Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Fire Elk on September 28, 2012, 09:21:57 PM
Patriot, I am not quite sure what you mean about unproven assumptions ... com padre? What I meant by calling you and Ross compadres  is the 4th most common definition which has to do with two people who fought in a war together. With out being too literal I think you and Ross are in a "war" against the problems with the entanglements of government and a LLC in Elk County. I think the way Ross attacks the problem hurts getting people to listen to something that I think is important.

Thanks for the clarification, though I'm not sure whose 4th common definition you are using, as Webster simply defines the word as close friend or buddy. I don't think Ross & I are buddies nor are we close friends.  In context, your explanation does ring true.  We are ideologically on the same page regarding the issue you describe. 

As a side note, I've met Ross and he's way to much of a crusty ole redneck hick barnacle infested deck swabbie (especially with those flippers life vest on) to be a 'buddy' to a flyboy...  more likely a buddy to some old poker playing, bunker dwelling, fish noodling leatherneck.  LOL

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Fire Elk

Quote from: Patriot on September 28, 2012, 10:21:12 PM
Thanks for the clarification, though I'm not sure whose 4th common definition you are using, as Webster simply defines the word as close friend or buddy. I don't think Ross & I are buddies nor are we close friends.  In context, your explanation does ring true.  We are ideologically on the same page regarding the issue you describe. 

As a side note, I've met Ross and he's way to much of a crusty ole redneck hick barnacle infested deck swabbie (especially with those flippers life vest on) to be a 'buddy' to a flyboy...  more likely a buddy to some old poker playing, bunker dwelling, fish noodling leatherneck.  LOL

Sorry Patriot, I went old school and used the Webster's Unabridged Dictionary that I got at a garage sale. It has many more words and much more info than the online version. We are ideologically on the same page regarding several issues. I was hoping we might get closer on how to approach those topics and how we discuss them in a civil manner. There by we might be able to convince others to our way of thinking. Since I can't convince you or Ross to my way of thinking I will try not to complain about how you guys rant and rave. But when we lose our fight I might mention it to you again very strongly and blame you. :laugh:


Quote from: Fire Elk on September 28, 2012, 11:00:33 PM
We are ideologically on the same page regarding several issues. I was hoping we might get closer on how to approach those topics and how we discuss them in a civil manner. There by we might be able to convince others to our way of thinking

Let's hear your suggestions.  I'm listening.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on September 28, 2012, 10:21:12 PM
As a side note, I've met Ross and he's way to much of a crusty ole redneck hick barnacle infested deck swabbie (especially with those flippers life vest on) to be a 'buddy' to a flyboy...  more likely a buddy to some old poker playing, bunker dwelling, fish noodling leatherneck.  LOL

You are to modest Patriot.
I've said it many times, I lack tact and diplomacy, and some people just don't can't handle the cold hard truth!
That's why I have said many times, don't believe me, open your eyes, think for yourselves!
Oh and I lack all that edumaction that you got, Patriot.
I just ain't in yer class.

Thanks for the colorful discription of me, I enjoyed reading it and Jarhead's discription.
Sure started my morning with a big ----  eating grin. That's swabbie talk, LOL

But none of that prevents me from seeing when something is wrong, and as time has gone by, it seems to me it has escalted to terribly wrong. Even a blind person would recognize the wrong. No, I'm not picking on blind people! This remark brought back fond memories of a friend that was blind and had a seeing eye dog, back when I was a kid.

But all this is just my humble opinion.

I do believe many problems would be corrected by voting in non-Konnected candidates. These two look perfect to me;

Mr. Hebb and Mr. Wunderlich


Elk Falls & Elk Konnected20 Clues to Building Community*

The actual survey with with multiple choice answers is located at.

(IMHO Something like this is not looking for real answers but to sucker a person in to being involved as being engaged. I prefer real answers and questions. Here is my response, truthfully what would yours be like?)
Please rate both Your Community and Elk Konnected on each of the following :
                          (And any Real and Actual Community)

But first --- Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioner acknowledged dissing tow communities in Elk County as an excues for starting Elk Konnected. LLC. She also claims in a round about way to provide a better quality of life, better education for our kids and so on. But she provides no answers on how to do any of it, no solutions, nothing. why do you suppose that is? Is it perhaps all they know is how to beg for money and hand out lollipops?

