Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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I was just reading an article about  Dinesh D'Souza whom I believe everyone is familiar with. Below is a portion of that article. The reason for posting it is fairly simple. To me it represents what has been happening and has happened right here In Elk County and as a matter of fact several places
in Kansas.

The handing out of lollipops by NGO's utilizing Other People's Money such as county coffers for instance, So called Community Conversations which were neither a Community Conversation, nor a Conversation but a practice in training Socialist, in my opinion. Circles of chairs and being forbidden to sit with your spouse or any close relative or personal friends, what more control do you need? Oh I almost forgot the little kindergarten colored stars, How demeaning is that?

While reading my "Monthly Rag "Kansas Country Living" specifically an article by Public Squares, Inc, the parent company of Elk Konnected, LLC, I read the antiquated and over used cliché " On Behalf Of The Common Good".  A blatantly obscure cliché.   Just what does that mean?  For who's Common Good? In what fashion is it good for you or me?

" On Behalf Of the Common Good" totally lacks any form of transparency, in my opinion.

I suppose you might learn what the Common Good is, if you are perhaps lining your own wallet from it. But it still leaves the poor people poor doesn't it? It still leaves the hungry, hungry doesn't it?

It still leaves overtaxing the property owner and continually raising property taxes to build something a handful of people want (not need) for the so called "Common Good"?

Is it for the "Common Good" to give county tax dollars away as has been rumored with in Elk County?

Who defines " On Behalf Of the Common Good" ?

Were you asked if you want to be included in such a blatantly obscure cliché ?


Dinesh D'Souza preparing new book, film for 2016 election

'Stealing America'

D'Souza told WND the title of his new book will be "Stealing America."

"The theme is that we think of American politics as a clash of ideas in that we stand for 'liberty' while the left stands for 'justice'; we stand for 'freedom,' they stand for 'equality,' and I have spent most of my career debating these ideas," he explained.

image: http://www.wnd.com/files/2015/06/dsouza-office.jpg

Dinesh D'Souza (Courtesy Dinesh D'Souza)
Dinesh D'Souza (Courtesy Dinesh D'Souza)
"But one of the things I learned in confinement was the hardened criminals I met, even as they were preparing to be released back in society, continue to live at the most basic level."

He said that instead of discussing issues theoretically, he learned the ideology of the criminal is, "How do I get more?"

"It doesn't matter whether it is right for them to get more, but if they have to stage a song and dance to get more, their only question is, 'What is the best song and dance routine I can come up with to get people to go along with my con job or my scam?'

"So, I began to sit back and look at progressives in the Democratic Party as con artists who aren't really attempting to achieve a rival view of America, but are attempting to transfer wealth, power and resources away from the 'haves' in favor of themselves."

He said he began to realize "there's a deep struggle going on in America regarding who should control the massive resources and wealth of the country."

"Is it the entrepreneurial class that creates the wealth," he asked, "or is it a political class that would much rather control and spend those massive resources and wealth themselves?"

D'Souza told WND he had come to understand modern politics in the United States "much more transparently and clearly" by "avoiding the squid-like cloud of rhetoric put up by the Democrats" and "focusing instead on the redistribution of power and wealth the Democrats are really trying to effect."

He explained the objective of the book is not simply to explain how Democrats such as the Clintons have used the façade of a charity to siphon off tens of millions of dollars for their personal benefit. His aim is to show how the leftist progressives that currently have control of the Democratic Party "are trying to redirect the accumulated wealth of America to their leftist control."

"It's about the accumulated wealth of the U.S. educational system, the accumulated wealth of the U.S. energy sector, all the wealth in the United States contained in natural resources and land, all the wealth in the banking and finance centers of the country," D'Souza explained.

He asserted the "goal of the progressive left is not just to pirate the nation's great wealth for people like the Clintons but to control the health system of the United States, the energy economy of the nation, you name it; but the goal is control."

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/06/obama-nemesis-freed-from-nightly-confinement/#6JHVVjqDOU3pfpjP.99


Property Tax Abuse Continues
in Kansas Counties
by Dave Trabert on Monday, June 15, 2015

The beat goes on, The beat goes on

Drums keep pounding a rhythm to the brain

La de da de de, la de da de da

I'm reminded of this chorus from a Sonny and Cher song every year when new property tax data is released, with a slight variation.  Taxes keep pounding people to the ground.  La de da de de, la de da de da.

