Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Was that enthical or just improper?   we are not all above eithics,that I am sure of.   And this thread, the Elk Konected is just a tip of an iceberg to the county.   
Please continue...and please differentiate between ethical, illegal and improper.  What started out as a questionable thread may have turned out to be just plain unethical and improper. 
Can anyone help to differentiate?


Quote from: readyaimduck on June 19, 2011, 04:39:45 PM
Was that enthical or just improper?   we are not all above eithics,that I am sure of.   And this thread, the Elk Konected is just a tip of an iceberg to the county.   
Please continue...and please differentiate between ethical, illegal and improper.  What started out as a questionable thread may have turned out to be just plain unethical and improper. 
Can anyone help to differentiate?

Ethical means right behavior. It might not be illegal but is it right.   ILLEGAL means violation of the law. This can be Right or wrong actions that do this.  You can be illegal if your intentions and actions are of good character and morality. 

Improper would be alone the lines of ethical. 

IF your saying something OUGHT to be or Should be, then it falls into the ethical and proper/improper usage.    IF you know something that is Ethcial and Proper to do but it violates the law and you do it, then its ILLEGAL.


Unethical and Improper can be LEGAL just the same.  IF it doesn't violate the law.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


eth·i·cal   /ˈɛθɪkəl/  Show Spelled
[eth-i-kuhl]  Show IPA

1. pertaining to or dealing with morals or the principles of morality; pertaining to right and wrong in conduct.

il·le·gal   /ɪˈligəl/  Show Spelled
[ih-lee-guhl]  Show IPA

1. forbidden by law or statute.
2. contrary to or forbidden by official rules, regulations, etc.: The referee ruled that it was an illegal forward pass.

im·prop·er   /ɪmˈprɒpər/  Show Spelled
[im-prop-er]  Show IPA

1. not proper; not strictly belonging, applicable, correct, etc.; erroneous: He drew improper conclusions from the scant evidence.
2. not in accordance with propriety of behavior, manners, etc.: improper conduct at a funeral.
3. unsuitable or inappropriate, as for the purpose or occasion: improper attire for a formal dance.

Conclusion...Unethical or improper, possibly...Illegal, no.


Since we're currently busy reading irrelevant ramblings from Webster's....

We interrupt your regularly scheduled and relevant discussions to bring you this mostly unimportant message:

Who is the person called Patriot on the Elk County Forum?

For those of you who understand the importance of the message over the messenger, I'll apologize in advance should you find your time wasted in reading this post.  Please pass by & ignore it if you wish.

For those who missed William Shakespeare's simple lesson about what's in a name, thank you for wasting your time reading this information as it in no way effects the content of my other posts. 

For my esteemed military colleagues, I apologize for posting some service history.  As we know, for us, that and a buck buys a cup of coffee.  Your accomplishments & service surely exceed mine.

I'm sure some of the rest you feel entitled to this information based on your demonstrated elitist, holier than thou mindsets, and I hope that some of your prurient interests will be satisfied,  and I hope you figuratively choke on it.  Quick, call your friends and give them the link to this post.

Who am I?  I'm about to tell you.  But, first, this disclaimer:  Know that I still maintain (with firm legal foundation, I've discovered) that all of my personally identifying data is private & legally protected unless self-released, self-published or a matter of public record.  I have not released personally identifying data, nor have I given anyone else permission to do so.  I hold to the belief that all such information is unrelated to anything posted on this forum and that such information is protected under state, federal and international case law... let those here who have already violated, or attempted to violate that protection, take note.  The actual pages proving your actions have been well archived.  You might consider removing any remaining such posts & refrain from future similar actions to preclude something my attorney called "a pervasive pattern of malicious intent".  Some here know me personally and I thank you for your continued respect of my privacy.  Your ethics are a credit to yourself and your community.

Now, as to some background that may help readers assess the reliability of this poster, I provide the following.  While not resoundingly spectacular, my background has been rewarding.  Here's an overview...

I'm a native born Kansan.  My father was born in Kansas, my mother in Oklahoma.  I'm married.  I have two adult children and one grandchild.  I currently live in Elk County.  I both vote and pay taxes here. 

I rarely drink alcohol, do not use illicit drugs and have no communicable diseases.  I have no arrest record and no criminal background.  My IQ on the Stanford Binet (prior to SB5) averages 130, for whatever that's worth (not much in my book).  I'm not wealthy, but live comfortably.  I'm a political independent who holds to a fairly strict constructionist (meaning a close or narrow reading and interpretation of a statute or written document) view of the Constitution.   I have no political office aspirations or desire for work in public service.  I'm by no means a perfect human being, but I am a professing Christian of protestant upbringing with no current denominational affiliation, though I did teach adult Sunday school classes in the Methodist church many years ago.  I began working away from home at the age of 15.

