Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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QuotePlease don't shut up! Someday you all WILL get your answers and many people will be shocked about it if they can take the blinders off first! That's all I'm going to say on this matter. You two just need to keep up the good fight!

It took me a while to find this post, but that comment has stuck in my craw for several days.  My craw lives in my basement! ;D

Blinders can be applied to both sides having this discussion!  Crap, I have spent more time on this thread then I have watching my favorite soaps.  And to be honest, the soaps have the same scenes and drama day after day...I missed one whole year, and picked up right where I left off.  So, for those of you that want this thread to cease and disist....then, there is an X at the upper right hand corner of your screen...please feel free to use it. 
Otherwise, the opposite of the old adage "WHat you dont know can't hurt you" may not be applicable here.



Quote from: Wilma on May 30, 2011, 06:46:11 AM
I think that you will find that in Ms. Hendricks early posts she stated that all the money they had used was raised from private donation.  I don't remember anything about asking the county for money at that time.

key words...AT THAT TIME.




thank you kshibilly.  I am sure there is more to this....perhaps convoluted?  Either way, as long as it is not a "bait and switch"  I can live with the answers in time....just can't live with anyone else! :-\

thank you.


Quote from: jarhead on May 30, 2011, 11:25:01 AM
Quote from Wilma:
hope that all of you hanger-ons that are reading this thread and sitting there laughing about the idiots in Elk County don't believe that all of Elk County is llike that

Whoa there Hoss !! Which one of the hanger -oners (is that a word ?? ) are you calling an idiot ? The ones asking the questions or the ones telling them to shut the hell up ? Please clear this up.
Respectfully: A Possible/ probably  Elk County Idiot

I would take that comment to mean that anyone reading this thread is a "hanger on" so therefore ALL people reading this thread are the idiots! Sticks and stones, Jarhead, sticks and stones!




yes....hanger-oners is actually a word:
"The jury found that there was impropriety going on in a trial, so the jury came back with the verdict:

"There is only one verdict:  hang-yer-honers"


Quote from: Wilma on May 30, 2011, 10:37:48 AM
My main issue is that you are maligning our public officials, challenging them to answer YOUR questions on a public forum.  What I can't understand is why Mr. Liebau and Mr. Ritz are standing by and letting you do it.  And why other members of this forum are not coming to the defense of the group that is being impugned.

That is because they are required to answer to us.  IF we want toknow where the money is going, then they as public SERVANTs have to account for the money.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Are they required to answer on a public forum?  Isn't the place for questions regarding the propriety of an elected official in the courthouse? Or if someone perceive's impropriety on the part of an elected official, shouldn't it be taken to the county attorney or to the members of that person's political party within the county.  I can't think of what that committee is called, but they are the ones that nominate the replacement for an empty seat.  At the very least, there is always the recall of the elected official of which I have heard nothing. 

Why is this being done on cyberspace?  Why is it being shared with the whole world?  Don't you think you can get enough support within the county?  And by the way, just what is it that you are trying to do?  And don't give me another whole page of words that don't mean anything.  A simple answer of "we are trying to get Ms. Hendricks out of office" will do, or "we are trying to show corruption within Elk County".  Just what is your motive?

Jarhead:  You definitely are not a hanger-on.  You and Sarge are two of the most sensible people that post on this forum and I enjoy your posts especially when you are joshing each other. 


QuoteTo attack as false or questionable; challenge in argument
defention of "impugned"  for all of us idiots thinking of moving to Elk County.  (And by the way, I did live in Elk County for 5 years..)

A forum is about discussion, different ideas and yes, some heated discussion.  
It is open to the public and viewable by anyone who has an internet.  or, who is sitting next to the person that has one.

If Elk Konnected LLC was formed in '99  what did the other comissioners say about this LLC and it's helping the community...I am thinking its injest was just the start.   Jontra was a teacher at one time...and he had nothing to say, if it was on the up and up?


Well, idiot or not, I remain because I refuse to be manipulated, shamed or ordered into silence or submission by those who use deflection to divert the debate who refuse to adequately address simple, valid and straightforward questions.  Questions regarding the acceptance and uses of taxpayer monies by private entities.  Questions about the appropriateness of the actions and involvements of elected officials in the activities of the same private entities.  Questions about the use of professional facilitation techniques that purport to determine public opinion using non-democratic methods and then use those 'findings' to attempt to influence decisions of elected officials in matters where the elected officials may have employed the very facilitators who obtain the claimed 'public opinion.  Questions about why the same government officials persist in voting (rather than recusing) to award taxpayer monies to those who represent the very company in which they themselves may play a managing role.  As well as others questions involving government officials and taxpayer funded resources.

Why do elected commissioners refuse to have open debate at public hearings regarding the use of taxpayer monies?

Why do some commissioners refer to public input at such forums 'bitching that they would rather not listen to?

Why do some elected officials instead prefer to allow privately owned concerns do their jobs of talking directly with their constituents at large?

Why do some elected officials encourage the community organization tactics (of a private company that they openly support) that necessitate a of paying a third party specialist to simply determine public opinion in a population of less than 3000?

So, who owns Elk Konnected, LLC, and who privately sets their public agenda and makes decisions about outside specialists they employ...... and why?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Wilma, why are you so against this thread?  Is it because you are embarrassed, or you think the method of questioning is wrong in this arena....???  I think there are facts that have been brought to the light that really need to be addressed.  Ross and others are trying to address it.  Go ahead and shoot......

.....aim ....duck

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