Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Diane Amberg

Lloyd, rather than beating me up, how about taking the time to proof read your work so folks don't have to try so hard to figure out the "bee in the bonnet du jour".  I still don't know what your one sentence about the school board was trying to say.
    I do have a question. Since I have quite a bit of experience going over the details of bid proposals, why do you assume the Moline school's roof could have been done "cheaper." There are a lot of things to take into consideration, which I won't bore you with unless you ask, and I'm sure you won't. More conspiracy? Don't you think they got the best they could for what they had to spend, especially if there were bid restrictions? Do you assume everybody but you is dishonest? You are starting to sound like poorly written National Enquirer. Who is the "they" to whom you keep referring?  you really think "they'' are trying to punish the taxpayers? Do you know how neurotic that sounds? :o
If you truly don't have any idea what it takes to be a good steward of public monies, you should sign off and stop having any comments at all; you aren't qualified.
I already asked you to not try to connect unrelated ideas to things I say... You can't tie anything on any other subject to me d  and my thoughts on the president or how I feel about Democracy. You have no clue!
And your comment about telling people not to believe anything you say.... Who are you trying to kid? Yourself?  PUL-EESE!  What a cop out!

OK, who said the portables at West Elk are eyesores? Who is  "they" and "them"" Bricks and mortar got voted down. I'm not sure a Quonset hut would work, so what choice was left? They had to do something.  They pay their taxes too.
I taught for several years in a very nice portable, air conditioned and all, when Cecil County had a military growth spurt. So what's the problem?  They can be very nice. So go ahead and keep the conspiracy ideas flowing. You are making some folks very weary of hearing about it....again! How about giving it a rest? Bye.


Ross last time you got 6 votes when you ran for the School Board. I figure 2 of those are you and Rina. I think you are now ready to run again. Since you are retired you have all the time in the world to run and serve. Go get em Tiger. Don't listen to me I am just an edumacted redneck hick from Kansas.



Warning---short and sweet and to the point:

Quote from Diane:
I taught for several years in a very nice portable, air conditioned and all, 
. You are making some folks very weary of hearing about it....again!

You need to get your story straight--- "you taught for several years ?"---in the past you told us you started teaching in 1966 but had a chalk dust allergy so had to give it up and by 1969 you were riding in the ambulance, which by the way is a great political style statement. Riding in the ambulance did not make you an EMT, which you have confessed to in the past. Hell,I rode in the under sheriff's pick-up yesterday but that doesn't make me a deputy.
As for folks getting weary of hearing from Ross---again you don't know horse shit from apple butter. Trust me, I talk to a hell of a lot more people that live in Elk County than your 6 or 7 admitted cheerleaders that you correspond with and it is you dear lady the masses are sick of reading your BS. Seeing as you seem to have so much time on your hands perhaps you could go back to Warph's reply #736 on the This and That thread and answer the question he asked you about them intimidating phone calls to your beloved Black Panthers. What, silence again ? No proof ?? That's what I thought.


I'm sorry Diane I have wasted enough time on you.
A teacher with two years in the class room isn't even broken in.
this truly explains your lack of comprehension and lack of ability to follow along.
Give everyone a break with that phony teacher stuff.
I no longer care to converse with you and your imaginary secret and silent partners.

Bye-Bye, Diane you have now became a figment of my imagination.


Quote from: jacksonpollochjr on June 20, 2013, 03:23:08 PM
Ross last time you got 6 votes when you ran for the School Board. I figure 2 of those are you and Rina. I think you are now ready to run again. Since you are retired you have all the time in the world to run and serve. Go get em Tiger. Don't listen to me I am just an edumacted redneck hick from Kansas.


Jackson, I find your remarks a bit condescending, Not meaning to be rude or ugly, but lets tell the whole story.

Yes, I did apply to run for school board and I started studying the Kansas State School Board information and the more I studied the more I realized I needed to learn. I decided I did not have enough time to learn enough to  be comfortable holding the position should I win it. So I went to the court house and attempted to withdraw. They refused to let me withdraw. So,  I wrote a letter to the editor of our local stating I was with drawing and I asked that people vote for another candidate.

