Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Joesue23 on October 14, 2015, 02:27:37 PM
Mr Gray, where did you get your information, don't you know that Mr Redcliff is always right like Mr Toss.

And juvenile Joesue knows absolutely nothing. For example any question can be answered by asking the internet,
But a person must have critical thinking skills in order to comprehend what they read.

For instance a privately owned EMS is located in Salina, Ks.

Life Touch EMS - KEMSA
time is privately owned Life Touch EMS. Life Touch EMS is located in the city of Salina.

Eagle Med - When life's on the line, we're in the air.
EagleMed is a privately owned and operated air medical transport service. ... conducted its first "dedicated" air medical transport patient flight on September 1st, 1981

I am certain with further checking many more could be found.

Most liely the reason for government owned EMS is due to the fact especially in Elk County, there is not enough people to make it profitable as a privately owned enterprise. There fore the county taxpayers own the EMS. That is my thought on the subject.

I had a trusted friend say he thought he heard the county recieved $400,000 on the lawsuit  So I checked with the County Clerk's office about the amount of money the county recieved from the law suit on the wells. They said they thought they heard $4 Million at the meeting yesterday. So anyway they are checking in to the amount recieved and going to call me back.

Now, there you go Joesue some comprehensive information and some with internet links.

I'm having a great day. I did my good deed today. A lady who happens to own 10 acres was charged $400.00 last year for mowing those 10 acres. Which I think is outrageous. A mutual friend told this disabled single Mother of one that he knew someone that might mow it this year for $200. So she asked me to mow the acerage. I did so and it took about 12 hours and she asked me what she owed me. I said what is it worth to you. She told me about paying $400 last year and could not afford that. And then she said my friend said i would do it for $200. I said that is right but what is it worth to you. I wa hoping to have a little fun, I was waiting for her to hand me $200 cash so I could hand her back $100. Bummer, out comes the check book, so I told her to write the check for $100. Boy was she tickled. I know I didn't make any money after wear and tear and diesel and such. And truefully, I wish, I didn't have to take her money at all. But i didn't want to insult her either. Plus I had a part break which will probably cost me $50 to $75 to fix.

Yea, I know I'm an axxhole, and proud of it.. LOL

I'll get back with you when I can about the amount of the money the county recieved in the lawsuit.
And try to up load the picture of the proposed EMS building again or after i find out what the problem is.



Toss, blab blab lab , Blab on you should be proud of how you have ruined the Forum for so many. I really liked Wilma and Frawins posts but you were so rude you ran them off, and you ran lots of other people off, I have had a lot of people tell me they quit. The Forum because of you and Redcliffe.


Quote from: Joesue23 on October 14, 2015, 04:55:37 PM
Toss, blab blab lab , Blab on you should be proud of how you have ruined the Forum for so many. I really liked Wilma and Frawins posts but you were so rude you ran them off, and you ran lots of other people off, I have had a lot of people tell me they quit the Forum because of you and Redcliffe.


Quote from: Joesue23 on October 14, 2015, 04:55:37 PM
Toss, blab blab lab , Blab on you should be proud of how you have ruined the Forum for so many. I really liked Wilma and Frawins posts but you were so rude you ran them off, and you ran lots of other people off, I have had a lot of people tell me they quit. The Forum because of you and Redcliffe.

You really are showing the total of your intelligence aren't you.

Let's review your intellectual level shall we?

Let's start with your braging about being a good Christian, okay?
What church teaches good Christians to post all the hateful things that you post?
I think some people claim to be Christians to cover up for their ugliness, just my opinion.
Follow along if you can?

Quote from: Joesue23 on September 27, 2015, 03:12:58 PM

Further I doubt that either of you even go to Church, the people I go to Church with and Worship with and who are good Christians would not run down other Religions .

How many of your good Christian friends bad mouth people every chance they get?
Can they keep up with you.

Quote from: Joesue23 on October 14, 2015, 02:27:37 PM
Mr Gray, where did you get your information, don't you know that Mr Redcliff is always right like Mr Toss.

Quote from: Joesue23 on October 12, 2015, 05:44:00 PM
Bullwinkle, after reading all of your posts it looks like you are Toss Jr. You know everything and you are Judgmental about everything and everybody. What  is it to you if Frawin buys  land in Elk county and doesn't mind paying the going tax rate, he knows it is going up before he buys it, and he doesn't mind then that is his business.

Really who is sick and twisted? I can post so many of these things and they are all from a confessed Christian! Not exactly my kind of Christian, jsut saying.  It's not nice to play with religion in politics is it?

