Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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I got the USD 282 'public meeting invitation' in the mail today.  The entire document reads like the Agenda 21, social engineering, platform that it is.  More 'stakeholder', 'patron', 'consensus' bullhockey.  Progressive socialists never give up, do they?  And who were all the architectural firms who fairly bid on the planning project?  Oh, wait. the board elitists just picked one, didn't they? 

I noticed that curriculum and teaching critical thinking were NOT the top two priorities... building bullspit was!  And this group of money grubbing hypocrites want us to believe their agenda is all about 'the kids'?  Hockypuck.  IMO, this board, and their overpaid college edumacated stuperintendent, have no idea what 'for the kids' really means.  They use the phrase to elicit an emotional fog in the minds of parents, voters & taxpayers.

Sadly, many in the constituent class seem foolish enough to fall for it, or are ignorant enough of current events not to even be aware of what's going on.  God forbid!  A fool and his money are soon parted!

You have a school district that already receives & spends more money per student than virtually any other district in Kansas (by disproportionately using the 'special needs' provisions in state law, IMO).  You have a district that has a student to adult employee ratio of about 3:1.  That is one adult employee for every three students.  And we aren't at the top of the heap scholastically? You have a district that was complaining about leaky roofs and broken air conditioners several years ago during their last bid to drive up public debt with a failed bond issue... what have they been doing to fix those things in the interim?  Not enough, it would appear.

Think this through, people.  As with everything else these Konnected Elitists have promised, tried, and failed (over many years).. this, too, will cost you a bunch and produce very few measurable improvements in the educational outcomes of the students in this district.  While a few Elitists might gain some impressive resume fodder and some well meaning dogooders might salve the guilt about a shrinking community, the kids will gain little that will benefit them in their lives.  But, rest assured, this thing could help guarantee that your property taxes remain among the highest in Kansas for decades to come.  Something the kids will surely want to hang around for,

Wake up, citizens.  UN Agenda 21 processes have taken solid root in Elk County.  Don't think their poison?  Ask the folks in Fredonia.

Caveat Emptor!

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


based on what you said they have a 3:1 ration, i would say they have too many paid employees. time to cut back to a reasonable 15:1 ratio wouldn't you say/  Imagine what they could do with that money they would save.

Quote from: Patriot on November 21, 2013, 01:48:32 PM
I got the USD 282 'public meeting invitation' in the mail today.  The entire document reads like the Agenda 21, social engineering, platform that it is.  More 'stakeholder', 'patron', 'consensus' bullhockey.  Progressive socialists never give up, do they?  And who were all the architectural firms who fairly bid on the planning project?  Oh, wait. the board elitists just picked one, didn't they? 

I noticed that curriculum and teaching critical thinking were NOT the top two priorities... building bullspit was!  And this group of money grubbing hypocrites want us to believe their agenda is all about 'the kids'?  Hockypuck.  IMO, this board, and their overpaid college edumacated stuperintendent, have no idea what 'for the kids' really means.  They use the phrase to elicit an emotional fog in the minds of parents, voters & taxpayers.

Sadly, many in the constituent class seem foolish enough to fall for it, or are ignorant enough of current events not to even be aware of what's going on.  God forbid!  A fool and his money are soon parted!

You have a school district that already receives & spends more money per student than virtually any other district in Kansas (by disproportionately using the 'special needs' provisions in state law, IMO).  You have a district that has a student to adult employee ratio of about 3:1.  That is one adult employee for every three students.  And we aren't at the top of the heap scholastically? You have a district that was complaining about leaky roofs and broken air conditioners several years ago during their last bid to drive up public debt with a failed bond issue... what have they been doing to fix those things in the interim?  Not enough, it would appear.

Think this through, people.  As with everything else these Konnected Elitists have promised, tried, and failed (over many years).. this, too, will cost you a bunch and produce very few measurable improvements in the educational outcomes of the students in this district.  While a few Elitists might gain some impressive resume fodder and some well meaning dogooders might salve the guilt about a shrinking community, the kids will gain little that will benefit them in their lives.  But, rest assured, this thing could help guarantee that your property taxes remain among the highest in Kansas for decades to come.  Something the kids will surely want to hang around for,

Wake up, citizens.  UN Agenda 21 processes have taken solid root in Elk County.  Don't think their poison?  Ask the folks in Fredonia.

