Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Hi Elk County taxpayers and voters.
I hope everyone is having a great evening.

I just got home from the West Elk School Board meeting. And as usual could not hear everything said during the public meeting. At one point there were three different private going on at the same time between to different people in each conversation. This is considered very rude for a public meeting. They still lack couth and protocol forget following Roberts Rules of order that their suppose to follow.

They finally got around to talking about the Resolution to levy tax for the capital outlay fund. One board member held up the newspaper and asked if that posting is a legal document and she was told yes it is. And she questioned the content of this legal document. She was told yes it us. She was told it is just the way things are done and that the school board did not have to do any of the things listed in that document. She said she had plety of calls about that document and had no answers. Is she a board member? Did the board discuss this before posting it in the newspaper? Didn't she have to vote to post this legal document? What is really happening with this School Board.

Folks as I see what they have done, is simply to lie in that document and that means the school board is lying to you and me. Just consider the remarks about asbestos -- there is no asbestos in that school building because it was built after asbestos was outlawed. Consider the statement of acquiring building sites for housing and boarding students attending an area vocational school under the boards control --- the whole statement is a bold faced lie. Just another lie to the taxpayers and voters. When did I move to Washington DC ? Why do they find it necessary to lie?

Moving on I believe the President of the boards name is Matt Helm, I may be wrong because I am terribe at names. What did I say my name is? LOL

Well anyway while talking about this Resolution to levy tax for the capital outlay fund he said. "I'm a taxpayer and I don't mind a tax increase." To that Matt, I'd like only to say that the senior citizens that live on a fixed income have not recently inherited one million plus dollars as you have. Can you comprehend the difference?

He also said he didn't think they needed to take the full 8-mil and could get by with only 5-mil. They could afford a good used car for that amount. What? The Superintendent corrected hin and said they could use a van.

Folks this does not lock anything in as far as how many mil they finally decide to take, there was no vote taken on the amount. The superintendent said if I understood him correctly, each mil brought in nearly $20,000.00 a month. And Matt said they don't need to be, with no cushion at all. Well folks I take offense of that statement. They have well over $100,000.00 in unencumbered funds in their present capital outlay fund. And instead of being greedy and taxing the hell out of us, they should learn to budget efficiently and effectively. And above all quit wasting money senselessly.

On August 10th at 6:15 p.m. they are planning to have a School Board Budget meeting and I hope they consider the harm they are doing to Elk County with continually raising property taxes and the harm they are doing to senior citizens.

This is all just my opinion and nothing else. I hope people will discuss this information and decide for themselves what they think is happening.

Perhaps decide to sign a petition to stop this property tax increase no matter what the mil amount is and send the School Board a message. That message would be enough is enough!

I am still researching and studying on how to write a petition properly so it can not be denied for errors.
I hope to be active nest week collecting signatures. I have a busy life but I will do my best to get this thing rolling. I have 49 days from July 29th ti get it in to the county election officer.

I'd like to hear from some of you Elk County residence in the West Elk taxing district.

If you would like to send me a private message via the forum simply click on my name in the upper left-hand corner and a new page will open. There on the left hand side of the page you will see "Send PM" and another page will open for you to type your message on.

Thanks Everyone.
Time for me to call it a night and prepare for bed.
Good night all.


Ross, if I do recall your son did not graduate from Moline Grade School.  My son was in his class and I recall you pulling him out in grade school.  At Moline Grade School, students graduate from grade school at the end of sixth grade.  I remember your son playing basketball for Elk Valley when he was in sixth grade.


Ross you are even stupider than I thought, what does all the previous topics and posts have to do with all the stupid, rude ones you have posted those posts primarily came before you ruined the Forum for everyone else. You just can't see how bad you are for Elk county, Howard and Forum. Now posts some of your crap in response.


What I'd like to know from you all why you'd ever send your kids to a government school in the first place?

Why would you want to let the government instill their doctrine in your kids' minds.  Just because you had it instilled in your minds?   If so, I'm thinking that you maintained your training in pretty good shape instead of researching the matter and thinking for yourself.

