Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 28, 2014, 12:27:18 PM
Better check your spelling again. So you are saying the referendum might succeed?
Nope, never said one way or the other!

Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 28, 2014, 12:27:18 PM
If so, why the personal  Ross campaign?

Because, I can!
We have the highest property taxes in Kansas and are known as the poorest county in Kansas, or so I have been told.
Because, I think it is ludicrous to be taxed for something that is not needed!
I do believe, I have stated that enough times, I hope you comprehend this time!
A school designed to handle 600 students with only 300 students does not need to be enlarged.
Simple mathematics, common sense!
Do you comprehend?
The School Board has even discussed raising our property taxes 4 mil every year even if the Bond Issue might pass.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 28, 2014, 12:27:18 PM
Don't ya think most people have made up their minds by now? On a personal note ...Why is it just you? Why are you not part of a committee? 

I don't assume what most people think, sorry!
Why do I need to hide behind a committee or an NGO.
I know you believe in the strength of organizations, however I find most of the followers weak minded and unable to stand on their own two feet. And that is exactly, what the organizers or leaders of the organization count on, weakness!
Hitler used those principles to gain power, don't you, see?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 28, 2014, 12:27:18 PM
A number of the things you have written about over and over are never confirmed or commented on by anyone else?

Why does it bother you?              None of it concerns Delaware!

Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 28, 2014, 12:27:18 PM
You who also jumps topics when it suits you ?

Blah, blah, blah! Say just what ever you want, it cost nothing, thanks to the owners for providing this media.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 28, 2014, 12:27:18 PM
As far as my comments to Red, that's for me to deal with. He blindly worships a couple of radical paid bloggers who depend on people like him who believe anything they say. His attitudes scare me
His attitude scares you way up there in Delaware? My oh my!
Paranoia runs wild in Delaware!
I think you are terribly wrong in your judgment, we all have different views of this world,  but does his beliefs mean you need to be ugly about or towards him?

You see, the same could be said, about your Konection with Elk Konnected, couldn't it?

I hope you can get a good night sleep with all that paranoia!
Try not to worry your little head about the West Elk School District Bond Issue, you benefit from it if it passes and you won't have to pay the property taxes either, right? Right!
Good night Diane.


In the August 5th primary we have two people, two republicans, running for Elk County Commissioner, District #1.

We have the incumbent Doug Ritz of rural Elk County, who resides in N.E. Elk County.
He just happens to live in the Fredonia Post Office Zip Code that extends into  Elk County.
He is an Elk County resident, period.

And I am not aware of Mr. Ritz  belonging to any Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO's) such as Elk Konnected, or of his wanting to be involved with NGO's.

Mr. Ritz was instrumental in preventing Elk County from getting involved with yet another NGO, that claimed to know all about the Flint Hills and our way of life in Elk County. The man came to a County Board Meeting to enlighten us and he was from a metropolitan area of Kentucky or Tennessee. He did say his NGO has no power in this region, without having the various local governments and politicians involved in their cause.              I find a big plus that Mr. Ritz stood his ground and had the support of another board member on the subject of NGO's.

Mr. Ritz was also instrumental in gaining us some property tax relief, another big plus.

Mr. Ritz also lives 17 miles as the crow flies (approx.) from Howard, Kansas. That is a very good point in his favor being out there so far, as in really rural. LOL!

His opponent Shari Kaminska on the other hand, I know nothing about except she lives in Howard.
I wonder does anyone know what her Konnection might be with Elk Konnected?
I believe that to be a legitimate question of great importance, don't you?
I think it should be openly discussed because it is politics. Does anyone have any information to share?

At any rate I sure hope the people of District #1 support and re-elect Mr. Ritz so we don't return to an Elk County Board that could end up like the previous Board that was controlled by two Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners out of the three board members.

Well, I received my monthly Kansas Country Living rag from my rural power company and guess what there was no articles by Elk Konnected or Public Squares Communities. Are the slipping up or what?


If people vote for Kaminska just think of the kind of trouble that will be facing the taxpayers of Elk County. Because a vote for Kaminska is most likely a vote for Elk Konnected.

Remember Elk Konnected running the county commissioners board with two members on the commission?

Remember that --- not good in my opinion. I'd like to refer you to the circle of chairs at http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,11780.0.html and all the foolishness that went on. Do we need more of that?

I refer you back to page one of this thread.

And the posts through out this thread about the
Elk Konnected County Commissioners
always voting to give recreation monies to their "NGO" .

