Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Love the terrific picture Redclif.

Thank you.

It is a question each and every elected politician should ask themselves !


County Commissioners Meeting Sept. 12, 2016

I had to leave the meeting very early because of a lack of sleep and I did not think they would appreciate it if I stayed and started snoring. LOL ! But again who knows.

I was informed by a reliable source that the discussion about the Nursing Home and Grant were further discussed. It appears the Grant would not cover the use of the nursing  home for the AG Extension.

So the County Commissioners have placed signing the contract with Howard on hold until possibly the end of the year or later.

And just to remind you at a previous meeting the Grant person had said because the nursing home was so old there might be a problem getting the grant.

I was informed that the City of Howard had a possible buyer before the County asked to take it over.
The thing about that is, if Howard would have sold the nursing home, they would not have needed the Payday Loan from the Elk County Government. What pay day loan, am I addressing? Howard's part of the $100,000.00 Dollar Socialist give away to the City Governments. You know, Kounty Kommissioners Kaminska's Konstituents. Really, City Governments are not constituents. That is an abuse of the English language. Besides she had no authority in doing so!Why call it a payday loan? Because now the County has raised our property taxes another 8 mil to gain it all back and the 8 mil property tax increase will mostly likely never be reduced. So, actually it is not as good as a pay day loans it is far worse.

If the City of Howard would have been able to have sold the nursing home, it would most likely been continued on the property tax rolls of both the City of Howard and Elk County and both would have benefited well from it. In case you don't remember Kounty Kommissioners Kaminska's Konstituents. had denied placing a new Emergency Medical building on property with in Howard because it would have removed the property from the tax rolls. Yes, that was part of her argument to place it at the airport and closer to her mamma's home.

If the Elk County Commissioners were intelligent they would scrap the nursing home and leave it for a possible buyer and possibility becoming a taxable property. They would also be conservative and save thousands and maybe hundreds of thousand of dollars by simply building a new barn to house the two ambulances and remodeling the building they already possess. But that would make to much sense, right?

Let's just keep right on keeping on, okay?

The School Board meeting Sept 12, 2016

WEEPAT's ????

What is WEEPAT's ????

Just another NGO (Non Governmental Organization) or just another Lobbying Group, plain ad simple!

It stands for West Elk Elememtary Parents and Teachers.

They have "Big Idea's" for spending your tax dollars. Remember "Big Idea's" from Elk Konnected?
It's my choice to use the words "Big Idea's" because they want the School Board to spend ten's of thousands of dollars just like Elk Konnected wanted the County to spend hundred's of thousands of dollar's of "Wind Farm" money on. "Big Idea's". Same thing, both are or were NGO's full of lobbyists.

As Hillary might ask
"At This Point What Difference Does It Make ?"

Well, if it doesn't matter to you
it does matter to your bank account !

More about the WEEPATS !

They want new play ground equipment and clam it is educational to children. They claimed the play ground equipment the school presently is broken and a hazard to the children. This is where I must ask, why hasn't someone asked maintenance to make necessary repairs or why are children allowed to continue to play on the equipment?

They spoke of having continuous fund raisers to help pay for equipment and asked the school board to consider funding 35 Grand over then next couple of years for playground equipment. Mr. Moore then interjected that they are trying to build a capital out lay fund.

WEEPATS stated they have been turned down for on grant already.

They want to remove all pieces that are old and broken and want to continue to use the same play ground area as an adequate area for new equipment. My thought is old does is not a requirement for replacement and broken is maintenance responsibility to repair if they have any responsibility for protecting the children. Also, it is Superintendent Moore's job, at a salary and benefits in excess of $100,000.00 a year to ensure that maintenance does their job. And if Mr. More fails to do so, it is the School Board's resposibility to instruct him as their employee to do exactly that.

Dr. Black said get the public involved. In my opinion it is just another NGO like Dr. Black belonged to before. Remember the now defunct NGO, Dr. Black was a member of.  A real loser  Elk Konnected.

But back to the play ground and the NGO WEEPATS.
WEEPATS was talking $35,000.00 and the schools maintenance man says a place he deals with has a sale on 4 pieces for only $14,000.00.

I wonder, was this a bait and switch sale in reverse ?
You know $35,000.00 and switching down to the now offering of $14,000.00 !
Give it a thought.

WEEPAT's compared West Elks playground to other Schools:
1. Burden School playground. City of Burden playground.
2. Sedan
3. Longton
4. Cedarvale
5. Dexter
6. Oxford
7. Udall
8. Mulvane

What is this all about?
Is it about keeping up with the Jones's no matter the cost?
Is it an attitude to be praised?
Apparently the solution seems to be just spend the taxpayers dollars and tax them some more. Forget any solution to take care of what you have  ---  repair the broken and apply a fresh coat of paint if needed !

Forget that WEEPAT's could put forth a little elbow grease to make things better, the only solution for people like that is to send money. Other peoples money!
Your money!

When does an NGO not want to spend other peoples money?

As Hillary might ask
"At This Point What Difference Does It Make ?"

Well, if it doesn't matter to you
it does matter to your bank account !

A Happy Weekend to You is my Wish.


It's all for the community - that's the modern socialist thinking.  From Elk County to Topeka to Washington DC to the New World Order - One World Government.   You're forced to pay for it by people who are not in line with the Founders. 

It's stealing American liberty. 

It's Democratic - Democratic Socialism.  Stealing American liberty.

Community = Socialism (Nazi or Communist - whata mix)

Obama, Hillary and the Republicans; all working together for evil.


Not to intelligent in my personal opinion !
The State is what? $300,000,000.00 short on their budget?
And they do this !

