Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 02, 2012, 01:28:51 PM
Ross, you poor thing.
 Calling me a liar about the forum in my own state? You know nothing about it obviously, or you would say the name and the administrators name and how many members there are.
  You have again put lots of words in my mouth that I never said. You brag about your lack of education but do you have to keep proving it over and over? If you feel inadequate as compared to others, that's on you. I know exactly what you are trying to do and it won't work.
How have I ever screwed up this thread ? According to you nobody reads what I say or ever pays any attention to it. Are you afraid some people like hearing other points of view and might actually agree with some??I promise you they do. If ya do any more twisting you'll turn into a pretzel

ROFLMAO! So sorry Diane or who ever writes for Diane!

Write-in  Mr. Wunderlich

And vote for  Mr. Hebb

A Great Improvement,  Great POSITIVE change For Elk County
Actually an Amazing Improvement For Elk County


  I sure hope the majority of people in Elk County believe it's time and vote out

Plutocracy in Elk County Goverment!


I think our local county government is ill and needs healing.
Why do some think people with money need welfare in the form of tax kick backs or welfare called tax rebates?
When there are those living on very tight budgets that have trouble paying their taxes?
Don't you consider that ill? The above is strictly my personal opinion I am sharing with you.

Read http://www.votemicky.org/issues.htm to see what else ails Elk County government.

Do you want Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks NGO, Elk Konnected, LLC to continue to run Elk County Government?
Possibly the "Old Guard" as well?

If not :

Let's change things, let's take our County Government back.

Write-in  Mr. Wunderlich

And vote for  Mr. Hebb

A Great Improvement,  Great POSITIVE change For Elk County
Actually an Amazing Improvement For Elk County
As Larry the Cable Guy own catchphrase says "Git-R-Done!"

Just days to decide!


The reason given for the start up of Elk Konnected, LLC by Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks I believe was that Elk Kounty is broken! And the way you do things in this county! Well I totally disagree with her. There is nothing broken about Elk County and the people that live here.

I believe what the problem she was addressing about Elk County Communities, the real and actual that is communities that is, (not he imaginary community) is the fact that the "Old Guard" , didn't have control of those people and families in those communities. She was unhappy about those two communities opting out of her demands to accept County Wide Refuse as their trash haulers. She apparently didn't like the fact that they had their own city government and that her NGO didn't have control of their cities. So, really what was/is broken?

Just read their list, starting at the beginning of this thread, this is listed there:

Quote from: Ross on April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

Unified Gov't (w/in the county) to save money and become more unified (do away with city gov't, councils­
(cont.) all centrally located-one managing body) (Big Ideas's)

Really doesn't this just sound more like a real control freak rather than a true leader?  "do away with city gov't, councils­"?

So, what is really broken?

Elk Konnected, LLC . already had control of our County Covernment by having two Konnected Kounty Kommissioners which gave them the controlling votes of any actions to be approved by the county? And that includes all the money approved for Elk Konnected, LLC out of the County Recreational Fund. For the benefit of Elk Konnected, LLC, we were told by their founder Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks that the tax money in the County Coffers labeled the County Recreational Fund wasn't the County Taxpayers money, as if nobody, but she and her NGO had any say about that money. She said it was a different thing! I disagree with her, we the taxpayers, you and me, are the owners of the County Coffers not Elk Konnected, LLC .

And to see what else is actually broken in Elk County all you have to do is read this thread, just check out all the failures listed, through out this thread, Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks NGO, Elk Konnected, LLC .

Think about it, is it Elk County or Elk Konnected, LLC that is broken?

IS it Elk County or the Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners Hendricks and Liebau that are broken ?

I happen to think that the various Communities are each quite unique and have well functioning City Councils and citizens and should never have been put down publicly by Elk Konnected, LLC . and especially by an elected official operating and talking and printing such absolute crap as an NGO and listing her name as Elk County Commissioner. I find that Totally Unacceptable and Unprofessional.

I think, it's time to vote these (loosers) Elk Konnected, LLC, Konnected Kounty Kommissioners be voted out of office and then they can bad mouth Elk County as previous County Commissioner!

And trust me they will list themselves as jus that on thinks like  Elk Konnected, LLC. They will list themselves as Previous Elk County Commissioner, that's a fact.

But, I would rather see them bad mouthing Elk County as Previous County Commissioners and their NGO and possibly the "Old Guard" no longer controlling County Government!

Two NGO's Public Squares Communities, INC brought the NGO Elk Konnected, LLC to Elk County via one of our County Commissioners and now they have brought yet another NGO to Elk County. These NGO's are connected to other NGO's within the state which are most likely connected to even much larger NGO's across the country! Where does it all stop! It doesn't stop with out you and your vote right here in Elk County on Tuesday, vote out Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners. Vote in Mr. Hebb and write in Mr. Wunderlich. Do it for yourself, do it for Elk County.

If you have any doubts that it is the right thing to do, please re-read this thread. Read about the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners failures as  Elk Konnected, LLC ! Read about the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners permitting abuses of County resources by  Elk Konnected, LLCeven read about one the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners aunt calling them on the carpet during a County Commissioners meeting for such an abuse?

What do you say, are we gonna get it done the Elk County way or the Elk Konnected, LLC and the Mother of  Elk Konnected, LLCPublic Squares Communities, INC (out of Leoti, Wichita County, Kansas) way?

Do you want to fix the real problem or ignore it and allow it to fester?

