road 7over eagle head

Started by oldfart, June 25, 2011, 04:58:35 PM

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QuoteSSDP is the rule in a lot of areas.

not familiar with that.  Is that Same ol Chit....Different Person?


Hefe de vaca

    The fact is , and the problem is, you did work on private land knowingly ,so you are in complicity to the wrong doing. You knowingly used our tax money to improve private property. It matters who told you to, but it wouldn't have happened if you hadn't done it.

  And if you feel the need to speak to me in person , go right ahead. I'm more than willing to oblige. Just let me know when your not busy grading and rocking private property.

Hefe de vaca

     Nice choice of logo by the way , a foul mouthed hot head who consistently makes a fool of himself. "What a maroon" Bugs :D


Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 24, 2011, 03:50:05 PM
Just let me know when your not busy grading and rocking private property....

...a foul mouthed hot head who consistently makes a fool of himself.

Wow.  What was that about your aversion to acidic banter?  Arrogance?  Rot?  Hotheads?  Hypocrisy?

So, after we fire Ernie Lackey and his crew... will we be somehow holding any of their superiors accountable?  Or do they serve out their terms and then....
Quote from: readyaimduck on July 24, 2011, 02:06:58 PM
Don't ask, don't tell.  Commissioners that aren't in office anymore are smirking  (Hey, look what a great person I was!)
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


At what point, you dumb son of a bitch, did I say that I knew prior to being pulled off of that property that it was NOT a county road? Are you so damn small minded that you only read wtf you want? And as far as for me being politically correct, I am not, nor will I ever be, politically correct. I say what I want, when I want and to whom I want. And you ain't nothing but a little fly speck on a piece of caca, Jefe de Caca Eric Harrison. ---Mr. KSHillbilly

P.S. Yes I will meet with you anywhere, face to face. I'm a man. Not a woman who should fear you, judging by your track record.




When was the previous road boss fired and Mr. Lackey hired?  Has there been any grading on private property since he became the road boss?


Quote from: readyaimduck on July 24, 2011, 03:43:55 PM
not familiar with that.  Is that Same ol Chit....Different Person?

same chit different pile
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Dick Scott RETIRED. Lackey was hired in maybe July of '08. When we were up there working on the PRIVATE PROPERTY at the time that we didn't know it was PRIVATE PROPERTY, I noticed the signs that said PRIVATE PROPERTY at the entrance to the property and we brought it to Mr. Lackey's attention. He then looked it up and pulled us OFF OF THE PRIVATE PROPERTY before we could get anymore loads of gravel up there. I believe I have stated this somewhere in this thread before. Boy, for everyone on here being so all knowing, you all sure don't know anything about what you all defend!



Hefe de vaca

   My ,my ,my , as Patriot would say , how immature. Are you looking for more than a discussion on the Forum?  ::) I haven't broken any laws. You have. I don't need three muscles to pull a trigger. You need to get control of that hateful side.


Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 23, 2011, 01:03:03 PM
   The double standard is , you refuse to include all parties respsonible. You have both accused a commisioner of doing something she couldn't possibly have done , without apology. Your response that the lowly laborer is recused of wrongdoing under threat of termination doesn't hold a drop of water. The act of whistleblowing has been greatly lauded in the last decade. I made no mention of the supervisors for one reason, they are dead, but by no means are they to be left out of the blame. If you are going to apply the law, it must include all guilty parties. These blue collar workers admittedly and knowingly, did work on private land ,and from their own accounts, several times. Did they make any attempt to speak up?

    Obviously,neither Rosco nor Patsy, have ever managed anything but their ego. I have participated on both the management and labor side, and am more blue collar than either of you . You try to cover up your miscalculation of who's to blame with a bunch of rot.   Oh ,I am so stupid for thinking that a person should have morals and stand up for what is right. And , there you go again , Ross, telling us all what an ass you can be in public. Small wonder you were asked to leave a public meeting.  And "spin"? , you are much better at it than I. What is the letter of the law, stick to that. No, you will spin that to be flawed as well. How about admitting you were wrong about Elizabeth's involvement in the work done on her fathers land? Step up to the plate, don't pick and choose facts to support your agenda, acknowledge the total picture. You are the one purporting that management is not responsible , not I , I simply give you two individuals who have admitted to misuse of funds and you for some reason ,"excuse them" from any wrong doing. What would a judge say? The only way the "good ole boy" system works , is if all involved have no problem with it. I don't buy the defense of fear of being canned.  I have been confronted with that tactic, " It's my way or the highway", to which I said that it was nice knowing them.