Caveat Emptor!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Please note I said adult employee, not teacher.  But still, 3:1 seems a tad high.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.



Just in case anyone might have missed it there is a conversation going on with the Konnected folks
about the Konnected School Board wanting to build a new grade school that is being put to gether as wings on the present West Elk School building.

The conversation was started by Konnected Followers under the wrong topic and moved to Politics.

The discussion is also about the survey and all the personal questions asked on it.
Like what age group you are are in, what town you live in, do you have children West Elk.

None of that matters all they need to know is if you are a taxpayer in the school district.
And they already know that, because they sent you a letter as a taxpayer.

It sounds to me like an Elk Konnected thing mainly because at least two of the Board Members are Elk Konnected. We know how Elk Konnected always said it's all for the kids, don't we?

So really doesn' t this proposal sound like it is coming from Elk Konnected?
After all one of them people, all for a Taj Mahal broached the subject of a conspiracy, doesn't it make you wonder?

I of course corrected him and told him it was politics even though the thread started out in the Coffee Shop  it was moved to where it belonged to the Political Section.

If you think the School District really needs to tax you more money for the purpose of appeasing a couple of people for sports by all means tell them to go for it.

If you disagree with that concept and thing the children need a grade school based on critical thinking and being frugal, simply write across their worthless survey "Re-open the Moline Grade School".

But before you make up your mind please visit the other coversation at:



Yes I am quoting myself, only as a refresher! The School Board is apparently gathering data for some reason, but for what reason? That data is your age group, where you live with in the school district, do you have children at West Elk, whether you rent or own your property. Then they provide a warning alert (no they did not call it that but that is what it is): "The Board will not divulge personally identifiable information about any person who completes this survey." Just why do you suppose they require this disclaimer?

Remember we have Elk Konnected School Board Members? To me this whole survey stinks of Elk Konnected.

Remember how they behaved when they had control of our County Government?
They commandeered our County Web site for their own use, didn't they?
They also commandeered our County Emergency Call System as well, didn't they?

So what is the real purpose of the requested information?
Who is putting together such a database?
For what purpose?

Quote from: ROSS on November 22, 2013, 10:31:38 AM
What a ridiculous survey the School Board put together.
Are they into marketing?
Are they kin to NSA ?

Why do they think they need  personal information on this survey?

I am not about to fill out age group or the primary residence information. Will you?

Or whether I am a renter or owner, or if I have children enrolled or not attending West Elk, because this information is irrelevant to the topic. They are trying to gather information they do not need. But for what reason? Will you bow down to them? They received their list from the court house on who the voters are, I'm sure. But when they have public meeting to discuss things like this one they have scheduled, will they ask for voter identtification cards to get in. "NO". Simple isn't it?

Their letter is addressed near the top as:
                                   To:       West Elk USD#282 Registered Voters

Simply write, "Re-open the Moline Grade School" across the form.
All their needs will be full filled.

What stinks - er - smells worse me or this coniving? I just took a shower and put on clean clothes!
LOL big time.

The reason for this post is to point out another possible way of gathering data on you and your family. Does the School or the School Board need to keep a data file on you? Or is it for Elk Konnected via the Elk Konnected School Board Members?   I think we have enough From NSA spying on our every move and conversation.   But You decide for your self!

Please read the following article!

"Don't Tell Your Parents" 6th Grade Assignment at Milan Elementary, MS

While it is unclear if this is explicitly a Common Core assignment or not, a group of students today in Tupelo, MS had quite an interesting assignment. The sixth graders at Milam Elementary were given an assignment to do in class, and they were not to discuss this assignment with their parents.

Naturally, telling a group of kids between the ages of ten and eleven to not tell their parents about an assignment is probably the surest way for them to tell their parents. In fact, it is typically a way to ensure a student sneaks a copy home.

The reason why this is so concerning is that Tupelo prides itself on data driven instruction. Now, data is nice if it helps you figure out if a student needs extra help in a particular area. However, what if that effort is aimed at monitoring the political views of a student? What if there is a shift in student opinion to say, the wrong opinion on gun control or say the wrong opinion on right to life issues? Is the school collecting data toward that end to monitor the political beliefs of these young children? As you check out the school district's video on data driven instruction, ponder for a moment where does monitoring education end and monitoring indoctrination begin?