Quote from: Joesue23 on October 11, 2015, 04:19:59 PM
Ross is the Forum Know-it-all, according to him he is Mr Right all the time. He knows more than the Commissioners
But he could never get enough votes to be the Dogcatcher. He has run a lot of the good people off of the Forum. Frawin was one of my favorites with his Posts "Better Fillup Today", Ross sickened him out of the Forum with his sick twisted posts.

Quote from: Joesue23 on September 15, 2015, 05:43:57 AM
Red, of course Ross is not against his stand in Tyranny, he is the biggest tyrant on the Forum. Try disagreeing with him and he goes bonkers.

Quote from: Joesue23 on September 13, 2015, 04:24:52 PM
BLAH BLAH ROSS, you are never wrong, you keep babbling about "Elk Connected" and I don't even know what it is. Your day is coming and you are not going to like it.

Quote from: Joesue23 on May 15, 2015, 08:22:14 AM
Red cliff you put out the same lies and crap everyday. Your time is coming when we won't have to put up with your trash and lies.

Quote from: Joesue23 on September 13, 2015, 03:36:38 PM
Right on PROELKCO, don't you know Ross knows all, he is the OBUMA of the Forum.

Now I'm going to ask, as the good Christian you claim to be, how many more of these would you like me to re-post?   10 more, 20 more, 50 more? Just tell me how many more?

One more --- your very first post on the forum! The very first one!
Show these posts to the good Christians at your church and see if they approve?

Amazing! Amazing! Simply Amazing for a Christian isn't it.
Quote from: Joesue23 on June 24, 2014, 08:40:44 AM
How did Elk County end up with so many nut cases like this Ross and Redcliff. There must be some loco weed getting in your water system.

And all of this because you do not comprehend and communicate in an intelligent human being?

Can anyone, any good Christian explain the Christianity of Joesue's posts on this page?
Pleas a good explanation I really want to know where in the bible that says good Christians behave in this fashon.


Again Ross please go back and read your own posts. And was $400,000.00


Several people have asked me why I posted the same thing twice about Toss, it was because I felt it was important to say what I said. Now watch Toss run me down about not knowing things.


Toss you post the same old bad mouthing crap about anyone that disagrees with you. You refuse to accept that you have ruined the Forum for so many. According to you' you are never wrong, even after people have proved you wrong. Now bad mouth me some more.


Quote from: Joesue23 on October 14, 2015, 06:25:46 PM
Toss you post the same old bad mouthing crap about anyone that disagrees with you. You refuse to accept that you have ruined the Forum for so many. According to you' you are never wrong, even after people have proved you wrong. Now bad mouth me some more.

Quote from: Joesue23 on September 27, 2015, 03:12:58 PM

Further I doubt that either of you even go to Church, the people I go to Church with and Worship with and who are good Christians would not run down other Religions .

Some more Christianity from Joesue:

Quote from: Joesue23 on September 27, 2015, 03:11:41 PM
Skurich and Redcliffe, you two Blab all the time you think you are Experts on everything, you are totally full of Crap, several people have told me they quit even reading Redcliffes  lies and trash. The Catholic Religion is one of the largest Religions in the World and growing.

Sure they are, but they have had the largest number of pedophiles and sex offenders, too!

Quote from: Joesue23 on September 16, 2015, 01:56:51 PM
Everyone should read the letter in the Prairie Star written by USD Superintendent Bert Moore, it shows how big a blowhard some people are. I think most of you know what I am talking about. It is a sad thing that someone is always trying to damage the West Elk School and the Hardworking dedicated people that serve on the School board in most case with little or no compensation.

Why read it in the paper, it's was right here ion the forum before the paper came out. And he backed up nothing he said with facts. So what is the point? He basically damaged West Elk With his nest letter by stating that West Elk is getting 26 students from another district and wants West Elk taxpayers to pay an extra $200,000.00 (pluw) in taxes to educate them While the school they are coming from collects that very same money from the State and get to keep it. Get smart, learn something!

Quote from: Joesue23 on September 13, 2015, 03:36:38 PM
Right on PROELKCO, don't you know Ross knows all, he is the OBUMA of the Forum.

You apparently don't know the difference between a liberal and a conservative. Or you would understand that I would never vote Democrat.