I've held a Kansas life insurance license, and have some experience as a professional painter.  I've had formal college training in computer science, have considerable experience with small computer hardware (in sales, service & application).  I have considerable experience in relational database management systems & networking of personal computers, sufficient to have been previously retained by Pizza Hut Corporation world headquarters to make & implement modifications to their worldwide retail sales data collection, currency conversion and consolidation database management programs before Pizza Hut was absorbed by PepsiCo.  I also have experience & formal training in sales & sales management.

I served for 10 years in the US Air Force as a security and law enforcement specialist, with advanced work in air base defense planning, quality control and standardization as well as operational readiness  evaluation.  During my Air Force tenure, I received the Meritorious Service Award and 2 Oak Leaf clusters and the Air Force Distinguished Service Medal.  I graduated with honors from the Strategic Air Command Air Force Leadership & Management Center and was recognized as the Outstanding Security Specialist non-commissioned officer for the United States Air Forces in Europe.  My performance ratings included positive recognitions & advancement recommendations as evidenced by multiple General Officer endorsements up to the Department of the Air Force command level.  I also hold several expert marksmanship awards with varying weapons.

I've been self employed for almost 30 years.  My first substantial corporate undertaking was as a wholesale distributor of C-Band satellite TV equipment to retailers in Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri and Nebraska.  Much fun until Al Gore sponsored federal legislation that killed that industry in favor of his cronies in the cable TV industry... Side note: Charlie Ergen, founder & former CEO of Dish Networks was one of the few survivors.

I was a Kansas licensed private detective for 10+ years specializing in worker compensation fraud, insurance fraud, theft and other criminal investigations for private businesses, major insurance carriers and government entities.  I know a little something about fraud, perpetrators of fraud & fraudulent operations.  I also provided electronic debugging services and the occasional cheating spouse investigation as well as significant amounts of legal process service.   As one of the the owners of a state licensed agency, I employed as many as five other licensed investigators, seven court authorized process servers and a half a dozen administrative personnel.  I know a little something about scheduling, prioritization, personnel management & making a payroll.

My past business references include (in no particular order and not limited to) numerous law firms, FerrelGas, Hartford Insurance, Allstate Insurance, The Kansas Restaurant and Hospitality Association, the City of Wichita, The Kansas KETCH Foundation, Catholic Charities, Raytheon Aircraft, Cessna Aircraft, Caterpillar Corporation, Key Construction Company, Jones Storage and Moving Inc., Vornado Air, Farmers Insurance, Dondlinger and Sons Construction, Bank Four, Intrust Bank, Emprise Bank, American Cinemas, The Newton Medical Center,  and through their attorneys Rubbermaid Incorporated.  The names of any current clients are withheld as a matter of proprietary information... sorry for any inconvenience. 

I now own interests in two businesses.  In addition to the core work of pre-employment background services, one of them operates a nationally franchised service business screening civil, criminal & credit histories of prospective tenants for landlords.  Been doing this for over 15 years.  The other operation is a small agribusiness. 

No, I'm not applying for a job, nor will I engage in any further public discussions about the foregoing information.  If you have questions, feel free to ask me privately.

The foregoing is, of course, not exhaustive, but other than my race, eye, and hair color (which, if asked for, might indicate racist proclivities on your part), there should be enough there to help assuage any concerns that I'm truly the antichrist or harbor anything other than a concerned citizen's interest in local political conditions.   I hope this helps those of you poor depraved souls who are in need of such irrelevant information to somehow satisfy your unnatural interests in the private affairs of others.  Paul warned well of your kind.  I believe he called them backbiters and gossips.

How about some relevant insights?  I believe in the rights of individuals to govern themselves, relying on our constitution as a base.  That means a representative republic where elected officials are generally accountable to the citizens they are chosen to represent.  This state and this county are well patterned after that process, at least on paper.  The responsibility associated with being a government official is a sacred public trust and is reflected in how professionally they do their job, including their unbiased decisions and use of taxpayer resources as well as their ability to separate their personal interests from their public duties.  Too damned many people have served and given their lives in the last 200 years to just toss the rights and reasonable expectations of our citizens out the door.

As for this thread, I have come to believe there is something rotten in our local wood pile.  There has been for some time.  Undue influence of the few over the best interests of the many.  I was warned of this soon after we located to Elk County several years ago.  I'm discovering that many others have been likewise warned.  Apparently this has been the case for years.  The 'good ole boys' factor doesn't even begin to cover it.  The putrefaction in our midst has become intolerable as Roberts Rules of Order and parliamentary procedure involving well announced open public hearings to debate public policy have been effectively thrown out the window in favor of the consensus management (by hired professionals) of vulnerable, uninformed citizens, using well adapted, professionally implemented group control techniques.  I opine that such crony capitalism & public manipulation has become the rule rather than the exception.

