road 7over eagle head

Started by oldfart, June 25, 2011, 04:58:35 PM

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Quote from: srkruzich on July 21, 2011, 10:53:29 AM
once you've seen 1 wind tower you've seen em all.
Can't for the life of me imagine what anyone would spend money to go see one of those things for

Me either, but we don't need to imagine, Steve.  There are people who will... and will pay for the privilege.  Hell, there are folks who pay every year to come to Kansas just to set fire to dry grass in the spring... go figure.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on July 21, 2011, 10:59:06 AM
Speaking of windfarms, has anyone read the commissioners minutes in the paper this week? Please correct me if I am wrong, but is there a problem now with the company that was going to buy the electric because of Brownbacks no more windfarm thing? Just wanted to know!!

No. Read the minutes again.  Mr. Ferrell was upset because he didn't get additional wind farm leases from the now cancelled expansion of the Beaumont project.  Just SGS... Sour Grapes Syndrom.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Ok, just wasn't sure was kind of sleepy when I was reading it. I will read over it again. I just wasn't sure. I mean they have already started the project here and that would kind of suck if they got it done and nothing was done with it.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!

Judy Harder

Do you know how much I enjoy driving through the flint hills. I always get my heart full of the beauty of the trip, anywhere
on the highways/roads, etc.
I don't think the site of the windmills in a row on the hillside heading into Wichita has ever been a sore spot/  sight for me.
Don't have to get any closer to be proud they are there and for the Good they will do when people start using it.

I am sorry more of us natives can't use the energy from them...........with all the hot air that blows through Kansas, Summer and Winter,LOL  there would always be free energy to use.
I for one like the idea of them and will keep talking them up where I can.
Now, I only type here on forum and facebook, don't talk to many who care one way or the other enough to argue about it from now till the cows come home..but from this proud Kansan I do like what they stand for.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Diane Amberg

Free hot air?  Uh.uh. No, I'd better not. :angel: ;D

Hefe de vaca

 :o :o :o  Suprising that someone who doesn't want the politicians telling him what he can do with his property, Pete Ferrell, is labled with your SGS. I thought you were the champion for such people? More like sour grapes from you that you can't benefit. ::)

    BTW, this thread started out being about a county road, or not. Then gravitated to whether tax dollars were being used on private land, and we learned from two road employees, they were. Full admission that they did it, but you,PAtrots, and your buddy aren't calling for them to be charged for misuse of funds. :o And, no , the defense of just following orders doesn't fly. Anyone told to do something illegal has the ability and right to refuse, and obligation in this case. One of them is still on the job, wonder what else he's doing with our county equipment, material, and labor. He's already shown that he will be a part of the "good ole boy" system.

    Where is your outrage? Why a double standard? More importantly , where is your apology for accusing Elizabeth of being a part of it. She , more likely, had part in firing the supervisor who was doing it.

    Just shows where PompusAntagonistTalkingRotInOurThread really places his priorities. ( Yeah ,I know, immature." Cool ain't it", John Travolta grin.)  ;D ;D ;D

PS :  If I were the Boss of B.S., that would make me your boss because your'e full of it, so, YOUR'E FIRED, Mr KissinSis Hillbilly. ( Donald Trump style)  : :-*


Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 23, 2011, 07:18:03 AM
Suprising that someone who doesn't want the politicians telling him what he can do with his property, Pete Ferrell, is labled with your SGS. I thought you were the champion for such people? More like sour grapes from you that you can't benefit.

Ahhh, the spin.  Love it.  Mr. F's beef, like that of any other slighted landowners, should be with the governor and the private developers who agreed to limit future development thus dashing his personal hopes & dreams.  Maybe he needs to be addressing folks at the statehouse, not bemoaning his plight at the courthouse, imo.  Ultimately, the matter seems to be a property rights issue under the Constitution... maybe a lawsuit in federal civil court is where he should seek redress.

Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 23, 2011, 07:18:03 AM
...the defense of just following orders doesn't fly.

Neither does the excuse that management is not responsible for the work done in the organization.  Sooner or later, management needs to learn that it can't expect that which it doesn't inspect, and is ultimately accountable for the outcomes.. 

Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 23, 2011, 07:18:03 AM
Anyone told to do something illegal has the ability and right to refuse, and obligation in this case.

I agree in principle.  But two wrongs really don't make a right.  You, being a 'boss', sound too far removed from the real world labor force to fully comprehend the realities involved here.  Get out of the new leather chair, and spend some time behind the wheel.... taking orders every day for your pay rather than giving them.

Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 23, 2011, 07:18:03 AM
One of them is still on the job, wonder what else he's doing with our county equipment, material, and labor. He's already shown that he will be a part of the "good ole boy" system.

Speaking of making accusations...  I imagine he's doing WTF he's told to do and to doing it without question under the threat of being canned.

Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 23, 2011, 07:18:03 AM
Where is your outrage? Why a double standard? More importantly , where is your apology for accusing Elizabeth of being a part of it. She , more likely, had part in firing the supervisor who was doing it.

The outrage, after what appears to be years of foolishness, is with those who claim to be leaders & managers yet apparently are clueless about things they should have been on top of years ago.  The first few times a puppy pees on the rug, the puppy is screwing up.... eventually the owner/leader has to take responsibility for letting it continue.  As for an apology?  I don't believe I've made such an accusation.  So none will be forthcoming.  By the way... isn't the Elizabeth you're talking about the one in an elected leadership/management position?  A representative trustee supposedly accountable to the citizens for the overall direction and operation of the county?  And isn't the topic of this thread about work done on property owned/controlled by her immediate family and/or entities owned/controlled by her immediate family?  How inconvenient. 

Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 23, 2011, 07:18:03 AM
Just shows where PompusAntagonistTalkingRotInOurThread really places his priorities. ( Yeah ,I know, immature." Cool ain't it", John Travolta grin.)

To so boldly brag about one's lack of maturity is, imo, the height of elitist arrogance.  Like so much green mold on a piece bread, the validity of all your other views are tainted by your spoiled nature.  The rest of your clan must be impressed. 

Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 23, 2011, 07:18:03 AM
PS :  If I were the Boss of B.S., that would make me your boss because your'e full of it, so, YOUR'E FIRED, Mr KissinSis Hillbilly. ( Donald Trump style)

So much for any civil discourse, and Trump you aren't.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


The work done on Elizabeth's father's property was done before Elizabeth became a county commissioner.  You will have to look further back to see where this started and I wouldn't be surprised if it has been going on even before Mr. Perkins became the owner of said property.


Quote from: Wilma on July 23, 2011, 10:18:55 AM
The work done on Elizabeth's father's property was done before Elizabeth became a county commissioner.  You will have to look further back to see where this started and I wouldn't be surprised if it has been going on even before Mr. Perkins became the owner of said property.

IF its going on now, then its her problem.  Doesn't matter if it was going on before perkins bacame the owner.   Those particulars re not even prosecutable in a court of law right now.  Only that which is done now and in the past 3 or 4 years, whichever the statute limits it to, can be prosecuted in a court or even investigated.

JUST because its been done that way for decades doesn't absolve her of the responsibility if it is found to be illegal to do. She would then be guilty of that and have to face the responsibility of it since it was not brought forth and stopped by her. 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 23, 2011, 07:18:03 AM
:o :o :o  Suprising that someone who doesn't want the politicians telling him what he can do with his property, Pete Ferrell, is labled with your SGS. I thought you were the champion for such people? More like sour grapes from you that you can't benefit. ::)

    BTW, this thread started out being about a county road, or not. Then gravitated to whether tax dollars were being used on private land, and we learned from two road employees, they were. Full admission that they did it, but you,PAtrots, and your buddy aren't calling for them to be charged for misuse of funds. :o And, no , the defense of just following orders doesn't fly. Anyone told to do something illegal has the ability and right to refuse, and obligation in this case. One of them is still on the job, wonder what else he's doing with our county equipment, material, and labor. He's already shown that he will be a part of the "good ole boy" system.

    Where is your outrage? Why a double standard? More importantly , where is your apology for accusing Elizabeth of being a part of it. She , more likely, had part in firing the supervisor who was doing it.

    Just shows where PompusAntagonistTalkingRotInOurThread really places his priorities. ( Yeah ,I know, immature." Cool ain't it", John Travolta grin.)  ;D ;D ;D

PS :  If I were the Boss of B.S., that would make me your boss because your'e full of it, so, YOUR'E FIRED, Mr KissinSis Hillbilly. ( Donald Trump style)  : :-*

You are so stupid. The blue collar does as ordered or be fired for insubordination. And if a problem arises management lies their way out of it. Management is never responsible for giving unlawful,  orders right?

Always burn the laborer.
Always burn the people that do the actual work, right.

I have worked for people like you and I have straightened out a few of the dumb asses.
But the ones that were bullies like you,  were hopeless.
Once when being bullied by a manager three times myself I simply walked up to him in front
of 45 fellow employees and wrapped my arms around his neck
and hooked my right leg around his legs and humped him like a dog.
You know what he could no longer bully any of the men or women in the shop,
they all stood up to him after that.

Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 23, 2011, 07:18:03 AM
    Where is your outrage? Why a double standard? More importantly , where is your apology for accusing Elizabeth of being a part of it. She , more likely, had part in firing the supervisor who was doing it.

The double standard is upper management is never responsible.
When something wrong happens upper management has no responsibility in the situation.
That is the is the double standard.
That is why our country is in the financial quandary it is in.

Just stop and think for at least a minute as a normal person and perhaps you can figure it out.

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