Then, consider the assignment below. According to a local clergy, this is the assignment that one of these young sixth grade children was given in class. They were told not to tell their parents about the assignment. I find that part disconcerting right there.

The next is the topic: Are you a Republican or a Democrat? I wonder what ever happened to teaching children that they were Americans? Why is there an effort to monitor political opinions so early in a child's life?

Do the parents in Tupelo, MS need to have a conversation with the school board about monitoring for indoctrination versus education? Why were the children told NOT to tell their parents about the assignment? Is this a pre-test of attitudes with another test to be given later? Is this part of the data driven education, to monitor the attitudes and beliefs of students?

While it may seem far fetched, parent political views are part of the P-20 data collected in data driven schools. Why not the child's political views?

In the era before "data driven instruction" an assignment like this might have been received differently. In light of "data driven instruction," are student opinions on this assignment part of the "data?" After similar incidents with surveys in Maryland and other places, it does prompt one to wonder if this is now part of the data.

As a side note to the teacher, she doesn't quite have Republicans corrected stated, unless one is going strictly on party platform. For example under abortion, there are quite a few Republicans pro-choice Republicans. I am not one, but I have met many who are, and I have met many Democrats who keep trying to change their party platform on the matter. Abortion is one of those issues that is difficult to draw a partisan line upon. Even so, I am rather shocked that a teacher is discussing it with ten and eleven year olds.

Further, gun control is another issue that is not strictly partisan. In the part of the world I live in, there are Democrats with a stronger commitment to the second amendment than some Republican Governors, like Chris Christie.

As far as gay marriage is concerned, this teacher has apparently not heard of Log Cabin Republicans. But what I find even more troublesome is that gay marriage is being discussed by a teacher in the classroom. I find it disturbing that a government employee, which is what a public teacher really is, is having a conversation with children of this age on this topic.

Quite frankly, wouldn't classroom time be better spent teaching something like, math, geography, science, art, or music? Maybe it is just me, but I have to wonder political affiliation of 6th graders is a priority in this country? Perhaps more of the basic and less of the politics would bring about higher test scores that these politicians seem to expect from our nation's youth.


I am going to post this at:  http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,15717.new.html#new
I feel this is important enough to be discussed. Do we want our children to be used for data mining?

Be smart, be sensible, be frugal, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Be Smart,     Be Sensible,     Be Frugal  


Elk Konnected claims on the internet for all the world to see:

Elk Konnected has worked at Elk Konnected, studied at West Elk and lives in Howard, Kansas.

"In early 2007, Elk County was experiencing some events that made a resident wonder "What is the future of Elk County"? With a county population of only 3000, one tiny town spends time and energy wanting to pull out of the county wide trash service."

In my opinion they seem to believe communities don't have the right to govern themselves by makig a statement like that and keeping it posted on the internet for all the word to see and that they are a Howard Organization. This presents as a divisionary element in Elk County. Adding the fact that the School Superintendent during a School Board Meeting said, that Howard passed the last School Bond Issue, which is totally impossible for Howard to do by itself.

I believe the point may have been to concentrate on getting the 25% of Howard voters that voted against the School Bond Issue to change their minds. This in my opinion would be placing the emphasis once again on Howard.

On their web site they state:
Elk Konnected Accredited Community
Community Contact
Dr. David Whetstone (316) 708-0296 (listed on each and every page of Elk Konnected web site)
Steering Committee
Jennifer Montgomery
Liz Hendricks
Tommie Barnaby
David Whetstone (School Board Memer)

David Whetstone is an elected member of the West Elk USD 283 School Board, that is at least one, we have no Idea who else on the School Board is a member of the School Board, do we? If anyone knows it would be appreciated if you post that information or PM me and I will do it for you (anonymously).

So to my point Elk Konnected claimed from the Get-Go that they wanted to engage Elk County residents on this forum. The School Board has said they want more citizens involved. Well, Mr. David Whestone right here is the best opportunity you will ever have as Elk Konnected and as a School Board Member to do just that, in opinion!                  Will you grab this opportunity or wait until the door closes.

Let's have a real discussion about building a new School Building but splitting it into sections and attaching it to the present building, shall we?

Let's have a real discussion about why the Moline Grade School is isn't being discussed as a wise, frugal and a multi-million dollar savings to the taxpayers? Are you up to a legitimate discussion?