Such 'alternatives' to elected representation & public debate become abrasive to the spirit of liberty when government officials abandoned their responsibilities of above board constituent representation by turning those responsibilities over to an elite group of unelected cronies, giving heed to their desires and openly rewarding them with taxpayer monies and the use of other taxpayer/voter resources.  Even to the point of making a local government employee's primary function that of a fundraiser and a government paid lackey for the same elite, non-elected group and elected officials who trumpet that group. The influenced votes of figureheads are not necessarily representative of the public's wishes.

This county is at best stagnant, and at worst dying.  Limited local employment, a shrinking population and the generous number of for sale signs give light to that truth.  This due, in my opinion, largely to the mismanagement of a few who quietly use government power to enhance their personal station and that of their families and close friends.  And that shouldn't be.  The people in this county may be blinded, but they aren't stupid.  Keep them uninformed, distract & dictate to them, make them think their input matters and they are kept numb and easily controlled.  Give them the chance, and they will see foolishness for what it is.  Ask the questions, and the citizens at large will produce the right answers.  Let them be clearly heard, and our community can improve.   Not through centralized control and extra-government direction, but through the open, non-facilitated expressions of their needs, ideas, dreams & skills.  Elk county, in some regards, is no different than our entire country at this point... government needs to be open, honest, responsive not directive, and needs get the hell out of the way of the people.

Many posters on this thread, through their words, have clearly demonstrated the antithesis of what liberty is all about.  They have (knowingly, unknowingly, coached or otherwise) associated themselves with the questionable actions of others by responding to openly submitted yet clear questions of fact with blind defenses, distractions, deflections, personal attacks and demands of silence.  Yet those poster's involvement was something they could have avoided or modified.  No such responses were required of them.  They freely chose to engage in the discussion and try to stifle debate rather than stimulate & further it.  Sad, really sad.

There, you have it....
We now return to our regularly scheduled, and much more important, discussions.

And the questions remain.... one would be:

How much influence does Elk Konnected, LLC, directly and indirectly, exert over county government decisions or employee actions?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: kshillbillys on June 19, 2011, 11:29:24 AM
Wilma--A public forum is NOT always a peaceful place on Politics. It's better to shut your mouth if you have nothing to say rather to run other people into the ground and make it seem like you are the victim. Now that ain't gonna happen, is it? It may be just me, but your little innuendos along with Janet's innuendos could be construed as threatening. I mean, God hopes Ross' knee doesn't get any worse if he was to have a bad accident. Or some kook could hunt someone down because of your name on the forum and knowing that you work for the post office or some kook knowing that you live behind the county shop at Howard. And just who in the hell, Janet, in this county or as a matter of fact anywhere in the midwest excluding a few of your friends don't believe in the 2nd Amendment? I know that you spend most of your week in Independence before coming back to Howard, and after reading the shit that you put on this forum, and I do mean shit, it's easy to understand why you were voted out. If you were a fine outstanding person and actually did as good of a job as ex-sheriff, I suppose you would still be in office.

I'm glad that you both agree that this whole thing does need to be investigated and NOT by Elk County flunkies. I do like the politics that go on in this county, the only time that anybody gives a shit about the Elk County citizens is during election times. Otherwise it's "Screw 'em. They get what we give 'em!"

These are my words and only my words.---Mr. Kshillbilly

Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.


So Patriot, just what are you trying to say?..........LOL ;D



Janet Harrington

Quote from: kshillbillys on June 19, 2011, 11:29:24 AM
And just who in the hell, Janet, in this county or as a matter of fact anywhere in the midwest excluding a few of your friends don't believe in the 2nd Amendment? I know that you spend most of your week in Independence before coming back to Howard

Mr. Walker,

All my friends, and I mean all, believe in the 2nd amendment and believe in the right to have a concealed carry permit. And as for spending most of my week in Independence to work, how is that your business? How are you so knowledgeable about what I do and don't do? As for losing the election, I did. Do you see me saying anything on this forum about that? That was 6 years ago. I got over that many moons ago. Why can't you?  


Quote from: kshillbillys on June 19, 2011, 05:43:51 PM
So Patriot, just what are you trying to say?..........LOL ;D

Uh... the earth isn't flat and there are more important things in life than lollipops n liberals!   ;D

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on June 19, 2011, 05:49:40 PM

Uh... the earth isn't flat and there are more important things in life than lollipops n liberals!   ;D

oh, ok, I get it now!!




Actually Janet, the 2nd amendment says nothing about permitting. It says BEAR arms (which means to carry, concealed or openly, to possess on ones person) SHALL NOT be infringed.  That LITERALLY MEANS they cannot require any law that interferes with Keeping and bearing arms. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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