Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Hearsay, rumor, lie
your choice!
Call it what you like!
It's just open for discussion!

I happen to trust my sources, sorry, I am not at liberty to reveal their names.

Last Nights County commissioners meeting.

I missed the meeting, durn it.
Durn it why? Because, I would prefer first hand information.

The discussion: Placement of the new Emergency Medical Building for the EMS ambulance.

I was told there were probably ten people at the meeting to provide property in Howard for the building.
One piece of property, supposedly, next to the nursing home.

Remember all the talk about Howard being the center of Elk County when discussions were on about building a new grade school and how important that was? Very important right?

Well I guestimated miles utilizing Google Earth which put Howard at almost the center of the county, see list below:

Approximate miles used
Howard to NE corner of the county 18.87 miles
Howard to SE corner of the county 20.09 miles
Howard to NW corner of the county 17.21 miles
Howard to SW corner of the county 18.43 miles
Approximately 1 ½ miles off center of the county.

Well, I'm told the commissioners think it should be built on the rodeo grounds at highways 160 & 99. Approximately 7 miles south of Howard.

For some reason Commissioner Liebau supposedly remarked that would put the Ambulance 8 minute closer to his mothers home. When someone asked about their own mothers house he supposedly said, I guess she will have to wait an extra 8 minutes.

It was also said the Commissioner Liebau supposedly also made the remark that he is a commissioner and his job is to make policy and spend money and will do so until he is voted out.

I do believe this is the problem of politicians, they forget that their most important function is to be fair and to work for the majority of the people and to compromise when possible.

Their job is not to report how powerful they are, that is just the wrong attitude.
And the thing about spending money should be tendered with common sense and wisdom.
Not an attitude of I got money to spend, just however I want.

One gentleman that attended the meeting went to the court house wanting the tape recording via the Freedom of Information Act. conveniently or not the tape had stopped. ?  ?  ?

Are decisions and policy only to be about the Commissioners convenience or the public in general?

Just my opinion folks! But attitude is very important in my opinion.


Mr. Liebau's mother passed away in 1999 so that is bullshit and gossip. Learn your facts before you post.


WY to go Pro, I would venture this is not the first lie that Toss has told to try to swing people in his direction. I know Ken Liebau and His Wife' and Family and they would not tell a lie . Now see what Blab-Blab comes from this post in defense of the original lie.


Quote from: proelkco on September 30, 2015, 09:22:08 AM
Mr. Liebau's mother passed away in 1999 so that is bullshit and gossip. Learn your facts before you post.

Could he have possibly been talking about his mother-in-law.

But really I did not say any of it was fact !

I said it was hearsay.

Quote from: Joesue23 on September 30, 2015, 06:08:40 PM
WY to go Pro, I would venture this is not the first lie that Toss has told to try to swing people in his direction. I know Ken Liebau and His Wife' and Family and they would not tell a lie . Now see what Blab-Blab comes from this post in defense of the original lie.

You wouldn't know a lie if you heard it.

I made it quite clear it was hearsay, because i could not attend the meeting.

Keep trying. But, it is a waste of your time.

You never did answer any of the questions I asked about the West Elk USD-282 taxation.
And yoou have had plenty of time to study and learn something about it.
Whats wrong, no interest?



If it is all hearsay, why post it? Post facts not gossip.


Quote from: proelkco on October 01, 2015, 06:04:08 AM
If it is all hearsay, why post it? Post facts not gossip.

Aye Aye Commander.


Didn't you read the School Superintendents letter?

Not one fact in it.     Nothing to back up what he said.

How ever he did say West Elk did get a bunch of extra money, he just labeled it as something  different  than the state, which provided the extra hundreds of thousands of dollars. But no facts.



Well, well magazines and newspapers across the country do it frequently.
They write corrections or retractions for making boo-boo's.
And they are professionals!

Well I'm not a professional, I'm human!
I posted what I thought I was told.
But with this hearing loss and even having hearing aids I'm not always hearing what I think I'm hearing.
So my apologies to Mr. Liebau for the error.

Quote from: ROSS on September 29, 2015, 12:53:52 PM

Well, I'm told the commissioners think it should be built on the rodeo grounds at highways 160 & 99. Approximately 7 miles south of Howard.

For some reason Commissioner Liebau supposedly remarked that would put the Ambulance 8 minute closer to his mothers home. When someone asked about their own mothers house he supposedly said, I guess she will have to wait an extra 8 minutes.

It was also said the Commissioner Liebau supposedly also made the remark that he is a commissioner and his job is to make policy and spend money and will do so until he is voted out.

