Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Diane Amberg

Ross, ya do know I read these don't you? My comments about your situation were very sincere and I don't know why verbally beating up on me would be considered "normal'. It doesn't make what happened  better. As far as suggesting a donation, it was just a suggestion, not a mandate .I never said you weren't doing enough and that's very rude of you to suggest such a thing. You, yourself, asked for suggestions and I just gave one. EXCUSE ME!!!!! You were welcome to disregard it without blowing your top.
   I'm not sure where you get the idea some paid person getting big bucks is telling the volunteers what to do.
  As far as my status..what do you care?  Yes, I am a queen bee here, so what.  If ya don't say things ya shouldn't, you wouldn't have to worry about being "told on" now would ya?  ;D ;D ;D  As far as that program you think I'm so stupid about...Well, let's just say that's your opinion.You brought it up yourself and stuck you nose up in the air. That is certainly your privilege, but why criticize those who would take advantage of it? Isn't that their business? I still wonder if a replacement structure would count but I'm sure you would know better than I. Under the circumstances,if you have to have a whipping person to make things better for you, help yourself. My comments were very sincere and not meant to hurt in any way. That wasn't lost on several people. I'll not say any more on this.


Diane dont take what ROSS says to hearthe does'nt know .better is just a nasty man at heart I have been around him alittle in public and couple times one on one . He going to try to figure out who I am and when we met. good luck with that ROSS


And now about that Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks that had all that nasty stuff to say about Elk County communities and citizens in order to have an excuse to start her privately owned company Elk konnected, INC. When will she gain the integrity to issue an apology to Elk County for those public letters to her self? She endorsed both using her title as Elk County Comissioner which in my opinion does a great dishonor to that public office.

Do we really need such a County Commissioner?

Do we need a county commissioner that uses her position for personal gain?
Didn't she dream up Elk Konnected, INC for her boss at Public Squares Communities, LLC?
She said her family did not benefit directly from Elk Konnected, INC while tha may be true didn't they benefit indirectly?
Didn't Public Squares Communities, LLC pay her a wage to start up these little organizations?
Isn't she now the President of Public Squares Communities, LLC with probably a much better income from it?
Where does that pay check come from? Is it the tax dollars of the communities they start in?

What has Elk Konnected, LLC done in Ellk County successfully besides beg for money and goods?
They failed at commandeering the County web site, thanks to Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebaus Aunt?
She is one sharp lady and apparently has lots of ethics, which I respect.
They failed at running a Wellness Center which was started and run on beggar money!
By the way what happened to all that profit from the sale f the Wellness Center?
After all wasn't every dime they sold it for pure profit?
So why are they reduced to begging again?

Konnected Kommissioner Hendricks isn't it time for another Kommunity Konversation (which really isn't a community conversation) or you will loose Elk Konnected, INC's little accredation with Public Squares Communities and their little club of peer group pressure?

Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks when are you going to need more taxpayer dollars to pay Public Squares Communities their fees in order to maintain membership? Will you and Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau both vote to give taxpayer dollars to your organization Elk Konnected again?

Oh how nasty of me to ask the honest questions and expect some honest answers from our Konnected Kounty Kommissioners?

Remember we have great alternatives Mr. Hebb and Mr. Wunderlich.

Lets vote them in and take control of our county back from Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and from what appears to be a "Good old Boys Club" or in Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks words " The Old Guard". Lets get some free thinkers in office that are proud of Elk County.


'No arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is as formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women.'
- Ronald Reagan

'Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases:
If it moves, tax it.
If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving,
Subsidize it'
- Ronald Reagan

'The nearest thing to eternal
Life we will ever see on
This earth is a
Government program.'
- Ronald Reagan

And if this Beggar=Thy=Neighbor program called Neighborhood Revitalization gets started it will never end, regardless of the date put on it. All they have to do is vote to extend the date.

'The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.'
-Ronald Reagan

'The most terrifying words
In the English language are:
I'm from the government
And I'm here to help.'
-Ronald Reagan

Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners want you to believe they are going to grow the economy and the population of the county with the  Neighborhood Revitalization but they can not prove it.

"Socialism only works
In two places:
Heaven where they don't
Need it and hell where they already have it."
-Ronald Reagan


Ross, where is your proof that Elk Konnected is a corporation (Inc.) and not still a LLC as it has been since its inception, and was still on 5/17 of this year, the date of their last annual report to the state?

Public Square Communities did change their structure to corporation this year, but that doesn't mean the communities that they work with are now corporations.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Quote from: oldfart on September 03, 2012, 01:08:10 PM
Diane dont take what ROSS says to hearthe does'nt know .better is just a nasty man at heart I have been around him alittle in public and couple times one on one . He going to try to figure out who I am and when we met. good luck with that ROSS

You must know another Ross then, the ross in here i know personally and hes not a nasty man at heart at all.  In fact, hes a upstanding fella that gives a rats ass about his fellow man!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: flintauqua on September 03, 2012, 07:33:23 PM
Ross, where is your proof that Elk Konnected is a corporation (Inc.) and not still a LLC as it has been since its inception, and was still on 5/17 of this year, the date of their last annual report to the state?

