Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 17, 2016, 11:20:12 AM
;D ;D ;D ;D As always, the true attack dog personality shows.
Again calling me a liar.


Attack dog, not hardly. you were given that name way before I came on the forum.
You have been called on the carpet for it long before I came on the forum.

Weren't you even removed from the forum fora period of time?

Now about those trap questions you refuse to answer. Why is that?
Where are the traps?
Are the traps quicksand or what.

Do you believe the Government should should be giving away FREE MONEY ?

How about  thousands and thousands to all the blacks in the country as repatriation because they may be descendants of slaves? Should we give them FREE MONEY ?

How about FREE MONEY in the form of benefits for illegal immigrants?

How about FREE MONEY in the form of free furnished apartments for illegal immigrants?

It's all just taxpayer dollars collected by Government to take care of their business and there is always more isn't there? But should it be FREE MONEY ?

Try real hard to be truthful with your answers. They are not trick questions.

Diane Amberg

What a liar. >:( >:( >:( >:( NO, I've never been removed from the forum or anywhere else. How dare you even suggest such a thing. Slander! It's you who should be taking a long break for your mental health.
I told you several years ago my being nice no matter what wasn't working. I even formally asked that the name calling and labeling stop. I even ran out of cheeks to turn. I even gave a warning that I had had enough.  I started giving in kind. ( This has all been told before and must be boring to those who already know how you are.)
I just have to assume it's plain old green eyed jealousy that makes you the way you are. Others have what you will never have, and you want us all to share in your misery.
As far as your lists and lists of questions, any answer given would lead to a criticism and another question, there is no end and most of us have seen through it.  Find someone new to bother, you've worn everyone else out.
Nobody owes you any answers for any reason.You may not and cannot imply ,infer or even guess what non answers mean.
Just ask those questions of yourself, if you want answers so much. You have all the acceptable answers already, just ask anybody.They all know how you feel about your favorite subjects, just leave it at that.
Refusing to kneel in front of you, oh Lord and Master, and answer your loaded questions has never been a sin. 
  Why don't you and Red go start your own forum for only those people who are cookie cutters of yourselves? There are a few who would be happy to join and you can all sit around in your special uniforms and talk about the rest of us....who won't give a rat's patoot.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 17, 2016, 11:20:12 AM
;D ;D ;D ;D As always, the true attack dog personality shows.
Again calling me a liar.If I never had you on ignore, how could I have just taken you off and gone back to read a lot of the really nasty things you said to me. Why didn't I bust your....'s  at the time you posted them. HUH? We all know who the real liar is. I'm totally disgusted and have better things to do.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 17, 2016, 05:56:21 PM
Your own son doesn't have much longer to go before he can quit. I wonder what will become of him. Finish school? According to you that "piece of paper" is worth nothing. Military?  AHA! Grab that free taxpayer paid eduation! More schooling? Why? According to you he probably won't be ready to do anything right out of high school.

Quote from: ROSS on April 17, 2016, 07:10:01 PM

You are such a sorry ass rude bitch!

No, I won't be civil with that nasty attitude.

Where is the civility in trashing my son.

You even just trashed Veterans.

Was this your attitude while teaching?

I said many times on your posts,I was glad you were never my childs teacher and I mean that more today, more than ever before.

You preach civility but have no clue what it means.

Your degree sure is failing you.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 17, 2016, 03:59:21 PM
What a liar. >:( >:( >:( >:( NO, I've never been removed from the forum or anywhere else. How dare you even suggest such a thing. Slander! It's you who should be taking a long break for your mental health.
I told you several years ago being my being nice no matter what wasn't working. I even formally asked that the name calling and labeling stop. I even ran out of cheeks to turn. I even gave a warning that I had had enough.  I started giving in kind. ( This has all been told before and must be boring to those who already know how you are.)
I just have to assume it's plain old green eyed jealousy that makes you the way you are. Others have what you will never have, and you want us all to share in your misery.
As far as your lists and lists of questions, any answer given would lead to a criticism and another question, there is no end and most of us have seen through it.  Find someone new to bother, you've worn everyone else out.
Nobody owes you any answers for any reason.You may not and cannot imply ,infer or even guess what non answers mean.
Just ask those questions of yourself, if you want answers so much. You have all the acceptable answers already, just ask anybody.They all know how you feel about your favorite subjects, just leave it at that.
Refusing to kneel in front of you, oh Lord and Master, and answer your loaded questions has never been a sin. 
  Why don't you and Red go start your own forum for only those people who are cookie cutters of yourselves? There are a few who would be happy to join and you can all sit around in your special uniforms and talk about the rest of us....who won't give a rat's patoot.

