Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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You know what I'd like to see is a positive change of attitude with the West Elk School Board of Education and a shift away from the negative attitudes of progressiveness and socialism..

A positive change of attitude away from the greedy, spendy and wasteful spending attitude of progressiveness. You know the want and desire to build an Empire, to build a Taj Mahal.

A positive change of attitude away from a socialism attitude. You know the negative attitude that there is public money and more public money we can tax the people for to build our Empire and our Taj Mahal.

I believe it is these negative attitudes that caused our countries present financial problems. These attitudes were prevalent in both the wealthy and the poor. Give me, give me, Take, Take, Take.

Where as a conservative school board with a good positive attitude and critical thinking and problem solving abilities can find solutions to problems without wasting thousands and tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars and a perfectly good and available grade school.

Let me underline some of that:
conservative school board with a good positive attitude
critical thinking
problem solving abilities

I hope we can see some positive changes in the school board utilizing what they claim they wish to have taught to the students at West Elk:


Forget the idea of a unified school board --- you are not there to follow the lead of one person but to challenge ideas and offer better ideas through critical thinking. To be a unified board simply means you are there to add to the problems by kissing someone's ass. No that is not why you are there. Personally I have never in my life been know as a kiss ass on the job or  not even with close friends or family. And proud of it.

It is either that or just continue to raise property taxes and effectively force people to move out of Elk County.
Remember the recent County Public Auction to sell properties to recoup losses from County property taxes?
Is this the path the West Elk School Board wishes to continue down?
Provide some critical thinking to that situation.
People would rather let their properties go than pay the taxes on it. Why?


Quote from: ROSS on July 10, 2013, 03:33:31 PM

Lets look at another aspect of this LONG-TERM EDUCATIONAL PLAN WEST ELK U.S.D. 282 starting with the School Board of Education  it's self and Dr. Christman.  

I am going to add my remarks in blue.

I tried to keep everything original but scanning the document into word is not perfect, so if you find an error, I apologize for that.

Only a few people have actually looked at the documentation I provided from the school, so I though I would share a few excerpts in hope to peak your interest. After all it is your tax dollars that pay for all these studies and it may be your property taxes that get increased to build a Taj Mahal. Everyone wants a new gym and others want to build a Community Storm Shelter for Howard at the expense of people across Elk County. If you live in Moline do you want to pay for a Community Storm Shelter for Howard? Moving on!

Group: Classified

1.   Positions are not classified the same-pay not equal for equal jobs and benefits not available to all.
2.   Money
3.   Community involvement. Perception and lack of knowledge about current situation.

What is wrong with that massive and expensive high tech computer system. Does the school know how to use the system productively, to inform the public. Where is the full School Board Agenda with the  attachments posted on the School Web site?

4.   Improve communications to communities.

First they need to learn to be open and honest don't they. Fer instance posting the studies they have had and allowed to be performed. And how about some honesty about the contract with Heckman and Associates Report-Master Planning Facility Qustionaire. What exactly are they hiding from the public and the taxpayers? We had $19000.00 hard earned taxpayer dollars wasted by the West Elk School Board in acquiring it and being it is public information we have a right to see it.
5.   Some community members not supportive for the sake of being negative-in some case bullying tactics being used.

First off this whole statement is nothing but one big negative attitude. And is of and by itself a form of bullying.

                  In statement No. 4 you say you want Improved communications to communities. What exactly does that mean?   Does that mean Shut up if you don't agree with us?
Good job communicating on your part, Not!
                 How exactly do you define bullying?
                             Is telling the truth bullying?
                             Is asking questions considered bullying?
                             Is asking you to explain your self considered bullying?
                             Who exactly is doing the bullying
                  How do you define communicating?

6.   Community should understand it will benefit kids.

               The community does understand that an education is very beneficial to each and
                    every child..
            Is this statement considered communicating?  
               What exactly will benefit the kids?
                     Are you talking about raising the teaching standards?
                          Are you talking about a better education?
                               Are you talking about a new basketball court
7.   Community vs. communities ' issues-each is unique.

                 Does this mean the City of Howards attitude and desire to benefit from a                                          
school district out side of their City limits should be questioned?
       After all only the City of Howard has stolen the Award signs on the highway from West Elk. Look closely the signs say West Elk Boys, not Howard Boys!
Perhaps a little respect for West Elk would be a great start. Have the signs placed by West Elk one on the south side and one on the north side of West Elk and give credit where credit is due. Show some honesty, try to get it right!

8.   Location- nothing to hold our families.
9.   Housing  is more affordable, but limited  income.
10.   Lack of parental involvement.

          Would the schools attitude have anything to do with that?
            Would parents perhaps having to drive long distances to and from work
              have anything to do with that?

