road 7over eagle head

Started by oldfart, June 25, 2011, 04:58:35 PM

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I agree.  The subject of water deals not only with the survival of the people...It also is integral in the ability to attract economic development. 


go back read it again I said bladed it about ten time between 1994 to 1997 and couple times 2008 ,recall one day we hauled rock up top and spread it with blade has I was there with three othersin trucks. WE had roads that got less work


I think LIZ has been in office 2 terms so I know stuff was done


Angie, reason Killdeer good shape county didn't blade it same as limestone MR Hillbilly be careful remember what happen to ME and BRANDON. truth people don't want to hear it you know she does no wrong.

Hefe de vaca

      Ok , Old Fart , I should have reread. You say 10 times in 3 years. :o Must be invisible rock and stealth grader.

Hefe de vaca

     Sorry again Ole Fart, the reason Killdeer is in good shape is because Enel rocked and graded it , as well as adding water and emulsifier to it while they were beefing up the bridges on Limestone. Not because of anything the county did or didn't do.


Hefe de vaca

Quote from: oldfart on June 30, 2011, 06:42:27 PM
say what you mean
I believe I did. It would seem you have a grudge against someone . Are you currently working for the county? And why caution someone about what they say?

   I should ask. Say what YOU mean.


I think we need to move on to some thing else.  people have their heads in the sand and don't care about hokie stuff that goes on in local GOV.

Hefe de vaca

     I would think that the people on this forum might consider it an affront to have someone say they have their heads in the sand. Frankly, I find in reading the posts here , that they are quite the opposite. One reason I decided to join and try to input good information to those that care. :-*

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