Now the survey, their statements, not really questions are in blue.

Evidence of community pride:
...our community is a show place of care, attention, history and heritage

Elk Konnected, LLC does not seem to respect the history and heritage of Elk County Government and its lack of control by a privately owned company. Because they have two Elk Konnected, LLC people as Konnected Kounty Kommissioners which gives Elk Konnected, LLC the controlling votes. Where is their pride in having a government of the people, by the people, for the people vs
Control by a Privately Owned Company?

Emphasis on quality in business & community life:
...people here believe that something worth doing is worth doing right

Most likely true, except Elk Konnected, LLC claiming to be a Community Organizer, seems to prefer working secretly, which in my opinion is not beneficial to the communities. They also want people from half way across the state to come in and control meetings. Apparently Elk Konnected, LLC lacks the proper leadership to lead a meeting. And now it appears they want involvement in our county by major planners from major corporations and have us be engaged by them! Those are people in my opinion who are going to be making millions of dollars while we are fed lollipops?

Willingness to invest in the future:
...in addition to brick & mortar investments, all decisions are made with an outlook on the future

I believe Elk Kpnnected, LLC's outlook for the future is, where is their next Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" dollar, is coming from.
I think they have that lined out themselves, by aligning themselves with a much more powerful organization that will bring in the big bucks to Elk Konnected, LLC. Is this truly about Elk County?
IMHO it's all about Elk Konnected, LLC and money and power. And they don't care who they use to get it. While giving you lollipops. Are you willing to be used?
Are you willing to accept lollipops?

Participatory approach to community decision-making:
...even the most powerful of opinion leaders seem to work toward building consensus

Elk Konnected, LLC already has control of Elk County Government and I believe they are after the control of the school boards. I also believe they already have several county employees in their pocket and are using them. Is it possible that those county employees jobs may be in jeopardy if they are not involved with the Konnected Kounty Kommissioner's organization?
Can you see the quagmire?  

Cooperative community spirit:
...the stress is on working together toward a common goal and the focus is on positive results

IMHO, Elk Konnected, LLC does not co-operate with the citizens, they apparently believe cooperation is a one way street. They lack the ability to communicate openly and honestly IMHO! They openly refuse to communicate on the Elk County Forum, by showing total indifference, can't you see that? We all know they are reading the forum but still they refuse to communicate. But Elk Konnected, LLC wants your full cooperation, right?

Realistic appraisal of opportunities:
...our community builds on strengths and minimizes weaknesses

I don't believe Elk Konnected, LLC with their visionaries and our County Commissioner has a clue, nor any substantial ideas to correct any weaknesses they might recognize.  And no plans to do anything, if they did have a clue. IMHO I believe Elk Konnected, LLC has done a very good job of dividing the population of Elk County, nor that their small group with all it's failures has done anything but weaken opportunities.

Aware of competitive positioning:
...local loyalty is emphasized, but our community knows our competitors and we position ourselves accordingly

I believe Elk Konnected, LLC lacks this ability. Why? They would recognize themselves as being in competition with our County Government and the local community governments, pretty simple, huh? Where is the loyalty by Elk Konnected, LLC?

Knowledge of the physical environment:
...relative location and available natural resources underscore decision-making

Elk Konnected, LLC, that is why there are maps available both in the court house and on the information highway – the internet.

Active economic development program:
...there is an organized, public/private approach to economic development

I don't think so. I think it is more of an Elk Konnected, LLC meddling and offering lollipops and lining their pockets (except for maybe the people they use) rather then being cooperative. Elk Konnected, LLC started a Wellness Center in Howard with Money freely given to them, but failed at running the business, failed and sold it?
Where is the economic development in their failure?

Deliberate transition of power to a younger generation of leaders:
...people under 40 regularly hold key positions in civic and business affairs

Doesn't this speak of Age Discrimination? Is that what Elk Konnected, LLC wants? Age discrimination?