I wasn't there for it, but I'd bet, they voted to pay dues from County funds for membership to Elk Konnected and you can bet there will be a lot more of that if another Elk Konnected member get's elected to the Elk County Commissioners Board.

Keep Mr. Ritz in office for the betterment of Elk County
To Keep your modest Property Tax Break.
Lose It And Face Even Higher Property Taxes.

No, I do not live in his District.

But Just Look At What He Has Done For Your Property Taxes
Elk County As A Whole.
Then look at what Elk Konnected has done
to Elk County in the past.
Was it Good?

Join me and lets discuss this!
Anyone care to have a discussion this subject?
Anyone care to agree or disagree?


I along with numerous other folks showed up last night for the school board meeting.
Only to find the doors locked and the meeting canceled because th power was out in Howard.

The lights were back on by 3:30 pm.

I attended the County Commissioners Meeting yesterday while the lights were out for most of the meeting. I guess the Commissioners can deal with a little power outage. Good job gentlemen. The school board meeting, I have been informed has been rescheduled for Wednesday the 18th at 6:30 pm.
We will just have to wait till then to see what the church business with the school board is about.

Did you notice the meeting is rescheduled for the day after the School Bond Issue Ballot Count is due.

That may be an I interesting meeting!

Will they be crying in their bottled water and start planning the ballot for November?
Will they be gloating and patting themselves on the back while planning the next 4 mil tax hike?

Oh, you did not know? The bond issue will not cover everything they need for their unnecessary construction.

I thought I had posted all their continuous talk of tax increase.

Oh well June 18th is the day I was told.

Keep Doug Ritz in the County Commissioners seat for the benefit and welfare of all Elk County Citizens and property taxpayers.


You know, I was just thinking about that new gymnasium the School Board President was upset about. You know,  the fact that his children may have to grow up and graduate high school and not have the pleasure of having an new gymnasium to play in. My guess is the rest of them liberal elites around here probably feel the same way, just my opinion.

Well, the story I just read I feel is a very educational story and explains a few things.
Here it is, perhaps from a child's view point of liberalism, the message might come through. LOL

$50 Lesson

I asked my friends little girl what she wanted to be when she grew up, She said she wanted to be President of the United States. Both of her parents, liberal Democrats, were standing there. So I asked her, "If you were Preident, what woud be the first thing you would do?" She replied, "I'd give houses and food to all the homeless people." Her parents beamed!

"Wow... what a wonderful goal." I told her. "But you don't have to wait till you are President to do that. You can come over to my house and mow the lawn and pull the weeds and sweep my driveway, and I will pay you $50. Then I will take you over to the grocery store where a homeless guy hangs out and you can give him the $50 dollars to use towards food and a new house."

She thought that over for a few seconds, and then looked me straight in the eye and asked,  " Why doesn't the homeless guy come over and do the work and you can just pay him the $50 to use towards food and a new house?" I said, "Welcome to the real world!"


If the School Bond fails as you have stated, that you think it will.
Give it up! 

Don't come back bullying the voters and taxpayers in November.
Yea, you know what bullying is, don't you?

You really want to dispose of $500,000 worth of portable class rooms, eight classrooms, that are barely used and replace them with eight brick and mortar,  providing no gain in classrooms, just so you can have a gymnasium.

Instead, if you elite really just want a gymnasium, well I'd suggest you use your $3,000,000.00 a year windfall from your wind farm and build your own gymnasium for the elite.      Problem solved.

Please re-read the $50 Lesson above.

It is simply my opinion.


My Editorial !

From todays news and paper I wish to quote the Editor from his Editorial, yeah in today's newspaper:

Finally, We're Tax Free!

His last statement in the Editorial was:

"It's that way in a state where
we believe our own fibs."

Well sir, you can speak for yourself in those childish terms for lying.
But you sure can't talk for this Native Kansan, or probably most other Native Kansans.
We or at least I don't believe the lies, thank you.

I sense that you are upset about that "Live tax free in Kansas" and "let Kansas pay your student loans" or the "Rural Opertunity Zones"! Why is that?

Oh maybe it's that nasty word "outsiders" isn't it? 

You know I have been called an outsider here in Elk County, even though I am a Native Kansan.

I'm have been referred to as an outsider even though, I own a small 60 acre retirement farm here in Elk County and I pay my property taxes and vote in this county. I'm still an outsider.

I have had some other outsiders joke with me and say, that's because yu are not one of the inbreeds. Not really funny, really hurtful to the good people of Elk County In my opinion. But, what do you think you can expect when you label people?

