Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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I told you, I would let you know the amount of back taxes that the County Commissioners were discussing at the last board meeting I attended when I got the right information. Here it is"

COTA ruling on stored natural gas

The total escaped taxes paid by the 5 stored gas companies was

That's a nice windfall for the county, isn't it?

My apologies for taking so long.


Thu, Oct 22 2015 05:52 PM

NOTICE:  13 October, 2015 PUBLIC HEARING regarding the Elk County  EMS/Health Facility. 
Click here for details: http://elkcountyks.org/docs/Elk%20CO%20EMS%20Health%20Facility%20Public%20Hearing%20Notice.pdf

NOTICE:  26 October, 2015 PUBLIC MEETING regarding the Elk County Sheriff patrol vehicle purchase.  Click here for details:        http://elkcountyks.org/docs/SheriffHearing.pdf

NEW!  Facebook links are now available on the webpages for Emergency Management: http://elkcountyks.org/emergencymanagement.asp

the Health Department http://elkcountyks.org/health.asp

& the Sheriff's Office. http://elkcountyks.org/sheriff.asp

Posted at http://elkcountyks.org/


Quote from: ROSS on October 22, 2015, 04:43:54 PM

I told you, I would let you know the amount of back taxes that the County Commissioners were discussing at the last board meeting I attended when I got the right information. Here it is"

COTA ruling on stored natural gas

The total escaped taxes paid by the 5 stored gas companies was

That's a nice windfall for the county, isn't it?

My apologies for taking so long.

That was for 6 years of taxes.  From 2009 to 2014.
COTA stands for Court Of Tax Appeals

See how smart I am Joesue?
It took me days to get the right information and get it out to the folks that might want to know?

And why did I go searching for something I know nothing about, so I would know and be able to share it.

Back in the sixties before your time it was said the most important thing taught in college was how to research and find answers. That was jsut before  liberalism and socialism took over.

So ya see I don;t now nothing. But pushing 70 years of age I am still willing to learn.





I think this post of mine on another link about NGO's
has merit and deserves
to be re-posted here:

Quote from: ROSS on November 05, 2015, 11:24:16 AM
Probably Unbeknownst to them,They are part of Obams's Left Wing Liberals being used to our nation and create havoc using their fictitious desire to help communities and by manipulating local governments through consensus of a very small group of people that have been manipulated with out their knowledge.

If you have a hard time believing that, it is time to pull your head out of the sand. Practically our countries whole population has been being manipulated for a number of decades and that is how our country has become over drugged and sexually perverted. And if you don't recognize the WAR on Christians by the evil left wingers don't you reckon you should do some searching on the internet.

Another thing, most people that feel, they have to BELONG to a group, are willing to give up or at least allow their personal ethics, ideologies and principles to be compromised in order to belong. And they do so unwittingly!

If a person speaks out about an NGO because they find something amiss, the whole group will turn on them.

When the NGO works secretly and won't open their book and won't list their members something is terribly wrong! Other wise instead of hiding they would operate with complete transparency instead of turning on and attacking the person asking.

Yep, there in-lies the rub !


Elitists and NGO's are rarely open about their true intentions. They often entice the public with fantastical promises if collectivist systems are supported and offer "Quality of Life", "Strong Families", "Solid Educations", "Superior Lifestyles", "More Child Entertainment". But offer no substantial information how these thing are to come about or who is going to pay for it!

individualists SHOULD fight back against elitists and the useful idiots they exploit and fight back against manipulation ?



They have superior wisdom to make decisions and policy for us. 

That's why we elect them to oversee us right here in the uSA.

You're right that there ought to be more individualism in this country - think liberty.


150 years ago today,
Abraham Lincoln praised
'government of the people,
by the people,
for the people' 

but the words were not his.

On November 19, 1863, at the Soldiers' National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, President Abraham Lincoln, weak and lightheaded with an oncoming case of smallpox, made a speech that lasted for just over two minutes, and ended with his hope "that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

Those words have been quoted ever since as the supreme vindication of representative government. Indeed, they are often quoted as proof of American exceptionalism. But the words were not Lincoln's. Most of his hearers would have recognised their source, as our generation typically does not. They came from the prologue to what was probably the earliest translation of the Bible into the English language: "This Bible is for the government of the people, for the people and by the people." The author was the theologian John Wycliffe, sometimes called "the Morning Star of the Reformation." Astonishingly, they had first appeared in 1384.

Wycliffe was perhaps the most arresting figure in the medieval English church. Philosopher, temperamental rebel, and heresiarch, he anticipated many of the doctrines of Protestantism. He opposed the selling of indulgences, rejected transubstantiation and emphasised salvation by faith. He thought that priests should be allowed to marry, and that they should be accountable before the civil courts like everyone else. He rejected papal authority in England, arguing that the nation was bound instead to its own Crown and institutions.

Above all, and exceptionally for his time, Wycliffe believed in the centrality of the Bible. He taught that people should read the scriptures for themselves and not rely on the interpretation of priests and prelates. In his last years, he devoted himself to translating the Bible from Latin into English.

"Government of the people, by the people, for the people" was, in Wycliffe's mind, a concept with political, religious, and educational implications. If men and women were free to make up their minds on theological questions, they would also be better suited to independence in secular affairs. We can trace the association between civil and religious liberty, that was to become such a marked characteristic of the Anglosphere, right back to the fourteenth century.


Which brings me to a few questions about our local governments.
Namely the West Elk USD-282School Board and Elk County Government's Commissioners.


Why did the "WEST ELK USD-282 SCHOOL BOARD" insist on closing down two perfectly good grade schools here in Elk County when it was perfectly clear that "We The People" did not want them closed?

