Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Well, Red it is my opinion if the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners wanted
real population growth,
real economic growth,
rather than just welfare called a tax break for a few,
the proposed "Neighborhood Revitalization Program" would be tossed out.

After all it as has been stated several times the Great State of Kansas has STRONGLY suggested that this proposed, "Neighborhood Revitalization Program" not be used in rural area. Just what do the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners know that the Kansas State Officials don't know?

Oh, I suppose they might know that their friends, cronies, relatives and perhaps even they, themselves may benefit from such a program.

Perhaps, they know if they don't push this thing now, that it won't get approved next year when Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks Elk Konnected, LLC will no longer have the Kontroling votes on the Elk County Board of Commissioners, what do you think? Is that a great Econimic Development Plan? Yes, the average tax paying citizen does count, yes they will probably be heard at the hearing and if not there later. perhaps loud and clear.
I already know some people that won't shop in Elk County for personal reasons, give that some thought! Do you really want real ghost towns? Personally, I'd rather keep my money in Elk County rather than support another counties economic or sales tax base. But come what may?

Do you call that leadership?
I don't!

Perhaps if they realize that because they want to allow welfare also known as a property tax rebate that perhaps, people other than myself might considering it a form of boycotting paying their fair share of property taxes through this loop hole, maybe they to will boycott any business (who have friends, relatives, etc.)  associated with accepting this form of welfare.

I think the Konnected Followers went into hiding as far as this thread, just before the election for good cause as well as doing what followers do best, follow orders.   They are even remaining in hiding after the election, low profile, most likely because of this thread in regards to proposed, "Neighborhood Revitalization Program". I don't believe they want to discuss this program because, because lot of information came out that they don't want out. Does Elk County need that kind of an NGO that claims leadership? Just my personal opinion and questions.

I'd like to know who authored or who brought this ridiculous idea to the County Commissioners? (See more ridiculous ideas on page one of this thread.) The reason I ask, is because there is no economics in it for Elk County as a whole, only to a very few people, some that have applied as applicants and have apparently been accepted by Elk County Government for a program that does not exist. There is absolutely nothing acceptable or honorable of these types of actions by our local government, just the opposite in my opinion.

Socialism is alive and well in Elk County. Have you heard of the fiscal cliff, it's in the news everyday? Socialism is a big factor in that, isn't it? Is Austerity in the US of A possible because of Socialism? I think so, if not soon, later! Can it happen in Elk County, financial problems due to socialism, very possible in my opinion! Just keep letting property taxes increase while giving property tax breaks to a few, that should do it, don't you think?

I'm just an uneducated redneck that can see through the smoke screen, can anyone else?

Perhaps 2013 may bring honorable conditions back to Elk County Government. I hope so, don't you?

Can anyone show me something different, I'd really like to see it!


I found this interesting, it appears that the Followers are over on another thread, apparently avoiding this thread.

But still up to the same old stuff, check it out:

Quote from: Fire Elk on November 10, 2012, 07:21:27 PM
Oh, lest I forget to include our local elk county forum. Voted to keep the status quo. What about the county commissioners? Yes, even that was a status quo vote. Thanks, for those of you that voted for Gary Hebb. His family has a long caring history of doing what is right in EK. Thank goodness no one listened to Ross the outsider.

Isn't that name calling by you, "Ross the outsider", my, my!

Now what does all that other stuff mean?
Does it mean, that I never supported Mr. Hebb on this thread?
Look again, please.

By status quo, does that mean you are telling us that Mr. Hebb is Elk Konnected?

What outsider, I live right here in Elk County and I pay taxes to the county?
Also I am a born and raised Kansas citizen.
I served in the military for ten years as a Kansas citizen, as a Vietnam Veteran!

Is calling a person an "Outsider" conducive to Population Growth?
Is it that they don't want population growth?

Oh, perhaps you mean, I'm not related to certain families in EK, what?

Quote from: Fire Elk on November 10, 2012, 08:04:18 PM
No the shot at Ross is well deserved, he earned it all on his own for all his name calling.

What name calling?

Oh. Konnected Kounty Kommissioners, well who came up with using the K as in Konnected?

Who came up with the name Followers?

I can't appologize for the name generated by EK, now can I?

