Do You Have a Birth Certificate or

Started by Wilma, April 26, 2011, 08:10:45 AM

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is it a Certificate of Live Birth?  One of my daughters just looked at the photocopy that the State of Kansas issued us in 1949.  Across the top of it, it says "Certificate of Live Birth".  Does this mean that she is not a citizen of the United States of America?  Does this mean that there is something wrong about where she was born because it is not a "Birth Certificate" or because it is a photocopy and not the original.  Do you have the original certificate of your birth?

Any of you that are listening to the wild statements that Donald Trump or anyone else is making and so many people are believeing, can either shut up or sit down.  I have heard enough about a certain lack of a birth certificate where the person involved has been proven in many ways and especially to whomever certifies the qualifications for the run for the presidency, to be a true natural born citizen of the United States of America.

Does anyone still have any argument on this subject?


I have a certificate of live birth, and it does contain my doctors signature AND ADDRESS  as well as his practice title of MD.  It also has the name of the hospital and city it is in.   It is a complete document with enough information in it that could be used to accurately verify that i was born in that hospital on said date and said time.  

The issue is that his birth certificate does not contain verifiable information. IT solely relies on government registrars testimony that the one he presented is on file. that does not mean he was born in the US.  

Next is that Obama has spent millions to prevent anyone from finding his certificate of live birth and NO ONE would do that unless they didn't have one that supported his claim of natural citizenship.  Last of all I am of the same age as he is, and he should have a certificate of live birth in the record.  IF he doesn't it means he wasn't born there.  Obviously there has been enough money spent to cover up his true record of birth. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on April 26, 2011, 08:32:53 AM
I have a certificate of live birth, and it does contain my doctors signature AND ADDRESS  as well as his practice title of MD.  It also has the name of the hospital and city it is in.   It is a complete document with enough information in it that could be used to accurately verify that i was born in that hospital on said date and said time.  

Ditto.  Cert of live birth from Kansas, includes hospital info & Dr. signature.  There differing laws/procedures in different states.  While many minimize the issue of Obama's origin, consider the constitutional crisis created if he's not eligible to hold the office.... 4 totally lost years and trillions in fraudulent spending and regulation, among other things.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on April 26, 2011, 09:32:37 AM
Ditto.  Cert of live birth from Kansas, includes hospital info & Dr. signature.  There differing laws/procedures in different states.  While many minimize the issue of Obama's origin, consider the constitutional crisis created if he's not eligible to hold the office.... 4 totally lost years and trillions in fraudulent spending and regulation, among other things.

I would say biggest risk is national security.  To have a individual who  is tied to another country of origin in charge of our nations highest held secrets and the powers to act on them is a dangerous and foolish thing to do. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Roma Jean Turner

Anderson Cooper did yet another report on his 360 program about this last night.  You can probably watch it on their site if interested. He also interviewed Trump about it again.  Think there  may be more on it tonight.  Hawaii does seem to have its own way of handling these matters and I don't have the interest to try and explain what the report said here.  So anyway,  watch it if interested.


I am not interested in anything that Donald Trump says.  I am not interested in the reported millions that have been spent by unnamed persons to cover up a falshood that does not exist.  I am willing to take the word of the persons that are in charge of verifying the qualifications of a presidential candidate.  Do you really think that something like this could be pulled off in spite of the Republican Party or do you think they are in on it, too? 

I think you all have got a dead rat by the tail and don't want or know how to let go.  Where is anyone's proof that what you are saying is true?


When one asks for proof on whether "birthers" have any proof themselves on whether their claims are true or not, wouldn't that be the pot calling the kettle black (or Obama)? Where's your proof that he was actually born here, other than his saying it? It is fact that he has spent millions keeping this a secret. This was brought out long before Donald Trump and his combover EVER got into it. You can go around with your head in the sand, still believing in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, or actually think, "Hey this SOB lied." And if he is not a US Citizen, who has spent trillions of dollars of US Citizens' tax money, waging war on other countries, being a NON US CITIZEN and unable to be President, would that mean that he should be tried for High Treason against the US Government, punishable by death?----Mr. KSHillbilly




The Donald, and others that have come to be labled as 'birthers' really need to find a different path of attack on the sitting President.  I'm not a fan of the man, but there has not been a fifty year conspiracy to cover up where he was born.

That dog just don't hunt!
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Guess what!  I just "googled" barack obama birth certificate" and guess what I got.  A just released from the White House copy of the long form of a birth certificate for Barack Hussein Obama II.  Sorry I don't know how to do links or I would set one up for you.  So, all you naysayers who are insisting that our president is not a natural born citizen of the U.S., go do the same thing I did.  It is simple enough even for you.


Quote from: Wilma on April 27, 2011, 08:51:23 AM
Guess what!  I just "googled" barack obama birth certificate" and guess what I got.  A just released from the White House copy of the long form of a birth certificate for Barack Hussein Obama II.  Sorry I don't know how to do links or I would set one up for you.  So, all you naysayers who are insisting that our president is not a natural born citizen of the U.S., go do the same thing I did.  It is simple enough even for you.

Since I believe the Constitution matters, look at this comment I found on one of the sites that are producing stories about the new revelations.  Pay notice to the constitutional issues raised.  Do you believe the Constitution matters?  Is the rule of law important or are we going with what feels good so we can avoid the pain of real debate?

Thank you, Mr President for releasing your long form birth certificate proving you are Native born to this country. Unfortunately it is also Primae facia evidence that your father was BHO Sr., not a US citizen as required by the Constitution. You were a dual citizen at the time of your birth. Your father was Kenyan/UK and you were born in Hawaii, so you had dual UK/US citizenship at birth. The Constitution requires the President be Natural born meaning a singular allegiance to the US at birth, distinguished from Native born, meaning born in the country. A Dual citizen by definition has a dual allegiance, which is expressly forbidden by the Constitution in the unique requirement for the Office of the President. Are we supposed to start ignoring the Constitution now? I didn't get the memo, which parts do we ignore, or is it all of it?


Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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