Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Catwoman on July 31, 2011, 03:38:49 PM
Yup, I'm upping that bet... ;D

I'm glad Mr. Ross has a supporter like you, Red... ;D

I don't believe Red is a supporter of mine. But I do believe he is a concerned citizen and taxpayer that cares about Elk County far more than you do.

Otherwise, how could you support an organization who's owners hide out, while their organization has mis-used our county resourcses?

Quote from: Catwoman on July 31, 2011, 03:38:49 PM
Yup, I'm upping that bet... ;D
How immature and you teach children?
Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected?

Who is their Leader?


Quote from: Catwoman on July 31, 2011, 03:43:42 PM
Yay!!!  ;D  Keep up the good work, Mr. Ross... ;D...Remember, there are 8 more pages needed in order for the bet to be won...
Still being immature. I sure am glad my child isn't one of your students.
He has mature teachers.

jerry wagner

Quote from: Ross on July 31, 2011, 04:07:45 PM
Still being immature. I sure am glad my child isn't one of your students.
He has good teachers.

How irrelevant.  Why is she not permitted to respond sarcastically to your post without ruining her employment potential which is irrelevant to her personal life?


Jerry, haven't you noticed that Mr. Ross is the only one who is supposed to be all-knowing and omnipotent with his sarcasm?  Anyone else who attempts it is immature...But not him, right? lol  ;D ::)

Your post wasn't quite long enough to flesh out the entire page, Mr. Ross...So I'll help it along...I would be willing the 10 page bet will be met within about the next 48 hours, at this rate... ;D

And, as far as immature goes...Spending over 200 pages, harping on the same tired issue qualifies as such...So...Keep up the good work...I'd hate to lose my money at this point... ::)


Quote from: Catwoman on July 31, 2011, 04:13:50 PM
Jerry, haven't you noticed that Mr. Ross is the only one who is supposed to be all-knowing and omnipotent with his sarcasm?  Anyone else who attempts it is immature...But not him, right? lol  ;D ::)

Your post wasn't quite long enough to flesh out the entire page, Mr. Ross...So I'll help it along...I would be willing the 10 page bet will be met within about the next 48 hours, at this rate... ;D

And, as far as immature goes...Spending over 200 pages, harping on the same tired issue qualifies as such...So...Keep up the good work...I'd hate to lose my money at this point... ::)
What my dear teacher is immature about asking what is happening in our government and our county or for that matter in our country. I believe our forefathers thought it a good idea to question government. As citizens we have a right to know. Perhaps responding to you is a bit immature, but I am trying to get you to open your eyes, to see what is really going on. But it just doesn't get through. If perhaps more people were immature and asked what was going on in the federal government we would not have had the big recession a couple of years ago. perhaps our senators and congressmen would have been working for all of us instead of just big business and the banking industry. Perhaps the crisis our country is facing today would not be happening. The questions would have to be asked numerous times to get a mature answer and proper response. And I do believe that's what this is going to take a lot of repetition. So I will gladly provide that until someone responsible is will to talk with all of us. If that is immature, I gladly accept. But I do believe teacher you should look the word up.

And you are not required to be here on this thread as explained earlier. If you need it explained again I will gladly accomodate you.

In the mean time can answer;

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected?

Who is their Leader?


There's nothing immature about asking a question once...Or twice...And then leaving it be.  Asking it over 200 pages worth?  Figure that one out for yourself.

As far as not being required to be on here...That's the pot calling the kettle black...

But, keep on going...I think we've about got this page done and should be able to start the next page here soon... ;D...It will be nice to win a bet, for once! lol


Oh, excellent...!!!...The start of a new page...

Thanks, Ross...Ya did good!!  ;D ;D


Quote from: Jerry Wagner on July 31, 2011, 04:09:10 PM
How irrelevant.  Why is she not permitted to respond sarcastically to your post without ruining her employment potential which is irrelevant to her personal life?

Mr. Wagner she is permitted to respond in what ever manner she desires. I do not censor that's not my responsibility.
However, she went there about kids and classroom not I. And I do not have any say in her employment potential.
If it some how affects her employment she should be educated enough not to go there. Don't you think? She has the college degree not me.

People tend to use children as tools or weapons to accomplish what ever their goal is, be it to put someone down or for other purposes and I really don't appreciate that kind of activity in the political arena or any other arena. Do you approve of such behavior?

Read her remarks carefully, here they are:

Quote from: Catwoman on July 31, 2011, 03:24:22 PM
If I had the extra funds to do so, I would, Red.  They are trying to improve the living experiences of your children that are trapped down there with very little to do other than farm or school pursuits...They're trying to promote a cooperative spirit, since you all down there have to rely on each other, being so cut off from the rest of the world.  These people aren't trying to "get away" with anything, from what I've read here on the Forum...They're DOING rather than just TALKING ABOUT IT.  Not a popular concept, I agree, with those who sip their coffee and become armchair quarterbacks late in the game.  My funds, however, are as always encumbered by the needs of not only my own children but also the needs of my own classroom.  NO, the school doesn't provide me with enough to make my room the way it needs to be to inspire and motivate my students, so I spend my own money.  BUT YES...HELL YES...If I had money, I'd give it to them.  God bless them for continuing to try to do good for Elk County kids, in spite of the backstabbers and anklebiters.
That whole paragraph sounds moronic to me so what do you think it would sound like to a potential employer? Is that my fault too? Now go back and read my response to it.

I never in my life held anyone else responsible of my employment potential, that was fully my own responnsibility.
Is she a responsible person and teacher? Then act like one. Don't blame me.
Just answer the folowing if you can.

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected?

Who is their Leader?


LOL...Pay close attention, Jerry...You're going to get an expert lesson in cut and paste today... ::)

So...Ross...YOU are allowed to "go there", for over 200 pages worth, but anyone else is prevented from doing that, since they should be educated enough NOT TO...Wow.  Talk about an indictment of your own intelligence...Why be so mean to yourself?

The primary reason I'm on here now is insurance...I don't want to lose the bet.  There's a bunch of people that are betting that I will be financing their coffee habit because they think you'll chicken out of fleshing out another 6 pages beyond this.  I have assured them that your obsessive-compulsive habit of posting, in spite of your best interests, will override any good sense and I will indeed get to finance my classroom with the proceeds...

Carry on, Ross!!!!  Don't let me down!!!!  ;D ;D


Quote from: Catwoman on July 31, 2011, 05:00:14 PM
LOL...Pay close attention, Jerry...You're going to get an expert lesson in cut and paste today... ::)

So...Ross...YOU are allowed to "go there", for over 200 pages worth, but anyone else is prevented from doing that, since they should be educated enough NOT TO...Wow.  Talk about an indictment of your own intelligence...Why be so mean to yourself?

The primary reason I'm on here now is insurance...I don't want to lose the bet.  There's a bunch of people that are betting that I will be financing their coffee habit because they think you'll chicken out of fleshing out another 6 pages beyond this.  I have assured them that your obsessive-compulsive habit of posting, in spite of your best interests, will override any good sense and I will indeed get to finance my classroom with the proceeds...

Carry on, Ross!!!!  Don't let me down!!!!  ;D ;D
I would not dream of letting you down.
As I said your behavior is rather immature for a school teacher and I am thankful you are not my childs teacher.   
I will repeat for Mr. Wagner that is my opinion and even after reading it earlier she continues the behavior. Now is that my fault? If that were to affect her employment potential don't you think she would be educated enough to stop? I don't think she thinks it has any affect on her employment potential so you must be wrong Mr. Wagner.

Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected?

Who is their Leader?

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