Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Yea right Teresa. You are only kissing my behunkes so I will book a massage with you. You are bound and determined to get me on the rub'n table so you can knead my hard muscular  body while fantasizing that you are working on Arnold Swartnigg ------Swatzneg---oh hell, that funny talking California guy that has his t#t in a ringer !!!!


Quote from: patriotdad on June 03, 2011, 11:10:09 AM
Thanks for commenting on everything but the main subject of the last post.  Are you or aren't you going to call the DoC and tell them what corrupt, agenda driven organization they gave a $3000 grant to.  

I said "Call the Dept. of Commerce"  so are you going to do as you said you would or are you going to just keep talking tough.

If EK did something wrong then prove it.  Call your county commissioner, call the DoC, call the IRS.    If you want answers then go get them.  Quit berating everything everyone on here says.  Numerous people have tried to answer your questions and it's never good enough. you want answers, go get your answers yourself.  

Threat or not threat do as you said you would and call the DoC.  Do it! I don't think you will because you don't want to know the truth.  

The next response from you should be when and who you talked to @ the DOC and when we should expect a formal response.  Anything else then we will assume that your questions/theories about EK's wrong doings with the grant from the DOC answered and resolved.  

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 03, 2011, 08:01:47 PM
Now Jar, I have no barrels, blazing or otherwise and I did say I wrote that for effect. I don't believe he said he was escorted out, but I may be wrong about that. So, if someone asks a question politely the answer has to be yes? I must remember that the next time someone asks politely if I will certify them in CPR without practicing and showing me their skills on a mannequin.  Not hardly. I know, I know, tain't the same thing.
What has this any of this got to do with a judgement call on "morons" living anywhere? Where did that come from?  Pity party? My father left to marry my mother and went to live in her hometown because he loved her and that's where she wanted to live at that time. Her mother was not in good health. Then being a good patriot he came here to work for the war effort doing research in badly need synthetic rubber. He didn't leave to get away from a bunch of morons.
Now don't fall on those punji sticks yourself, ya might forget where you put them....morons indeed. Good grief. ::)

Its the typical agenda that most of our polticians as well as community leaders portray.  They think that everyone is too stupid to take care of their own needs so we get govt nanny state.  They claim they know whats best for us.  I've got whats best for those folks, a boot up the ass!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Patriot on June 04, 2011, 08:07:59 AM
More evidence that the founder's faith divine Providence was well placed. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.



I may have to agree there.  I believe:
1.  Elk Konnected, LLC is a valid legal business.
2.  I believe Public Squares was doing what they were hired to do.
3.  I believe that Elk Connected is a group of people volunteering to help out their county.

What I don't believe and will try to follow the emphasis, is that: 
Howard wants to be the only town to recieve monies in Elk County. 
A comissioner needs to step back from groups that he/she is involved in without creating a conflict of interest and ethical missdoings.

Ok, let me have it.


And, Jarhead:
Arnold does have some issues, and he  is best known for:
"allllll be back"

sort of like Ross!   ;D


Quote from: readyaimduck on June 04, 2011, 02:01:08 PM
And, Jarhead:
Arnold does have some issues, and he  is best known for:
"allllll be back"

sort of like Ross!   ;D
I like him Already.


Quote from: readyaimduck on June 04, 2011, 01:50:12 PM
I may have to agree there.  I believe:
1.  Elk Konnected, LLC is a valid legal business.
2.  I believe Public Squares was doing what they were hired to do.
3.  I believe that Elk Connected is a group of people volunteering to help out their county.

What I don't believe and will try to follow the emphasis, is that: 
Howard wants to be the only town to recieve monies in Elk County. 
A comissioner needs to step back from groups that he/she is involved in without creating a conflict of interest and ethical missdoings.

Ok, let me have it.

Howard has NOT been the only community receiving monies.

Elk Konnected has had activities in the county: Moline, Longton, Grenola, and Severy, that I know of. Don't know about Elk Falls, but figure they're probably included and I'm just unaware of it.



That is really not the issue to me.
Who are the registered members of Elk Konnected?
Then maybe we can get somme answers to the other issues.
IE the list they submitted to the County Government.

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