Public Square Communities did change their structure to corporation this year, but that doesn't mean the communities that they work with are now corporations.

I went back and double checked and I got it wrong. It was Public Squares Communities, INC.

But it got your attention didn't it.  And you had to ask for proof!  Wow!  Just an honest mistake!  Touchie aren't we!

Sorry to upset you!

But what's the big deal?

We still need to replace the Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners with Mr. Hebb and Mr. Wunderlich who are free thinkers and think for themselves instead of for a privately owned company in my opinion.

I do believe it would be a great improvement for the Quality of life in Elk County.

And I do believe we would see a great deal more moral and ethical and honest governing of our county. that's my opinion!

Mr. Hebb and Mr. Wunderlich

A Great Improvement For Elk County


Quote from: Ross on September 03, 2012, 08:31:23 PM

I went back and double checked and I got it wrong. It was Public Squares Communities, INC.

But it got your attention didn't it.  And you had to ask for proof!  Wow!  Just an honest mistake!  Touchie aren't we!

Sorry to upset you!

But what's the big deal?

It is a big deal Ross.  When you make an assumption and then post it here, you think if no one questions it then its right.  Just because I or someone else doesn't call BS on your posts by refuting them does not make them correct.  I catch the ones I can.  I'd have to be on here 24/7 to catch all of the things you pull out of your hat and throw on here as truth.

Here's one for you.  You keep insisting that County Commissioner Hendricks is profitting from her work with and for Elk Konnected and Public Square Communities.  

Do you have any proof of this?  

I know of several for profit LLC's and corporations in and around Elk County that have officers and directors that receive absolutely no compensation for the work they do, not even per diem or reimbursement for what are at times large out of pocket expenses.

So why do you assume and repeatedly try to make everyone believe that Mrs. Hendricks is reaping a windfall from her activities?
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Quote from: flintauqua on September 03, 2012, 09:13:52 PM
It is a big deal Ross.  When you make an assumption and then post it here, you think if no one questions it then its right.  Just because I or someone else doesn't call BS on your posts by refuting them does not make them correct.  I catch the ones I can.  I'd have to be on here 24/7 to catch all of the things you pull out of your hat and throw on here as truth.

Here's one for you.  You keep insisting that County Commissioner Hendricks is profitting from her work with and for Elk Konnected and Public Square Communities.  

Do you have any proof of this?  

I know of several for profit LLC's and corporations in and around Elk County that have officers and directors that receive absolutely no compensation for the work they do, not even per diem or reimbursement for what are at times large out of pocket expenses.

So why do you assume and repeatedly try to make everyone believe that Mrs. Hendricks is reaping a windfall from her activities?
Maybe because LLC's make a profit. :) and from what i understand they wont' prove they dont' as they can hide behind the LLC laws.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: flintauqua on September 03, 2012, 09:13:52 PM
It is a big deal Ross.  When you make an assumption and then post it here, you think if no one questions it then its right.  Just because I or someone else doesn't call BS on your posts by refuting them does not make them correct.  I catch the ones I can.  I'd have to be on here 24/7 to catch all of the things you pull out of your hat and throw on here as truth.

Here's one for you.  You keep insisting that County Commissioner Hendricks is profitting from her work with and for Elk Konnected and Public Square Communities.  

Do you have any proof of this?  

I know of several for profit LLC's and corporations in and around Elk County that have officers and directors that receive absolutely no compensation for the work they do, not even per diem or reimbursement for what are at times large out of pocket expenses.

So why do you assume and repeatedly try to make everyone believe that Mrs. Hendricks is reaping a windfall from her activities?

I have never meet an ambitious person that worked for free, that would just be amazing, out of this world amazing?
You mean to tell me she does all the driving, with the price of gas what it is for free?
You mean to tell me she does all that work for free?
You mean to tell me she quit working for the school District before the end of the school year and gave up that pay check to work for free somewhere else?
Without even a thank you from the school board for her services?
And you expect all the fools in elk County to believe that?

A simple error is no big deal!
And if what I have asked was exagerated in any way, all you Followers would have been all over it.
Just like with the backhanded death threat and the possibility of a lawsuit threatened against me?
So do yu believe anyone is going to believe a follower with comments such as put in this post of yours?
Good luck with that!

Quote from: flintauqua on September 03, 2012, 09:13:52 PM
I know of several for profit LLC's and corporations in and around Elk County that have officers and directors that receive absolutely no compensation for the work they do, not even per diem or reimbursement for what are at times large out of pocket expenses.

Where is the proof?

But just remember in November for a far better Elk County Government we have two great options,
two upstanding citizens of Elk County. And freethinkers. Meaning they don't have a small group telling them what to do or how to vote.
Outstandin don't you think?

Mr. Hebb and Mr. Wunderlich

A Great Improvement For Elk County

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