Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Teresa I am at a loss for words. I enjoyed your post considerably.
I have tried to say, that this is not about me to no avail.
And I believe you have done an excellent job of explaining that for me and I appreciate that.
I am a nobody, except for being a retired taxpayer and proud citizen of Elk County.
And thank you for the kind words about my posts.

Diane Amberg

Teresa, if you really didn't mean me then good, I'm glad to hear it but please don't patronize me. I had asked a question about a post and you posted right after me. It was my first post on this particular thread in many, many weeks, and only then because I had a question. How could you not have seen it? ??? Why wouldn't the person who saw the next post that followed their own NOT assume it was they who was getting swatted?  People do that to each other on here a lot!
You sure didn't say it was a general statement and I'm not the only one who thought you meant me.
  Of course here we we go again with the old saw that I think everything is about me. I hadn't posted on this thread in WEEKS. Yes, I did delete it, but you must have seen it, as I didn't delete it until you had posted after me? Why would you do that?


You would be best to stop.
To assume only makes an ass/u/me.
This thread concerns local civics.

Diane Amberg

No fear, I'm done, in more ways than one.


I just don't understand how an organization can operate without a :

  1. President or leader to give guidance , direction and order toa meeting??? Can someone explain, Please???
  2. Secretary to take notes and write letters and organizational rules, etc???  How does that work???
  3. Treasurer to keep books and provide accountability for how taxpayers money is used??? I just don't understand???

Is it because the organization does not want to be held accountable to the taxpayers for the use of the taxpayers money??
Why is it that no one wants to accept responsiblity for the organization???

No Board of Directors, No President, No Chairman, No Treasurer, No Secretary, No Membership and a Very Few Followers.
I have only found seven followers and they are called the Steering Committee! What does the Steering Committee Steer? And who steers the steering committee on whatever they steer???

It just plain doesn't make a bit of sense to me. I need help understanding all this and I plead with Elk Konnected to come forward with some open dialog, discussion and answers.

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected?

Who is their Leader?

How can seven people in an organization with no leader and no registered membership speak for the entire population of Elk County?  
In my opinion the lack of definitive answers regarding Elk Konnected, LLC reflects the reality that nobody knows anything about who owns them or who the admitted members are or the admitted members are ashamed of being admitted members? It would be nice to have some clarification.


I'm seeing what you're saying and it's easy to understand.

Don't know why anyone would want to support or mix with an organization that has a track record like theirs.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 31, 2011, 08:58:23 PM
Teresa, if you really didn't mean me then good, I'm glad to hear it but please don't patronize me. I had asked a question about a post and you posted right after me. It was my first post on this particular thread in many, many weeks, and only then because I had a question. How could you not have seen it? ??? Why wouldn't the person who saw the next post that followed their own NOT assume it was they who was getting swatted?  People do that to each other on here a lot!
You sure didn't say it was a general statement and I'm not the only one who thought you meant me.
 Of course here we we go again with the old saw that I think everything is about me. I hadn't posted on this thread in WEEKS. Yes, I did delete it, but you must have seen it, as I didn't delete it until you had posted after me? Why would you do that?

sighhhhhhhh~~~Holy patollie~~~ ::)
Ok... for the last time... I will say this..

Diane.. Regardless of what you think I should have seen or read..I will tell you this.
Just because I am the owner of this site doesn't mean I sit on it 24 hrs a day. Each morning.. very early generally, I ck stats I move threads.. I make software corrections.. and do some general upkeep and maintenance. I 'scan" posts and then I am out of here.
I then go to our other website ( which makes this one look like a county fair) and "help" Marshal do the same with it. I am then out of there also.
I am then again on the Howard site in the evening.. sometimes before 7 and sometimes later on.
I have a ton of outside work to do for my yard..and for Marks yard and for our lake property. I have grand kids that I help with.. I do the bookwork for Derek's Gun business and the Hardware store and all of Down Range.. I cook.. I clean.. I do laundry. I make at least 2 trips to Wichita a week.. I shoot Sporting Clays once a week and I travel with Marshal when he needs me.
I DO miss posts. I'm sorry that I don't just hang on every word you say, but I tend to have a life outside of The Elk County Forum.
I wouldn't even have gotten on the forum when I did if I had not have received 2 texts on my phone and 3 phone calls telling me I should go in and check out what was being said.  I was cooking supper at the time and had Ashley here spending the night. So by the time I got in here .. scanned over the posts that were STILL IN HERE.. I went back in.. finished cooking supper.. ate supper and decided my give a damn was pretty much busted.. and decided I better reply.