And no sir you assume wrong neither I nor my wife voted for me. I personally assume the 6 votes came from persons that may not have read the paper. I have absolutely no idea who they were, I believe those six votes were simply a fluke. Perhaps they may have been people who were just tired of the same old people and saw a new name and check the boxes. We will never know.

But after attending a number of school board meetings, I do believe I would be better qualified than some that are there.

The first thing I would insist on would be to hold the meetings in a place where the school board could be placed in a straight line and no others would be sitting at the table but those elected to do so. That perhaps would be the auditorium or in the large area just inside the front door of the school. I would have the secretary sit at her own table. All others, teachers, principles, coaches and visitors would be comfortably seated in front of the school board so the would be faced by each and every board member. This is what I believe would be the proper way to run such a public meeting. If the board members are unable to make themselves clearly heard by all in the room, I would use a microphone system to improve the communication.  In my opinion the school superintendent is the most intelligent in the room and the most experienced, however his job is to work for the school board, and to answer to the school board, not to be a part of the school board sitting at the head of the table. Any questions or answers required from the school board of the school superintendent can be asked respectfully of him from the audience, just as with the other hired employees, the teachers, the principal and the coaches. Simply a proper way to run an elected school board meeting.

I would also see that everyone in attendance would have the agenda with the attachments that are now only provided to a few select in the audience. I would also see to it that the attachments were attached to the agenda posted on the school Web site and I would also require that they be posted on the web site in a timely manner. This would assure that I truly interested in engaging the taxpayers, the voters and the parents. It would also show that I am truly interested in providing transparency and honesty.

Now, I will step down off my soap box.

And contrary to what you think about me being retired and having all kinds of time on my hands you are quite wrong.
I have a wife that keeps me very busy and I am still raising a son and I also have sixty acres with cattle and horses and chickens to tend to along with tending my farm equipment and putting up hay every year. No sir, I don't have a lot of free time. I am getting older and slowing down considerably and consequently it takes me more time to tend to my labors. Having two artificial knees also tend to slow one down. No sir I am not complaining, I very much enjoy doing what I do. That is why I came here to enjoy my life.

Thank you for engaging me.


The public  documents I have received  through a freedom of information act form I provided for the school district far exceed the allowed up load  limits on this forum. So I am going to be working on a way to upload them to a site I can provide you a link to so you can read and inspect them.

I know, I understand according to one of the reports us old folks are not suppose to understand the importance of all this high technology.
But I believe I understand the importance in using this technology to get the information out there to you.

If the school recognized the importance of using the technology to do the same thing, so you are an informed voter and taxpayer I would not have to do this.

But I believe, I can find a solution to my present problem of providing you this important information.

Just give me a little time, please.

Thank you.

Diane Amberg

Listen you!  Stop trying to redraw the story of my life!  Don't read this, you might incur brain damage! ;D :angel:
I did start teaching in 1966  at Wilmington Manor in New Castle. After a few years, a head hunter in Cecil County MD made me such a good offer, plus it was closer to home by 20 minutes, I couldn't refuse. It was there ,after more of years teaching in Room 15E, in the main building, the school  became overcrowded due to a big influx of military into Cecil County.
A quad of four portables was placed on the back parking lot and my third grade portable was on the other side. I was in it for several years. Eventually things changed and my portable was no longer needed.
I was NOT a new teacher or hardly broken in at the time I was in the portable. In fact it helped the allergy problem as I could use dry marker on the white boards that were there.  
Most of what I've ever told about myself has come from answering a zillion questions over the last six years.
If you are determined to do a time line, it would run from 1966 to 2006...sort of.  
I've never even told you about the bindery I worked for one day a week when school was out for the summer. ;D

I have never said I was a full time EMT. I took the Ambulance Attendant classes at night and on weekends in 1969-70, just like everyone else did in those days. We all had other jobs too and were volunteers with our fire companies. We had duty times and took turns and all took pick up runs at odd times and holidays. If you don't understand how it works, not my problem!
We are very civilized here. One doesn't set foot on our ambulances until the training is completed and then one can ride, not the other way around. Perhaps Hicksville allows anybody to ride, but I can't say,not my business. Is knowing "Sticky side down" enough? ;)
My Ambulance Attendant/ EMT teaching for the state  (paid) was also on nights and weekends. (well duh). I was recruited to teach and test  those classes. I was also an evaluator for the National Registry exam, both written and practical.  I finally gave up my National Registry of EMT status in 2008... I let it lapse, didn't renew it. I'm still a CPR instructor, but will let that lapse in two years. I'll stop doing the camps and fire safety programs then too.  Age 70 is enough.

