Let's Stop Being Manipulated!....

Started by redcliffsw, May 31, 2011, 05:38:49 AM

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I have. I just didn't see their meetings this way! Guess that is your way of how you see things, and my way of seeing things!! I voiced my opinion, and for the matter there was no action taken at the meeting just discussion. No, Sorry Patriot, I'm not blind. I have 20/20 vision!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on May 31, 2011, 04:17:29 PM
I have. I just didn't see their meetings this way! Guess that is your way of how you see things, and my way of seeing things!! I voiced my opinion, and for the matter there was no action taken at the meeting just discussion. No, Sorry Patriot, I'm not blind. I have 20/20 vision!!

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Patriot, I don't know how many times that Angie has said that she has been to a meeting, spoke her thoughts and in no way felt pressured or manipulated.  Don't you believe her or do you think she is too stupid to know the difference? 


Quote from: Wilma on May 31, 2011, 05:06:07 PM
Patriot, I don't know how many times that Angie has said that she has been to a meeting, spoke her thoughts and in no way felt pressured or manipulated.  Don't you believe her or do you think she is too stupid to know the difference? 
With the process you won't be pressured or made to feel manipulated. Thats why it is so accepted.  Unfortunately they don't have your best interest at heart. They only have their agenda to push
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


You know i used to call something like this process diplomacy.  Its just like telling someone to go to hell and getting them to look forward to the trip
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I may have poor physical vision and I was a little slow on understanding the process they use.
But this thread has opened my mental vision and it is real easy to see and understand.

Why do you think no one knows who suggested what?

Why do you think the majority of the suggestions are about city functions?
Perhaps to build up Howard, home of Elk konnected, LLC's fitness center?

Elk Konnected, LLC reminds me of the West Elk School Bond Issue. 2/3 of the county was against it and 2/3 of Howard was for it.
Way too bad they were out numbered by county residents. Just numbers.

Oh, I better have a a disclaimer there has been an attempt to intimidate me with legal implications.

So here it is, everything I write on here is only my opinion, some are written with links to facts. I have also been accused of being to polite --- to that I must plead guilty. My sincerest apologies to those I have offended by being to polite.

Do you know who the registered Elk Konnected, LLC members are.


At this point after reading how blind I am by my own opinions and basically not in my right mind because I choose to have my own opinion, I am really thinking that you guys just want to make me look stupid at all times. I for one am not stupid. I know alot of the answers that you want. I for one don't know who the members are, I could care less. I do know some other things that you have been asking. And like a little kid that I am being treated like, am not telling you a darn thing. Your right I don't have to read you rude and down right demeaning comments that you keep making towards me and my opinions. I have had enough of the comments and feel in my best interest to no comment any more. I thought that these threads were for discussion. But Ross, Patriot, Steve, and others feel it in their interest to knock people down, and I don't need to feel belittle when reading the discussion that is that way any longer. Other people have told me that they have stopped reading the forum because of all the negative comments. Now I know why!! It's sad that people can't read an open forum or comment without being felt like they are attacked with their opinions. So you all have a nice bashing time on here!!! Now have your party on my behalf like always!! Hope you find the answers to your questions that you feel you are deserved!!!  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Angie is right.  How many members do we have that are no longer posting?  I know of at least one that no longer reads any of it because of the way some of the posts are treated.  Like there is only one right way and everything else is nonsense.  I could do a little research and tell you just exactly who was posting a year ago that is no longer posting.  I feel as if we have lost the best part of this forum and I could also tell you exactly who has killed it.

Remeber, this is just my opinion.


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on June 01, 2011, 07:06:17 AM
I thought that these threads were for discussion. But Ross, Patriot, Steve, and others feel it in their interest to knock people down, and I don't need to feel belittle when reading the discussion that is that way any longer...

...Now have your party on my behalf like always!!...

...Hope you find the answers to your questions that you feel you are deserved!!!

Your repeated attempts to paint some of us on one side of the issue as deamonizers indicate that you haven't really read carefully.  I've seen more than ample evidence that negative personal assault, attack and insinuation isn't the exclusive domain of anyone in particular here.

Party?  What is it with the persecution complexes on here?  This is about policy and politics, and sometimes it gets rough to be sure.  What was it you said at one point... oh.."get  over it."

Not 'feel'...'know' are deserved.  Citizens, voters and taxpayers are entitled to answers about government and its' activities... Neither America nor Elk County are kingdoms yet.  I'm sure we will have the answers.  Even now a few answers are floating to the top.

Now, that Delphi Technique sure is a dangerous thing, isn't it.  Seems some can see it in practice right before their eyes and still be misled in broad daylight.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Wilma on June 01, 2011, 08:05:54 AM
Angie is right.  How many members do we have that are no longer posting?  I know of at least one that no longer reads any of it because of the way some of the posts are treated.  Like there is only one right way and everything else is nonsense.  I could do a little research and tell you just exactly who was posting a year ago that is no longer posting.  I feel as if we have lost the best part of this forum and I could also tell you exactly who has killed it.

Remeber, this is just my opinion.

Yeah, a half a dozen topics out of over 10000 on one or two of over a dozen forums have killed the place.   And the moon is made of green cheese.  For what it's worth Wilma, your veiled accusations are no different or better than those you accuse others of making.  Why do you lower yourself to a standard you decry in the same breath?  Never mind, the answer would be irrelevant.

And that is my opinion... and we all know what opinions resemble.

Isn't that article red posted interesting?  I sure hate to see those tactics used locally.  But it appears they are.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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