Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: ELK@KC on November 27, 2012, 07:31:40 PM
Pure conjecture or wishful thinking. You and Ross are the  2 most negative things to come to elk county ever.

Would you care to review your own negative attitude about people wanting to learn what is going on with their elected officials!

Also how about your negative attitude towards peeople and their right to free speech

Now about your negative remark, I can only answer for myself!

If you are refering to me being negative about the NGO of konnected kounty kommissioner Hendricks, know as elk konnected, llc and it's followers and their actions, I totally agree with you.

And that is a very positive thing!

The negative attitude about elk konnected, llc was perpetrated by their funky kommunity konversations and by their list on page one of this thread and the fact the followers tend to deny the list came from elk konnected, llc and was turned over to two konnected kounty kommissioners and on non-konnected County Commissioner. And this is a very positive thing to be negative about.

And the negative attitued is also perpetrated by the two konnected kounty kommissioners proposed, "Neighborhood Revitalization Program" they rushed to get approved before they lose control of our County Commissioners Board.

Who proposed this idea to the county commissioners, can you answer this simple question?
Was it the konnected kounty kommissioners NGO, elk konnected, llc?

I bet you don't dare answer those two questions, not honestly anyway.

Being negative can be a very positive thing.

Shooting someone can be avery negative thing, right?
Doesn't that depend on the full situation?
If the man being shot is about to kill someone, then couldn't the shooting be a very positive thing?
Just pointing out that a negative thing can be very good.

You sure seem to have a negative attitude going on, exceot I think you have a positive attitude that people shouldn't have freedom of speech.

You rock fella!


So what happened to all the Konnected ones?

Can't they answer any questions?

Or are they questioning their own position or thoughts?

I'd really appreciate some answers from the Konnected Ones, wouldn"t you?


Perhaps they're off chewing on the bone they just threw themselves and Kontemplating their next Konquest & Konversation... Agenda 21 Sustainability/Smart Growth for the Flint Hills & Elk Kounty.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on November 29, 2012, 08:48:07 AM
Perhaps they're off chewing on the bone they just threw themselves and Kontemplating their next Konquest & Konversation... Agenda 21 Sustainability/Smart Growth for the Flint Hills & Elk Kounty.

I'd prfer to think they were reviewing their actions and attitudes
and the pain and damage they may be inducing in Elk County.

Wishful thinking I know!


Quote from: Ross on November 29, 2012, 08:54:07 AM
Wishful thinking I know!

Yep, it is.  Freight trains don't stop on a dime, and greedy, self serving elitists only review their actions to make sure their plans are proceeding properly.  Read legal notices in yesterday's paper.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on November 29, 2012, 09:55:46 AM
Yep, it is.  Freight trains don't stop on a dime, and greedy, self serving elitists only review their actions to make sure their plans are proceeding properly.  Read legal notices in yesterday's paper.

All very Good points.


Well, here we go I finally received my property tax from the County!
Am I pleased with it?

Not hardly, when my property tax for:
County increased     5.63%
Cemetery increased   22.93%
Library increased   34.33%
Other increased     3.32%  what is other?
School District     7.40%

And while the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners approved the "Neighborhood Revitalization Program" that awards, possibly their friends, family's, cronies, Konnected associates and possibly themselves, people with money the opportunity to receive TAX WELFARE referred to as tax rebate. Good Job, not hardly in my opinion. In fact piss poor leadership qualities in my opinion. Good leaders do not ignore the people they are suppose to be working for.

This is quite similar to what use to be referred to as corporate welfare in the federal government that people got tired of.

Should I be pleased with my property taxes?
Should I be pleased with the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners actions?

I don't think so, do you?

They know the majority of the taxpayers disapprove of the implementation of this program or they would have had it on the election ballot, don't you think? Don't you think they would have liked to have a fair and honest reply from the voters if they thought the people would have liked it?

I was unable to attend the County Commissioners hearing on this proposal and I really wanted to be there. However, it was reported that numerous people spoke out against approving the Program. It was reported that someone said that the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners weren't listening, to which they replied that they were. They may have been listening, but apparently they didn't hear, commonly know as selective hearing, because they approved the proposal any way. Who exactly, made this proposal to our County Commissioners? Did it just vaporize out of no where?

I did not hear a report about anyone being there that spoke about passing the proposal, so what did the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners hear and why did they ignore what they heard from the citizens?

Why have a hearing if the decision is most likely predetermined before the County Commissioners Meeting is even convened?

Oh yea, the law says you have to have a hearing, right?
But the law does not say you have to actually hear the people, does it?
So much for a government of the people, for the people and by the people with a communist type situation, right?
No respect for the people or the people's government is there? How shameful!

Is the respect for the people being replaced by respect for Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks NGO?

Why doesn't her NGO Stand Tall and Stand Out?
By that I am asking who are the Konnected ones?
Why do the Konnected Hide?
Where is there Konnected Kommunity?

Do you want an NGO controlling your West Elk School Board and your County Government?

Remember you never heard of Facilitators until Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks NGO, Elk Konnected, LLC came along, now did you?

And why is the West Elk School Board doing allowing a high priced Facilitator do their job they were elected to do? And now it appears they are allowing him to do PR on the students, staff, faculty and the general public, why are they doing that? Isn't their primary duty to run the school and provide an education for the children? Or is it the primary job is to let a high priced Facilitator from who knows where to manipulate them, the students, the staff, the faculty and the general population? They said they even want people from out side the district to attend a manipulation session –er- sorry, a Facilitated session, by a high priced Facilitator and why? There goes our tax dollars.

Oh, I think they are going try to over come a history problem with-in the district!
The history of trying to pass a very expensive school building that failed. You know the one with the community shelter, right?

Is the history of referring to West Elk as Howard West Elk one of the history?
Was the Idea of moving the Howard City Limits at least a mile out to encompass the school, so they could really call it Howard West Elk? Were the rest of the people in the West Elk School District consider in such a selfishly thought plan, even considered? I think not.

Was Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks NGO, Elk Konnected, LLC involved in most of that bad history?
Is it involved in the present situation with the School Board?

Where are the great Konnected ones today, with some real answers?
Are they going to remain in hiding?
Perhaps the Wizard of Oz might come forward with some answers?
Do you suppose he has any visionaries?
Are they possibly being told to keep their mouths shut?

Come out, Come out, wherever you are!

Stand Tall!
Stand Proud!
That is if you have anything to be proud of?
Do you have anything to be proud of?
Really, do you?


I'm having flash backs of Huey  Long and Richard Daily


Quote from: oldfart on November 30, 2012, 01:25:08 PM
I'm having flash backs of Huey  Long and Richard Daily

And you should be....

"The time has come for all good men to rise above principle."
- Huey Long

"We have to face it: in America today the way to have fun and celebrate is to break a store window and take something. That's the way it is, today in America, and we have to accept it."  Richard Daily

Seems we've reached the point where rising above principle and breaking in and taking something is a perfect description of many, if not most, our 'leaders', their perspectives and their policies.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Nobody, Not One
Single Sole Admits Being A Member
Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks
Elk Konnected, LLC
Is everyone ashaned of the Organization

I'd think you
would be celebrating or bragging
about screwing over the
majority of taxpayers of
Elk County,
So What's the Problem


Where are all those name callers?

Did the Followers finally realise they are not members, not insiders but actually outsiders being used as pawns?
Did they finally realise they have been being used and that is why the are called Followers?
Is that what happened and they finally woke up?
Where did they go?

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