Kansas plane getting paint job, electronics upgrade
Posted: Sep 18, 2016 9:20 PM CST
Updated: Sep 18, 2016 9:20 PM CST
written by Associated Press

WICHITA, Kan. (AP) -

Kansas budget woes haven't touched the state's executive aircraft, which is getting a new paint job, a spruced up interior and upgraded avionics this year.

Along with regular operating costs, the improvements will cost taxpayers nearly $900,000.

The Kansas Highway Patrol, which oversees aircraft operations, says the work on the 15-year-old plane is needed for aesthetic and safety reasons. The nine-passenger plane has the original paint, interior and avionics it had when it was purchased new in 2001, and the aging plane is now showing wear.

Senate Democratic Leader Anthony Hensley called the spending "highly ironic" at a time when funding for highway projects has been slashed.



Rumor Has It !

It's rumored all over the county that a County employee has been using a County credit card for his own use. To the tune of about $500 a month for the last year-and-a-half or more.

The thing is the rumor also claims the County Commissioners are aware of it and have not taken any actions to provide information to the sheriff. Isn't that simply the County Commissioners condoning theft if true?

Now I guess it's time to renew their credit cards and nobody wants to have their name on the credit cards. Yeah that's right somebody's name has to be on the credit card.

I'd like to nominate the Chairperson of the County Commissioner Kaminiska to be the name on the credit cards. Don't you think the Chairman of the board should shoulder that responsibility since giving away $100,000 of taxpayer money and raises our property taxes to recoup that free money. I mean apparently money means nothing to her. So her name on the all of the credit cards as the responsible for their use should be no big deal, right ? It's my personal opinion that she doesn't have any respect for County taxpayers money anyway.

Looks the same way West Elk USD--282 has no respect for taxpayers or state law. Otherwise they would not have raised our property taxes illegally last fall.

What is corruption but theft buy a County employee being covered up by the County Commissioners?

What is corruption but theft by West Elk USD--282 School Board raising property taxes illegally?

The West Elk USD--282 school superintendent will ask the Board of Education to create a capital outlay committee consisting of Community members, School Employees and three board members. That's what was printed in the newspaper.

That committee would simply be an NGO [non governmental organization] imposing their desires on the school board. A special interest group possibly directed by the superintendent. Much in the same way he manipulates the school board already. The elected board members are unaware while they are busy playing on their cellphones or munching on cold cuts, cheese and cookies. LOL

Folks that's why you elect people to sit on the school board, it is their job to oversee the capital outlay Monies.

They are supposed to be there at the board meetings to discuss the most effective and efficient way to utilize our tax dollars. By the superintendent asking for a special committee to do the job of the school board is tantamount to saying the school board is incompetent to perform their duties.

None of us like the corruption in Washington DC. The reason I say that is because if we can't get our local officials to play by the rules and law and be considerate of taxpayers we cannot expect it on the state level. And if we can't expect it on the state level how can we expected on the federal level ?

If people don't take a stand for what is right, they get what they deserve don't they?

They get corruption, right?


Government schools are free - paid for by the government.   Whata deal?  Also, you get your own government approved teachers - certified and unionized. 

How else you gonna educate/indoctrinate anyone to get er done right for the cause of our socialist state?  Pay and go along to get along. 


The Path
Elk County Appears
To Be Headed Down

Top 5 Foreclosure States

The top 5 states with the highest number of foreclosures per capita are Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio and Maryland. What do these states have in common?

The easy answer is high taxation compared to the national average. High taxation keeps businesses from starting up or in some cases from staying in the state. In the most dramatic of cases a business can be closed because of taxation that is more designed to extract as much money as possible from the business rather than being designed to encourage the business to grow and stay in the state.

Low unemployment is a leading indicator of foreclosures. Low employment is not good even for the investor as once the foreclosure is purchased it will need to be sold or rented to someone that has a steady income. Be aware of the employment in the area that the home is located as it will impact the ability to sell or rent. This rule applies to Cities and Counties as well. This is not to say that there are not good opportunities in these states or any others. It is just part of the larger equation that needs to be added rather than ignored.


Being a Yes or having a liberal progressive positive attitude is as bad a being an alcoholic or drug addict !
Spending, Spending, Compulsive Spending is an Addictive -- Mental Health Problem -- That Lacks Critical Thinking and Common Sense.

What to tell Elk County
politicians ?

Just Say

NO !

NO more giving away taxpayer money !

NO wasteful spending !

NO more property tax increase.

NO can be very POSITIVE!


A guy looked at a friend's Harley and said "I wonder how many people
could have been fed for the money that motorcycle cost."
He replied, "I'm not sure.
It fed a lot of families in Milwaukee , Wisconsin who built it,
it fed the people who make the tires,
it fed the people who made the components that went into it,
it fed the people in the copper mine who mined the copper for the wires,
it fed people in Decatur IL . at Caterpillar who make the trucks that
haul the copper ore.
so I guess I really don't know how many people it fed."
That is the difference between capitalism and welfare mentality.
When you buy something, you put money in people's pockets, and give
them dignity for their skills.
When you give someone something for nothing, you rob them of their
dignity and self-worth.
Capitalism is freely giving your money in exchange for something of value.
Socialism is taking your money against your will and shoving something
down your throat that you never asked for.

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who
are willing to work and give to those who would not." Thomas Jefferson

W. Gray

Quote from: ROSS on October 21, 2016, 07:12:09 PM

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who
are willing to work and give to those who would not." Thomas Jefferson

Do some meaningful research and then tell the folks on this forum what Thomas Jefferson's actual relationship was in reference to this quote.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

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