Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Well, let's see.  We have a reply from Ross, then a reply from guns, then another reply from Ross.  Who would say she is asking?


Quote from: Wilma on June 03, 2011, 06:32:26 AM
Well, let's see.  We have a reply from Ross, then a reply from guns, then another reply from Ross.  Who would say she is asking?



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That appears to be the general concensus of Elk Konnected, LLC or is it Elk Konnected?
Are they one and the same or is one just the fittness center?


Contact the Dept. of Commerce.  I'm sure they know who they gave the grant to and were fine with it.  The grant would have had a application process where the recipient would specifically state who and what they are.  The DoC must i felt they met the criteria to receive.   And if EK misrepresented its self on the application then they shouldn't have received it. 

You can quote me all you want my words mean as little as yours.   

Contact the Dept. of Commerce and see what they have to say.  Asked for a formal explanation of the application process and selection criteria.  the specifically  asked about EK's eligibility.  Post the DoC response on here. 

You threaten to call them then call them.  EK has nothing to hide. 


Quote from: patriotdad on June 03, 2011, 09:41:43 AM
EK has nothing to hide. 


You wrote with such force and authority in your first post on this thread, presenting yourself as one with knowledge and answers.  I addressed many of the claims you made, yet you have failed to respond.  Neither have you provided specific answers to any of the questions asked in the last month.  Your response amounts to a non-response.

Is your authoritative stance indefensible?  Or are you, also, evading direct answers?  Your post raised more questions than it answered, and yet our original questions remain unanswered.

Please... if you are an admitted member of the LLC, say so.  Given your strong defense of Elk Konnected's operations, you would surely be willing to express any official affiliation you have with the company.  If you can factually identify a managing member of the LLC, do so.  If you hold an official position please provide some official answers. 

Doing otherwise, leaves the dozens of readers here (both registered & guest) with the ongoing and growing impression that perhaps there is something being hidden from public view.  After all, why would a company so deeply involved involved in public affairs and government relationships need to hide the names of its' ownership?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: patriotdad on June 03, 2011, 09:41:43 AM
Contact the Dept. of Commerce.  I'm sure they know who they gave the grant to and were fine with it.  The grant would have had a application process where the recipient would specifically state who and what they are.  The DoC must i felt they met the criteria to receive.   And if EK misrepresented its self on the application then they shouldn't have received it. 

You can quote me all you want my words mean as little as yours.   

Contact the Dept. of Commerce and see what they have to say.  Asked for a formal explanation of the application process and selection criteria.  the specifically  asked about EK's eligibility.  Post the DoC response on here. 

You threaten to call them then call them.  EK has nothing to hide. 

You said, "You can quote me all you want my words mean as little as yours." You qualified to only speak for how little your words mean. And that leaves me to believe nothing you say. And I sure am sorrry about that.

You said, "You threaten to call them then call them." First I have never made a threat, second I don't ever make threats.


Quote from: Wilma on June 03, 2011, 06:32:26 AM
Well, let's see.  We have a reply from Ross, then a reply from guns, then another reply from Ross.  Who would say she is asking?
I believe that was a question mark at the end of the sentence thus asking.


Nit picking again, aren't you, Ross?  You must be pretty bored out there on your minifarm.


I wouldn't have taken you for an Alinskyite, Wilma.  Sad, really sad.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Thanks for commenting on everything but the main subject of the last post.  Are you or aren't you going to call the DoC and tell them what corrupt, agenda driven organization they gave a $3000 grant to.  

I said "Call the Dept. of Commerce"  so are you going to do as you said you would or are you going to just keep talking tough.

If EK did something wrong then prove it.  Call your county commissioner, call the DoC, call the IRS.    If you want answers then go get them.  Quit berating everything everyone on here says.  Numerous people have tried to answer your questions and it's never good enough. you want answers, go get your answers yourself.  

Threat or not threat do as you said you would and call the DoC.  Do it! I don't think you will because you don't want to know the truth.  

The next response from you should be when and who you talked to @ the DOC and when we should expect a formal response.  Anything else then we will assume that your questions/theories about EK's wrong doings with the grant from the DOC answered and resolved.  

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