Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: L Hendricks on October 06, 2011, 08:33:10 AM
Ross & Patriot -
I don't understand.  We provided a public forum for you to ask these questions and you chose not too.

There was a gentleman that tried to ask questions, he was escorted out by county paid law enforcement.

QuoteYet you continue to bash us on this medium.  WHY?

Maybe because you continue to hide and not answer questions truthfully.  Why?  Usually when folks duck and squirm their way around a question they have something to hide.
QuoteIf you don't like what we are doing, then what do you propose?  How do you plan to get engage and make Elk County better than it is - and I did not say it was a bad place, I am just saying that I want it to be better.

The first thing I would propose is that anyone involved with elk konnected should not hold postitions of influence or power within our county government.  Espcially when those people have it within their scope of power to give TAX DOLLARS to a private company. Did you ever stop to consider even for a moment that it isn't what you want that matters, but WHAT THE CITIZENS OF THIS COUNTY WANT? You say you want to make it better...better for who?  And don't dare say for everyone, because that would be an out and out lie!  Our roads clearly illustrate that.

QuoteMyself and the steering committee have invested a lot of energy into trying to make Elk County better and yet you sit in the stand and criticize us for what we are doing.  Why don't you get involved and try to help Elk County instead of spending HOURS criticizing those of us who are.  Last night, we again asked people to become engaged, ask questions, offer ideas for further improvement and yet you choose not too... but then sit at home and post for hours nit picking every last thing we have done.

Oh cry me a river why don't ya!  In case you have forgotten you are an elected public offical, that means you are going to be criticized.  Heres an idea why don't YOU and the other commissioners get involved with the people that elected you without having to use an outside mediator.  Of course that would mean actually facing the public, and holding your monthly commissioner meetings at a time and place when working folks can actually attend. And NOT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY. Also, allowing county employees the time to attend these meetings.  I realize that would go against your "screw'em" attidude and outlook..but then again THATS YOUR JOB!  And yes, that would mean holding meetings without the presence of 3 of our kops (and no that isn't a misspelling given the fact that they've acted more in favor of elk Konnected than the law). 

QuoteThe steering committee members are all working USA citizens and Elk County Citizens who have 1,2,3 jobs in order to live here.  We are all involved in many volunteer activities, which takes time away from our spouse and children.  Yet we have decided to make this sacrifice to help all of Elk County.

Help Elk county?...How?  By squandering money we don't have?  Wheres the improvement?  
Help all of elk county??...Bullsh!$.  Help howard maybe. Grenola sure as hell hasn't seen any improvement.  

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Varmit on October 07, 2011, 01:01:20 PM
L Hendricks do you really expect us to believe that the money in the parks and rec. fund didn't come from taxpayers?!! Just where in the hell does the money come from? Does the county or STATE have a magic money tree they just pick it from?

Varmit, Isn't the parks and recreation fund funded by the alcohol and liquor tax collected by businesses that sell said alcohol/liquor in the county? I thought that is where that money came from. However; I am probably wrong. It could be a mill levy fund which is indeed funded by the taxpayers just like the ambulance department, the rural fire department, the road department, employee benefits, just to name a few funds. Anyway, just my thoughts.

Diane Amberg

 Mr. Ross, I thought your Sarah Palin and Jerry Springer comments were funny, just thought some Apple Jack, so common this time of year, might have helped loosen you up a bit.
Isn't she from Nebraska? I can't remember.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on October 07, 2011, 06:48:10 PM
Varmit, Isn't the parks and recreation fund funded by the alcohol and liquor tax collected by businesses that sell said alcohol/liquor in the county? I thought that is where that money came from. However; I am probably wrong. It could be a mill levy fund which is indeed funded by the taxpayers just like the ambulance department, the rural fire department, the road department, employee benefits, just to name a few funds. Anyway, just my thoughts.
Janet do you reckon the liquor store in Moline collects county tax on their sales?
Does Howard have a liquor store where county tax is collected?
But remember it's not your tax dollars it's something else and that makes a difference.
A difference in some minds maybe?
But to me tas dollars are taxpayers money and it ends up in the county coffers as such and nothing else.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 07, 2011, 06:50:42 PM
Mr. Ross, I thought your Sarah Palin and Jerry Springer comments were funny, just thought some Apple Jack, so common this time of year, might have helped loosen you up a bit.
Isn't she from Nebraska? I can't remember.
Alaska, and they want er far form there.
She with drew from running for president because she is a quitter and figurred it bettter to quit early.
Why thank you Diane I am honored. No jucie for me except for medicinal purpose's.
Any thing over a half ounce and I am drunk. I quit drinking over thirty five years ago.
I was not qualify as an alcoholic, but I did like it too much. So I quit.

