The Biden Factor

Started by Warph, May 31, 2011, 02:11:03 PM

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After Barack Hussein Obuma was elected, he went abroad and wowed European crowds with his teleprompter skills and youthful energy.  Everyone, including the foreign media got caught up in Obumamania.  The MSM press even compared the new President to a rock star. 

What a difference two and a half years make.  Looking at the record, the rock star of 2008 is looking more like a Vegas lounge act in 2011.  Like his bumbling through the last two years, much just ignored by an adoring, very liberal press, Obuma's recent European trip have people scratching their heads over the Obumanator's continuing bizarre lack of protocol, or as I like to say, "following the Biden factor."  While some conservative commentators take a semi-serious approach to the issue and its impact on American foreign policy, I tend to think of it more in terms of a Rock & Roll fall from grace by the Obuma White House.

When Obuma was elected, people believed he would restore America to prominence in the world by taking a different approach to foreign policy than his predecessor, Dubya.  Gone were the days of "cowboy diplomacy" and in came the era of "intellectual diplomacy."  The world was going to love us again, throw flowers instead of insults and bombs.

Then, Obuma became President and we got to see his foreign policy shaping out to be... well, a freakin' disaster.  Our gutless and indecisive leader has successfully alienated two of our staunchest allies, Great Britain and Israel, and our relationship with Germany is barely lukewarm at best.  He tried to buddy up with France... at Britain's expense.... and has taken sides in Egypt and Libya that are loaded with dangerous ties to groups that don't exactly dig our way of life.  Who are these freakin' people?

One of the biggest problems with American foreign policy over the past few decades has been we almost seem ashamed to admit we're American.  We're expected to sit there and take everything any sum'bitch'n dictator from a Third World country flings as us... truthful or otherwise... and suffer Jimmy Carter running around the universe acting a fool.  Then... we're expected to pick up the damn check whenever that same Third World country needs help from the World Bank or the International Monetary Fund.  And with Obuma at the helm, that shame in America will only increase.

And that shame has translated into embarrassment for world leaders who have to deal with Obuma's protocol breaches.  This has serverly hurt Obuma's image around the world because he doesn't seem to learn from his "Bidenesque" mistakes.  All he does is make bigger, more public mistakes, leaving ally and enemy alike to mock Obuma.  I guess not much diplomacy and protocol is needed on a golf course.  Perhaps we should call it the "Biden Factor."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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