      I am not out to see these guys charged with anything. It just seemed a little curious to me that our "defenders of the county" bypassed holding any blame on them , but so readily heap it on the management. The blame is equal , for the entire department.

    And I found out that there is no such thing as "civil discourse " with you guys , quite some time ago.

Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 23, 2011, 01:03:03 PM
You have both accused a commisioner of doing something she couldn't possibly have done , without apology.
Please learn to copy and paste and show me where I have personally accused anyone of wrong doing In this thread. Or Please have your secretary do it for you. Upper Management always seems to have someone do their work for them and then they are not responsible. Just as with our banking system and mortgage companies that had to be bailed out.

You are so full of yourself, it stinks. You, yourself have made false accusations in this post of yours.
However, I will say that leadership of today not yesterday should take the responsibility to put a stop to any wrong doing that may or may not be happening today. And I don't care what the Commissioners name is, or if they are related to you. This is a subject that could be brought up by any one of the three commissioners to discuss at their meeting and come up with a solution to correct any such problem. And you sir could even suggest such management skill to Elizabeth if you so desired. And they could work on solutions to prevent any such problem arising in the future. That is what good leadership would do. And I know that at least one and maybe two of them read this forum, so they are aware of the problem.

I've noticed you are quite biased about a certain quadrant of Elk County, so you are willing to say most anything like the following.
Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 23, 2011, 01:03:03 PM
And I found out that there is no such thing as "civil discourse " with you guys , quite some time ago.
Civil discourse is engagement in discourse (conversation) intended to enhance understanding. Please let me refer you to your own post in that blue box at the top, right up there.
Where is the civil discourse in that??

Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 23, 2011, 01:03:03 PM
Ross, telling us all what an ass you can be in public. Small wonder you were asked to leave a public meeting.  And "spin"? , you are much better at it than I.

One, the incident you are referring to was not in public. And it involved a manager that managed as a bully.
And after said incident the bullying manager was unable to bully the smallest person in the shop. Which happened a 5', 95 pound woman. And I was damned proud of having accomplished that for everyone in the shop. I should have been terminated on the spot and I knew that. But the manager had no back bone at all.

Two, I was not asked to leave a public meeting. It was a Community Conversation.
And again I was not asked to leave. The man from another county was a jerk and chose not to have a community conversation and asked for the sheriff. I chose to leave and met the sheriff 's deputies as I exited the building.

So you are right you lack the ability to put a spin on anything. May I refer you to your secretary. Everyone knows upper management can not accomplish a darn thing without their secretary. It's the secretaries of the world that get things done.

Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 23, 2011, 01:03:03 PM
Oh, I am so stupid for thinking that a person should have morals and stand up for what is right.

Really. Well I think you are coRnfused about that subject then! Please see your secretary.

Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 23, 2011, 01:03:03 PM
Your response that the lowly laborer is rescued of wrongdoing under threat of termination doesn't hold a drop of water.

Sure it does. They don't come from wealthy families and need the income to provide for their families. And I bet a dollar to a donut they would be fired rather then leadership take on any responsibility. If not for terminated for squealing, for something else that could easily be fabricated. And upper management seldom goes against their managers. Welcome to the real world. Even as a federal employee, I saw it happen time and time again.

Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 23, 2011, 01:03:03 PM
" It's my way or the highway", to which I said that it was nice knowing them.

And you expect me to believe that. A manager that is not team member, really? Please see your secretary.
Even if that is true you have wealthy family to fall back on, right? I believe as a manager you might say that to a blue collar worker.
Yea, i definitly believe that.

Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 23, 2011, 01:03:03 PM
Obviously,neither Rosco nor Patsy, have ever managed anything but their ego.

I have never found my ego, do you have it.
Obviously you don't know me? Therefore, speak silly.
I have spent plenty of time in the lower management area without letting it go to my head. I stood up to people like you on a daily basis. I sense by your attitude you are or were upper management and above listening to reason. The people that worked for me respected me not, because I said I am your boss, but because I permitted them to do their work without interference from upper management. Upper management seldom knows what happens on the ground and live in their big offices causing trouble.
Look at our financial world today. And do you see any managers taking responsibility? No!

Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 23, 2011, 01:03:03 PM
How about admitting you were wrong about Elizabeth's involvement in the work done on her fathers land?

In this thread I never said she did wrong so, I can not say I was wrong. I can say that you are wrong in asking? Please consult with your secretary.
But are you confirming that something askew happened on that property?

Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 23, 2011, 01:03:03 PM
I have participated on both the management and labor side, and am more blue collar than either of you .
I truthfully believe I can call that a bold faced lie. My blue collar got awful dirty for a very long time.
Probably more years than you are old. Sorry.

Do you possess any couth at all?

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