Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Wilma on June 12, 2011, 07:49:15 AM
Why didn't you post the rest of the quote that tells about the rest of the meeting?  Doesn't the rest of the meeting meet your standards for criticism?  If anyone wants to read the whole post, you can find it on pages 26 & 27.  The date of the post is May 19, not May 18.  Help yourselves to the truth.  Don't just take someone else's word for what was posted.

Ross, you really reached back for this one, didn't you?

I should not have to explain this, it is easily understood.
This is not concerning what the meetings are about but how the meetings appear to be perceived by Arc Fault, each followed by my remarks.

There is absolutely nothing deceptive in my post, I am not trying to hide anything.
As far as the dates I did not put them there. They are a direct result of the quote.
If anyone chooses to, or is interested in reading the post all they have to do is click on the area above the blue box that says
Quote from: Arc fault on May 19, 2011, 10:42:37 pm or Quote from: Arc fault on May 18, 2011, 03:57:09 pm

I should not have to explain this, it is easily understood. Please go back and read it again and then tell me what you think. Thank you.


Quote from: Wilma on June 12, 2011, 07:49:15 AM
Why didn't you post the rest of the quote that tells about the rest of the meeting?  Doesn't the rest of the meeting meet your standards for criticism?  If anyone wants to read the whole post, you can find it on pages 26 & 27.  The date of the post is May 19, not May 18.  Help yourselves to the truth.  Don't just take someone else's word for what was posted.

Ross, you really reached back for this one, didn't you?

Wilma, the post that tells of the rest of the meeting was #251 dated May 19.  Why do you suggest that Ross lied?  Seems to me you just want to distract others from facts and the context of this thread by sending them chasing wild geese.  Come to think of it, that seems to be the entire objective of EK and their minions on here.  What instructions is Dear Leader giving now? 

Then again, people who are busy chasing geese have no time to notice the snakes in the grass, do they?  Serves your coach's agenda quite well, doesn't it?

Ready's questions stands:  "Why do you defend EK so vociferously and why do you attack Ross at every turn for seeking facts?"

Of course, all those other unanswered questions also remain. 

And then there's Arc Fault's (ADP's, PAT RIOT's, Sybil's, whoever's) diatribe in 2008 waxing lovingly about tourists seeing an Artiesian well, a limestone arch bridge while enjoying  trail rides on horseback through the Elk county prairies to a 200 megawatt wind farm.  Foreshadowing of a plan already in the works even then?  Possibly? Oh, you missed that one?  It's there. Go fish.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Patriot did you understand the significance of my post #871 showing the operation and control of both meetings as quoted from Arc?
Did anyone else understand  the control mechanisms parallels?


Read this post carefully.  Are there dots to be connected?

Quote from: Arc fault on May 18, 2011, 02:57:09 PM
We are just like a sheep need to be herded.  If Sam says "no wind" we will now be pro road-apples and saddle up...

...I think the visioning is the same as steering.  A group of government and industry people in a structured meeting with published itinerary conversing about guiding the public towards a more positive future.  It consisted of grandstanding the numbers of the projected tourism dollars.  Looking at national trends and local assets and trying to unify an entire third of the state shifting the negatives of the proposal to accentuate the positives.  Even had the gall to suggest, from one of the largest recipients of wind energy moneys in the state, that we name our personally branded bovine as Flint Hills beef to be a tag worn with honor with a promise of better relations with the ranchers if we increase the value of their toil by 20%... 

...With the current bio security issues and there has been an outbreak of a horrid equine disease: Rhino EHV-1 (Equine Herpesvirus)...

So lets promote getting horses from all over the country to come together in one place for extended periods of time...

...Thursday is a summit on the governor's new line of tack and synthetic pleather saddles.  All nylon, no leather, from a subsidized Koch oil byproduct extruded by BASF in New Dehli, because killing cows is wrong in India.  One of our principle markets for rich people that have never been on horse with a good monetary exchange rate.  Mc Donalds in the aforementioned zone will now only serve curry and bean paste on a bun.  The product will launch a new partnership between the grassroots Tea party movement and the telemarketers industry...

...When the naked PETA protesters show up in town to protest the using of a horse to carry us to the visioneering retreat will have made it...

