Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: ROSS on June 19, 2013, 11:29:35 AM
Just like Elk Konnected, LLC on their Facebook claiming to have Graduated from Howard West Elk.  How stupid can they be? No LLC has ever graduated fro High School. Have you ever had an LLC enroll at any school you ever taught, did the company's  desk walk in and sit at another desk?  Well I know it could not have happened in Elk County, Kansas because there is no Howard West Elk School here.

You stated you wanted facts, well here are some facts, let's see what you do with them.

I attended Howard West Elk Jr-Sr High at the time I graduated high school.  I'm not sure what my high school diploma says since I have no idea where it might be, but my college transcripts from Wichita State University and Kansas State University both say that I graduated from Howard West Elk Jr-Sr High, which would have been entered into their systems from the diploma I provided a copy of when I enrolled.

The Kansas Department of Education also states that from the time it was built in 1978, opening on 08/01/1978, until 06/10/2010, the building that I attended 7th-12th grade at and graduated from was "Howard West Elk Jr-Sr High."

So technically the last sentence of your quoted statement is correct, there is no Howard West Elk School located in Elk County.  Since 07/01/2010 the school complex has been called "West Elk Schools."  However, anyone that attended after August of 1978, up until June of 2010 would be correct in stating that they attended (or studied at, in FB parlance) Howard West Elk Jr.- Sr. High.

Also, no where on the Facebook profile page for Elk Konnected does it state that they "graduated from Howard West Elk."  It says verbatim - "Studied at West Elk" (then just below) "Past: Howard West Elk Junior - Senior High"

This is more of you interjecting words of your own, changing the meaning of something.  Something you do very frequently, hoping no one chooses to follow up on their own so you can get away with it.  It is a form of lying, plain and simple, and done with the purpose to deceive.

You might try presenting information that you want us to believe are facts in their original form and context, rather than interpreting them for us, or interjecting words of your own.  You keep telling everybody not to believe anything you write.  If you don't want them to believe you, then why do you even write it?  Why must you alter the information that you try to present, unless you are wanting people to not take the time to fact-check your posts resulting in them making the incorrect assumption that you are telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

Why lie when you don't have to?
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.

Diane Amberg

Hey Ross,I'm either supposed to shut up or speak for myself. Which is it?  As far as my dealings out there...none of your business. You might well want to have many more loyal "sneaky rats" like me. ;D ;D ;D ;D :angel:

Diane Amberg

Hey Flint, what does the owner of this  thread  and a brand new pencil have in common? NO POINT! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :angel:


Quote from: flintauqua on June 19, 2013, 03:04:56 PM
You stated you wanted facts, well here are some facts, let's see what you do with them.

I attended Howard West Elk Jr-Sr High at the time I graduated high school.  I'm not sure what my high school diploma says since I have no idea where it might be, but my college transcripts from Wichita State University and Kansas State University both say that I graduated from Howard West Elk Jr-Sr High, which would have been entered into their systems from the diploma I provided a copy of when I enrolled.

The Kansas Department of Education also states that from the time it was built in 1978, opening on 08/01/1978, until 06/10/2010, the building that I attended 7th-12th grade at and graduated from was "Howard West Elk Jr-Sr High."

So technically the last sentence of your quoted statement is correct, there is no Howard West Elk School located in Elk County.  Since 07/01/2010 the school complex has been called "West Elk Schools."  However, anyone that attended after August of 1978, up until June of 2010 would be correct in stating that they attended (or studied at, in FB parlance) Howard West Elk Jr.- Sr. High.

Also, no where on the Facebook profile page for Elk Konnected does it state that they "graduated from Howard West Elk."  It says verbatim - "Studied at West Elk" (then just below) "Past: Howard West Elk Junior - Senior High"

This is more of you interjecting words of your own, changing the meaning of something.  Something you do very frequently, hoping no one chooses to follow up on their own so you can get away with it.  It is a form of lying, plain and simple, and done with the purpose to deceive.

You might try presenting information that you want us to believe are facts in their original form and context, rather than interpreting them for us, or interjecting words of your own.  You keep telling everybody not to believe anything you write.  If you don't want them to believe you, then why do you even write it?  Why must you alter the information that you try to present, unless you are wanting people to not take the time to fact-check your posts resulting in them making the incorrect assumption that you are telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

Why lie when you don't have to?

Did Elk Konnected, LLC really attend Howard West Elk?
I have never in my life heard of an LLC, a company attending Jr or Senior High School!
That is amazing. Is Elk Konnected, LLC's picture in the year book?
I don't recall talking about a person just a privately owned company, so help me out, help me understand what you are talking about, please?

