Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Roma Jean Turner on June 17, 2011, 06:10:34 AM
One thing I don't know is who you are.
I get it, he's the shadow,
No body knows the shadow.
The shadow is everywhere, unless the lights are out.
I like his name and posts.
Mystery and intrigue and ethics and couth.

Keep up the good work Shadow.

Who steers the steering committee?


I was just wondering. Do you suppose Elk Konnected and their affiliates might do
The right, The ethical thing, The couth thing.
Concerning taking front page credit for the Elk County Summer Day Camp.

Wouldn't that be a positive step on their behalf?
After all they expound the positive.

How about an apology and a retraction on the front page just like the article
Claiming Elk Konnected Summer Day Camp.

I think that would be
The right thing, The ethical thing, The couth thing to do to set things right in a positive way.

Elk Konnected often states keep things positive, lets see if they mean it.
State something positive about Elk County on the front page.

Go Elk Konnected, lets see you grow the positive.

Who steers the steering committee?


It was great interest that I read the article in this week's Prairie Star regarding the 'ownership' of Elk Konnected, LLC.  

Yes, EK Cheerleaders, I saw it.  However...

Lots of rhetoric, smoke and mirrors and yet not one clear answer to the very question posed in the title of the article itself.  The 'owners' (admitted members) were not identified.  The fact that they have no 'board of directors' or 'officers', etc. is NOT RELEVANT!  They are not required by statute to have such positions.  Nor are they required to have the types of regular meetings required of corporations.  'Co-conveners' is also not a term associated with the ownership of a limited liability company.

An LLC exists to provide personal liability protection to its' owners (admitted members) only.  That protection shields the personal assets of the owners (admitted members). in the event creditors seek to attach assets for nonpayment or in the event someone sues the LLC for monetary damages.  Only the LLC will pay, not the owners (admitted members).  It provides NO protection against loss or damages incurred by its employees, volunteers or non-member associates.  Additionally, Damages caused by volunteers engaging in EK activities would likely still leave the volunteer open to a claim against them personally. An insurance policy might help, though given the scope of activity claimed by EK, I suspect a comprehensive liability policy covering volunteers & non-member associates, especially one including errors & omissions protection, might be prohibitively  expensive.  Which would raise another set of questions altogether.

While the article did a nice job of identifying those who are the public storefront of and advise (steer) the goals and plans of the LLC, it DID NOT identify the admitted members of the company.  I was interested to read the dates of several changes in steering committee positions as they coincide neatly with other events in county government.  But that's not important now.  What's important is the clear, unvarnished answer to the very question asked and not answered in the article:  

Who owns Elk Konnected, LLC?

And 'we', is not the answer.  What a waste of ink and paper, IMO. 3 or 4 column inches to say nothing about the very thing the writer purports to tell.  Perhaps the paper would better serve its' readership by printing copies of the LLC's Articles of Organization and any internal Operational Agreements it has created.  Now that would make for interesting reading!

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Since when does an organization have to identify their membership?  What difference does it make who is an admitted member and who is not?  Unless you are a member yourself, it is none of your business.  Oh, yes, this organization is asking for tax money just as other organizations in Elk County are, isn't it?  Why don't you go ask the Longton Ball Club who their admitted members are?  Or the Howard Ball Club?  They have asked for money, too.


Thank you, Wilma...I have been wondering the same thing...What difference will it make?  Even if you have more names beyond the ones listed previously on this thread, what on earth difference will it make to know exactly who EVERY SINGLE MEMBER is?  If Pat and Ross were trying to make a point, they made it many pages previous to this one.  Even if the PatRoss contingent got their wish and knew absolutely everyone who was a member (and if they are actually living in Elk County, then I guarantee they've seen all the members on a regular basis, just as I used to...And NO, I don't have the foggiest notion of who all is in that organization...And don't care to know...It is enough that they are, as an entity, attempting to help the citizens of Elk County, not hurt them), what could they do with that information?  There is nothing to be gained by it.  I fail to see what point there is to PatRoss's determination to know absolutely all the members...Unless, of course, the two of them are planning to join the EK team and start doing more than just spreading conjecture...???


Quote from: Wilma on June 17, 2011, 08:41:51 AM
Since when does an organization have to identify their membership?

That's exactly the point.  They don't.  And I pointed that out weeks ago.  They also don't have to reveal their agendas, long range plans or account for any government monies they receive.  Sad, ain't it?

Quote from: Wilma on June 17, 2011, 08:41:51 AM
What difference does it make who is an admitted member and who is not?

Under the circumstances, which are a matter of public record, it makes a lot of difference.  Sorry you don't see that.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Catwoman on June 17, 2011, 08:54:22 AM
Unless, of course, the two of them are planning to join the EK team and start doing more than just spreading conjecture...???

I don't plan to blindly join the Socialist Workers Party in America, either... Even if their promise of a Wallgreen Perfect world looks good on paper.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.



From your most recent post, I gather you read the article and found no substance either.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.



Patriot, from your last post I take it that you still don't recognize answers when you see them.  At the time I posted, I had not read the article, having missed seeing it while I was looking for the columns from our small town reporters.  Now, I have read the article.  Every question you have asked is answered there.  Try reading it again, then admit that you don't want answers.

Since most of your posts are just repeats of previous posts, methinks that you just like seeing your words in print, regardless of the effect they might have.

Elk Konnected LLC has answered your questions.  If you still think there is something illegal, take it to the proper authorities.

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