Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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This is just to hot
To leave on on thread!

Quote from: Catwoman on April 07, 2015, 08:54:01 PM
It has been an interesting evening, getting to watch as the results of the election have been posted.  It is a proud moment, as an American, to get to see this most basic of rights being exercised by the public.  No politics being stated here...Just an overwhelming pride in getting to be witness to this process yet once again.  :) :) :)  Considering the state that a portion of this world is in, it's reassuring to see the common man having their voice be heard!  :) :) :)

Quote from: ROSS on April 08, 2015, 09:00:04 AM
When the term "Election" is used, it usually applies to politics, making it very political.
e·lec·tion = a formal and organized process of electing or being elected, especially of members of a political body.

And actually I think this election show a considerable amount of apathy in Elk County except maybe on the part of Elk Konnected followers. Just an opinion based on the numbers so far provided.

The apathy was all over the place, so many positions, possibly being filled by a person writing themselves in  and being the only vote to win the seat. It makes me wonder, what exactly is important to Elk County residents.

Sure, I lost my bid for the West Elk School Board which did not surprise me. But for being known an outsider, I feel, I did real well with 38 votes[color] and not really doing any campaigning.

If you look at the present statics you will see that the present President of the School Board Matt Hilton only received 25 votes, that is 13 less votes than I did, and he was unopposed. That to me speaks volumes! Is he an outsider like me?! LOL

By my guesstimation there should possibly be between 400 and 450 people that could be registered to vote in Elk County and I don't see that many voting. Perhaps everyone that could be registered are not registered, perhaps not all registered voters voted. I don't have any hard cold facts. I may perhaps try to find out. But the largest sector of votes where located in the West Elk School Board for Mr. Elk Konnected himself, David Whetstone of Howard at 216 votes. Congratulations  Mr. Elk Konnected, was there any doubt.

I sure wish I was an expert analyst, what fun this would be ! 

So since I am not
please take all this with
a grain of salt.


Quoted Word for Word!


The moral of the story is
if an unedumacated redneck outsider
can accumulate more votes than
the Presiding President of the West Elk USD-282 School Board

Well then a lifetime resident can do even better.

Please guys get out there and run for School Board

Next time.

Don't force me to do it again !

That is the only way you are going to get control of the ever rising
property tax of the progressive liberal elite that keep wasting money!

Also we do not apparently have all our citizens registered to vote.

Please talk to your neighbors and friends and relatives about registering.

Each one of their votes is so much more valuable
here in Elk County than in National Elections. !

Much, much more valuable!

They actually count for something !


I quote myself to point out my own errors on numbers for voters.
I did state I had no hard facts to back up my guestimation and boy was I ever wrong.
Here is what I said:

Quote from: ROSS on April 08, 2015, 09:00:04 AM
When the term "Election" is used, it usually applies to politics, making it very political.
e·lec·tion = a formal and organized process of electing or being elected, especially of members of a political body.

And actually I think this election show a considerable amount of apathy in Elk County except maybe on the part of Elk Konnected followers. Just an opinion based on the numbers so far provided.

The apathy was all over the place, so many positions, possibly being filled by a person writing themselves in  and being the only vote to win the seat. It makes me wonder, what exactly is important to Elk County residents.

Sure, I lost my bid for the West Elk School Board which did not surprise me. But for being known an outsider, I feel, I did real well with 38 votes[color] and not really doing any campaigning.

If you look at the present statics you will see that the present President of the School Board Matt Hilton only received 25 votes, that is 13 less votes than I did, and he was unopposed. That to me speaks volumes! Is he an outsider like me?! LOL

By my guesstimation there should possibly be between 400 and 450 people that could be registered to vote in Elk County and I don't see that many voting. Perhaps everyone that could be registered are not registered, perhaps not all registered voters voted. I don't have any hard cold facts. I may perhaps try to find out. But the largest sector of votes where located in the West Elk School Board for Mr. Elk Konnected himself, David Whetstone of Howard at 216 votes. Congratulations  Mr. Elk Konnected, was there any doubt.

I sure wish I was an expert analyst, what fun this would be ! 

So since I am not
please take all this with
a grain of salt.


Here is what I learned by going to the court house just now.

