Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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lol I am beginning  to think the 'members of this forum' do not want to join in on an adult discussion.  Hot topics makes one hot..and sometimes uneasy.  Then we lash out with the "well, but, but, but"  And then some of us are not directly, told to 'butt out'.  
I am okay with that.

I guess I will stick to Larry's thread and read till I need to go to bed.  and Teresas videos are GREATTTT!!!

You can start all the different and social threads you wish.  I have noticed that one who starts one, then all who agree join.  Just saying.  Hmmmm......Elk County.  Yes indeedy!
I actually enjoyed and learned a bit from the road rock thread.  

Too  bad.
not ready


Ross, I in a professional mode have been to those meetings.   I would have probably been thrown out too!, However I was young and had other stuff to do and needed to keep my income.

Now, I really don't "need to belong to a clique"  I know what I am about!


I agree with you duck. I just joined the big group of over "65" and that's enough for me.
I think "belonging to a clique you have a need to control or be controlled".
I happen to like most people I meet.
I'm growing old and maybe someday I'll grow up, I don't know.


Quote from: readyaimduck on June 01, 2011, 06:04:28 PM
lol I am beginning  to think the 'members of this forum' do not want to join in on an adult discussion.  Hot topics makes one hot..and sometimes uneasy.  Then we lash out with the "well, but, but, but"  And then some of us are not directly, told to 'butt out'.  
I am okay with that.

It would sure seem that direct questions are met with ferocious verbosity and few, if any, direct answers.  Heck, "I don't know" would be more honest in some cases.

As for being told to 'butt out' or 'sit down and shut up'... I'm ok with it only to the extent that it's par for the course.   Old guard?..... I see now.  Of course, there are all those unnamed residents, voters and taxpayers (and their friends, family & neighbors) who have been following this thread and are also curious about facts as opposed to conjecture, opinion, misdirection, and convolution.

Facts like:  What, if any, role did any elected official play in negotiations for the end placement of the Caney River Wind Project?  If any did, were there any personal or close family benefits that resulted from such placement?  Oh.. and who are the admitted/managing members of Elk Konnected, LLC?  What besides garage sales and youth ballgames do Elk Konnected, LLC owners envision for Elk County's future? 

I guess these citizens will have to continue to be curious. For now.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Maybe Elk Konnected, LLC is ashamed of themselves.
Perhaps that's why they won't come out in the open.
Comments please.


What is the
Elk Konnected community?

Community Standards - Establish and enforce property maintenance standards throughout the Elk Konnected community?
By what authority does Elk Konnected, propose enforcing any ordinances or laws?

Communication - Develop a community-wide clearinghouse for publicizing activities and events to patrons
Who are the patrons?
And is that why Elk Konnected thought they could utilize taxpayers and County Government web site and the crisis reporting call system without proper authorization?

Mr. Woodbury said on his web site Strategy
Name and build on community assets
What commmunity iis he talking about?
Does that mean to keep after the towns city councils, taxpayers money as assets?
Does that mean to keep after the County taxpayers money as assets?

What is the infrastructure of Elk Konnected, LLC? This is a very important question.

What is Elk konnected, LLC's affiliation with the local newspaper --- PRAIRIE STAR?

Our County Commissioner Liz Hendricks is listed as a staff member of Public Square Communities, LLC which is hired by Elk Konnected, LLC. http://www.publicsquarecommunities.com/index.php What is our County Commissioners function as a staff member of Public Square Communities, LLC ? As our county commisioner and our employee this is a fair question to clear up any questions of possible conflict of interest.

Would Elk Konnected, LLC please tell us how they plan to bring growth to a predominatly agricultural county without interfering with County and City governments against the wishes of taxpayers? We realize you have a very small portion of county people involved wit Elk Konnected, LLC but that is not a majority.

This represents a few of my questions and my opinions. Answers would be appreciated.


Quote from: readyaimduck on June 01, 2011, 06:06:38 PM
Ross, I in a professional mode have been to those meetings.   I would have probably been thrown out too!, However I was young and had other stuff to do and needed to keep my income.

Now, I really don't "need to belong to a clique"  I know what I am about!

You said, "needed to keep my income."
When I lived in a small town of 2000 people in Texas I saw that tactic used to keep people in line. IE, you say anything, your uncle, your daddy, you momma may lose their job. They did talk to my superintendent on the pipeline about dismissing me. They wasted their time. It didn't work against me.



What is the Elk Konnected community?