You are good at writing fantasy!

I just exposed you for what you truly are it the post above this one.


Should government  be giving away FREE MONEY ?

How about  thousands and thousands to all the blacks in the country as repatriation because they may be descendants of slaves? Should we give them FREE MONEY ?

How about FREE MONEY in the form of benefits for illegal immigrants?

How about FREE MONEY in the form of free furnished apartments for illegal immigrants?

It's all just taxpayer dollars collected by Government to take care of their business and there is always more isn't there? But should it be FREE MONEY ?


It was over 100 years ago for sure and it has a lot to do with what is going on these days.

It was the Republicans who changed this country in 1865 and the father of our new country is Abraham Lincoln.  Republicans and Obamites agree on Lincoln.  Lincoln was a tyrant and the Republicans and reconstructed Democrats worship him.

Are you a Lincoln man or not? 

Diane Amberg

Yeah Ross, answer Red's question.HA!
Ross I'm not trashing your son.You are by trash talking the education most kids get.You are the one who posts that some aren't ready to do anything just out of school..ya never post any answers though, just gripes.Useless!
I'm retired and have no plan to work again, so your nasty comments to me mean nothing.
Notice I'm not suggesting you were crappy at your jobs...couldn't keep one, couldn't get along with anyone, were "smarter" than your boss...that's your area.
I've had my say, have read all the crap you posted that I'd missed and am not surprised at any of it.Now go away.There is nothing left to say.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2016, 08:50:08 AM
How often are you going to post this? Ya have to take two shots at me? That's really funny.  You..Be Civil? HA!
See how untruths hurt? See what it's like to be on the receiving end? Not fun is it? Now just try to prove them wrong. A dose of your own medicine, as one might say.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 17, 2016, 05:56:21 PM
Your own son doesn't have much longer to go before he can quit. I wonder what will become of him. Finish school? According to you that "piece of paper" is worth nothing. Military?  AHA! Grab that free taxpayer paid eduation! More schooling? Why? According to you he probably won't be ready to do anything right out of high school.

I repeat you are a lying nasty bitch and you can not make light of it.

You trashed my son!
You trashed every military veteran!
You trashed our country's Military!

You have shown your true self very well as alying liberal socialist bitch and that is the truth.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2016, 08:27:54 AM
Yeah Ross, answer Red's question.HA!
I have no reason to answer Red's question.
But there you go changing the subject!

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2016, 08:27:54 AM
Ross I'm not trashing your son.You are by trash talking the education most kids get.You are the one who posts that some aren't ready to do anything just out of school..ya never post any answers though, just gripes.Useless!

I posted an article it was not my own words and I need not provide answers to the article.
Quote the gripe I posted ! You can not because I did not post a gripe. But you just posted another lie by making the accusation. I have not trashed the school system. It was not me that said the schools educational standards are poor! The article stated that even the school children say the educational standards are bad. I didn't say it.

The whole point of the posts on the thread about school, is to provide information for others to read and be aware what is happening.

Nothing more.

I'm not trying to influence them.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2016, 08:27:54 AM
I'm retired and have no plan to work again, so your nasty comments to me mean nothing.

Truthgul comments is what you mean !

But you put a terrific twist on it.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2016, 08:27:54 AM
Notice I'm not suggesting you were crappy at your jobs...couldn't keep one, couldn't get along with anyone, were "smarter" than your boss...that's your area.

You are a complete idiot !

Read what you just insinuated !

Do you really think every one on this forum is stupid ?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2016, 08:27:54 AM
I've had my say, have read all the crap you posted that I'd missed and am not surprised at any of it.Now go away.There is nothing left to say.

Dearie, I am going no where as long as your people of Elk Kon nected continue controlling our county is their Socialistic manner. As long as they are wasting taxpayer money.  As long as they are giving away taxpayer money as FREE SOCIALISTIC MONEY !

I live here, I pay property taxes here, I vote here! YOU DON'T !
You live somewhere in Delaware !
So who should go away ?

You are always the victim.

Diane Amberg

"MY" people of EK? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D. How can that be If I don't live, vote or pay taxes here any longer? It must be that past history still has value, huh.
Stupid people on the forum? If they take you for any worth, then I'd say so. Then there are the instigators who urge you on. Aren't they special? And the folks you have annoyed the heck out of. They talk, ya know?
   I have certainly never heard you DISAGREE with anyone whose articles you have posted, therefore you must agree with them, right?
Just keep on slingin', I might choose to sling right back even more...or maybe not. That depends on you. How about backing off? You wasted a lot of ugly posts when I wasn't even reading them. I doubt the administrators were very impressed with you.

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