There are 1916 registered voters
There were 456 that voted on Tuesday
That is a 26% turn out.
The National Average for turn out is much higher.
So, yes this election was pathetic!
But I do have to pay Kudo's to those that did a write-in

Voter turnout in 2014 was the lowest since WWII
General election voter turnout for the 2014 midterms was the lowest it's been in any election cycle since World War II, according to early projections by the United States Election Project.
Just 36.4 percent of the voting-eligible population cast ballots !


No wonder our country is in trouble with a President who  is trying to destroy our Quality of life. Of course this is just my personal opinion.

And no wonder we have among-st the highest property taxes in Kansas only 26% turn out for the latest election. 
There are better qualified rednecks here in Elk County to run for School Board. You don't need a college degree which is proven by the actions
of the present board, and your personal finances have nothing to do with running for school board. The important thing is attitude and common sense. Do you fit the bill?

Here is a comment I read by a gentleman that explains a redneck rather well.
Good old practical sense and common sense is what is needed in this county over and above the progressive liberal waste of taxpayer money. And a whole lot less of me, me, me and I want.
Need is totally different. Also attitude needs to improve.


Comment by James A - Longdrycreek Ranch, Texas on 24 August 2010:

Rednecks, so called, are practical men and women. Life is hard and, unlike their over-educated peers, who do not know they are over-educated or even under-educated, the Redneck is in the game for the long run.
I associate with folks who work with their hands and hearts. Dedicated to the task. Never too busy to assist their neighbors or the stranger.

If I had to choose between those who imagine themselves in Time magazines coveted circle, I would choose the Redneck. The Rednecks I know are honest; the liberals, progressives, Marxists, communists, and often too much degreed cannot be trusted. When I am with this later coven, I sit with my back to the wall. Just safer and you can keep an eye on them in their Oxxford suits and Gucci shoes. Dumber than dirt.


An excellent comment in my opinion!

Perhaps next election we can ring some bells or beat some drums to get voters out to the poles to vote and affect good changes to the county!


Quote from: Joesue23 on April 12, 2015, 05:11:15 PM
I can't believe anyone voted for you.

I appreciate your candor that show your diligence at maintaining your arrogant ignorance. I can't believe you can't believe what you know to be true. Don't they call that denial?  But really what difference does it mean to you in Montgomery county, Kansas.

Quote from: Joesue23 on April 12, 2015, 05:11:15 PM
Everyone I talked to said you would be the worst thing that could happen to West Elk.

Who is it you talk with? Other progressive liberals that love to waste taxpayers dollars to satisfy their personal desires with no concern for the real purpose of government?

Would that perhaps be the Elk Konnected followers?

Would those intelligent people be the ones that wasted $40, 000.00 of educational funds trying to get a bond issue passed they knew would never pass?

Would those people be the ones that threw away a chance to have the football field crowned for $7000. 00 and had it done for nearly $25000.00 instead?

Would those be the same people that keep giving people the opportunity to resign or be fired?
Which does great dis-favor to school children and taxpayers?

Would that be the same educated idiots?

I sure hope, I don't offend you with the truth, but your opinion over there in Montgomery County, Caney, Kansas is really of no concern to me.  And you have no vote in Elk County, Kansas so what is your point?

Before I bid you adieu, I'm just curious with a name like Joesue are you a transgender or what? LOL


Joesue just for you in case you failed to read the previous posts in this thread I am posting a partial quote just for you.

Perhaps you can learn something.

Don't bother thanking me, I understand!

Quote from: ROSS on April 09, 2015, 05:16:05 PM
Voter turnout in 2014 was the lowest since WWII
Comment by James A - Longdrycreek Ranch, Texas on 24 August 2010:

Rednecks, so called, are practical men and women. Life is hard and, unlike their over-educated peers, who do not know they are over-educated or even under-educated, the Redneck is in the game for the long run.
I associate with folks who work with their hands and hearts. Dedicated to the task. Never too busy to assist their neighbors or the stranger.

If I had to choose between those who imagine themselves in Time magazines coveted circle, I would choose the Redneck. The Rednecks I know are honest; the liberals, progressives, Marxists, communists, and often too much degreed cannot be trusted. When I am with this later coven, I sit with my back to the wall. Just safer and you can keep an eye on them in their Oxxford suits and Gucci shoes. Dumber than dirt.



