Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Diane Amberg

I'm sure he know why it needs to be short...has nothing to do with me. He wrote a very long piece once before and it was turned down because it was much too long. I think it would have been an interesting read. Perhaps a shorter piece would be accepted. ...or buy space.
That's all you have to say? Ya poked around until you could find something to swat me about? I still want to know what lie I was supposed to have condoned. How about finding that out? Huh?  Besides, Ross's son went on that trip Lawrence and I'm sure had a good time. Why bite that hand? CCTP for sure.
Have ya figured out yet what was going on in 2007 that caused my joining of the forum in the first place?  One of these days I'll tell it, if ya don't figure it out, but it caused a lot of worry and eventual changes. I can't image why you all would forget.
We even had kids who posted in those days, and read the  cute jokes. Wouldn't dare now...not fit. Too many sharp edges IMHO
Kinda off subject, but then not so much.
Oh, a friend showed me a button pin that was cute. it said "I am silently correcting your grammar."  ;)  Back to work; have a nice day. It's too nice a day to joust with you all. Continue without me.


She failed to communicate, it must be that education as a teacher.
She failed to mention that she thinks I should write the editor.
Well I suspect the editor reads this, so I feel no need to do that.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 03, 2013, 10:26:22 AM
I'm sure he know why it needs to be short...has nothing to do with me. He wrote a very long piece once before and it was turned down because it was much too long. I think it would have been an interesting read. Perhaps a shorter piece would be accepted. ...or buy space.
That's all you have to say? Ya poked around until you could find something to swat me about? I still want to know what lie I was supposed to have condoned. How about finding that out? Huh?  Besides, Ross's son went on that trip Lawrence and I'm sure had a good time. Why bite that hand? CCTP for sure.
Have ya figured out yet what was going on in 2007 that caused my joining of the forum in the first place?  One of these days I'll tell it, if ya don't figure it out, but it caused a lot of worry and eventual changes. I can't image why you all would forget.
We even had kids who posted in those days, and read the  cute jokes. Wouldn't dare now...not fit. Too many sharp edges IMHO
Kinda off subject, but then not so much.
Oh, a friend showed me a button pin that was cute. it said "I am silently correcting your grammar."  ;)  Back to work; have a nice day. It's too nice a day to joust with you all. Continue without me.

See she still fails to communicate what she is talking about.
Just arrogant ignorance INMH

She is talking about the newspaper I assume.

Diane Amberg

My word Ross, I know you said you are uneducated, but I really didn't know it was so bad. Go back and slowly reread all of what we said on the last several posts. The whole topic had been about a newspaper article, right? Nobody had substantially changed the subject, right?(I just hit the poke key) You really can't figure out that I was talking about a newspaper piece? No wonder you have a hard time understanding articles! They are written at 6th grade level, as are most magazines, etc. (Some specialty magazines, like Scientific American are written at a much higher level as they assume a limited interest audience.)
I'm sorry. Next time I'll drop my writing down to third grade level and assume very poor comprehension by the readers.
Why admit you couldn't understand what I wrote? Wow, more bully bait. Your posse will love it.
Don't flatter yourself that Rudy reads your posts....not.
I came in for iced tea and this is what I find? Oh goody... such friendly people.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 02, 2013, 03:59:18 PM
Ross, why did you have to smack me for asking a perfectly good question about the Lawrence trip? You defend your asking questions but I'm not allowed to? There is that double standard again. I am very disappointed .
You couldn't leave me alone? What lie did I condone? What does it have to do with anything anyway? You are all over the place. I went back and reread the newspaper article.
....Elk County budget cuts led to the elimination of its youth development program.
That's the lie.
Elk Konnected's self proclaimed founder said at an Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners meeting when she was still an Elk County Commissioner said,"Elk Konnected suggested to the County Commissioner to hire Jennifer Brummel as the Elk County Economic Development Employee and to make the position Elk County Youth Employee. The then County Commissioner panel that was controlled by two self confessed Elk Konnected Kommissioners voted to do so.
Elk County citizens that tired of the abuses perpetrated against the County complained and complained. The only real fix was to vote out t least one of the two Elk Konnected controlling votes on the Elk County Commissioners Board of three.
Once that was accomplished the Elk Konnected youth Development position was discontinued and it as not due to any budget cuts. The county was receiving nothing from the position. Elk Konnected followers showed up at two County Commissioners meetings trying to pressure the County Commissioners to restart the program. I was quite proud of the non-Elk Konnected county commissioners for standing their ground.
If you were not such a loyal AND blind follower of Elk Konnected you with all your education would ha recognized the lie.
What could have been a feel good story about Elk Konnected was turned into a political story with political lies and advertisement for Public Squares Communities.INC IMO.
You can think and say any thing your little heart leads you to say, and so will I.
But just remember I live here and you live nearly 1500 miles away and are not a citizen of Elk County.
I have been called an outsider because I was not born and raised here, I w born and raised just a short 40 mile away from here, but chose to retire here.
You my dear are much more of an outsider than I am by those 1500 miles and you only know one side of the events around here that are most likely e to you by the Elk Konnected and Public Squares Communities leader and followers.
By th way Diane have they bragged to you chance that they have or want control of the West Elk USD 282?
Your turn now!