II. Not a good vehicle for communication between school and community .

                      What? With all those thousands of dollars worth of high tech devices.
                        The kids use it don't they? They have a web site, right?
                         A school web site on taxpayer purchased equipment. Don't the adults
                              Comprehend the significance of high tech in the 21st century. Don't they
                              understand the use of cameras and microphones and video to
                              communicate over the internet, how about live streaming?

12.   School board members presence in the building to gain knowledge of actual situation in school.
              Yer right here with that statement, they didn't appear to realize that is part
               of their responsibility.    

.   1 board member assigned to 1 area.

            Now that's a bad idea, that would be limiting their responsibility.
             They were not voted in office to be placed in a limiting capacity now were they?

Quote from: ROSS on July 10, 2013, 03:33:31 PM

Until next time. Just food for thought. Opinions and facts that's all.

What are your thoughts and opinions? Is the School Board discussing these studies and using critical thinking to find solutions?


I've noticed a few more people are checking out the documents I posted at
https://www.box.com/s/c0xebcwvgf9zd7xru3pp I sure hope it isn't just to make sure I'm telling the truth.
However that would be okay too! I hope it's because of an interest in what is happening with Sports, ER pardon me Construction, really, I mean about Education.          And let's not forget how your tax dollars are being wasted.

I wonder how many school board members are Elk Konnected, does anyone know?
The reason, I ask is because of the track record of the Ex-County Commissioner who came up with that privately owned organization, while she was serving as County Commissioner!

It appears to me that the School Board who's ex-School Board President is following along the same lines and I personally haven't seen any accomplishment or goal's being met, by either organization!          I wonder why that is?

Oh well, I guess I'll just continue to wonder!

But does anyone know is there a Konnection?

I hope everyone has a great weekend?


"Organizing Resistance to Teach for America and its Role in Privatization,"

How's this for an amazing coincidence, an NGO for teachers or not! They appear to be turning on their own organization. Go figure.

A rather amazing story of utter confusion, IMHO!

And NGO with a round table (don't they all have round tables or circle of chairs) and operating off OPM (Other Peoples Money), and people are getting fed up with them, the way it sounds to me. They are even fighting amongst themselves. And the Governor of Minnesota vetoed a bill granting funding for the NGO, doesn't that speak volumes to you?

Are we required to buy into their bullshit. I know of no such requirement, do you?

It sounds to me like the NGO is positioning people in political positions to meet their own needs. If these people are ever exposed for what they are, I believe their political careers would be over. I'd sure like to think so anyway!

It sure appears to me that NGO's want control unified, centralized or not, just control.
Wether for the best or not.

Perhaps as confusing as all this is, perhaps private school would be the way to go. Who knows? A for profit school, I don't think they would be wasteful with money do you?



Rulers, Leaders, Elected School Board Members.

To be a good leader a leader must learn to follow.


What this means is it is your money and your tax dollars and you should be concerned
and alert to what is happening in your name.
Nothing more.


Yes Sir!

Ross, you have the American understanding like the founding fathers, not Abe Lincoln.  It's no wonder that the Republicans and modern Democrats don't agree with you. 

Stay right in there.


Quote from: redcliffsw on July 15, 2013, 06:50:20 AM

Yes Sir!

Ross, you have the American understanding like the founding fathers, not Abe Lincoln.  It's no wonder that the Republicans and modern Democrats don't agree with you. 

Stay right in there.

Well you may be right Redcliff.

However, I simply believe in right and wrong and honesty.

I also believe the taxpayer should be treated respectfully by those they pay and elect to represent them and in their decision making when spending their money.

Errors happen but when they happen at the tune of 19,000 of the taxpayers dollars because of so called unity something is terribly wrong.

That is why there are seven board members so they can cuss a discuss decisions before they are made.
Not everything in this world has a positive slant, it just doesn't work that way.

I believe disagreements should happen more frequently on the school board because, just because on person says something is right doesn't mean it is so. Perhaps with a little dissent and discussion that $19,000 would not have been wasted.

Someone once said if you take to people working together and putting their minds on a problem you in essence create a third mind.
They did not say they had to agree but that discussion was very necessary to reach a satisfactory understanding and reach an excellent decision and goal.

People on a board should not be offended by dissent but welcome it.

Dissent is a sentiment or philosophy of non-agreement or opposition to a prevailing idea or an entity and opens the door for further discussion. If something can not be justified beyond wanting it for comfort or simply desire ad no proof of actual necessity, then the person wanting it is more than likely unable to justify themselves in writing, or in a discussion and hollers there is a lack of co-operation, or they bad mouth or bully in an attempt to get what they want (or to have others do it for them). Very simple.