The new county property tax data for 2014, which excludes cities, school districts and other jurisdictions, shows the beating definitely is going on.  Over the last seventeen years, 66 counties had population declines AND county property taxes increases that are greater than the rate of inflation.  That is the definition of an excessive tax burden increase on remaining residents, and one must wonder how much those tax burden increases act as a disincentive to population and economic growth in those counties.

The average county property tax increase is 124%.  Only 3 counties increased property taxes less than the rate of inflation.

31 counties increased taxes between 44% (inflation) and 100%. 
56 counties increased between 100% and 200%.
14 counties increased between 200% and 300%.
Osage county property taxes were the worst...at 340%, with a 7% population decline.

A list of all 105 counties with property tax and population change can be downloaded here.  Additional information on large cities and property tax changes inclusive of all jurisdictions within each county is available at KansasOpenGov.org.

There are several reasons why property taxes have gotten so out of control.  For starters, Kansas has 32% more local government employees than the national average (employees per 10,000 residents) and is the 49th worst state in the nation on that basis.  That lousy ranking is mostly caused by having too many local government entities.  Kansas has 1,997 general purpose governments (cities, counties and townships) and therefore only 1,449 residents per general purpose government.  With the national average at 8,108 residents per GPG, Kansas has more than 5 times the national average of local governments on a residents-per-GPG basis!  See pages 15 through 18 in the 2014 Kansas Green Book for sourcing and more information.

Also, the process is heavily stacked in government's favor.  Government decides the value of one's property and then sets the tax rate based on what it wants to spend.  There is no consideration of the ability to pay and the appeals process is stacked in government's favor (although last year's legislative reforms were good improvements).

There simply is no incentive for local government to operate efficiently.  Cities and counties decide what they want to spend and send you the bill.  The Senate tried to prevent cities and counties from increasing property tax on existing construction by more than inflation without voter approval, but the House took government's side and watered the proposal down with lots of exceptions.  The legislation that was finally approved is pretty weak and doesn't even go into effect until 2018.

Cities and counties have taken advantage of citizens for far too long (and haven't even been honest about the amount of increase).  At the very least, the Legislature should require a public vote for any tax increase that exceeds inflation.  No exceptions, all tax increases count (including from new construction) and no three-year delays.  Local government will fight hard but 2016 is an election year for the House and Senate, so maybe legislators will want to do something positive for citizens.

If not, the tax beating will go on...and cities and counties will be singing the same old song.

La de da de de, la de da de da



For your convenience I have posted the pdf for Elk County Property Tax & Population comparison
for 1997-2014 at:


Good info. 

Obviously, Democrats and Republicans like to spend, spend, spend. 

Besides more of the same, what will they think of next to grow their community by and thru their government?


What has happened to Elk Konnected ?

There doesn't  seem to be any new posts on their Facebook by any of their followers since June 30, 2014 !
Check it out at: https://www.facebook.com/elk.konnected .

What is happening with Elk Konnecteds web pages at Public Squares Communities ? Nothing changes ! They still have the same Steering Committee Jennifer Montgomery,Liz Hendricks. Tommie Barnaby, David Whetstone. Didn't Jennifer Montgomery leave Elk County? Check it out at:
http://publicsquarecommunities.com/communities/elk-konnected/elk-steering-committee/ .

And Elk Konnecteds only Success Story that took place several years ago which I consider a failure is still the only Success Story. Check it out at: http://publicsquarecommunities.com/communities/elk-konnected/elk-success-stories/ .

Why isn't Elk Konnected providing bouncy houses for county fairs any longer ?
Doesn't Elk Konnected still care about the various community activities any more?
Where are all the Elk Konnected lollipops these days?

And Elk Konnected still carries the story that disses one of our communities as their About Us story. Check it out at: http://publicsquarecommunities.com/communities/elk-konnected/elk-about/ .

Also I need to ask what happened to Followers in California and Delaware and Oklahoma ? Why aren't they still singing Elk Konnected praises?

Why hasn't Elk Konnected had their membership with Public Squares Communities re-accredited?

Has Elk Konnected gone dormant, gone into hibernation just to return at a later time?

Has Elk Konnected simply become a big embarrassment to Elk County?

Does Anyone have any answers?


The main thing bad that has happened to Elk County and the Forum is YOU. You try to destroy everything you don't agree with. Sadly because of you no one will post on the Forum anymore.


Quote from: Joesue23 on June 19, 2015, 05:13:16 AM
The main thing bad that has happened to Elk County and the Forum is YOU. You try to destroy everything you don't agree with. Sadly because of you no one will post on the Forum anymore.

A complimentary visit from what I figure must be one of them confused people know as a transgender!

How dare I suggest such a thing?

