Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 29, 2016, 11:03:34 AM
And you are doing what to make it better? I mean really make changes, not just talk?

And what are you doing, but just talking.
And no knowledge in it as usual.
Apparently you don't recognize he was expressing his view on the subject.
Something he has a right to do.
And that is offensive to most Obama and Clinton Liberals.

Diane Amberg


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 29, 2016, 11:03:34 AM
And you are doing what to make it better? I mean really make changes, not just talk?

Quote from: ROSS on July 29, 2016, 01:15:27 PM
And what are you doing, but just talking.
And no knowledge in it as usual.
Apparently you don't recognize he was expressing his view on the subject.
Something he has a right to do.
And that is offensive to most Obama and Clinton Liberals.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 29, 2016, 01:51:06 PM
Nope, not gonna bite.

There is nothing to bite !
The truth is all there is !


Republicans on this forum aren't giving any indication for Trump.

If Trump holds, Hillary will have a lot of Republican support.


Everything is rumor until it happens !

So the talk of raising county property taxes is supposedly, only because !

Only, because of the new law that takes affect next year that allows only raising property tax, no more than the amount of increase in the Consumer Price Index, unless brought to the voters by resolution or vote. That's the supposed because!

The supposed reason for taking $100.000.00 from the road department is because, they will be coming up on the time that department heads ask for the amount of money needed for their next year budgets and then the Commissioners will give it back to the road department. To me. it sounds like an act of foolishness. shifting money around. Why move it just to move it back?

Oh well, I guess we will just have to wait and see, what might really happen, August 29th at the budget hearing.

I hope everyone has enjoyed this nice cool day, I know, I have.


Whoa Baby Whoa

Did I really just read that ?

In the vernacular of a sailor, I just read where the Kansas Secretary of State just called Rudy
A Dumb Ass.

No, he didn't use those words but it's the same thing in politically correct language.

I doubt Rudy had any real say in publishing that letter, but right there it is in today's newspaper.

i quit reading Rudy's editorials a long time ago, because in my opinion, his opinions are usually wrong.

The Kansas Secretary of State said, "Taylor's Editorial was misinformed and misleading."

The Kansas Secretary of State also said, "It appears Taylor didn't do his research. Had he bothered to Google the subject, he would have learned that voter fraud had occurred hundreds of times in Kansas.

The Kansas Secretary of State also said, "Taylor finally throws a juvenile insult at me. He suggests that only "small minds " worry about voter fraud."

I seriously doubt that Rudy had any choice in printing this stuff in his paper. I mean why would Rudy print such a dressing down of himself in his own newspapers?

Just remember this when reading his editorials and as well when he voices his personal opinion about the West Elk USD-282 School Superintendent and Rudy's advice not to listen to any one but Mr. Moore.

Remember how fervently Rudy backed the now Defunct Elk Konnected ?  That in my opinion was very biased by his personal claim of being affiliated with Elk Konnected.

Alittle Google can go along way !

Whatever happened to unbiased reporting ?

So what does Rudy tell you in today's Editorial in an attempt to look good?

Kansas really doesn't hold influence in national elections

So how does that make him look intelligent ?    It doesn't !        Try again Rudy !

That has been the talk all over the internet since before the Republican National Convention.
And it was confirmed by both the RNC and the DNC with the manipulation of Delegates and rules and the cheating.

Remember folks Editorials are nothing more that the personal opinion of the Editor and nothing more.
Oh, and they are not required to contain truth's and fact's.


Montgomery County Chronicle
2 hrs ·


INDEPENDENCE — Montgomery County commissioners plan to revisit their 2017 budget plan after catching an earful from constituents at a budget hearing on Monday morning.

County commissioners held a hearing that was observed more than 70 people and included more than two hours of concerns and questions from citizens about the 2017 budget plan. That plan calls for the county's budget to increase its mill levy, or tax rate, from 41.561 mills to 56.048 mills, translates to an increase of 35 percent. This increase only applies to the county's share of any property owner's taxes. Depending upon their location, property owners also support cities, townships, school districts, community colleges, libraries, cemeteries and Extension district — all of which set their own tax rates.

Commissioners were inundated with requests from citizens to not raise the levy, or, at least lessen the tax jolt on local taxpayers.

Commissioners agreed to revisit the budget plan at a special meeting at 6 p.m., Monday, Aug. 22 in the lower level of the Montgomery County Judicial Center. Commissioners said they hope to have a revised version of the budget by the time they conclude next Monday's meeting.


This same thing is happening here in Elk County and just about every county across.

Raising property taxes just because!

Just because a new state law restricting raising property taxes no more than the Consumer Price Index.

Just because is not a proper reason to raise property taxes.

County Commissioners must be drinking lead contaminated water or something.

August 29th people need to show up for the budget hearing and speak out.

Tell the Socialists Commissioners that like to give away

Free Money,

enough is enough!


Not surprised about this.  Sure - other counties are doing likewise.  Republicans are like that and they are like Obama - nothing new there. 

Now we're seeing Republicans supporting Hillary.  Surprised?   

The Republican military victory changed America in 1865 just as the Bolsheviks changed Russia in 1918. 

Republicans are not conservatives - never were. 


It is apparent that the folks elected and paid to work for all of Elk County
have their own agenda, or maybe have an "Old Guard" agenda" and are
not working for the best interest of all of Elk County.

And they don't understand why there is a new law becoming effective next year.

The new tax law will limit the various local governments from raising property taxes
extravagantly and wastefully.

That is exactly why the Elk County Commissioners want to raise taxes and the only reason.

The law will limit them to raising property tax no ore than that years Consumer Price Index unless
they come to the voters.

Let's not judge them as leftist liberals on this subject of the proposed property tax increase, just yet!
Let's, let them tell us themselves who is a leftist liberal and who is a true conservative!
We don't need no excuses after the gave away $100,000.00 of Free taxpayer money ---- do we?
Lets see which ones foolishly vote to raise property taxes just because.

This is scheduled to happen on the 29th of this month.


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