We do not elect people to offices so they can operate in such a fashion, IMHO!


I went to the School Superintendent's office today and asked for copies of the questionnaire discussed in the following post that was posted on July 8th  and I received a copy and I quote myself:

Quote from: ROSS on July 08, 2013, 09:43:48 PM

And now we follow that up with $19000.00 wasted paying Heckman and Associates for Master Planning only to say good bye to them at the board meeting.

It seems Heckman and Associates sent a 3 or 4 pages of Master Planning Facility Questionnaire. And they were supposed to be present tonight but from what I gathered the School Superintendent told them not to come. They were costing too much. Yea, at $85 an hour and mileage and getting nowhere with them that is very expensive. One of the board members said he was under the understanding that the $19,000 was suppose to see them through to a final plan. The Superintendent said he had issues with the Questionnaire and would not want to provide it to the public, I wonder why? It is public information and the taxpayers have paid for it. Why the secrecy?

When I asked for a copy of what they use to refer to as attachments, I was denied. I was told I would have to ask in advance. I will be checking into this further.

Hackman & Associates told the School Superintendent that the class rooms were luxurious. The Superintendent said he explained to the man when the school was built, it was built to house 600 children and they had 35 kids per room on average.

My previous mention that the school was built has been questioned by a few people and I was not at liberty to disclose the name of the person that told me. But this 600 number was mentioned at tonight's school board meeting by the School Superintendent and therefore public information.

The superintendent told me this morning the same thing he said at the School Board meeting, the questionnaire is to long and the questions to difficult to answer and would take to long to fill out. That just simply mystifies me. Many of the questions are simply yes or no questions. To difficult, really. What if students said that when they took their class room test of their SAT test, would that be cool?

If you were to hire a contractor for a major project wouldn't you answer his questions so he would know exactly what you wanted done? Otherwise, how does he know? How do you know what done, you want done, if you don't ask yourself questions?

I just happen to think the man was trying to be thorough and that would be what I would want out of a contractor wouldn't you?
It appears they don't want a contractor asking too many questions just like they don't want us asking too many questions! I don't believe they want the taxpayers informed about what is happening with the school budget or policy's or planning or they would post it on the School Web Site using all that high tech computer equipment they have.

I have posted the Heckman & Associates Report-Master Planning Facility Questionnaire using nothing more than a laptop. Couldn't the School Board do a better job with all that high tech they have?

My real question is what is really going on with the school board?
Where are all these ideas really coming from?

I've posted the document at https://app.box.com/files n PDF form.

And in the words of the School superintendent you decide for your self  if the questions are too many, to difficult or will take too much time to answer. Is it to much to ask of all those college educated folks?


Project 17

Mr. Editor how many NGO's does one county need?

Really another NGO – Non Governmental Organization
On the Front page of the local newspaper with colored picture and everything.
But where is the meat in the story?

They received a Million Dollar grant of OPM (Other Peoples Money) taxpayers dollars to create a greater understanding of the regions strengths and challenges in March of 2012.

Really?       What the heck does that mean?   Where are the results?

A Million Dollars and where is the data? What do they understand after a year?
How was the money spent, used?      What has a Million Dollars bought?

Where are the results?     Who is profiting from all that money?

And another $151,000 OPM (Other Peoples Money) from USDA Rural Development?
Where is the Rural Development?  What does that mean?

Who are the 17 Communities?  
Where is the story?

Is the story simply about 1,151,000.00 dollars of OPM (Other Peoples Money) taxpayers dollars, being wasted?

The paper said, Liz Hendricks the President of Public Squares Communities, INC. of Howard, Kansas was there. Where is that quality of life her organization Elk Konnected, LLC talks about?    

What's the story on Elk Konnected, LLC's day care center they touted so much? I have had people ask me about the day care center and I can't tell them anything? How about some real news with some real answers? Perhaps some real investigative reporting, how about that? How about informing the readers what is really going on, is that a possibility?
Skip the fluff or at least report some real information with the fluff?

Mr. Editor how many NGO's does one county need?

Isn't it all just politics anyway? Weren't Kansas politicians involved in this NGO?
Are politicians still involved in this Project 17 NGO? Isn't this just another means of funneling millions of OPM (Other Peoples Money), taxpayers dollars down a path of waste? If not where does the common person in Elk County benefit from all these tax payers dollars?

Mr. Editor how many NGO's does one county need?
I find these stories like this amazing lacking in anything of real value to the reader, but that's just my opinion?

What good has ever come out of these NGO's, please inform us?

Where is the economic growth?

Where is the greater quality of life?

Don't show me lollipops and expect me to buy it, show me some beef.

You notice after years of Global Warming it is now called Climate Change, just word games --- no beef!

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