You seem to have verified that what I have been saying, that being there is no Howard West Elk today in Elk County, Kansas. I was never referring to the past, only the present. And that is a fact.

I write only to engage the county public, the taxpayers and the voters of Elk County.

I never said people of the past did not attend Howard West Elk, nor did I say anything about them old folks graduation certificates, now did I. So lets skip into the present and let the past be the past, does that sound like a plan?

Therefore, the signs taken from West Elk for Howard City limits is also proven a lie for Howard by your facts.
Thank You.

As to answer your question of why I post and don't ask people to believe me.
It's for them to think for themselves and to engage them. When ever I talk to some of the posters and readers that are not Konnected Followers they encourage me to continue. How does that make you feel, it is contrary to what you say isn't it?

My efforts are a damn site better effort than all the so called leaders and the supposedly elite of the county have done. Don't you think?

Elk Konnected said they wanted to engage the people on this forum and IMHO have failed miserably at it.

The school board says they want more people involved, but they fail to engage the people after accusing the old folks of lacking the knowledge to recognize the importance of technology. How's that for leadership?

None of the leadership has corrected a single thing I have posted, so it must be right, don't you think?

These are not made up facts and you can not say they are! Oh go ahead say its fiction, I don't care. Believe what you will.

But you know what? People are talking and sharing and discussing all of this, and that is good. Unless, you are against such a thing and want to keep the people in the dark.

You sure used a lot of words to call me a liar and I really appreciate your effort.

So let's keep the dialog going, it is interesting, don't you think?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 19, 2013, 04:09:38 PM
Hey Ross,I'm either supposed to shut up or speak for myself. Which is it?  As far as my dealings out there...none of your business. You might well want to have many more loyal "sneaky rats" like me. ;D ;D ;D ;D :angel:

I am happy to know that you call those so called silent partners, sneaky rats".

But you forgot that being so is cowardly.

I don't really want to know any thing about you Diane, I've already learned to much.

But you are not a voter or a taxpayer or a parent with a child in school here and you obviously don't attend local meetings.

I bet you are not even involved in your local school board meetings and county commissioners or city council meetings Delaware, because you are to busy spreading BS for some sneaky rat in Elk County, Kansas.

Or is it perhaps you are not permitted to participate in Delaware ?

Enough said.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 19, 2013, 04:12:11 PM
Hey Flint, what does the owner of this  thread  and a brand new pencil have in common? NO POINT! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :angel:

If there is no point here, then the point must be on your head.

As in a dunce cap, because keep coming here,  with smart ass remarks trying to bully me into shutting up.

I use the word dunce because you are a use to be teacher and perhaps you recall what that term means.

And as a use to be teacher you were supposedly well trained and educated in the theories and disciplines of bullying and have put that knowledge to use here on this form on several threads.

Now teach you weren't suppose to learn all that to use to bully but to prevent bullying, remember.
But, I bet you forgot that right after learning about bullying and I almost bet you used it in your class rooms.

but you go ahead with utilizing your education on bullying right here. The name calling and making fun of keep it up, it delinates your true intelligence you have gained from getting a college degree.  Have fun, I am truly enjoying your put downs.

I sure am glad I am not edumacted to a college degree.

I am very proud to be a redneck hick.

Bring it back, slap me hard.  But remember this is where we live and you don't live here city girl.
I repeat this is a local discussion.


Doesn't appear to be much of a LOCAL discussion to me.  In the last 100 posts on this thread, besides yourself Ross, how many are by individual resident, tax-paying Elk Countians?  Shouldn't take more than one hand to count them.  Wonder why that is?  Any factual explanation or will you just come up with a list of suppostitions to justify why there isn't more.

Diane Amberg

               Warning! Long and boring epistle following. Read at your own risk. You were warned!  ;) :angel:
Lloyd, as far as my involvement here locally, you couldn't be more wrong.
I still make time to help out my Kansas friends, (and family in Elk County) some of whom are just stunned by you and a few others and how primitive your thinking is in relation to the year 2013.
You can spout all you want....it's your right, but I still don't know why you are so insulting as to think the people there can't think for themselves.  Me name calling?   How so? That's your doing, not mine. 
You say you are so stupid and uneducated and then expect people to hang on your every word as the local "expert"in all things Elk County! Not everyone there is as 'anti" everything as a few of you are.  You hate taxes, yet that's what provides jobs for some of you there. How else would many things get done?
Of course it makes sense to be a good steward for public money, but you want to personally micromanage every penny.