Quote from: Fire Elk on November 10, 2012, 08:04:18 PM
In the end I was right and so was my understanding of EK politics.

So it is Elk Konnected politics instead of Elk County politics, is that it?

As I understand what you are saying then is Elk County is  Elk Konnected Kounty right?

Is that what you are implying about Mr. Hebb as well?

I sure am hoping you are wrong.

But, You sure are clearing up a bunch of stuff, me thinks!

Thank you!


 You know it strikes me that certain elements in Elk County have major attitued problems with what they refer to as outsiders!
Newbies that movie here to Elk County is who those outsiders are, and there are a lot of them!

I think Elk County should embrace these newbies, these outsiders because they represent population growth!

I suggest you simply get over the bad attitude because you can not reproduce fast enough and you can not keep your children from growing up and facing the world and looking for good paying jobs with good benefits.

There a lot worse things that can happen to Elk County then newbies moving to Elk County! For instance, the communities becoming real ghost towns.

The attitude for stagnant growth, I sense and it is only my opinion comes from "The old Guard" and Elk Konnected, LLC and the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners! And you know what, I don't even have any visionaries, but I think I do speak here in the written language pretty clearly, none of that stuff of "Quality of Life", stuff that has no backbone to it, no meaning, no plan. What is with that?

Also, I don't  hide behind a phony name or call myself Konnected especially, since, there is nothing to be connected with. That is just as phony as one can get, IMHO!  All of it so phony and no backbone, I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you, but the so called Followers can't even explain anything, so there is your proof!

When Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks, Elk Konnected, LLC loses control of the County Commissioners Board, I believe at that time the County Commissioners can then reverse anything passed between now and January!

What is wrong with doing some real and actual Economic Development, you Konnected Kounty Kommissioners hired an Educated Economic Development Employee didn't you? Even I, who have no education in the fiield knows there is no real Economic Development going on in Elk County. It isn't that difficult to see.

If I'm wrong, show me some real economic development that is happening, please?
Or please, quit spending my tax dollars on a worthless job position?
Don't feed me that old line that Economic Development is difficult to understand or explain, that stuff just won't fly any longer.


You know it strikes me that certain elements in Elk County have major attitued problems with what they refer to as outsiders!
Newbies that movie here to Elk County is who those outsiders are, and there are a lot of them!

I think Elk County should embrace these newbies, these outsiders because they represent population growth!

I suggest you simply get over the bad attitude because you can not reproduce fast enough and you can not keep your children from growing up and facing the world and looking for good paying jobs with good benefits.

There a lot worse things that can happen to Elk County then newbies moving to Elk County! For instance, the communities becoming real ghost towns.

The attitude for stagnant growth, I sense and it is only my opinion comes from "The old Guard" and Elk Konnected, LLC and the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners! And you know what, I don't even have any visionaries, but I do speak here in the written language pretty clearly, none of that stuff of "Quality of Life" stuff with no backbone to it, no meaning, no plan. What is with that?

Also, I don't do no hiding behind a phony name or call myself Konnected especially, since there is nothing to be connected with. That is just as phony as one can get, IMHO!  All of it so phony and no backbone, I'm sorry to have to be the one to tellir you, but the so called Followers can't even explain anything, so there is your proof!

Konnected Kopunty Kommissioner Hendricks, Elk Konnected, LLC loses control of the County Commissioners Board. At that time I believe the County Commissioners can then reverse anything passed between now and January!

What is wrong with doing some real and actual Economic Development, you Konnected Kounty Kommissioners hired an Educated Economic Development Employee didn't you? Even I who have no education in the fiield know there is no real Economic Development going on in Elk County. It isn't that difficult to see.

If I'm wrong, show me some real economic development that is happening, please?
Or please, quit spending my tax dollars on the job position?
Don't feed me that old line that Economic development is but that is okaydifficult to understand or explain, that won't fly.

Because that is just more foolishness as portrayed on page one of this thread.

I don't expect any truthful responses, I don't expect any responses, but that is okay.

I don't believe the entities involved have any real answers.

