Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Why is West Elk School system on the Elk Konnected page?


Quote from: proelkco on August 19, 2015, 12:29:43 PM
Why is West Elk School system on the Elk Konnected page?

Perhaps if you read the thread you might discover the naswer to that question.

Perhaps you might discover the Konnection to the school board!

Perhaps you might discover the Konnection to the "Old Guard" !


that is nothing but bull or gossip or whatever you choose to call it


Quote from: proelkco on August 19, 2015, 05:37:03 PM
that is nothing but bull or gossip or whatever you choose to call it

Why are you in such denial?


Quote from: ROSS on August 19, 2015, 02:52:13 PM

Perhaps if you read the thread you might discover the naswer to that question.

Perhaps you might discover the Konnection to the school board!

Perhaps you might discover the Konnection to the "Old Guard" !

I tried to warn you....  Too much extra BS and people missed your message.  Whatever truth was in your message is going to be lost because of your abrasive attitude towards others.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from: Anmar on August 19, 2015, 11:03:09 PM
I tried to warn you....  Too much extra BS and people missed your message.  Whatever truth was in your message is going to be lost because of your abrasive attitude towards others.

So you find truths to be BS and abrasive.
Well good for you.
I find your saying that as BS and being very abrasive.

My truths may not be politically correct but that is what is wrong with this country. Liberals think everything should be politically correct.

Even though I don't like Donald Trump I very much appreciate his wrecking the politically correct crowd. And if you haven't noticed the majority of people in the poles like it to.

But I noticed you did not find the following abrasive or politically incorrect.

Quote from: proelkco on August 19, 2015, 05:37:03 PM
that is nothing but bull or gossip or whatever you choose to call it

My messages are not expected to be appreciated by the Elk Konnected elite, and their rudness is to be expected. And Anmar if you read the whole of this thread you would understand that. I received threats from that crowd at the very beginnings of this thread and very rude remarks, so for it to continue is no surprise.

Also they don't want the people to know they have rights and legal alternatives to having taxes shoved down their throats.

So if my blunt truthfulness offends thee, I do not apologize, and you are not required to read it

And one more very important is the fact that they want this thread to disappear, which may not happen for a very long time.

Diane Amberg

Yes, he is going for a Guinness Book of World Records entry. Ross, you keep saying you were "threatened." How?  I have no memory of that. Would you post it please? I want to see it for myself.


Ross, I think you misunderstood what I'm trying to say.

I'll try this differently.  You told me to read the whole thread to see what I missed.  I know I missed something.  What I'm saying is that your argument on the subject probably has at least some truth to it.  I haven't read it, and neither have most other people.  This thread is 650+ pages.  Most of it is junk.  Nobody is going to wade through so much useless information just to find truth. 

That being said, either directly or indirectly, you participated in most of the junk being posted here.  You buried your own message with a lot of irrelevant stuff.  Nobody, including me, wants to read this long thread just to hear your message.

That doesn't mean your message is BS.  There is probably some truth to it.  Most people, including me, will never know what it is.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"

Diane Amberg

Actually, I just recently did read the whole thing as I had a long period of time to wait for something.That's why I posted some of his typical post numbers and dates. 6/1/11.4752  Ross at first EK meeting.( non cooperative, demanding special attention) and  6/15/11 (EK accused of fraud). 6/29...4451,4453,4454... more. No, I won't cut and paste all of it.Too long and boring and I would be accused of taking the juicy bits out of context if I don't post the whole thing.
It is very interesting and as always ,he does have some interesting points, but his attitudes and presentations hurt him.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 20, 2015, 07:12:22 AM
Yes, he is going for a Guinness Book of World Records entry. Ross, you keep saying you were "threatened." How?  I have no memory of that. Would you post it please? I want to see it for myself.

As I have always said you xhould read for comprehension. Go back and re-read the thread.
Or perhaps your recall is failing like mine does sometimes with our old age problem. I know it ='s frustrating but i laugh at it.

Or perhapps it is selected memory, either way with all that college edumacation you can surely read the thread again.

So no, I will not accomodate you.

I have far more important things to do.

And your snide remark about  a Guinness Book of World Records entry deserves the above snide remarks and then some.

Try to have a good day and happy reading.

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