My word, if people spent as much time justifying as much as you want to know, they couldn't get any real work done and would be so slowed down it would cost even more hours and money to complete anything.
People don't want to sit in meetings and listen to folks drone on and on about how and where every penny was spent and how it was decided how and where to spend it.  It's dull and would drive otherwise interested people away. Not everyone wants to listen to somebody ask all those micro questions. They elected or hired people to take care of things and are happy to let them do their jobs. Not everyone is suspicious of everyone and assumes that every single person is up to some conspiracy.
I still don't understand why you are so riled up over the placement of a sign, near or at the school. Don't you think people know what it means no matter where the exact placement is? What evil intent do you think was meant?  Is it a huge conspiracy? TO DO WHAT?
Lloyd, I know you have proved you can't read very well and your comprehension level is  lower that it should be for your age. That may not be your fault. You might have a learning disability that you struggle with and really are doing the best you can. If so, I don't mean to write over your head.
I have asked you nicely many times not to twist what I say and attribute things to me that I never said.  it's very rude to "translate" what people write to mean something they didn't mean just to suit yourself.  Throwing a negative spin on what someones says, and I don't mean just me, makes the writer angry and makes you look bad.(if you said this you must really mean that.) Isn't that kind of thing beneath you? ( I have a bet on what you say next and how you will respond.)
You don't know who all my friends and family are, many do not have anything to do with the forum. That's their business. Yet you say they are rats?  Yup, I'd figure as much. ;D ;D ;D ;D ( Be careful, it might be a local minister!) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Nothing of any substance.
You have apparently changed the topic without changing the title.
Now I'm leaving again for a good long while. I had only stopped by to see what was new. Nothing. What goes around comes around, and around, and around. Now go enjoy your summer and don't fall off that pretty horse.   


 Sure, I'm a gonna respond that is a bad wager.
Diane I am so sorry for you. This is just to rich in B. S.
Yes, we have to discuss this.
And it will be fun.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 20, 2013, 09:00:59 AM
               Warning! Long and boring epistle following. Read at your own risk. You were warned!  ;) :angel:
Lloyd, as far as my involvement here locally, you couldn't be more wrong.
I still make time to help out my Kansas friends, (and family in Elk County) some of whom are just stunned by you and a few others and how primitive your thinking is in relation to the year 2013.

Well that is just amazing, un-named and probably imaginary friends, LOL.
If they truly exist, I am sure they are stunned by my honest questions that never get answered. As well by the fact that I admit to make errors occasionally and tell anyone thank you for correcting me, when it happens. Not too many people admit to being a human that is capable of error.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 20, 2013, 09:00:59 AM
You can spout all you want....it's your right, but I still don't know why you are so insulting as to think the people there can't think for themselves.  Me name calling?   How so? That's your doing, not mine.

Sure I can spout off all I want, just as you do from Delaware, thank you for your consent to do so. Yes my dear you and your name calling. Oh yea I'm guilty of calling you imaginary silent partner a sneaky rat, that is to cowardly to speak for themselves. But let's remember that is an imaginary friend. But that was not really twisting anything, it was simply stating my opinion.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 20, 2013, 09:00:59 AM
You say you are so stupid and uneducated and then expect people to hang on your every word as the local "expert"in all things Elk County! Not everyone there is as 'anti" everything as a few of you are.  You hate taxes, yet that's what provides jobs for some of you there. How else would many things get done?

Now who is twisting things, LOL.
I never said I was stupid.
I never said I expected anyone to hang on your every word as the local "expert".
I have actually asked that no one believe anything I say and to think for themselves.
I have never said I hate taxes.
I really ain't anti-anything, but I am pro-honesty and transparency in our local government. I don't believe you will appreciate the positive outlook of this statement.
Twist and twist and twist Diane, but it won't help your figure, LOL, The devil made me do that. And I ain't apologizing for it.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 20, 2013, 09:00:59 AM
Of course it makes sense to be a good steward for public money, but you want to personally micromanage every penny.

So what the hell makes up a good steward of the taxpayers money. Sitting back and ignoring red flags, is that what you think?

Oh, I suppose you don't question government. Everything government is always right in you opinion I guess. Obama must be number one with you snooping on everything that you do by violating your constitutional rights. I think I'm beginning to understand you.

No Diane I am not wanting to micromanage ever penny. But I will demonstrate nearly $330,000 during March of 2010 that I feel was spent for the purpose of shaming the taxpayers for refusing to approve a $5.5 million dollar bond issue. I will provide the documentation that, I paid good money for, as is my right to public information as a taxpayer and under the freedom of information act.