Quote from: Joesue23 on September 05, 2015, 06:34:09 PM
Ross we and our Family Members own more land In elk County than you do and we also own land in Chataqua county. You babble on like an idiot,. The only way you know to respond to anything or anybody  is put people down, or makeup excuses. I still say you are the worst pile of Poop to every come to Elk County. Now make a post and Babble on like the idiot you are.

Quote from: Joesue23 on September 05, 2015, 02:13:07 PM
When I read the letter from the Superintendent of Schools, I was elated that he showed Ross was full of Elephant Poop. I wonder what the people that signed Ross' worthless Petition are thinking, my guess they are saying this guy is a troublemaker and a nut. I have talked to many of our friends and Family in Howard and Elk County and they are dying laughing about Ross. Some of them that signed the Petition are saying they don't want anything to do with Ross in the future.

Joesues Christianity at work!

Quote from: Joesue23 on September 01, 2015, 09:18:45 AM
I quit reading your lies and crap but someone emailed me about your BS posts. It is idiots like you that got Obuma elected. you are bad for the future of America. Some of the candidates you propose are good but they don't have a chance of being elected. Look at how small of a percentage of the voters say they will vote for them.

Conservatives are usually republicans and Obama is a Liberal Islamic Democrat.
Let's face it, it is my conservativism and saving people their hard earned money from being wasted by government.

Quote from: Joesue23 on August 29, 2015, 08:07:15 AM
Toss, my husband told me to leave you alone and let you do and say rude and cuss words because it would make more people stop or not sign your Petitions and other trash you are trying to do.

Joesue you should respect and listen to your husband.  Don't you think?

The petition was only signed by taxpayers that are fed up with the high taxation by West Elk school district and because of the lack of trust in our elected school board. They didn;t sign it because of me. I simply carried the petition to them for signatures. There were even people that don't live in the school district that signed, but their signatures did not count. Except to show how frustrated people are with the school administration and school board. People were jumping up and down with joy to save some of their hard earned money.

Quote from: Joesue23 on August 29, 2015, 08:07:15 AM
Toss, my husband told me to leave you alone and let you do and say rude and cuss words because it would make more people stop or not sign your Petitions and other trash you are trying to do.

I repeat, Joesue you should respect and listen to your husband.  Don't you think?
It would be the Christian think to do, wouldn't it?

Quote from: Joesue23 on July 30, 2015, 04:05:26 PM
Ross there is more lies than truth in your posts and it is not possible to have a simple discussion with you, you have proven that over and over. Don't you see that no one or hardly no one ever comments or answers your posts.

Why are you unable to prove even a single lie?
Is it the Christian thing to do to call some one a liar with out froving it?

Quote from: Joesue23 on July 30, 2015, 07:50:45 AM
You say I call you a liar and I have nothing to back it up with. Everyone that I know and that reads the Forum says you are a liar and a rude jerk. You ruined the Forum and Like a little kid you don't want to admit it. I am not a little girl I am a big man and I am coming to see you to discuss manners and honesty, both of which you don't have.

Surely the Christian thing to do isn't it. Fail to prove anything and then make threats. I'm certain all you Chritian friends at your church would agree that these are Godly actions. You ought to take this to church and get their approval and blessings. Tell them you are trying to save a sinner with threats.

Oh this is enough Christianity for me tonight, I can only handle so much of this type of Christianity at on time.

But if you want more there is still plenty to quote.

Nighty night!


Quote from: W. Gray on October 14, 2015, 12:20:51 PM
Where did you get your information concerning government was not organized to own businesses in this country?

You might want to look up the definition of a Municipal Enterprise Fund.

I'm not one to believe that government should own property or businesses.  That kind of thinking is contrary to the founding.  Take the the horse business for one example, just drive west of Grenola 3 or 4 miles to see the government horse ownership.

As for Municipal Enterprise Fund, from the definititons that I can find, it doesn't look very good.  Again, someone gets the idea that the city or county ought to own the trash service because the thinking could be that they can do it better and cheaper.  Some municipalities make you pay for trash service whether you use it or not.  Golf courses?  That's a good one.

There's a lot of private ownership of EMS, but Americans don't look for it.  Many like Frawin simply think the government will own it.  Why should Elk County government own an EMS or a herd of horses?

Government ownership of business and property is way out of hand and it's not getting any better because Americans prefer that government be their nanny, not the defender of liberty.
How the government defend liberty if it requires the individual to submit to the tyranny of government ownership?

And you think that Obama or the Republicans will turn this thing around in favor of individual liberty and property rights?  Nope.  They're most all government types. 
Think liberty!


EMS & public Health Center
(Not the final floor plan)

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