Respectfully Submitted,


Red do you have children? Where did they go to school?

Diane Amberg


Quote from: daisy on July 27, 2015, 09:15:56 PM
Ross, if I do recall your son did not graduate from Moline Grade School.  My son was in his class and I recall you pulling him out in grade school.  At Moline Grade School, students graduate from grade school at the end of sixth grade.  I remember your son playing basketball for Elk Valley when he was in sixth grade.

You are part right Daisy. Brandon did complee the 6th grade at West Elk, but they simply passed him. Because apparently they don't fail students. I felt Brandon was not prepared to transition to middle school and I told them I wanted to hold hm back in the sixth grade when I enrolled him. They thought, they were the parent and moved him up to the seventh grade. He was terribly upset the first day of school and then yet another problem developed with West Elk which was really a bad attitude on their part and it was then I moved my son to Elk Valley and enrolled him in the sixth grade.

I am the parent and I know what is best for my son becuse I know his total history and I know his abilities. And as a parent it is my responsibility to make the important decisions for him not some educator. I believe if they reviewed the state laws they do not have that right.

I have probably spent more time at school than any other parent and sit in more classes as well. And I am proud to say that my son made the honor roll last year. And that is thanks to the Superintendent and the teachers working with me instead of against me and vice-versa. I am very pleased with the Elk Valleyteachers and staff.

I really don't wish to delve in to the problems with West Elk and the attitude problems but it has been noted during board meetings of conflicts between teachers and staff and between teachers and the board. I know of at least 4 incidents of terminations based on quit or be fired at West Elk, in just the last two years. Of course those involved chose to quit, so being fired would not show up on their history. When a situation like this hapens there is no fanfare, i.e. no newspaper articles saying what a great person and teacher or coach they were, no lists of accomplish, no notes of acquiring a ne w job with more prestige, nothing just gone.

But really back to the overtaxation at West Elk USD-283 isn't enough --- enough?
Should they be permitted to raise our taxes by 8-mil just because they can?
Should they be permitted to raise our taxes by 8-mil based on a legal document in the newspaper that is full of lives?

Do they really need to raise our taxes again to put money in the Capital Outlay Fund just because?
The Capital Outlay Fund I know for a fact has $100,000.00 (+) in it and may be nearly $150,000.00?

Three years ago they had $1 million in the Capital Outlay Fund and could have repaired the roof and replaced all the air conditioners for that amount, they chose not to do it. They were warned the costs of construction was increasing rapidly by one of their Archetecs but chose to ignore the advice. Today that same work is costing $1.5 million with 1/2 a million being borrowed from a bank.
So while they were ignoring perfectly sound advice they were spending, spending, spending.
I told the readers of this thread many times about the talk at almost every board meeting of raising taxes. But this one I did not see coming. 8 mil without asking the voters, they said at many meetings anything over thre mils had to be voted on. So apparently someone told them of this loophole of using a resolution.

I've been wrong before but I'd bet a dollar to a donut they take the whole eight mil no matter what they say at  meetings about taking only 5 mil. Because once theypost the resolution in the newspaper tomorrow if it goes unopposed there is nothing to stop them slapping us with that 8 mil.

Thanks for asking about my son Daisy and thanks for remembering him.


Quote from: Joesue23 on July 28, 2015, 05:03:14 AM
Ross you are even stupider than I thought, what does all the previous topics and posts have to do with all the stupid, rude ones you have posted those posts primarily came before you ruined the Forum for everyone else. You just can't see how bad you are for Elk county, Howard and Forum. Now posts some of your crap in response.

You must be related to Diane.

Would you please fo play ona mjor highway somewhere, please.
You are beginning to bore me.

I'm sorry, the Devil made me do that.

I'm trying to be polite.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 28, 2015, 01:14:40 PM
You don't really think he will answer do you?

You didn't see proelco respond to my questions did you Diane?

How are you and your friend Joesue getting along.
You two sound like sisters when you visit this thread.
Are you two related?
The same genev pool seems to come across in your remarks.

ROFLMAO I'se just funnin you college kids.

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