It seems to me you have a real problem with democracy and the laws there of.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 20, 2013, 09:00:59 AM
My word, if people spent as much time justifying as much as you want to know, they couldn't get any real work done and would be so slowed down it would cost even more hours and money to complete anything.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 20, 2013, 09:00:59 AM
People don't want to sit in meetings and listen to folks drone on and on about how and where every penny was spent and how it was decided how and where to spend it.  It's dull and would drive otherwise interested people away. Not everyone wants to listen to somebody ask all those micro questions. They elected or hired people to take care of things and are happy to let them do their jobs. Not everyone is suspicious of everyone and assumes that every single person is up to some conspiracy.

What micro questions are you talking about. You sound like a real politician right here, saying absolutely nothing. And that is only your personal opinion abut what people want to hear questions during meetings. When was the last time you attend any meeting in El k County, Kansas. Rather rude of you to assume you know what the people of Elk County want from way up there in Delaware isn't it. Oh, I forgot your imaginary silent partner that is a sneaky rat. SHAME on me.

Sure we elected people to do the job, but that does not exclude the from answering to the public. You really have some weird ideas. How are the citizens suppose to be good stewards if they are not properly informed by their government about what is actually going on? Or if they are denied the right to ask. Wow, really weird Diane
Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 20, 2013, 09:00:59 AM
I still don't understand why you are so riled up over the placement of a sign, near or at the school. Don't you think people know what it means no matter where the exact placement is? What evil intent do you think was meant?  Is it a huge conspiracy? TO DO WHAT?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 20, 2013, 09:00:59 AM
Lloyd, I know you have proved you can't read very well and your comprehension level is  lower that it should be for your age. That may not be your fault. You might have a learning disability that you struggle with and really are doing the best you can. If so, I don't mean to write over your head.

Oh, that is so cool, you are the great and wise Wizard of Oz in Delaware. Thank you olh great one. I am running out to see a psychiatrist right now. God bless you, thank you, I am eternally grateful to you, oh Godess of Beauty. How can I ever repay you.

Did you ever figure out why I included so many states in my dialog with you. Because none of those states have anything to do with Elk County politics and it's voters and local taxpayers. I hope you comprehend this clarification. Oh great one from Delaware.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 20, 2013, 09:00:59 AM
I have asked you nicely many times not to twist what I say and attribute things to me that I never said.  it's very rude to "translate" what people write to mean something they didn't mean just to suit yourself.  Throwing a negative spin on what someones says, and I don't mean just me, makes the writer angry and makes you look bad.(if you said this you must really mean that.) Isn't that kind of thing beneath you? ( I have a bet on what you say next and how you will respond.)

I don't twist what you say, I don't translate what you say, I only express my opinion of what you say. But whoa, you gave me consent a few paragraphs up above to spout off all I want. Are you now rescinding that consent?  Don't you comprehend what you wrote?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 20, 2013, 09:00:59 AM
You don't know who all my friends and family are, many do not have anything to do with the forum. That's their business. Yet you say they are rats?  Yup, I'd figure as much. ;D ;D ;D ;D ( Be careful, it might be a local minister!) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Nothing of any substance.

Who really cares who your friends are?
A local minister, are you threatening me with a local minister?
I'm quaking in my boots.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 20, 2013, 09:00:59 AM
You have apparently changed the topic without changing the title.
Now I'm leaving again for a good long while. I had only stopped by to see what was new. Nothing. What goes around comes around, and around, and around. Now go enjoy your summer and don't fall off that pretty horse.   

Nothing new, whatcha talking about?
You really don't comprehend, even what you write do you?
You said I changed the topic, is that the Nothing you talk about.

But really I didn't change the topic it is still related to Elk Konnected, LLC via our Elk Konnected School Board President and possibly a couple of followers. And I think you fully recognize that fact as a friend of Elk Konnected and Follower.

I thank you for your hilarious dialog. Have a great day and we will look forward to your speedy return and your imaginary friends.

Please come back and attempt to slap me down again. It is so much fun to read. Thank you.


My calculations which I plan to double check, from West Elk Documentation
Comes to $365,969,05 they paid for trailers and installation there of.
Trailers they considered eyesores then and consider eyesores today as I understand them.

I will try to figure out how to post all this documentation.
It is public information requested under the freedom of information act.
I just don't have the time presently.

I know and understand there those on here that don't want you to see this information, they have tried their best to hammer me and failed, they don't want you to know this information because you might consider it a waste of taxpayer dollars.
Especially, since the Moline Grade School could probably have had it's roof repaired for a lot less.

It may be a couple of days before I get this information posted, please bear with me.

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