...I was wondering who was going the buy all the back-stocked tins of imported caviar, now I will rest assured Sam has us down the head-to-tail guided trail of enlightenment.

For all the sarcasm, it occurs to me that liberal progressive socialists react so violently in two situations...

First, when any idea stands to expose their agenda of social controls and top down government planning, and;

Second, when any non-socialist proposes a plan that would popularize and therefore screw up their quiet plans to do the very thing proposed while quietly maintaining their elitist control over it.

I repeat:

Quote from: Patriot on June 12, 2011, 08:31:02 AM
And then there's Arc Fault's (ADP's, PAT RIOT's, Sybil's, whoever's) diatribe in 2008 waxing lovingly about tourists seeing an Artiesian well, a limestone arch bridge while enjoying  trail rides on horseback through the Elk county prairies to a 200 megawatt wind farm.  Foreshadowing of a plan already in the works even then?  Possibly?

"A group of government and industry people in a structured meeting with published itinerary conversing about guiding the public towards a more positive future, consisting of grandstanding..."

What is Elk Konnected, LLC's plan for the development of Elk County.  I can see what's in it for the central planners.  But what's in it for the rest of the citizens? 

And who are the private owners of Elk Konnected, LLC?  A group of government and industry people?  Hmmmm.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Ross on June 12, 2011, 08:45:35 AM
Patriot did you understand the significance of my post #871 showing the operation and control of both meetings as quoted from Arc?

Only the blind could miss it, Ross.  And it's not just about 'meetings'.  Folks unfamiliar with the psychology involving projection, projection bias and displacement & would do well to research it.  Of course, another area of research could include the practice of telegraphing a punch.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Oh my. Shall it be Psychology books at 20 paces? I still have at least 5 of mine. Your Masters degree was from where and when? ;D Shall we talk about Defensive Avoidance, Unconflicted Adherence, apperception, perhaps check out the Fodor and Smith Study, 1982.
You  (plural) have mentioned several times that the EK/ EK LLC want power and control.That study would disagree based on who you think their leader is and the difference between how people who desire "high power" and control act as a group leader  VS group leaders who do not need high power. It's old but interesting. See? I can throw BS too.  ;D ;D ;D ;D Enjoy your day.   


Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 12, 2011, 11:38:03 AM
Oh my. Shall it be Psychology books at 20 paces? I still have at least 5 of mine. Your Masters degree was from where and when? ;D Shall we talk about Defensive Avoidance, Unconflicted Adherence, apperception, perhaps check out the Fodor and Smith Study, 1982.
You  (plural) have mentioned several times that the EK/ EK LLC want power and control.That study would disagree based on who you think their leader is and the difference between how people who desire "high power" and control act as a group leader  VS group leaders who do not need high power. It's old but interesting. See? I can throw BS too.  ;D ;D ;D ;D Enjoy your day.   

Thanks for the input Diane that's real refreshing. You did understand the parallelism of the situation, great.


Tomorrow is one of the Monday's of the month that our County Commissioners meet at 1:00 p.m.
And it's open to the public won't you join me in supporying our County Commissioners by attending the meeting.
At the County Court House in Howard.
Watch our local government at work, it is quite interesting.
A person might learn something and you'll be shoing your elected officials you are interested citizens.
I hope to see you there.

I may not stay for the whole mmeting due a personal injury and trouble sitting for extended periods of time.
But, I hope to see some new faces in the crowd.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 12, 2011, 11:38:03 AM
I can throw BS too.  

But then, we already knew that.  Sheesh, it took you over two hours to put that post together.  You're slipping.  

Of course, Ross makes a good point.  With your insight & vast background in psychology, political science, economics, group dynamics, sociology, cultural anthropology, education, oh... and volunteer firefighting, it's good to see that the comparisons presented weren't factually assailable.  Thanks.

My apologies to local volunteer firefighters in advance.  No offense was intended.  If only our government leadership had your determination and skill!
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

 Patriot, why do you think I can't defend my position? Tut, tut, ya just don't know what you are really missing.  8) Besides, you missed building construction, especially Charter Schools. Right now I'm doing a building for the Elsmere Shooting Range. I'm multi- talented and VERY humble too. :angel:
    Ross, I'm sorry you injured yourself. I'd make a silly comment about your injuring your funny bone but I gather it's not in quite that place. Get better soon.

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