Diane Amberg

Nope, I won't touch it, even though it's funny. I said I'd be good and it's hard, but I will do it. Self control.  He won't understand. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Fire Elk

Ross, just a few things to clarify for you. I don't speak for Elk Konnected, just for me. EK is the county code for Elk County Kansas which is how I was using it in the post. It can be found on your vehicle registration sticker on your license plate. I only refer to you as an outsider and that is your own doing. Since you are an outsider; I will tell you that the county code was 68 before it was EK, but that has been out of use for a long time. No I was not suggesting that Mr. Hebb has anything to do with Elk Konnected, that is just you taking a wild jumping conclusion. I hope I clarified some of your questions for you.



QuoteYou know it strikes me that certain elements in Elk County have major attitued problems with what they refer to as outsiders!
Newbies that movie here to Elk County is who those outsiders are, and there are a lot of them! .......How can you trust someone so judgemental and is so knowledgeable of ever facet of the internet?   I gotta admit, I plagiarized some of this, but it was just too good to pass up. 

Sorry Ross, just had to do it as I am  redneck sob-ette from hell!
This was taken admittedly out of context just to show how the melodrama mamma's do it.
Now, that being said....do you have anything new to add to the table, or do you wish to bring up things from 7 years ago like Hendrick's auntie and the original mysterious plots of Public Squares and their pompous patting on the backs?
I don't think so, you will copy and paste and reiterate what hs been so pontifically said over the past 489 pages, ad nauseum.
The people have voted, now let's get on with the present and let these people do their job!

^sarcasm is now off, carry on, my wayword son.^

ready, and out to actually discuss   (yes, you referrd to my thread, of which I thought was an actual learning process, untill you referred to it here.....not cool)


Quote from: Fire Elk on November 11, 2012, 06:21:10 PM
Ross, just a few things to clarify for you. I don't speak for Elk Konnected, just for me. EK is the county code for Elk County Kansas which is how I was using it in the post. It can be found on your vehicle registration sticker on your license plate. I only refer to you as an outsider and that is your own doing. Since you are an outsider; I will tell you that the county code was 68 before it was EK, but that has been out of use for a long time. No I was not suggesting that Mr. Hebb has anything to do with Elk Konnected, that is just you taking a wild jumping conclusion. I hope I clarified some of your questions for you.


On this thread EK has been used by the Followers to mean Elk Konnected so it is helpful that you clarify yourself.
Just shorthand. Nothing mysterious about it, no 68, 77, no 100, this is today now, not yesteryear. This is not a long time ago and therefore not relevant today, IMHO?

What is your definition of an outsider?  You never clarified yourself on that one?

If I am an outsider why do you want my tax dollars? Please explain!
If I am an outsider why shouldI I support the local business?

Where exactly are you coming from?

If you are so against outsiders how do you hope to have population growth or economic growth?
If you are so against outsiders in Elk County, why have the rules of Public Squares Communities, INC of Leoti, Kansas and of Kansas City been so graciously accepted and followed?
Why was the man from Leoti, Kansas with his organization, so welcome with his methods of operating?

I was not taking a wild jumping conclusion, I was aksing you a very simple question? So sorry you misunderstood.


Quote from: readyaimduck on November 11, 2012, 06:48:12 PM
Sorry Ross, just had to do it as I am  redneck sob-ette from hell!
This was taken admittedly out of context just to show how the melodrama mamma's do it.
Now, that being said....do you have anything new to add to the table, or do you wish to bring up things from 7 years ago like Hendrick's auntie and the original mysterious plots of Public Squares and their pompous patting on the backs?
I don't think so, you will copy and paste and reiterate what hs been so pontifically said over the past 489 pages, ad nauseum.
The people have voted, now let's get on with the present and let these people do their job!

^sarcasm is now off, carry on, my wayword son.^

ready, and out to actually discuss   (yes, you referrd to my thread, of which I thought was an actual learning process, untill you referred to it here.....not cool)

Sure, I may keep repeating in order to keep it fresh in the minds of the people, I don't know? But no one is forced to read it.

I did not mean to offend you with bring the insults of me over here, not at all my intention. But, I did not want to offend you by responding to the insults on your thread either. However, I did enjoy your post and was simply trying to avoid offending you.

I did not want to turn your thread into something about me.

Truely, Sorry about that Ready I did not intend to offend you !


Not offended Ross.  Just a clarification.  Your thread started me thinking, and thinking, and thinking.
We agree to dissagree to use big fonts and rolling screens? 


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