Because, I have asked he/she/it what Joe Sue 23 meant and no answer if it is a he or she or what?

Poor thing can't comprehend that the Forum consist of many, many subjects and many, many threads, and  apparently lacks the intelligence to post anything but hate.

That hate appears to me to be from one of them Obama Democrats Liberals trying to Defend Something,
but lacks the ability and intelligence to articulate what or who that might be.

JoeSue23 whatever a JoeSue23 is must have came to the form to express it's pent up rage. Thank God it does it here and not on the highway.

JoeSue23 has signed on to the forum 12 months ago and has exactly 30 post of which 20 are on this thread
and 10 on other political threads. None of which express any sort of a positive attitude. Such a waste. I bet he/she/it doesn't even read any of the other threads. Thank you JoeSue23 of Caney, Montgomery County, KS. Does Elk County really need Montgomery County's put downs?

Politics / Re: "Kansas Lawmakers Consider Raising Taxes To Lower Deficit"

I assume JoeSue23 must have been educated by one of those Lliberal College Professors or not educated at all.

Here are the other 10 threads and he/she/it's nasty & negative and hateful attacks.

« on: May 15, 2015, 09:22:14 am »
Red cliff you put out the same lies and crap everyday. Your time is coming when we won't have to put up with your trash and lies.

Politics / Re: Patriotic Blasphemy Is Increasing in Duration . . .
« on: May 10, 2015, 02:49:23 pm »
Redcliff my husband, his Father, my Brother and my Father all served and fought under and for that Flag. They are getting tired of you and your UnpAtriotic comments. Why don't you move to some Foreign country that hates America like you do. My Husband wants to come to Wichita and have a talk with you.

Politics / Re: Common Core Education And More About Federal Government Control
« on: December 22, 2014, 01:51:24 pm »
Ross you are an absolute idiot, no one on the forum has done even close to the Putdowns that you have. From the first time you got on the Forum until now you have lied, made up crap about everyone from the schoolboard, county commissioners, to anyone that opposed your trash. You are without a doubt the worst thing that has happened to Elk County. I own property and pay taxes in Elk County, have thought about moving there but  you  make me hesitant to do so. I am not defending Diane  I just tired of your trash and lies.

Politics / Re: Common Core Education And More About Federal Government Control
« on: December 22, 2014, 01:55:05 pm »
Ross, you have driven everyone else from the Forum,, look at how few are posting.

Politics / Re: Did the Republicans Tell the Truth? . . .
« on: December 16, 2014, 11:07:23 am »
You are more full of crap than Obuma,

Politics / Re: Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25
« on: November 18, 2014, 04:08:33 pm »
Ross how many School boards have you been elected to. How many County Commisioner  positions have you served on. I am betting none, you are totally full of hot air. Everyone in ELK county that I have talked to told me you were totally full of CRAP.

Politics / Re: Re-elect who? I'm in!
« on: October 18, 2014, 07:38:39 am »
Why would any of you listen to the naysayers about Shari Kaminski. Look at who the people are, all negative types against women. Shari is sharp, educated and her husbands family are prominent, sucessful landowners and ranchers, she will do a great job, give her the chance. Consider the people against her.
Ross is always negative about everything's look at the lies he told about the West Elk school board and about Howard and the location of the school, the facts on that are the school was between the 3 schools that it was replacing, the water supply, sewer, Dr and all necessities were right there.
I have family and friends in Elk County and they will be working hard to help Shari. Doug was defeated before and he should be again.

Politics / Re: District 1, County Commission
« on: October 11, 2014, 07:29:07 pm »
Several of you have expressed your concern over t he negative comments Ross is making about Shari. Think about this Ross mDe all kinds of lies and negative comments about Liz Hendrix, even in the light of all the good Liz did. Her success in getting the Windfarm finalized made elk county a lot of  revenue. I think Ross is just against women being sucessful at anything. Shari is very sharp and will do a great job, show Ross  that he is full of hot air and vote for Shari, you won't regret it.

Politics / Re: District 1, County Commission
« on: October 06, 2014, 09:49:50 am »
I don't honk very many people are going to any attention to what you, Ross or hillbilly say . What have any of you 3 do e to help or benefit Elk County. If you have heard of the 3 Stooges, well you are the 3 idiot

Politics / Re: Bellamy's Pledge of Allegiance . . . . .
« on: June 24, 2014, 09:40:44 am »
How did Elk County end up with so many nut cases like this Ross and Redcliff. There must be some loco weed getting in your water system.

You can check it out at:

This sure paints a terrible picture of Joesue doesn't it?
But I still appreciate he/she/it's posts.