I also rode a private ambulance ,Medical Transport Service, and took long distance transports, including once taking a grandmother from a nursing home here to her granddaughter's posh wedding in Conn. That was fun.  Eventually Jim sold his business and went to Paramedic school.
Ya wanna call my life fiction? Help yourself. I don't care and the people who know me know the truth. I can't imagine if you all hate me so much why you'd spend so much time trying to trip me up some how. Ya can't do it because it's all true. You say you don't care but you still read what I post and are as rude as you can be. Now stop wasting time and go do something useful, or help Ross in his attempt to save Elk County from its self.

Hey Jar, would you like me to call your Marine time a sham and nothing but hot air? After all, you were just a rear line cook,right? You were active for just a few years right?  More than 40 years ago? and you are still squeezing the juice out of it...after all these years?  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D How do you like it, Pal.  Remember you all were hated back then... baby killers all. Ya like being poked? Not nice is it? Now cut it out! You were asked nicely more than once.
Again with the Black Panthers? Is your needle stuck? If you want to know about the threatening phone calls that started it all.... My information came from the local Philly TV news, same as everyone else got theirs. Ask them! Don't ever let facts get in the way of your opinions... :(
I won't be back for some time unless I need to be .

Diane Amberg

Ross...you lie. I looked 'cause I knew you had and I found it. You told me in your list you never said you were stupid. Wrong. You did and that is why I had mentioned it in something I wrote.  Go back and reread your own words in #5546.
I wouldn't have mentioned it, but you and Jar are on some kind of "anti Diane" tear again so I won't put up with your nonsense. At least remember what you wrote!
Speaking of unanswered questions, I'm still waiting to hear who said the portables are eyesores? More silence? It's from your own mouth, isn't it? Recently you have asked any number of education type questions I could have answered, but I didn't say a word. Be happy and stay blissfully ignorant. Once again...you don't know that you don't know. Gone again.


Hey, Jarhead did you hear something from the figment of my imaginaton?  
Jarhead that durn figment of my imagination seems to lack respect for a lot of things, even American war veterans, how shameful is that.
I think, I need some medication for that, don't you?
I think that figment needs more konnected support, poor figment.
Later Jarhead.

But moving on Jarhead, I received an article from a friend and I'm posting just a small part of it.
It seems to fit right here because it explains a lot of the attitude we don't like right here in Elk County.
Here we go:

"Because issues like segregated schools and housing, lack of jobs and opportunity--symbols of history that are a source of pride for some and pain for others--these are not tangential to peace; they're essential to it," said Obama. "If towns remain divided--if Catholics have their schools and buildings, and Protestants have theirs--if we can't see ourselves in one another, if fear or resentment are allowed to harden, that encourages division. It discourages cooperation.

Obama is now insisting on enforcing an Obamacare regulation that would force Catholic individuals, business owners and institutions to provide health care plans that cover sterilizations, contraceptives and abortion-inducing drugs. The Catholic bishops of the United States have unanimously declared this regulation an "unjust and illegal mandate" that violates the constitutionally guaranteed right to free exercise of religion.

Dozens of Catholic business owners and institutions are now suing the Obama administration over this regulation. The University of Notre Dame and Catholic University of America are among those who have filed suit. A number of Protestant business owners and institutions have also sued the administration over this regulation because it forces them to provide abortion-inducing drugs and IUDs in contradiction to their moral and religious beliefs. (End Of Article)

What is wrong with all them heathens , why don't they co-operate and unify, become one church Unified in God. Give up all their one beliefs  and co-operate, durn fools.

