Government... who needs it!

Started by Warph, June 13, 2011, 05:24:59 PM

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"In the course of any given year, Congress votes on taxes, medical care, military spending, foreign aid, agriculture, labor, international trade, airlines, housing, insurance, courts, natural resources, and much more. There are professionals who have spent their entire adult lives specializing in just one of these fields. The idea that Congress can be competent in all these areas simultaneously is staggering. Yet, far from pulling back -- as banks or other private enterprises must, if they don't want to be ruined financially by operating beyond the range of their competence -- Congress is constantly expanding further into more fields. Having spent years ruining the housing markets with their interference, leading to a housing meltdown that has taken the whole economy down with it, politicians have now moved on into micro-managing automobile companies and medical care. They are not going to stop unless they get stopped. And that is not going to happen until the voters recognize the fact that political rhetoric is no substitute for competence." --economist Thomas Sowell

This is one of the best written pieces by Thomas Sowell which goes to the core of the problems with our government(s).  At my local level, the government has taken on the same ideas where they get their hands shoulder deep in determinations which the government has no business getting into.  The role of government is to create the conditions of fairness and equity and then get the hell out of our way.  We have lost this concept and unfortunately, we have to wait 4 years.... and other times based upon election cycles... to right anything.  By that time, the damage is done and we the people have the hardest time adjusting those who refuse to listen.  However, we are taking notes and we are awake!  In addition to ruining housing and just about everything else in the economy, they have virtually destroyed the space program, which was the one government entity that had my respect.


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Quote from: Warph on June 13, 2011, 05:24:59 PM
At my local level, the government has taken on the same ideas where they get their hands shoulder deep in determinations which the government has no business getting into.  The role of government is to create the conditions of fairness and equity and then get the hell out of our way.

So true, Warph.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


If Obuma really wants to cut the budget, to get the economy going and put Americans to work,  he should start by ending the wars and bring the boys home from Iraq and Afghanistan.  Its time to put an end to the foolishness and the massive cost of building them religious schools and mosques.

Let me throw a few other things in the mix to get the U.S. back on track, Obuma:

**Put an end to treaties that harm our economy and bring back business with tax cuts for businesses that operate in the US and hire US citizens.  Make incentives that will be so attractive to business they would not even consider outsourcing or going overseas anymore.
**The real key to prosperity is to put America first all the time. That policy is  good for the entire world. A strong , prosperous and powerful America is what the world needs. When America prospers the world prospers too.
**Encourage business to remember that "Made in America" used to be the premier label.
**Stop Congress from spending money on pork and pet projects.
**Close the borders so that Americans didn't have to compete for jobs with aliens.
**If you were really serious, you would end treaties that give our enemies advantages over us and you would order the Federal Reserve to make the dollar strong.  You might even be so bold as to bring back the gold standard.
**You would stop the senseless rules and regulations that make small family business too expensive for most and you would leave family farming alone.
**You would get out of the insurance business once and for all and let competition regulate prices.  It was governmental meddling in insurance that sent prices sky rocketing.
**Bring back the steel manufacturing, the copper mining, coal mining... get out of their face and let them prosper.
**Stop off shore deep water drilling and get to work in Alaska and the lower 48.
**You'd get out of home loans, get out of schools, stop bailing out big bankers and Wall Street, get out of everything except what the Constitution allows you to do and things will suddenly take a turn for the BETTER!

You would do these things if you were a serious American, Obuma.... but you're not.

Oh yeah... the one thing I didn't see in Obuma's speech today is the saying "In God We Trust" on the wall behind the President.  It is scrupulously avoided lately.  If only the nation did trust in G-d there might be a huge difference in our future.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


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