I'm a bit exhausted and then some. For a man that is retired, I have been woking real hard for two weeks helping out a fellow citizen get a terrific problem fixed. She could not afford to pay a contractor to do the job and I work for free.

It feels good to be helpful and that's why I do it often.  I don't do it for praise.

Have a great weekend Diane.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on October 07, 2011, 06:48:10 PM
Varmit, Isn't the parks and recreation fund funded by the alcohol and liquor tax collected by businesses that sell said alcohol/liquor in the county? I thought that is where that money came from. However; I am probably wrong. It could be a mill levy fund which is indeed funded by the taxpayers just like the ambulance department, the rural fire department, the road department, employee benefits, just to name a few funds. Anyway, just my thoughts.

Quote from: L Hendricks on October 07, 2011, 11:23:37 AM
)You mentioned community organizations, which is what I would assume the County Recreation Fund is for. And I am glad that is understood. But you also mentioned your own company.
It is Elk Konnected, LLC --- is it not?
LLC stands for Limited Liability COMPANY doesn't it?
It matters not where the money comes from, it is tax money and it is in the County's coffers and the responsibility of Elk County Commissioners. It is not the responsibility of Elk Konnected, LLC's is it?
You never mentioned one, not one single privately owned business or LLC in all that statement except Elk Konnected, LLC.
Correct me if I am wrong.

I seem to be repeating myself and will do it again.  NO money has been paid from the County Parks & Recreation fund to ELK KONNECTED LLC.  I also want taxpayers to know that they are not being taxed for the money that is in the County Parks & Recreation fund and it does make a difference.  Yes as a county commissioner, I along with the two other commissioners say how it will be spent.

Ok...Let me see if I have this right...The Parks and Recreation Fund is funded by the alcohol and liquor tax collected by businesses that sell said liquor in this county. But that money is NOT taxpayer money? It's a tax paid by people who have gone to Flint Oaks, a privately owned business that at last I knew is exempt from paying taxes in this county (correct me if I'm wrong on that), and purchased an alcoholic beverage. Therefore, since it's a person paying a tax, would that NOT be TAXPAYER MONEY? And Ms. Hendricks, why would Elk County taxpayers be taxed for the money that is in the County Parks and Recreation fund? That makes absolutely NO sense whatsoever. Why would we be TAXED for TAXPAYER money in the County's coffers in the first place? ---Jennifer Walker




Quote from: Varmit on October 07, 2011, 06:26:04 PMHelp howard maybe.

I definitely haven't noticed any help here myself. Here in the past couple years I've seemingly lost some of my property rights, just recently our nice road coming into town has been ruined and the county doesn't seen to be having the people who have ruined it pay for it (wind farm work), and now we have gravel roads instead of paved roads (supposed to be "chip and seal" but it is far from it). The main road was repaired a bit but is already ruined again.

Seems like we need a complete change in our local leaders just like we do nationally.


Quote from: mtcookson on October 07, 2011, 07:18:14 PM
Seems like we need a complete change in our local leaders just like we do nationally.

Very good point.


Janet a tax on alcohol and liquor is paid by whom? ..Oh yes, the people that buy and must pay the tax  i.e. taxpayers.  

But don't get it twisted and don't be blinded by the smokescreen.  Don't focus just on the parks and rec. fund.  Why? you might ask., simple, elk konnected has recieved funds from the general budget.  Afterall, when a county employee is doing work for elk konnected on county time with county equipment and being paid by county funds then elk konnected is recieveing tax dollars.  
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: Varmit on October 07, 2011, 08:05:45 PM
Janet a tax on alcohol and liquor is paid by whom? ..Oh yes, the people that buy and must pay the tax  i.e. taxpayers.  

But don't get it twisted and don't be blinded by the smokescreen.  Don't focus just on the parks and rec. fund.  Why? you might ask., simple, elk konnected has recieved funds from the general budget.  Afterall, when a county employee is doing work for elk konnected on county time with county equipment and being paid by county funds then elk konnected is recieveing tax dollars.  

You're spot on Varmit.  As Robin Rivers pointed out, that's an 'in kind' payment.  If someone receives something other than money (goods or services) in a transaction, it's still a payment.  Simple concept, widely understood in business, and I must wonder, if you get it out there in forumland, why can't those in the center of all this get it?  A choice born of arrogance and entitlement?  Or just simple ignorance?  In either case we keep hearing the same old rationalizations.

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