Remember just my opinion Don't believe a word of the above statements.



Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 03, 2013, 11:54:09 AM
My word Ross, I know you said you are uneducated, but I really didn't know it was so bad. Go back and slowly reread all of what we said on the last several posts. The whole topic had been about a newspaper article, right? Nobody had substantially changed the subject, right?(I just hit the poke key) You really can't figure out that I was talking about a newspaper piece? No wonder you have a hard time und
erstanding articles! They are written at 6th grade level, as are most magazines, etc. (Some specialty magazines, like Scientific American are written at a much higher level as they assume a limited interest audience.)
I'm sorry. Next time I'll drop my writing down to third grade level and assume very poor comprehension by the readers.
Why admit you couldn't understand what I wrote? Wow, more bully bait. Your posse will love it.
Don't flatter yourself that Rudy reads your posts....not.
I came in for iced tea and this is what I find? Oh goody... such friendly people.


Diane Amberg

My turn? Ok, you make huge assumptions about what I condone and what I don't. You don't know! You twist and try to tie things together that have no relationship to each other, and I must admit you and several others are very good at it.
I'm told by a number of friends not to bother defending myself or trying to straighten it out because my friends see it and get it and I shouldn't worry that anyone of any consequence will think badly of me, because they won't.
The ones who think I'm awful apparantly have their own closed minded problems. Remember, I'm the moderate in the bunch. Even with EK, that means I don't give blind approval of everything they've tried to do. I gather the facts...when I can get facts, not opinions, and decide each issue on its own merits. Why do I bother?...as I've said many times before (why can't you remember these things?) I like Elk County, had family there AND STILL DO and friends other than those on the forum. I don't like being the whipping girl, but I just consider the source and make myself remember the other good people there who never did and don't treat me badly. Now you've made it fashionable to suggest I'm a bad person and everyone should find some reason to beat up on me. I don't condone those who bully me either!
You seem to think reminding me I don't live there will change something. There are also those there who sure hope it doesn't change anything!
Remember, I have one Kansas friend who jokingly called Kansas the poor stepchild of Oklahoma. I still don't know if he meant in terms of money or attitude.
I had lunch and need to get back outside and finish annoying weeds.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 03, 2013, 01:21:26 PM
My turn? Ok, you make huge assumptions about what I condone and what I don't. You don't know! You twist and try to tie things together that have no relationship to each other, and I must admit you and several others are very good at it.
I'm told by a number of friends not to bother defending myself or trying to straighten it out because my friends see it and get it and I shouldn't worry that anyone of any consequence will think badly of me, because they won't.
The ones who think I'm awful apparantly have their own closed minded problems. Remember, I'm the moderate in the bunch. Even with EK, that means I don't give blind approval of everything they've tried to do. I gather the facts...when I can get facts, not opinions, and decide each issue on its own merits. Why do I bother?...as I've said many times before (why can't you remember these things?) I like Elk County, had family there AND STILL DO and friends other than those on the forum. I don't like being the whipping girl, but I just consider the source and make myself remember the other good people there who never did and don't treat me badly. Now you've made it fashionable to suggest I'm a bad person and everyone should find some reason to beat up on me. I don't condone those who bully me either!
You seem to think reminding me I don't live there will change something. There are also those there who sure hope it doesn't change anything!
Remember, I have one Kansas friend who jokingly called Kansas the poor stepchild of Oklahoma. I still don't know if he meant in terms of money or attitude.
I had lunch and need to get back outside and finish annoying weeds.

Diane you know you have called more names and more or less advocated bullying more than anyone else.

And I do not believe I have assumed anything.
I don't know how you get that!

Durn near your whole life story appears to be posted throughout this forum on various threads.
All your expertise, all your whining, all your self pity and all you expert opinion about Elk County where you neither live or vote.
We have heard all about all you imaginary friends and have tired of it.

I don't think badly of you, I feel sorry for you.

Please get a real life in the good old state of Delaware where you live, leave this imaginary life for the real thing.
I think you would be much happier, I know I would be happy for that new experience for you.
You have really worked hard at earning my pity and now I give it to you. I'm sorry for you.


Diane my poor dear lady one more thing.

I think you have been Konnected and dis-Konnected
                               re-Konnected and dis-Konnected
                                and totally discombobulated.
I understand how difficult all that could be.

I hope all goes better during the rest of your life in Delaware.

Enjoy the rest of the summer will you.

Teach it has been fun trying to communicate with you.


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