The reason, I'm responding to your Editorial on this forum, is because I know you read this and because I feel certain you would not publish my rebuttal/opinion. After all that is all an Editorial is, is an opinion isn't it?

Well to the point, if you are really upset about freebies for outsiders to Kansas, I feel compelled to ask you a couple of questions. Now mind you, if you are not upset about those freebies to outsiders my questions are not to be taken seriously and should be just ignored! Thank you!

1. First you e-mailed me, when I wanted to have a letter printed to the editor, and you informed me you were affiliated with Elk Konnected, my letter did not get published, right?

2. Isn't Elk Konnected an Elk County Orgnization?  And you are an outsider, I mean I live in Elk County and you don't --- doesn't that make you more of an outsider to Elk County than me?

3. You  support Elk Konnected and you supported the 
Elk Konected Kounty Kommissioners
when they were in office didn't you?

4. You were also supportive of the Elk Konected Kounty Kommissioners Neighborhood Revitalization Program which would have provided 5 years of free property taxes to outsiders weren't you?

Now, I'm just curious and in your childish term, where are the fibs coming from?

What is the truth?

You run your business out of Sedan in Chautauqua County Kansas, you have your paper printed in Independence in Montgomery County, Kansas and the only business you do in Elk County is sell you paper for a profit and the majority of the money leaves  Elk County. Doesn't that just make you an outsider of Elk County that siphon's money out of Elk County?

You see, I'm considered as an outsider and I happen to live here in Elk County and I brought with me a couple of nice retirement checks and I pay sales taxes and property taxes and I make purchases here in Elk County adding to the Elk County economy. You as an outsider living, I suppose in Sedan, Chautauqua County, Kansas do not contribute financially to Elk County or very seldom for a cup of coffee and a piece of pie, I don't rightly know.  Perhaps you can tell us how you add to the Elk County Economy?

So, with all your outsider support of Elk Konected and their Elk Konected Kounty Kommissioners previous plans of Neighborhood Revitalization with free property tax for outsiders why don't you like the Governors plans for outsiders?

Now, if I am misunderstanding your Editorial / Opinion I extend my sincerest apologies.

Thank you for indulging me!

Yes, I buy your newspaper; I support your business along with my financial support to Elk County.

And, I am proud to live in Elk County.

Just asking. Oh could you be good enough to tell us if the Ms. Kaminska that is running for Elk County Commissioner is Elk Konnected? Does anyone else know, if Rudy won't share with us?

If she is, then we would have another Elk Konected Kounty Kommissioner controlled County Commissioner Board wouldn't we?

Just to be safe wouldn't it be a good idea to keep Mr. Ritz in office.
Without him we would most likely lose the property tax break afforded us by the wind farm monies.

Remember all those weird ideas from Elk Konnected on page one of this thread?

That is where our tax break would most likely go and then there would most likely be more taxation for completing some of those weird ideas. Hey, it's something to think about and consider, isn't it?

Take my opinions with a grain of salt and talk with others and develop your own opinions.

Thank you and good night.


Interesting.  I didn't know that. 

Is it any wonder that he's for government support of economic development in Elk County.

Government profiteers, they're everywhere - and the media gets a lot of money from the government and candidates for office.



Just a reminder tomorrow is the counting of the School Bond Issue Ballot Counting.
It happens at the Elk County Court House at 2:pm.
The newspaper listed certain people that would be there to observe the counting,
it also stated anyone that wants to can show up for the counting.

I have never had or taken the opportunity to observe a ballot counting
however, the lord willing I plan to observe this one.

Perhaps some of you other folks might make it, if so I hope to meet you there.

It might just be pretty interestig.

I'm siding with the School Board that the Bond Issue fails.


The Vote Is In
The West Elk USD 282 Bond Issue
Just As The School Board Expected

Of course this is not an official notice, I was there for the whole process.
The ladies did an excellent job.
Thank you ladies.

The vote as counted were:
1 Blank
300 Yes
561 NO

Now will the School Board really bully the voters with another vote in November as planned?
I guess  we will just have to wait and see if they do have a bully attitude, won't we?

My hearty thanks to everyone that voted, yes even the  yes votes.

I am anxious to see how the vote breaks down by area, region or town.
If they do that with mail in votes.

Good evening everyone.



I just recieved notice of a correction in the ballot count.

The NO vote listed as 561 has been corrected to 556.

Sitll a Fail for the School Board as they predicted !

So why are they wasting Educational dollars ?

So they can use bullying tactics and come back at us in November, that's why!

That is their plan as discussed at School Board Meetings. No it did not make the minutes.

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