Elk Konnected

Started by pepelect, May 01, 2011, 08:40:20 PM

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Anything that is different than why I think, then they are suspicious.  "They" being an anomoly to our area.


spell check police alert!!!!! :police:  a-n-o-m-a-l-y   sorry


Quote from: readyaimduck on May 06, 2011, 06:01:20 PM
Anything that is different than why I think, then they are suspicious.  "They" being an anomoly to our area.

Let me be more specific... in middle eastern regions where the two groups operate quite openly and demonstrate considerable political influence.  Better konnected?
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


In that scenario, I will agree. 
In Elk County the 'openess' is sometimes treated with  'you're too radical' or if an organization kept to oneself with it's meetings, then it becomes 'you're too secretive'. 
As my granpappy and others used to say "We've never done it that way, so therefore it is wrong"  It doesn't mean it is...it just means 1.  granpa didn't understand the inner workings of the machine or 2.  He was just a cautious man. 

It is my philosphy that all that matters is:  1.  The end result is for the greater good.  2.  Accountability must be held.

I see accoountability is at questionable issue with the Elk Konnected based on boundaries set by law and it's methods of operation.



spell check police
had to look it up myself.


I have see too many a small towns ruined by the "good ole boy" system  (which, in fact still exists in our higher government agencies). 
I do not like it...most do not like it except the 'good ole boys'.  Favoritism at its best, and sometimes people in high places, even in a small town loves to pull strings.  Is it right and fair?  no.  Is it happening?  yes.  Can we stop it?  ???????????? ???


I REALLY need to slow down my typing....sorry Patriot..


It just dawned on me that Patriot may have been responding to sixdogs....my apologies Patriot for jumping into your conversation :-[


No problem Ducky, I just threw in that thought to stir the pot a little.  ;)


no problem 6.  looks like the melting pot is simmering on this thread. 
Going to sleep.  Irrespective of the differences, I do respect all of your opinions..Thank you all.   ready. out.

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