A forum for the entire county

Started by admin, November 15, 2006, 10:48:56 PM

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Howdy members!

I am really glad to see more members joining the forum. This is what I had in mind when I made this site. I wanted  to give Howard and the surrounding towns a place to get together and share, talk, laugh and catch up on the new news and reminisce about the old news.

Teresa and I would like to thank all the members for doing their very best in getting the word out and recruiting new people to join in.

It was mentioned in another thread that this forum started out as the "Howard Forum".  New members from other towns within Elk County might have the impression that this forum is for Howard Topics only..and for Howard people only.
Nothing could be further from the truth. All topics related to Elk County are welcome and the same goes for people living outside of Howard and the county itself. We are very interested in what is gong on in your neck of the woods, wherever that neck of the woods might be.

So don't be shy and think of yourself as an "outsider" if you are not a Howard citizen. Join in and be a part of what we have here.

Which brings up the main reason I started writing this post.
( I got sidetracked for a minute there. I guess I have been living with Teresa way too long, as I am becoming  as windy as she is.)

****Ducking  just in time to miss getting hit by her rolling pin***

What is everyone's opinion of renaming the "Howard Forum " to ... "The Elk County Forum" ?

It might bring in more people from other towns and also make them feel more like posting and joining in.
It is just a suggestion, and I will be glad to do it if the majority thinks it would be a good move.

Okay... now it's your turn to let your voice be heard.
( Ta Ta..your voice is very important.. even if Teresa says it's not, so you get your 2 cents in too)


I can't see any reason not to.  We are already getting biographies and obituaries from all over the county.  While I am not a true Elk Countian ( my roots lie in Neosho and Sumner counties).   I am familiar with a lot of names, especially in the south part of the county from my years as a legal secretary in Moline and from being married to an Elk County bred and born for 56 years and from Janet's 30 some years association (high school and living here, Janet.)

I find it interesting to read about the old families and since so many of the young people have had to leave the county to earn their living, how else are we going to get the low-down on the old people.  So come on, you youngsters, give us what we want to hear about your roots, including the bad stuff  (especially the bad stuff).  And you newcomers, we want to know who you are and what you do and where you come from.

This forum is getting better than a daily newspaper.

W. Gray

Go fer it.

We are all Elk Countians.

And, do you thiink you could extend the "Latest on our forum" from five messages to possibly ten?
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


I have been wishing for that but didn't think about it being done.  Maybe where Kjell is concerned anything is possible.  Isn't it?

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Wilma on November 16, 2006, 09:05:40 PM
I have been wishing for that but didn't think about it being done.  Maybe where Kjell is concerned anything is possible.  Isn't it?
Mother, you do have Kjell figured out and you haven't even met him or I don't think you have?

What is everyone's opinion of renaming the "Howard Forum " to ... "The Elk County Forum" ?   I say, rename that forum!


I agree that 'Elk County Forum' would be a change for the better.  My husband grew up here, but on the farm outside town.  Many of his friends & acquaintances are from all over the county, and I'm sure that's true for almost everyone else here too.


I am in favor of any improvements Kjell and Teresa want to make.  I believe the change would make others feel more like they were welcomed, and not as an "outsider" looking in.


Quote from: W. Gray on November 16, 2006, 08:47:19 PM
And, do you thiink you could extend the "Latest on our forum" from five messages to possibly ten?

As of now, last posts on the front page:
is limited to the 5 last posts.

As soon as time permits, I can add another feature to the main page called 5 last topics.

Another existing option which is handy is to bookmark the last 100 posts on the forum which can be found here:


This feature gives you a quick access to the last 100 posts (10 on each page) and with content, not just the subject titles.

More features will be added later on when we upgrade our main forum on the CasCity server, features like POD casting (video, audio, text), newsfeeders to cell phones, etc. I cannot give any promises when. It all depends on the time I have available.

And btw.... I have changed the name of the forum to "Elk County Forum".  ;)



Quote from: Wilma on November 16, 2006, 09:05:40 PM
I have been wishing for that but didn't think about it being done.  Maybe where Kjell is concerned anything is possible.  Isn't it?

Yes..... when it comes to this he is amazing.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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