the county is responsible for the road whether or not it is used by anyone else.  In the case of those roads up there now, it is a mute subject.  I understand that the public no longer has access.  Whether or not the county is still grading is up to the county and the wind company.


Quote from: Wilma on June 30, 2011, 10:40:27 AM
Whether or not the county is still grading is up to the county and the wind company.

Just curious... it it's up to the county (presuming you mean county employees/officials) and the wind company, where would  the voters and taxpayers fit in the equation?
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Off the hook.  If the county is no longer responsible for road maintenance inside the wind project area, taxpayers are not footing the bill for it.  Am I the only one that sees it that way?  If the wind project doesn't want anyone else in the area, they have the right to keep them out.  I understand that the roads into the project are now blocked and that there is a security force out there.  Besides why on earth would anyone want to be out there messing around?  I would like to see what is being done, but I have sense enough to know that that is no place to be sightseeing at this time.

I think that I have discovered something in my studying the different maps that I have.  There is a road that I have always wanted to take just to see where it went.  It is at the intersection of Rd. 7 and Limestone.  Just south of Limestone is a low water bridge and across the bridge is a road that goes up the hill.  My husband would never take that road as he said we had no business up there.  Janet wouldn't take me up there either and I think that she probably would have had more right than most people.  She wouldn't even tell me what went on in her office while she was sheriff.  If I asked, she would say, "Sheriff business, Mother, Sheriff business," and I had to be satisfied with that.  Ungrateful daughter.

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