Acceptance of women in leadership roles:
...women are elected officials, managers and entrepreneurial developers

Again the discrimination attitude. What does gender have to do with it?
Does Elk Konnected, LLC have any LBGT on their staff ? Or are they discriminatory?  Does Elk Konnected, LLC have any blacks,         bi-racial or native Americans on their staff? Do they encourage such people to join their cause?
Or are they discriminatory?  Why are they only interested in women?

Strong support for education:
...good schools are the norm, and centers of community activity

I think Elk Konnected, LLC should become educated as to what the purpose of the school board is about. And if they have concerns take it up with the school board, the officials elected by the voters!  Or is it they just want to upset the whole governmental system in Elk County. Does Elk Konnected, LLC want to replace the County, School and community governments and insert itself?
Is that their real goal? From the list on page one of this thread -----------
Unified Gov't (w/in the county) to save money and become more unified (do away with city gov't, councils
(cont.) all centrally located-one managing body) (Big Ideas's)

Aren't they actually just looking for total control under the guise of leadership?

Problem-solving approach to providing health care:
...health care is considered essential, and smart strategies are in place for diverse methods of delivery

Is Elk Konnected, LLC more qualified then the local medical community to make any kind of assessment? From where do they acquire their expertise? Elk Konnected, LLC hasn't shown the ability to do their own problem-solving proven by failure after failure by them? How can they do problem-solving for others?

Strong multi-generation family orientation:
...activities include younger as well as older generations

We have plenty of festivals; rodeo's and parades for all ages to get involved in!
What does Elk Konnected, LLC offer? Do they offer a festival or a parade? Does Elk Konnected, LLC even participate in the local parades? Have you seen an Elk Konnected, LLC float in any of the parades? We have seen them leach on to the Elk County Summer Day Camps, haven't we? What does Elk Konnected, LLC do for anyone? Oh, they hold Konnected Kommunity Konversations but not actual Community Conversations, right?

Strong presence of traditional institutions that are integral to community life:
...churches, schools & service clubs are strong influences on community development and social activities

This is a given. But what does Elk Konnected, LLC have to do with religion or schools or service clubs? Absolutely nothing, right? Isn't this just a smoke screen to throw you off balance?

Sound and well-maintained infrastructure:
...leaders work hard to maintain and improve streets, sidewalks, water systems and sewage facilities

When is Elk Konnected, LLC going to start making repairs or coughing up the money for repairs? What pot hole has Elk Konnected, LLC repaired? Have any of their volunteers repaired a pot hole. Or in the case of those that call donating money as volunteering, have they donated to repair a pot hole? I bet they want the individual communities to take care of their pot holes and other problems, right? Isn't that it, they want the individual communities to pay for those repairs and don't ask the Elk Konnected, LLC Community to pitch in and pay for it, right? They don't want money leaving their Make Believe Community coffers to help real and actual communities, they only want money coming into their coffers from the real and actual communities, right?

Careful use of fiscal resources:
...frugality is a way of life; expenditures are treated as "investments"

Why is it then the Elk Konnected, LLC is always begging for money, appliances, clothes? Why aren't they frugal enough to buy what they need? We have read about $85,000 that Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks spoke of, right? And all the donations and what about the profit from selling their Wellness Center in Howard? How much money do they need? Do they pay themselves wages out of that money or where has it gone?

Sophisticated use of information resources:
...leaders access information that is beyond the knowledge base available in the community

How narrow minded is this?
Ever heard of the internet? Perhaps some study about the PILOT program on the internet, may have yielded more money for Elk County?               No,   lawyers don't have all the answers and that's a fact! A little research on the internet about PILOT programs and more interest in the County's needs would have most likely made things better, possibly, yes?

Willingness to seek help from the outside:
...people seek outside help for community needs, and many compete for government grants and contracts for economic and social programs

Why didn't Elk Konnected, LLC seek help running their business, the Wellness Center? Why doesn't Elk Konnected, LLC seek help with their ethic's issues?

Instead of Only seeking help with Social Welfare for a few?