Why did "WEST ELK USD-282 SCHOOL BOARD" keep on insisting to spend money hand over fists on Contractors and Architects when it was perfectly clear that "We The People" did not want to build a new building or adding on to the present "West Elk USD-282 School Building"?

Since it was apparent that "We The People" wanted it to s"WEST ELK USD-282 SCHOOL BOARD"top, and that it was apparent that "We The People" wanted no more tax increases why did the"WEST ELK USD-282 SCHOOL BOARD" continue to go against the wishes of "We The People"?

Why did the "WEST ELK USD-282 SCHOOL BOARD" employee go to all the trouble of writing a letter about property taxes and post it here on the forum and the local news paper and send copies home with each and every student, opposing the opposition to raising taxes and was untruthful about it? Why?  Did he as a hired employee have the consent of his employers – the  elected "WEST ELK USD-282 SCHOOL BOARD"?

Since they apparently don't believe in a Government of  "We The People", "By The People" and "For the People", just exactly to whom are they listening?


At the meeting of the Elk County Government's hearing and discussion for the new ambulance building at the cost of $400,000.00 to the taxpayers and $400,000.00 Grant and not taking into account the cost of furnishings and utilities and the possibility of overages, I did not hear a single citizen even suggest that it be built at the rodeo grounds! In fact, I heard plenty of opposition to the idea!

So, why are two Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners opposing the wishes of "The people"?
And only one Elk County Commissioner appears to hear, "We The People" !

One County Commissioner pointed out that the West Elk USD-282 school building, which was supposed to be built at the rodeo grounds but was not built there because it was found that the land was unstable due to blasting at the quarry. They are still blasting at the quarry so, what has actually changed to make the land stable?

Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners Liebau made the statement at a previous county commissioners meeting that he was voted into office to spend money and make decisions and that he will continue to do so! Is that the idea behind running for office to spend money and make decisions and ignore "We The People" ?

Is it that the Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissionersdon't wish to listen to "We The People" but listen instead listen to a small group of people behind the scene?
Do they possibly take orders from a small group of people behind the scene?

I do believe most taxpayers and voters would have a desire for our elected officials do their jobs and be frugal and not wasteful with their money. Yes, every dollar in either governing body's coffers are taxpayer dollars, not some magical dollars for waste.

I also suspect the voters and taxpayers would prefer their elected officials do their jobs in a straightforward and honest manner! I know if the school board is having financial problems they should come to "We The People" ? as that is their job. It is not the job of their hired help such as the School Superintendent.

Why are our elected officials behaving like those in the Federal Government ?
You know the ones in Washington, DC ?
And maybe behaving even worse !

Aren't we experiencing
right here
right now
the same
"Hope and Change"
as is in Washington, DC ?

"We The People"
Should be heard!

Just my opinion and questions that go unanswered.


"We the people" doesn't count for much - Lincoln made sure of that.  It's just a lot of nice sounding words. 

Lincoln was the first President to ever call this country a "nation".  That's Lincoln's strong central government to disconnect us from the founding fathers.  Are you yankee or Confederate?

What's conservative about the Republican Party?  Not much. 


Back in September the West Elk School District Superintendent Mr. Moore started a political storm about School Funding by stating the school district had not received extra funding from the State. I posted an e-mail from a Kansas State analysis's that clearly debunked what he had said.

However, the West Elk School District Superintendent Mr. Moore stated in a news paper article that he was contacting a Mr. Craig Neuenswander and a Mr. Dale M. Dennis of the Kansas State Department of Education and that he would keep us informed. He intently challenged everything I posted and opposed the petition I ran to stop the trickery of attempting to raise our property taxes an additional 8 mil above the 4 mil they had already decided to raise our property taxes. I was not aware that our employee was permitted to politic against the citizens of our area! I heard from several employees of the West Elk School District that they were told by the schools administration that they could not sign the petition because it was political. So how is it then that the school Superintendent as an employee of the School district get involved with the politics of this situation?

But, anyway back to the letters to the letters to Kansas State Department of Education Deputy Commissioners, when does Mr. Moore intend to inform us of their responses?
Did he really write them?
Did they respond?
Where are the letters?

I am anxious to read their responses because, I too contacted the Deputy Commissioners and their boss
Commissioner Randy Watson. I posted what took place with my letters. I updated as soon as I could.. I do believe two months is sufficient time for Mr. Moore to have kept us informed, don't you? So apparently he is not good to his word, Or is he waiting for the New Year?

So I guess the dust has had time to settle and the true facts remain and the Opposition Petition was an excellent decision. Therefore, I quote my earlier post from September:

Quote from: ROSS on April 13, 2015, 09:34:34 PM
The West Elk Superintendent voiced his concern several times last year at board meetings that the school funding might be cut. Well I found this information on line and perhaps it may help ease his concerns.

State Aid excluding KPERS, Special Education and Bond & Interest Aid*                     

USD #   County District Name  2013-14   2014-15           2015-16             2016-17            2014-17 Change

282      Elk          West Elk        2,658,989     2,915,014      2,925,185     2,946,507                    10.8%
283      Elk          Elk Valley       1,481,895     1,534,974     1,540,678      1,552,638                      4.8%

Source: Kansas Dept. of Education.  Per KSDE, a few smaller aid programs are also not included such as juvenile detention facilities, parents as teachers, pre-K pilot and school food service.

I hope this information is useful to everyone.

The Commissioner and Deputy Commissioners of KDSE contact information is:

Randy Watson

Deputy Commissioner
Craig Neuenswander

Deputy Commissioner
Dale M. Dennis

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