Even though we will have a Kommunity Meeting, it will not be an official School Board Meeting and therefore no official minutes of the meeting and no official record of the meeting, right? Quite convenient for who ever is behind this push isn't it?

But, I bet our local newspaper editor will be there, to write a story in the paper, right?
You don't suppose it would read like the old Elk Konnected stories, do you?
No, your meeting at West Elk is not an open and honest discussion! Why you may ask? Perhaps intimidation, wasn't that what Elk Konnected said, isn't that why Elk Konnected claimed to use Circles of Chairs? And, Because I believe you will have the Sheriffs office personnel available the same way Elk Konnected did to escort people out that don't agree with you based only on fear.

Here on the forum you should have no fear, pretty simple huh?

And while using this forum you would be adding to improving more relations with many more people, right? I have heard you are presently employed as a Public Relations person, is that correct? This a great opportunity for PR isn't it? And it would probably increase public involvement on our local Forum, don't ya reckon?

So come-on Konnected Mr. Whetstone won't you engage the West Elk School District taxpayers in an open and honest and documented dialog? Bring the rest of the School Board along with you, please?

Let's discuss re-opening a perfectly good school building, the Moline Grade School?
Are you up to it, or is it perhaps because Howard does not want to bus their kids to Moline for school. Never mind the Millions of dollars that would be saved for the taxpayers.

Always looking for a hand out aren't we? One way or another, even through taxation.
Instead why not try:

Be smart, be sensible, be frugal, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Be Smart,     Be Sensible,     Be Frugal  


Be smart, be sensible, be frugal, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Be Smart,     Be Sensible,     Be Frugal  
Let me clarify those problems I have read about, okay!
And hw the problem could be solved and save millions of dollars for the taxpayer and not have to raise property taxes for the next twenty years.

Middle School and High School Students having to socialize with Grade Schoolers.

Middle School and High School Students having to sh

Middle School and High School Students having to share the gymnasium with Grade Schoolers.

Need more class rooms so the ugly portable buildings can be disposed. (only a half million taxpayer dollars invested in them) Oh well !
Need more office space.
West Elk is crowded.

Re-opening the Moline Grade School would fill all those voids for far less than 5 or 6 million dollars or maybe even more, wouldn't it?

Just ask Moline City Council to sell it back for the Dollar you sold it to them for !
Perhaps pay them double for a profit ! LOL

How about that School Board, save millions of dollars for the taxpayers, or do you care?

Waiting for paitently for an answer from so called commuity leaders !


Wow! I got my magazine from my rural electric cooperative, Kansas Living and I can't believe it !

Did I miss it! Help me out please ?

I couldn't find any articles in the magazine written by Elk Konnected or Public Squares Communities ?

If I missed them can you tell me what page to look on ?

Another question for you, if you please ?

How many threads are necessary to try to convince taxpayers to pay more taxes to build a Taj Mahal for Howard ?   When they already have enough building !  Just asking ?

Be smart, be sensible, be frugal, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Be Smart,     Be Sensible,     Be Frugal  


This is what real leadership in a School Board should be concentrating on, instead of building a Grade School that is not needed. Concentrate on education and the misuse of it. This is effectively re-writing history or flat out omitting true history. Is this what we want for our children, is this what the School Board wants for our children, a lack of a full education?

It appears the Federal Government wants less then a full education for the Kids, Doesn't it?
Is this related to the critical thinking of which the School Board has made numerous remarks about, that they want to teach at West Elk?

Well is it?

Is it Possible To Teach Students The Meaning Behind President Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Without Mentioning The Civil War?

Common Core Instructs Students to Learn About Gettysburg Address Without Mentioning Civil War

According to the government's new Common Core education standards, the Gettysburg Address must be taught without mentioning the Civil War and explaining why President Lincoln was in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

The Student Achievement Partners instructions tell teachers to, "Refrain from giving background context or substantial instructional guidance at the outset...This close reading approach forces students to rely exclusively on the text...and levels the playing field for all students as the seek to comprehend Lincoln's address."

(See a Video at:)

While the School Board is busy teaching Critical Thinking how about throwing in a little Frugality the quality of being economical with money; thriftiness.

Add to that a little bit of education in Constraint, by an act of employing some Constraint. EG,  by Practicing some Constraint now.

After all, if the School Board can not practice it how can they hope to have it taught?

Be smart, be sensible, be frugal, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Be Smart,     Be Sensible,     Be Frugal  

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