Conviction that, in the long run, you have to do it yourself:
...we believe destiny is in our own hands; making our community a good place is a pro-active assignment, and we willingly accept it

Elk Konnected, LLC seems to already have willingly accepted it. Control of Elk County government that is! Don't you think, with two out of the three votes on the County Commissioners Panel, Elk Konnected, LLC through two Konnected Kounty Kommissioners has control of Elk County. Is that the DESTINY of Elk County? Is thiis the DESTINY you want for Elk County?
What would your written response look like to these statements provided by Elk Konnected, LLC?
Be honest with yourself! No body can judge you for thinking at home by yourself, because they don't know?

Perhaps your answers might be similar to mine, (no, not exactly like mine). Perhaps, this will help you understand why real questions go unanswered, why open conversation is forbidden, why you may have an unknown facilitator sitting right next to you! Perhaps it wil help you understand why the survey was set up with only numbers for rating your response, rather than real answers!

A final comment:
A Rednecks Opinion

I have been asked numerous times why I call myself a RedNeck. The most honest and simple answer is, because I am a Red Neck. Not because of where I was born, not where I live now, but because of what I believe in as a way of life, the American way of life.I have been asked numerous times why I call myself a RedNeck. The most honest and simple answer is, because I am a Red Neck. Not because of where I was born, not where I live now, but because of what I believe in as a way of life, the American way of life.
I contend that a large number of our founding fathers were RedNecks. I believe that it was the Rednecks' of this country that has made this country what it is today. For the most part, it was not the educated, elite upper crust of society that set out across the unknown and uncharted parts of this country looking for land and room to be free. It was not, for the most part, the educated, elite upper crust of society that answered the call from the Texans to come and help defend the Alamo. Daniel Boone, Davie Crocket, both fine outstanding RedNecks.

For the most part, it is not the educated, elite upper crust of society that has been the foot soldier in virtually every war that has been fought by the United States. When I look back over the list of the people that I have considered hero's in my lifetime, they have been RedNecks. You see, RedNecks are not known for their diplomacy; to the contrary, we are an independent lot.
We have various religious beliefs, however, most are Christian. I must admit, there are not a lot of RedNecks that are agnostic. Most are conservative by nature; you have to be when you have to fight to get and keep what you have earned by the sweat of your brow. RedNecks do not rely on the Government for hand outs, we believe in working for everything you have.
RedNecks believe in the rule of law. We know that one of the great accomplishments of Western Civilization is the concept of the "rule of law" and no one is immune to the law. John Adams, whom I contend was a RedNeck, in 1776, declared that "America was a nation of laws, not men." Adams was born to a modest family, the founding generation of Puritans, who came to the American wilderness in the 1630s. Take the rule of law, henceforth, the thought that if you are in my country illegally, you are breaking the law, not about race; it is about the rule of law.

We RedNecks are serious believers in the Freedoms that are guaranteed to us as Americans. We believe that you have the right to worship God in the way you want. Your belief in God and your worship of God should not interfere with the way I believe in and worship God. Your right to freedom does not give you the right to take my freedom. Rednecks have been fighting and dying for generations for you to have that right to be free.

One of the best examples of this is Brigadier General Charles E. "Chuck" Yeager, USAF (Ret). Yes, Chuck Yeager is a RedNeck. If there ever was a man that deserved to have been given a ride in space, it was Chuck Yeager. The problem was Chuck would not play the game that was required, and trust me, Chuck Yeager wanted a ride. Without this man and his ability to go that extra mile and break the sound barrier we would not be able to fly to the moon, have satellites and a whole host of other modern technology.
Chuck Yeager was not a member of the educated, elite upper crust of society, born in Myma, West Virginia; he enlisted as a private in the Army Air Corps and became an aircraft mechanic. He entered enlisted pilot training and graduated as an enlisted flight officer. One little foot note on General Yeager before I move on, how many people do you know that flew fighter planes in WWII and Viet Nam? That is just one of the reasons that General Chuck Yeager is one of my RedNeck Heroes. Sir, you deserved that ride in space, sorry the powers that be did not understand that.