I happen to like Elk County and the beauty found here and the decent people I have met.
So I would rather not watch the festering continue.

There is nothing wrong with Elk County and it's people with the exception of the very few people that say's there is something wrong with Elk County for their own personal gain.

If you live in Elk County
If you can vote in Elk County Tuesday
If you disagree,
If you think Elk County and it's people are broke
Please tell me, tell all of us about it? 

Do you want them to make loosers out of you?

If not be a winner and vote on Tuesday, take control for yourself!


Elk County is a great place to live. Ross,  Elk County is not FESTERING.


Quote from: proelkco on November 04, 2012, 09:41:52 AM
Elk County is a great place to live. Ross,  Elk County is not FESTERING.

proelkco, I agree, I love living in Elk County! You and I both agree on something, how about that?
I think if you read the last post and my previous posts you would have determined that on your own.

Don't you agree it is time for Elk County to have new County Commissioners that are more loyal to the County rather than to an NGO?

I don't believe, I said Elk County is festering, I'm sorry you misunderstood that!

I't the festering of all the NGO's brought on by Public Sq.uares Communities, INC and Elk Konnected, LLC and bred by Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks.

These NGO's attempt to control or influence local governments. In Elk County's case IMHO it is control. Although it is not working out well for them. So haw many NGO's do they have to bring into Elk County for them to get control? Can't you see how that festering is growing?

Aren't you ready for a better Elk County Government?
Do you have a positive attitude for Elk County?

Unless you have a konnected attitude, (whatever that may be)
here is truely the thing to do
if you want a real positive attitude
for Elk County Government:

Write-in  Mr. Wunderlich

And vote for  Mr. Hebb

A Great Improvement,  Great POSITIVE change For Elk County
Actually an Amazing Improvement For Elk County


Ross, just as a curiousity question:
Has it been proven that Mr. Wunderlich and Mr. Hebb are NOT Konnected members? 
You have said so yourself that there are no members.

Just a thought.


Quote from: readyaimduck on November 04, 2012, 10:53:20 AM
Ross, just as a curiousity question:
Has it been proven that Mr. Wunderlich and Mr. Hebb are NOT Konnected members?  
You have said so yourself that there are no members.

Just a thought.

Well Ready, I have spoke to both and it is my opinion that neither man is Konnected.

It is my personal opinion that neither man likes what that stands for today in local politics.

I do not know of any way of proving that they are or are not Konnected, but as my gut feeling was about the first and the second Konnected Kounty Konversations were, about something wrong with all that krap they were dishing out, my gut says these guys are well meaning and are concerned about the direction Elk County is headed. And besides they never mentioned something as dumb as being Konnected as a good thing.

Besides, I see them as rednecks, everyday folks like Commissioner Ritz, very down to earth and no imaginary communities or imaginary friends.
Rednecks, are determined and get things done, the right way, and honestly IMHO!

I just have no way of determining a way to prove anything, because nobody claims membership.
How shady is that?

Thanks for asking Ready.


Quote from: readyaimduck on November 04, 2012, 10:53:20 AM
Ross, just as a curiousity question:
Has it been proven that Mr. Wunderlich and Mr. Hebb are NOT Konnected members? 
You have said so yourself that there are no members.

Just a thought.

Well Ready, I have spoke to both and it is my opinion that neither man is Konnected.

It is my personal opinion that neither man likes what that stands for today in local politics.

Honestly, I do not know of any way pf proving that they are or are not Konnected, but as my gut feeling was about the first and the second Konnected Kounty Konversations were, about something wrong with all that krap they were dishing out, my gut says these guys are well meaning and are concerned about the direction Elk County is headed. And besides they never mentioned something as dumb as being Konnected as a good thing. Besides the followers on this thread don't seem to like the idea of getting them in office.

But better yet, I see them as rednecks, everyday folks like Commissioner Ritz, very down to earth and no imaginary communities or imaginary friends.
Rednecks are determined and get things done, the right way, and honestly IMHO!

I just have no way of determining a way to prove anything, because nobody claims membership.
How shady is that?

Thanks for asking Ready.


Have plans? Cancel them. Can't cancel? Postpone. If you got sick, you'd find some way to reschedule your other stuff, right? And this is way more important than illness. This is the, uh, THE FUTURE OF ELK COUNTY we're talking about—and it could come down to how many volunteers will help. We need to get the Elk County vote out there for important positive change for Elk County.

Don't you agree Mr. Proelkco?

Can you talk to your friends and neighbors and family about getting out the vote?
Remind them to write in Micky Wunderlich and vote for Mr. Hebb, please?

Thanks, you're the best! This entire election is going to come down to turnout. And the key to that is awesome, amazing, good-looking people just like you calling other people just like you to get out there and change Elk County Government for a better future. So give yourself a pat on the back for volunteering without an NGO telling you to.

I will even encourage the Konnected Followers to voluntarily volunteer to get engaged to help get the message out to vote for THE FUTURE OF ELK COUNTY and encourage people to write in Mr. Wunderlich and Mr Hebb. Good job Konnected Followers, you rock!

I gotta admit, I plagiarized some of this, but it was just too good to pass up.

Just like writing in Mr. Wunderlich and voting for Mr. Hebb is to good to pass up.

A Great Improvement,   Great POSITIVE change For Elk County
Actually an Amazing Improvement For Elk County
As Larry the Cable Guy's own catchphrase says "Git-R-Done!"

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