Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Janet Harrington

Quote from: Wilma on June 19, 2011, 08:43:40 PM
Jennifer, I am sorry if you felt that my comments were in any way a threat.  I am only concerned about your safety as you are well known by name and vocation.  Maybe keeping a low profile and out of the limelight would be a wise move for awhile.  This doesn't mean that you can't continue to post under another name.  There are others that do, you know.

Mother, I don't think it is in Jennifer's nature to hide under another name. LOL I worked with her on the Longton teacher thing and she is just very vocal. I really think she can take care of herself. I am sure she appreciates the concern.


What is all this talk of limelight. I don't get it. Is everyone on the forum in the limelight.
What does that mean? What is the fixation of one person verses another on this forum
being in any limelight. Are only certain people allowed to be on the forum talking without
being in the limelight? This ain't hollywood. This is a community conversation. Are people in
leadership positions in the limelight? Should they take a low profile for a while as well?

Are you in the limelight because you ar on this forum? Should you change your name?
Should you take a low profile? Should I take a low profile and change my name too?

Perhaps everyone should change their names, but why?

I just don't get it.  Please explain?


Wilma, I do not think that Jennifer needs to feel threatened or indeed does feel threatened by anything said on this forum. We are adults here, and if we let it 'all hang out' we are probably willing to accept the bumps and scrapes involved as a result. I do not always agree with Jennifer, nor do I agree all the time with anybody else on this forum. Thank God for that! But I can work with most people toward a common goal, and in this instance, it is truth for Elk County that I am interested in. In that, I do agree with Jennifer and others who have expressed their opinion on this matter.   :-* :-*


Quit heckling Wilma, Ross.  You say first that you are going to sit back and share ownership of the thread, because you in your unbelievable wisdom have decided you have accomplished what you came here for...Then, in the next breath, you are heckling one hell of a fine woman.

Which side of your face are you talking out of?


Ross is doing OK.  He hasn't let you liberals get him down.  He's stood.


Quote from: Catwoman on June 19, 2011, 09:05:47 PM
...Which side of your face are you talking out of?

Quote from: Catwoman on June 13, 2011, 10:21:15 PM
If you were reading this thread, you saw my apology...And it even extends to you...As a Christian, I can do no less.  My initial statement came after wading my way through 90 solid pages of the same question being asked over and over again...And I lost patience at that point.  Again, my apologies.  I lowered myself to a level that I don't normally reach when I allowed myself to engage in senseless, demeaning exchanges with you...And it won't be allowed to occur again.     

I'm confused.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on June 19, 2011, 06:30:38 PM
Steve, I know what the 2nd amendment say. Where did I use the word permit in reference to the 2nd amendment? Please point it out to me because if I wrote that I want to know where.

Janet, you said this...
All my friends, and I mean all, believe in the 2nd amendment and believe in the right to have a concealed carry permit.

Permits to carry concealed is nothing but a illegal law that infringes on the constitutional rights of citizens.   In all reality, you can't really support both.   

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Wilma on June 18, 2011, 05:47:01 PM
Jennifer, I am surprised that you, a federal employee, are participating in this thread.  When I was a federal employee, we were given a book, "Code of Conduct" and one thing that was pointed out to us at the time was that we were not to participate in any political activities.  We were not being told what we could do or not do.  The reason for this was the possibility of revenge on the employee's workplace or fellow employees if someone became irate because of something the employee had said or done.
Quote from: Ross on June 19, 2011, 06:44:45 PM
I am not offended by Wilma in the least.
However the grouping of some sentences can lead to assumptions. So perhaps a litlle caution in that area, grouping of sentences that is, might be considered. I know I have made mis-statements in the past and I am sure I'll do it again. But I shall try not to.
Quote from: Wilma on June 19, 2011, 08:43:40 PM
Jennifer, I am sorry if you felt that my comments were in any way a threat.  I am only concerned about your safety as you are well known by name and vocation.  Maybe keeping a low profile and out of the limelight would be a wise move for awhile.  This doesn't mean that you can't continue to post under another name.  There are others that do, you know.

Quote from: Ross on June 19, 2011, 08:54:38 PM
What is all this talk of limelight. I don't get it. Is everyone on the forum in the limelight.
What does that mean? What is the fixation of one person verses another on this forum
being in any limelight. Are only certain people allowed to be on the forum talking without
being in the limelight? This ain't hollywood. This is a community conversation. Are people in
leadership positions in the limelight? Should they take a low profile for a while as well?

Are you in the limelight because you ar on this forum? Should you change your name?
Should you take a low profile? Should I take a low profile and change my name too?

Perhaps everyone should change their names, but why?
I just don't get it.  Please explain?
Quote from: Catwoman on June 19, 2011, 09:05:47 PM
Quit heckling Wilma, Ross.  You say first that you are going to sit back and share ownership of the thread, because you in your unbelievable wisdom have decided you have accomplished what you came here for...Then, in the next breath, you are heckling one hell of a fine woman.
Which side of your face are you talking out of?
Where is the heckling? I was asking a legitamate question and you just didn't like it.  I did not say I was going to disappear did I. So, what is all that talk about the limelight? Are you in the limelight? What the heck is the point?

It would appear to me an attempt to scare people off the thread. And that is not nice. So, I asked what's it all about and the answer from you is HECKLING? That's just another attempt at hiding what is being said in my opinion. Wilma may be a fine woman I can not address that, okay. I don't personnaly know her. But the statements still leave questions to be answered. One I can think of is she really writing them? Is someone else using her log-in? I have read somethings over the last few days from her that I have had a hard time swallowing  because she has always been very polite in my opinion. And some of it just doesn't sound like her. Is someone else possibly using her name??? Anything is possible in cyberspace, right.

But back to the issues: What is happening in Elk County?
Who steers the steering committee?

Who are the admitted members who own, and run,
Elk Konnected.

Who is your Puppet Master?


This thread on this forum is the limelight.  Teresa has told us that many people are reading it, remember?  We all know from recent events in D.C. that what is sent into cyberspace cannot be retrieved or even explained away sometimes.  A post containing your name and occupation could lead to unpleasant encounters with crazies, which Jennifer probably sees a lot of anyway during her daily walk.

Ross, I joined this forum shortly after I moved over here.  I chose to use my own name, knowing that a lot of Elk County people would recognize it.  I didn't realize it at the time, that this forum was so widely read.  I have even found a long distance cousin because of the forum and more recently was contacted by a nephew that I had lost track of after his mother died.  I am not in the position of serving the public or being in public, therefore, I feel that my comments will not affect anyone but me.  No employers, no associates, no business that depends on public participation.  All those things that could suffer from alienating people.

No one uses my log-in, no one tells me what to write.  If you think that some statements are not typical of me, maybe you just haven't scratched the surface yet.  My replies and the tone of them is usually in response to a post from someone else.  If the post was bitchy, my reply could tend to be bitchy.  In other words, my replies are just a reflection of the post to which I am replying.

Now, for today, how are you this morning?  I have noticed that the current weather has eased my pain somewhat.  I hope it is doing the same for  you.

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