Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Steve, if  you have all the education, experience, credentials, etc., that you claim you have, what the-----------are you doing trying to exist on disability?  There is surely one of those that you could work in even though you are physically disabled.


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on June 28, 2011, 11:13:18 AM
   Yeah I have what I call a grass roots education.......It came from my own research....ON BOTH sides of most questions...and the fact of the matter is for every study you can find about "How Safe" and "Wonderful" our modern science experiments are I can give you a refuting one. So instead of gettin in a pissin contest with you I'm sayin to everybody RESEARCH it for yourself....read BOTH sides and decide if you want a chemical cocktail everytime you get a drink, take a shower, do your laundry.....not to mention doin such things will get a lot farther and fewer between because of the amount of water being used in a already water thin place to mix their wonderful chemical cocktail.

  I have a degree in hard won experience.......I didnt pay for the privilege of listenin to some big-feelin college professor give me his opinion.
   A college degree trotted out as justification does not impress me....I'm cool like that.

There ya go, Ignorance at its finest.  Gotta trash the college degree when it doesn't agree with your opinion!  Doesn't matter than The science speaks differently....

For the folks out there that MIGHT NOT KNOW,  DDT is very slightly water soluable so that Means, it doesn't mix well at all with water.  No real chance of it getting into your water supply. UNLESS You dump a ton of it in one spot it won't leach out.  IN order for it to do so, it has to dissolve into water which is a universal solvent and DDT isn't water soluable.

THe LD50 for humans is 500mg per kg so that MEANS that you would have to eat 50,000mg or 11 POUNDS of the stuff in order for it to possibly kill you 50/50 chance.   11 POUNDs now.   The chemical has a half life of 10 days.  As with most chemicals it breaks down into its basic inert components.  IS ddt dangerous if used improperly, you bet your bippy.  IS it when used properly? Nope not at all thats why they have proper use instructions printed on a bag so any moron can use it safely. 

IF yall drink Coffee, the Caffeine in that coffee is more toxic to you than the DDT ever will be. 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Wilma on June 28, 2011, 12:33:58 PM
Steve, if  you ohave all the education, experience, credentials, etc., that you claim you have, what the-----------are you doing trying to exist on disability?  There is surely one of those that you could work in even though you are physically disabled.

What has that got to do with the topic?  Its NONE Of your business wilma.  WHY are you getting SS.  Your young enough to work, to teach folks what you have learned over the years for a paycheck too. 
Just because i have a degree doesn't mean I am able to work a job at it.  In fact i've got 2 degrees, and a mittful of experience and it doesn't amount to a cup of coffee for me cause i can't do the work anymore.  AND the SS dept took those deg's into account when they awarded me the disability and i passed through all the hoops to get it. But you really think i would be on it if i actually had a choice in it? I'll tell ya right now i would rather be making 120k a year than this measly pittance they think is enough to supplement me.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 28, 2011, 11:18:52 AM
Actually Steve, my father did, and a masters and on and on. In 1962 (I think) when the studies were released he stopped using DDT and never touched it again. He did some research on his own and agreed with what had been released. I won't argue with you because you never ever change your mind, but I know what happened here. I could write a lot about the eagles and ospreys and bluebirds here and what happened with the DDT run off and fish and thin eggshells but I won't waste my time. Go back and reread silent spring again, see where it was written. Steve, I respectfully disagree with you on the DDT business, but you go right ahead and do what you want....out there!

You know all those tests and studies were used back in the 60s during the "eco" movement.  I don't know what would have changed his mind other than the possibility that it could cause cancer.  Hell everything these days causes cancer.   flip a coin on anything you do.

Quite frankly i don't use pesticide around here until a pest becomes beyond control.  ITs called IPM.  ANd i'll use anything to get rid of it if it means that i get control back.  IN FACT most people think DDT is banned these days but its not completely banned.  Like i said the US is re-licensing it for use here in the states.  

Theres far worse chemicals out there.   You know the good folks that are supposedly buying the power from this windfarm going in?  The Tennessee VAlley authority.  THey have destroyed more lakes and streams than DDT ever would have.  THey dumped PCV's into the water supply from their dams.  THat never goes away, and is unfortunately FAT soluable.  So what happens, fish eat it. it absorbs into the fat and oils of the fish, they swim around, and die, and other fish eat the dead fish and it quickly kills off the laakes and streams. THen you have people catch the fish and eat them and they get it into their fat cells and over time it builds up and kills them.  You see, pcv's do not flush out of your fat cells. THey build up and build up until you reach a fatal dose.  

BUT you have TVA who hasn't bothered with clean up, willing to buy power from the windfarm and folks eager to sell it to them.  There goes that clean energy down the tubes you know cause its being distributed by one of the worst polluters in the country.
BTW its a Government Backed agency too.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

And that is exactly why there are recommendations on how often, or perhaps I should say how seldom, certain fish should be eaten. Telling me there are worse things out there isn't something new to me, but I'll stand by what I already said. We've had continued habitat loss here but the eagle population is up dramatically. I remember when the eagles about disappeared along the Susquehanna River near the Conowingo Dam years ago.They have come back gradually but consistently since the DDT stopped. Especially in late fall and winter there can be many eagles because the fishing is so good there. Did you mean PCBs?


QuoteThere ya go, Ignorance at its finest.  Gotta trash the college degree when it doesn't agree with your opinion!  Doesn't matter than The science speaks differently....

there ya go....."Educated" elitism at it's best....trash the self-educated when it doesnt agree with your "learned" board-certified paper- hangin opinion. Doesn't matter when actual experience speaks differently than the science wants you to believe

Go ahead...dazzle me with your  expertness..........

QuoteTheres far worse chemicals out there.   You know the good folks that are supposedly buying the power from this windfarm going in?  The Tennessee VAlley authority.  THey have destroyed more lakes and streams than DDT ever would have.  THey dumped PCV's into the water supply from their dams.  THat never goes away, and is unfortunately FAT soluable.  So what happens, fish eat it. it absorbs into the fat and oils of the fish, they swim around, and die, and other fish eat the dead fish and it quickly kills off the laakes and streams. THen you have people catch the fish and eat them and they get it into their fat cells and over time it builds up and kills them.  You see, pcv's do not flush out of your fat cells. THey build up and build up until you reach a fatal dose.

No shit???????

DDT is toxic........go get a big ol lungful if you dont believe it. Spill some on your bare skin...see how wonderful you feel then..... it's not an argument....it's fact.......not going to change my mind one iota. Go ahead and put out the "party feel good propaganda"


  I wait with bated breath for my education in the safety of chemical compounds.........................

Diane Amberg

OK...MSDS... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Now Pam ,remember, some of us college educated folks are pretty nice people. 8) ;D ;)


I am on your side Steve. All the people that you are talking too have been there,done it, done it again and they are right no matter what. You know when you claim to be smarter then any one on the forum, which several of these people think they are. Steve you will never win. Hang in there I am on your side. I know what my daughters college degree has done for her she is now on her masters. I wish I would have done what she has done. Life does not treat all of us the same. Not only that, tlhis thread is about the commissioners meeting and as usual we have not stayed on the topic.


Quote from: Jane on June 28, 2011, 04:02:53 PM
Not only that, tlhis thread is about the commissioners meeting and as usual we have not stayed on the topic.

Thank you, Jane.  Of course, when talking about deadly things, let's not forget the singularly deadly effect that undue influence by special interests over elected officials can have.  Especially if those special interests hold elected office or government positions.
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