Chuck Yeager like most RedNecks that I know have a few things in common. One of the most important is God, Country, and Family, the American way of life. Most RedNecks that I know are willing to defend and protect all three to the death. The American way of life is very important to us, we have had generations of Rednecks that have fought to preserve that way of life. That is why although I am worried about the way this country is going, deep down inside I know that on the darkest day, there is a group of people out there that will still be fighting until the last one drops, to protect the American way of life.

We RedNecks have been accused of being racist. Yes, I know some RedNecks that are racist; at the same time I know some Blacks and Hispanics that are racist. Let's face it; no one group has the exclusive on being bigots and racist, just like no one group has the exclusive on being stupid. Yet, you will find left wing nuts that will tell you that RedNecks are stupid and uneducated, which shows you how little some people know, I know a lot of educated people that are stupid. If you don't believe me take a look at the number of educated lawyers in Washington.

Of course, these observations are just one RedNeck's opinion.......
Author Unknown
In the 19th century, there was a turn in how terms like redneck were used. The word redneck, in particular, was no longer viewed purely as slander, but as a badge of pride. Among those who shared this sentiment, it stood for someone who believed in self-determination and individual freedom.

ARE YOU A REDNECK ? Or are you a follower? Give it some thought? It is important iMHO.


"Logic is an enemy and truth is a menace," Rod Serling once declared. And it's true today.

The mere act of asking an intelligent question now gets you harshly condemned. No questions are allowed. No intelligence is tolerated.

They demand total obedience from everyone.

Do they believe they have mastered a level of logic and reason above our cognitive grasp.

So is asking a question, itself, a violation of what they may call a higher reasoning logic?

So let me get this straight. By definition, then, no one can question them because the very act of questioning is not recognized by their team of visionaries or steering committee, or so called leaders (or board of directors) or any such mechanism?

In 1692, nineteen men and women were convicted of "witchcraft" and murdered by the townspeople because they did not buy into the status quo beliefs of the era. "Another man of over eighty years was pressed to death under heavy stones for refusing to submit to a trial on witchcraft charges. Hundreds of others faced accusations of witchcraft; dozens languished in jail for months without trials until the hysteria that swept through Puritan Massachusetts subsided." (http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/Salem/Salem.htm)

It all comes down to a mind game, IMHO.


What business is Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks Elk konnected, LLC actually in?
In my opinion, it is definitely not community development or a community organization, there is no money in that alone, now is there?
They tried to run a Wellness Center and made no money, so they shut it down and then sold it, didn't they?
And it was all paid for with "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money, right?
So when they sold it, every dime was profit for them, right?
It's all about money, right?

Now, they want to start a Day Care Center, again with "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money, right?
And they have begged for appliances and toys and clothes and anything else they can beg for, that will be used in an attempt to make money, right?
And when they find they can't run the business, will they turn around and sell it for another profit, just like the Wellness Center, right?

But you, best not question their actions, because it is for the children, right?
By questioning these actions, you might look like a child hater, so keep your mouth shut, right?
Don't ask?

Don't ask how much money, Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks, Elk Konnected, LLC, has asked for, from the County Government and City Councils and School Boards, to pay to Public Squares Communities, INC for their tuition!

You probably wouldn't like the answers, after all, it is your Property Tax Dollars, right?

Can you see what they are doing to you?

Let's change things, let's take our County Government back.

Write-in  Mr. Wunderlich

And vote for  Mr. Hebb

A Great Improvement,  Great POSITIVE change For Elk County
Actually an Amazing Improvement For Elk County
Let's Git-R-Done


Mr. Ross in post #4642 you state the commissioners as upity wealthy people that have had everything practicly given to them. Who are you referring to? All of the commissioners have jobs.


Perhaps Ross is refering to government money received by the commissioners.

There's a lot people getting money from the government nowadays and that's
inclusive to all income levels.   


and that would make them uppity? Again I ask you Redcliffsw do you reside in Elk County?


Well, I don't know whether they are uppity or not.

However, if they're on the government dole or programs, I'm of the opinion that's not good.

It doesn't make any difference whether I'm in Elk County or not.  Wherever I am is
where I'm at.

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