Am I stirring the pot or am I just doing the same as these religious folks? What is wrong with the religious folks don't they want to co-operate?
Don't they want unity?   Don't they want to be unified?

Someone on the school board wants unity, doesn't that simply mean they want everyone else to be puppets and co-operate with one mans opinion and plan whether it is good or bad?

Is co-operation and unity always a good plan?

Perhaps if you are playing football.
But is our school board playing a game?
Is being a school board member a sport?

Do you remember some of the big ideas of Elk Konnected on page one of this thread?

Quote from: ROSS on April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

Centrally located county fairgrounds with 1 fair - 1 (Big Idea's)

Be able to keep and reopen schools in small towns as population grows _ 1 (Big Idea's)

Unified Gov't (w/in the county) to save money and become more unified (do away with city gov't, councils­
(cont.) all centrally located-one managing body) (Big Ideas's)

Now really who stirs the pot?

Who came up with this list?

Why don't all the communities want to co-operate and be unified?

Oh, my bet is they would lose control of what they presently have, to the "Old Guard", right?

Have you heard of the United Nations Article 21?
Have you heard China is starting the process intended by the United Nations Article 21?

Isn't it full of unity and isn't everything unified?

China has built cities and towns and is now ready to fill them.
They are going to start moving 250,000,000 (250 million) people out of the rural areas, the rural towns and off the farms into these new cities over the next 12 years.

Isn't that terrific?

I don't recall them asking the people if they want to move.

But I guess unity and co-operation is a strong goal, don't you.

Do we want or need a unified county or school board all controlled by the "Old Guard", or do we want and need individuals on the board, that ask the tough questions?

Oh, remember the idea of reopening  schools in small towns. All the towns in Elk County are small towns, does that mean Howard is the smallest and therefore is the only one to have a school close by.

How about that School in Moline that sits empty, it shames  the school board daily by remaining closed.

It has a gymnasium and an auditorium and more class rooms that could aleviate class room congestion that exists at West Elk.

Why is the school board so adamant about reopening it.

Especially, after wasting over hundreds and hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars on trailers.

Oh yea, the roof need fixed, half of the roof was under warranty at the time and the price of the other half could have been negotiated.

But lets spend hundreds of dollars on some retired old professor working for a company in Missoruri to manipulate the school board and also write their grocery list.

All you folks on the school board should probably knuckle under and do what the Elk Konnected School Board President wants to do.

You need to be more co-operative and unified on all that construction stuff,
don't even consider any alternatives because that is not co-operative, ya hear.

My cotton picking key board skips some keys every once in a while. so I had to come back and make a couple of corrections.

I sure hope the same thing happens with that united thinking, correction that is.


Quote from Diane:
Most of what I've ever told about myself has come from answering a zillion questions over the last six years.
If you are determined to do a time line, it would run from 1966 to 2006...sort of.

1966 to 2006--sort of . Sort of ???? What a great political answer. That sure leaves a lot of wiggle room. I was not trying to redraw the story of your life. It was you that said--------
Quote from Diane :
I started teaching in 1966, started riding the ambulance in 1969 ,started teaching EMT etc. part time in 1974 and didn't give up my EMT credentials until 2006. Did some firefighting too, of course.

Do you see why I was /am confused? You tell us you started riding in the ambulance in 1969---then today you say you took the classes in 1969 & 1970 and---

quote:One doesn't set foot on our ambulances until the training is completed and then one can ride, not the other way around. Perhaps Hicksville allows anybody to ride,

It really is no big deal---I guess. As I get older I get more confused too.
Not sure where Hicksville is Is that a town in DE.? Sounds like a place I would like though.
You are dang sure right about me being a cook while in the Corps. Cooked a bunch of them C-rations. No Diane, I never killed no babies--hell, never even seen a baby out in the jungle. I really don't think I was hated by all---just by the liberals and the commies---but I have forgiven them---but I aint never forgot about them !!!
Why lump me in with Ross ? He is on a crusade about West Elk. I could care less what happens at West Elk.

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