Public Square Communities is a business in which Mr. Woodberry works as a consultant to help communities get organized to accomplish goals and projects that the citizens of those communities choose.  EK was started through a series of open pubilc meetings in which all the goals listed here http://www.publicsquarecommunities.com/community/elk/goals.php were chosen by citizens from all the communities in Elk County and Severy. Action teams were organized for each goal/concern established and number of citizens went to work trying to things to do to meet these goals/concerns for the community.  Mr. Woodberry is running a for hire business so he is paid. The initial payment was from $50 dollar donations from citizens through out the county and severy.  I don't understand the confusion in this. It's pretty simple.

By what authority does Elk Konnected, propose enforcing any ordinances or laws?

They have no authority. You know that, they know that and no one is pretending they do.  What they are trying to do is encourage people to take pride in the up keep and maintenance of their property. Well maintained properties are appealing to  people inside and outside of our community.  Again this was a goal/concern conveyed though citizens in a public meeting.

Communication - Develop a community-wide clearinghouse for publicizing activities and events to patrons
Who are the patrons?
And is that why Elk Konnected thought they could utilize taxpayers and County Government web site and the crisis reporting call system without proper authorization?

Patrons would be anyone that would be interested in attending actives and events that are held in our communities through out the year.  Again this was a goal/concern conveyed though citizens in a public meeting.  As far as using taxpayer and county government web site and crisis reporting call system with out proper authorization.  It not like someone from EK hacked into the county web site and posted community events on there.  The county commissioner are aware it is on there and if they had a problem then it would have been taken care of.  Now if it wasn't voted on @ a commissioners meeting then maybe it should have been.  Do you think they would have not allowed it.  Why wouldn't you want your county web site promoting events with-in your county.  

Mr. Woodbury said on his web site Strategy
Name and build on community assets
What commmunity iis he talking about?
Does that mean to keep after the towns city councils, taxpayers money as assets?
Does that mean to keep after the County taxpayers money as assets?

I'm sure that Mr. Woodbury would put a goal of his company is to get @ all the money of the cities and counties in which he works.  Community assets that he is referring to are things in our communities that we already have that could be utilized better or differently.  This could be activitys, events, parks , buildings, anything that our communities perceive as a asset to our community.  

What is the infrastructure of Elk Konnected, LLC? This is a very important question.[/b

It would seem to me that the LLC was created for liability protection for the Exercise room that EK is operating in Howard.  Being that Ek is a volunteer organization it would be a shame if a injury occurred and individuals were sued or liable.   A LLC allows EK to purchase a insurance policy and give everyone involved piece of mind that they would not be held liable in the event of a lawsuit.  They are not hiding anything our laundering personal finances through this LLC.  IT limits their liability. I'm not sure if the ECCEDF is handling the funds for the exercise room or not.  The ECCEDF is a 501c(3) non profit organization, which allows donations to it to be tax deductible for the giver and also mean that thier are financial documents that are created and maintained by them which allows them to keep their tax-exempt status.  If your afraid of miss handling of the funds then look in to it, don't just get on here and complain and claim corruption with out evidence.  

What is Elk konnected, LLC's affiliation with the local newspaper --- PRAIRIE STAR?

Nothing.  I'm sure that Ek has designated the Prairie Star as their primary mode of getting information and results of projects to the public.  They promote their activities before and after they happen to our local newspaper.  

Our County Commissioner Liz Hendricks is listed as a staff member of Public Square Communities, LLC which is hired by Elk Konnected, LLC. http://www.publicsquarecommunities.com/index.php What is our County Commissioners function as a staff member of Public Square Communities, LLC ? As our county commisioner and our employee this is a fair question to clear up any questions of possible conflict of interest.
I don't see the problem with this unless their was direct business between the county and Public Square.  If that is the case the she would abstain from any vote the the other commissioners would make the decision.  If you are worried about this then take it up with your commissioner.  

Would Elk Konnected, LLC please tell us how they plan to bring growth to a predominatly agricultural county without interfering with County and City governments against the wishes of taxpayers? We realize you have a very small portion of county people involved wit Elk Konnected, LLC but that is not a majority.

How is EK interfering with the wishes of the taxpayers.  By organizing clean up days and supporting activities for the youth of the county.  Growth depends on your definition.  If your taking about population and jobs then EK is not going to help.  But if your talking about growth in pride of community, health and wellness, experiences and opportunity for youth the EK is growingjust fine despite unwarranted criticism from  a even smaller portion of the communities.  

What do you want to hear?  That Elk Konnected is a big conspiracy to brainwash citizens and steal tax money from our local government.   Well sorry it is not.  It's a group of people trying to make our communities a better place to live.  Not only to entice new people to our community but for the people already here.  


Excellent post, Patriotdad!  That should put this subject to rest!

Diane Amberg

Thanks.That verified some things I thought I knew.

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