NOW~~~~ If I had seen your post.. it wouldn't have mattered to me.. you see... once again.. it isn't always about you! I'm not trying to be rude or hateful or any of those things.. but Diane.. I don't give a rats patootie what you write or what you think.. I skim over your posts.. I seldom even read them.. Cause I don't really care what you have to say on any subject.
This forum doesn't revolve around you. So if you wanted me to see your post.. and you thought it was nasty enough to warrant a knee jerk reaction from the readers and myself .. you should have left it up there.
I did not see it. It was gone by the time I obviously got through the 3 pages I hadn't read up to yours, before you deleted it. You obviously deleted it while I was still reading the unread posts before it~~ and then I posted. Believe me.. I am not the type of person to lie. ..and especially about something as trivial as this.
NOW are you satisfied with that answer?  If not I'm sorry~~ That's your problem, and I'm not going to spend any more time kicking sand back and forth with you when I don't even care.

Now~~~as always.. I have about 6 hrs of outside work to do before I have to pick up Ash from school.. then I have supper to cook and picture files to work on.   Dove season opened up today and if I get the watering done at the lake .. I would like to go see if the doves are flying in on a place we want to hunt this weekend.. so I will not be on the computer for the rest of the day..
IF .. there is a reason for me to be... you all know how to reach me.. my phone is strapped on to me tighter than my underwear so call if you need anything.  :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Understanding the Limited Liability Company (LLC) and Elk Konnected, LLC

I realize most folks lack a good understanding of business sturctures (corporations, LLCs, partnerships, etc.) so perhaps this information will help us understand the business form being used by Elk Konnected.  The idea that EK is on some kind of 'auto-pilot' is not quite accurate.... someone (an individual or group as admitted members) is legally responsible for the management of an LLC, share in any profits/losses, and enjoy personal liability protection from acts of the LLC.  The idea that the questions being asked are unimportant is a red herring.  EK has taken your tax dollars and commingled itself with your local government from town cops to county commissioners.  Here are some excerpts from a good article on the subject of LLCs, followed by a question....

Limited Liability Companies

With LLCs, the holy grail of business entities is closer at hand, if not in our grasp. Under the typical LLC statute, the members (analogous to shareholders in corporations and partners in partnerships) are all shielded from the company's debts unless they affirmatively undertake responsibility for such debt, such as by a guarantee to a lender....

LLC Certificate and Operating Agreement

The limited liability company, a creature of state law, is one created by the filing of a document similar to articles of incorporation with a state authority. However, the company is not governed by by-laws; instead is governed by an Operating Agreement (in Delaware, known as the LLC Agreement). The Operating Agreement is closer in form to a partnership agreement (or, to use a corporate analogue, by-laws plus a shareholders' agreement). The Operating Agreement sets the rules for governing the company (such as the rules for meetings, if any) as well as the rights and responsibilities of the members vis-a-vis the company and vis-a-vis each other. Thus, it states the members' understanding of who is responsible for contributions to capital and how much, who is to receive distributions and how much, who is to be allocated the various tax attributes of the company such as profits, losses, gains and credits, and under what circumstance the company will dissolve, among others. The Operating Agreement is not filed with any state agency.  

Evidence of LLC Interests

The ownership interests in LLCs may be reflected in share certificates in many jurisdictions, but need not be. In fact it is not unusual for LLC interests to be stated as a percentage of the company's capital as in a partnership.

Management of the LLC

It is up to the members to define in the Operating Agreement how the LLC will be managed. In some cases, the members might vest virtually all control of the LLC in one or a few managers (analogous to the officers and directors of a corporation or the managing general partner in a limited partnership). In other cases, the members might want a more active hand in company policy and day to day management, in which case the Agreement will provide for an appropriate quantum of votes in a variety of circumstances.

Annual and Special Meetings

Depending on the management structure of the company, the Operating Agreement might require regular meetings, as does typical corporate by-laws, or the members might forego meetings altogether.

Complete article:  http://www.lectlaw.com/files/buo01.htm

So the question remains:  Who are the legally responsible admitted members of Elk Konnected, LLC?  If they hadn't taken tax money and weren't so enmeshed with our local governments, it wouldn't matter.... but they have and they are.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from Teresa:
I have a ton of outside work to do for my yard..and for Marks yard and for our lake property. I have grand kids that I help with.. I do the bookwork for Derek's Gun business and the Hardware store and all of Down Range.. I cook.. I clean.. I do laundry. I make at least 2 trips to Wichita a week.. I shoot Sporting Clays once a week and I travel with Marshal when he needs me.

So with all that free time you must have available could I interest you in mowing a couple yards for me ? BANG !!!!!! Holy crap Blondie---I just asked a simple question. You seem so testy these days !!  :D

Janet Harrington

From Teresa...my phone is strapped on to me tighter than my underwear so call if you need anything.

I can tell you that is so true! :o :o :o :o :angel:

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