Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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16 minutes, much better!  

Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 12, 2011, 12:29:21 PM
Patriot, why do you think I can't defend my position?

Oh, I know you can defend it.   The question is more one of relevance.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 12, 2011, 12:29:21 PM
Besides, you missed building construction, especially Charter Schools. Right now I'm doing a building for the Elsmere Shooting Range. I'm multi- talented...

Sorry to have missed those, mistress.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 12, 2011, 12:29:21 PM
and VERY humble too.

Let's avoid fantasy, shall we?  

Thanks for sharing, but now, back to why EK LLC can't get its' own grants and must use county resources (county name, employee time, etc.) to do so and the myriad of other unanswered questions in that vein.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


"It's not denial. I'm just selective about the reality I accept."

Diane..I really like your posts, however this is not about a Master's degree or a PhD.  This is about Ross' trek as to Elk County and it's possible shenannigans, snake oil.

I am. in no way am affiliated with Ross or Patriot.  I just happened to appreciate their questions of their own Commissioner's action and the  (your) taxpayer dollars that may or may not be sent to an improper place.  If not, then so be it.  If so, then people really need to speak up and strip that reality.
(Please excuse the commas, I happen to be a comma Meister as I use them to take a breath.  ;)


Now, now ,now Ross.  Do you think they will tell you what they REALLY feel?   ::)
Will you be asking questions as to the same here on this forum????   
It's a shame I have to be a work, I would truly love to see you in action, and then report the truth.
(Devil's advocate, my questioneer!   ;D)


Quote from: readyaimduck on June 12, 2011, 01:55:17 PM
"It's not denial. I'm just selective about the reality I accept."

Diane..I really like your posts, however this is not about a Master's degree or a PhD.  This is about Ross' trek as to Elk County and it's possible shenannigans, snake oil.

I am. in no way am affiliated with Ross or Patriot.  I just happened to appreciate their questions of their own Commissioner's action and the  (your) taxpayer dollars that may or may not be sent to an improper place.  If not, then so be it.  If so, then people really need to speak up and strip that reality.
(Please excuse the commas, I happen to be a comma Meister as I use them to take a breath.  ;)

All that dissing you have given me and now this! I am flabbergasted to say the least.
But I think you should know Diane lives in Delaware. Does that help?


I have to go for now. I am taking my son to baseball practice that is not Elk Konnected, connected.

Who are the officialiy registered Elk Konnected members???
                 Why won't they Converse with us???
                        What are Their Real goals???
                               Questions Galore



QuoteI just happened to appreciate their questions of their own Commissioner's action and the  (your) taxpayer dollars that may or may not be sent to an improper place.  If not, then so be it.  If so, then people really need to speak up and strip that reality.

and you call this dissing???
Congrats for you and your son.  Wished you lived closer, I would hire him as a mower for me  (I pay well for a job well done)

And yes, I am aware that Diane is not living here.  And your point is????

Diane Amberg

Nah, Miss Duck ( that's humor) my silly academic poking missed its mark, I guess.  The use of high falutin academic vocabulary doesn't necessarily make a person right, was my point.  I can throw it too. So what. ;D
 I just don't agree that the Elk County folks are as easily led as a couple of them think.  It's a bit of an insult. If they are going along with the flow, so to speak, that's their  choice and doesn't need someone, with a degree or otherwise, to assume they wouldn't know manipulation if they saw it. I think all the questions were asked and answered several years ago and then the committees moved forward with their projects. I know the spark plug people, that do most of the work in any community, wanted more help. I read it and I heard it personally. I still wonder, as do a number of others, after all this time, why the questions now?  There seem to be some questions that actually were answered quite long ago but apparently not in a form acceptable to a few, who, by the way showed no interest in any of this until Mr. Ross spoke up. Then they jumped in his canoe.  I have no problem with asking questions but I have heard more than one explanation as to how and where those questions were asked and/or answered. Obviously I don't have an opinion since I wasn't at the meetings.
If there are problems, why aren't the other two commissioners speaking up?  Aren't they all equally accountable? Only one seems to be getting the pointed end of the spear.
By the way, I understand about commas, I do it too! It's true I really don't have a dog in this fight, but I did see a lot of the beginning posts about E K  since I've been on here for a few years. I'm sure they knew they couldn't please everyone but ya gotta try or nothing will ever happen.


QuoteIf there are problems, why aren't the other two commissioners speaking up?

Point in fact.  Unfortutely  most small town counties trust the people we elect...and I use the term 'trust' lightly.
Thank you for that honest post...or just what I wanted to hear. 
Otherwise....this is what a forum is about...not to berate or judge, yet to just give the facts...and so far I have only seen Ross/Patriot's and others.  The rest is about feelings.
Help to kill this thread with the truth....PLEASE :-*
ready...hope I didn't put any more condescing crap on here!


Quoteto assume they wouldn't know manipulation if they saw it. I think all the questions were asked and answered several years ago and then the committees moved

And I (personally) question the methods of which those answered questions were asked.  Were the people snaked oiled into Grants to have the hardpaying people that pay them with the ackowlegemnet of Elk Konnected, LLC ?
Were you here for the Railroad being put in in 1871?
IMO only.


sorry for the year posted.  Need Wm Gray to verify that.
The orginal town was promised a railroad to take things back and forth.  at that time was properous with 383 people.
Then the railroad changed their mind, and put it 3 miles south next to the river.  (No funds) ?  Our town moved to the Railroad.
What happened to the tax that people at that time paid to have the railroad come and ship their goods?   
And, at that time, they were taxed on cattle, dogs, kids, and chickens. 

And these were originally people from Howard, Severy and other States...You really can;t tell me that the Politicians today are cut of the same cloth?   

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