   Great Timeless Truths


In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame,  two is a law firm and three or more is a government.
John Adams

If you don't read  the newspaper you are  uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are  misinformed. 
Mark Twain

I  contend that for  a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying  to lift himself up by the  handle.
Winston Churchill

A government which  robs  Peter to pay Paul can always  depend on the support of  Paul.
George Bernard Shaw

Foreign aid might  be defined as a  transfer of money from poor people in rich countries to rich  people in poor countries.
Douglas Casey,  Classmate of Bill Clinton at Georgetown  University

Giving  money and  power to  government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage  boys.
P.J. O'Rourke,  Civil Libertarian

Government is the  great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody  else.
Frederic Bastiat,  French economist(1801-1850)

I  don't make jokes. I just watch the  government and report the  facts.
Will  Rogers

In general, the art of government  consists of taking as much money as  possible from one party of the citizens to give to the other. 
Voltaire   (1764)

Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you!
Pericles (430  B.C.)

No man's life,   liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in  session.
Mark Twain   (1866)

Talk is cheap...except when government does  it.

The government is like a  baby's alimentary canal, with a happy appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
Ronald  Reagan

The  only  difference  between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the  taxidermist leaves  the  skin.
Mark Twain

What this country needs are more unemployed  politicians.
Edward Langley,  Artist (1928-1995)

A  government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you  have. 
Thomas Jefferson

We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.

If you think  health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's  free!
P.J.  O'Rourke


The West Elk Superintendent voiced his concern several times last year at board meetings that the school funding might be cut. Well I found this information on line and perhaps it may help ease his concerns.

State Aid excluding KPERS, Special Education and Bond & Interest Aid*                     

USD #   County District Name  2013-14   2014-15           2015-16             2016-17            2014-17 Change

282      Elk          West Elk        2,658,989     2,915,014      2,925,185     2,946,507                    10.8%
283      Elk          Elk Valley       1,481,895     1,534,974     1,540,678      1,552,638                      4.8%

Source: Kansas Dept. of Education.  Per KSDE, a few smaller aid programs are also not included such as juvenile detention facilities, parents as teachers, pre-K pilot and school food service.

I hope this information is useful to everyone.


Do you still believe phrases like :

In the best interest of the child ?

For the Common Good ?

It takes a village ?

Pillar of the Community ?

There are many of these type of phrases that are used by politicians or NGO's or people wanting the so called "Fundamental Change"  of to improve "Quality of life".

All are these phrases are designed to impress and manipulate you the Common Man or Woman and used most likely to hide the actual truth.

Remember you can ass/u/me that if they disagree with you  ---- they will simply say you have it all wrong as a response with no explanation of how or why. Because you are not wrong but have perhaps a better of difference perspective than they do. Perhaps they have a financial stake in the situation and you don't. So it will simple be, you have no idea what you are talking about or you are wrong. That is simply a put down with no reasoning. And should be ignored.

For instance take  "Economic Development".

Economic Development is two simple words that are used for the ultimate deception in my opinion.

Economic Development Should amount to bringing outside money into your immediate area in the form of jobs. Money for the local people to provide for their families by purchasing from local merchants who buys from wholesalers, who buy from manufacturers or providers and who pays the wages of the workers. It is a circle. When the circle is broken it goesn't run so well, does it?

Economic Development has become very complicated because of those people that want to exploit it and  abuse it. They want to give away your tax payer money to enhance their own financial desires or their friends financial needs and or enhance their political positioning. Simply complicate and manipulate, pretty easy is't it.

You deserve a larger property tax reduction, always, rather than wasting your hard money for a so called County Economic Development Employee for the benefit of the elite and their NGO's benefit  only. And don;t be fooled that would be the only reason to spend tens of thousands of your hard earned money on such things.


Ross you and your babbling have ruined the Forum, everyone I have talked to have told me they quit even reading anything you post and have quit looking at the Forum. No one even post anything anymore. You are Elk Disconnected.


Didn't you announce that you were leaving the Forum?  Or was that Frawin?
You all should stick around and defend your thinking on the Forum - the Political column.
That way, folks can see where you're coming from. 

Ross is Disconnected from socialism and liberalism.  That's good!

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