I do believe this is the problem of politicians, they forget that their most important function is to be fair and to work for the majority of the people and to compromise when possible.

Their job is not to report how powerful they are, that is just the wrong attitude.
And the thing about spending money should be tendered with common sense and wisdom.
Not an attitude of I got money to spend, just however I want.

Well the ABOVE should have read Kaminska, not Liebau.

I am not going back and delete or change anything, this should serve to correct my error quite properly.

Thank you for your indulgence.


I am waiting for further details and IF as I get them, I will share them with you.


I have been trying to keep my mouth shut and sit on it. But due to the number of phone calls I have received!
Here I am.

I was tempted to shoot off my mouth about Kommissioner Kaminska's letter to the editor when I read it in the paper Wednesday, and have just sat on it until now.

One thing about that letter that stinks is the dumb remarks about the clinic, and the nursing home having nurses on duty. None of which has anything to do with the location of the suggested new EMS building.
Nothing at all to do with emergency transportation and care. Try getting emergency care and transportation at the clinic or at the nursing home at 2:00 am or on the weekend.

It in no way clears up her spiteful remark about the ambulance being 8 miles closer to her mother and saying the other person's mother would just have to wait the extra time. Nope, no correction there. Perhaps offering a public apology at the Commissioners meeting might! Perhaps she will give it a try! And in the future show more respect to the people of Elk County.

Her letter read just like a liberal democrat, adding irrelevant issues to muddy the real issues, in my opinion showing she thinks the citizenship of Elk County is to ignorant to know the difference. 

I have had several questions brought to my attention to ask:

                    1. When was this planned?
                    2. When were bids taken for architects?
                    3. Where are the bids for the construction companies?
                    4. Why 5,000 square feet for two ambulances?
                                  a) Where are the floor plans?    
                                  b) Is there any conservative thought at all going into building this building?
                                  c) Why can't the size be cut in half to save on heating and cooling bills?
                                  d) Won't heating be provided by electricity --- the most expensive kind of heating?
                      5. Is it true that the public health office is going to be moved to the new location, because people                                               are embarrassed going to the court house for public health care?
                      6. Will employees be paid gas mileage's to drive to and from work just because their work location has been moved 7 miles?
                       7. Is a 5,000 square foot Taj Mahal a real requirement and why?
                       8. How much is it going to cost to furnish 5,000 square feet?
                       9. Is the land stable at the rodeo grounds with the blasting at the rock quarry?
                                        a) The land was at one time considered unstable due to blasting, when the West Elk USD 282 school building was built?
                                        b) What has changed about the stability of the land?
                                        c) Who has tested the land and when?
                                        d) Will the land be suitable for a septic tank or lagoon?
                                        e) Who and when was the soil tested for a septic tank or lagoon?
                                        f) Where will the new EMS building receive potable water from?
                         10. Has title to the land been acquired?
                                        a) Who has or will do the land survey?
                         11. Has the building grant been approved and in hand?
                         12. Is there a rush to build this EMS building?
                                           a) If so why?

Contrary to what Kon nected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau thoughts are that his job is simply to spend money and make policy, it is much more complicated and acquires more responsibility than that attitude.

His job is to work for all of the citizens and voters and taxpayers of Elk County, not just himself or some small group of people. This applies to all Commissioners, don't ya think?

However, Kon nected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau statement reflects otherwise and is just as irresponsible as it can be!

The Commissioners voted 2 to 1 to place the building on the rodeo grounds !

Can you guess which two Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners voted aye?

There are two hearings on this issue being held on the same day?
On October 13, 2015 !

One at 10:00 am to 11:30 am before the Board of Commissioners only !
Just what does that mean, "before the Board of Commissioners only" ?
That is really a strange way to announce a County Commissioners Board meeting, isn't it?
Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners Kaminska says she encourages attendance at either or both!

I am going to do my best to be at both meetings.
Both are covered under the Kansas Open Meetings Act and therefore you don't need an invite.
Personally, I'd like to see half of the county show up.

I'm feel pretty certain they don't want you there or
they would have scheduled both meetings in the evening
and on two separate days
when people are off work and could attend.

If you are a taxpayer or a renter it's your money
they are preparing to spend and 
with a 5000 square foot building and
inflation what it is and what it can become,
it will be very expensive to maintain and heat and cool.
Especially with electric heating.

Okay, now we will stand-by and wait to hear what all you out of state folks have to say about what you have no clue.  Ooop's pardon my smartazz mouth, the devil made me do it. I'm done for now.

I sincerely hope to see you at the meetings.

What a great weekend, time for me to get back outside and enjoy it.

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