Thanks for the entertainment Joesue, I know, I can count on you for great entertainment !

I wish everyone and especially Joesue a great

Diane Amberg

I broke my own rule after a heads up from a reader who doesn't post any more.What business is it of yours as to what user name people choose? How dare you set yourself up to belittle anyone over their user name! That is just plain cheap and common.
Go ahead, ask Bullwinkle what the heck HE was thinking. I was in college when Rocky and Bull"winkle" first came on TV.The males rolled on the floor with tears laughing over the name. In those days a "winkle" was a male sexual part. So Bullwinkle was a, well you get the idea. He was as dumb as a .....The fraternities even had various winkle contests and they had nothing to do with a TV show. Not exactly mature, but private in the frat houses, so it wasn't public.
This forum is dead and is smelling worse every day.It's still a good place for local announcements and obits, and some of WARPH's posts, but little else. Your posts that are of a science nature are very interesting, but they are too few to forgive the the belittling and insults. By the way, whoever said anyone is obligated to answer your questions?  You are not the modertor of this forum. I'm not sure anyone cares any longer
I do hope you few, and you know who you are, are very proud . I know what probably will come next, but I won't be reading it, so don't bother. Unless a reader tells me I should check it out, I DO NOT read your posts.


This is so much fun Diane, thanks for not deserting me. I knew you couldn't !

quote author=Diane Amberg link=topic=11780.msg225516#msg225516 date=1434721330]
I broke my own rule after a heads up from a reader who doesn't post any more. [/quote]

What rule ? You got no rule or you would not be breaking it. LOL

Are you trying to say Elk Konnected commissioned you as a Follower to spout off? OR, aren't you just reading all my post like I suspect? Rules?  What rules?

quote author=Diane Amberg link=topic=11780.msg225516#msg225516 date=1434721330
What business is it of yours as to what user name people choose? How dare you set yourself up to belittle anyone over their user name! That is just plain cheap and common. [/quote]

What business is it of yours, what business it is of mine? LOL
But to answer you, I just wanted to know if I was communicating with a he, she or a transgender he/she?
I didn't set myself up to ridicule anyone I asked simple questions.

I agree with you Diane you are right, your post is, " is just plain cheap and common."
It sure isn't uncommon of you. LOL

quote author=Diane Amberg link=topic=11780.msg225516#msg225516 date=1434721330
Go ahead, ask Bullwinkle what the heck HE was thinking. I was in college when Rocky and Bull"winkle" first came on TV.The males rolled on the floor with tears laughing over the name. In those days a "winkle" was a male sexual part. So Bullwinkle was a, well you get the idea. He was as dumb as a .....The fraternities even had various winkle contests and they had nothing to do with a TV show. Not exactly mature, but private in the frat houses, so it wasn't public. [/quote]

I know what Bullwinkle is and I know Bullwinkle is not attacking me. Now is he?

It appears to me that Joesue 23  only came on the forum 12 months ago only to attack people and posts on politics and that's it. This transgender person or whatever they are has posted thirty times only in the political threads in an ugly attacking way and never has posted anything of a positive or polite fashion.

So give some thought to that Diane.

And then you come on and defend such an attitude. I question your honest and integrity for defending such a attitude, but you do the same exact things don't You?. You make accusations with nothing to back them up. But you are entitled to your opinion. just the same as me.

Liberals are something else !

quote author=Diane Amberg link=topic=11780.msg225516#msg225516 date=1434721330
This forum is dead and is smelling worse every day.It's still a good place for local announcements and obits, and some of WARPH's posts, but little else. [/quote]

That is simply your opinion, which I repeat, you are entitled to even if it unsupported.

Liberal thinking in my opinion, instead of checking the published activity on this great forum and aACTUALLY knowing the truth to tell.

quote author=Diane Amberg link=topic=11780.msg225516#msg225516 date=1434721330
Your posts that are of a science nature are very interesting, but they are too few to forgive the the belittling and insults  I do hope you few, and you know who you are, are very proud . I know what probably will come next, but I won't be reading it, so don't bother.

A backhanded compliment, why thank you Diane. I take it back. LOL (not really)
Why do I call it backhanded? Simply because you take it back with an insult.
An insult with nothing to back up the insult!

You keep saying, you won't read it, but you keep reading or you would not have been able to write this post. LOL
So why don't you quit the lying. Oop's sorry about that! A slip of the tongue, don't ya know? LOL

Thanks Diane for your intellectualy inspired, college educated degree for this learned post, just for us to digest.

I hope you have a great weekend.

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