Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Wilma on May 29, 2011, 08:58:09 PM
Patriot, the answer to your question about taxpayer money can be found at the courthhouse.  It is in the minutes of the commissioners meetings, in the disbursements of the treasurer's office.  It is all public record.  Just go ask.

Since the question was about Elk Konnected LLCs disbursement of those tax monies (city, county, state & federal)  the county treasurer will be of little help.  But thanks for trying to save the LLCs bacon.  In the future, however, much energy could be saved if you would read the questions more carefully and refrain from trying to answer questions about which you have no understanding or firsthand knowledge.

Quote from: jarhead on May 29, 2011, 09:12:50 PM
Good one Wilma. Them old timers sure had a way with words. I love them. One of my favorites is--" Wisdom does not always come with old age, sometimes old age arrives all alone"
The older I get the more I believe in that. ;)

I always liked money "talks & bullsh*t walks".  Of course, sometimes taxpayer money gets awful quiet & answers about its' use seem to walk away from questions about its' use.  Also notice, I'm still here & not walking...

Has Elk Konnected, LLC received nonprofit status under IRS Section 501(c)(3), or is it a for profit company?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


You can't call it taxpayer money until you know that it came from the county or are you talking about federal grants, etc. which anyone that qualifies is entitled to by simply applying for it.  An application doesn't mean that the money will be granted.  You need to find out where the money came from and if it isn't taxpayer money, the organization doesn't have to account for where it goes.  I think that you will find that in Ms. Hendricks early posts she stated that all the money they had used was raised from private donation.  I don't remember anything about asking the county for money at that time.

By the way, why aren't you questioning the other organizations that receive public funds?  What are they doing with all of it?  Is it all being used for the purpose stated?

In other words, why are you picking on one organization?


QuoteBy the way, why aren't you questioning the other organizations that receive public funds?

Are there any other organizations that a county comissioner is so actively involved?


Quote from: Wilma on May 30, 2011, 06:46:11 AM
You can't call it taxpayer money until you know that it came from the county or are you talking about federal grants, etc...

Grant money is taxpayer money.  Where does the government get it?  The last time I checked, all government receives its' money from the taxpayer.  And government does not earn money, it captures money through fees & taxation or by borrowing & government debt is taxpayer debt. Ergo, any money paid out by government is taxpayer money.  I see that government schools were failing earlier than I originally thought.

We have no concern about grant money received from private entities.  We're intelligent enough to make the distinction.

Now how much total government grant money has Elk Konnected, LLC received?  For that matter, how much have they applied for?
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: readyaimduck on May 30, 2011, 09:11:33 AM
Are there any other organizations that a county comissioner is so actively involved?

And an organization that is also directly involved in allegedly obtaining public input used to influence votes on public policy or obtains county tax money while still voting on those issues.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


In other words, you aren't getting what you want?  Right?  You are peeved because you are being ignored.  Any member of the EKLLC has the right to refuse to come on the forum and debate what you want to debate.  You have the right to continue to ask them questions, if you want, but have you ever heard of butting your head against a stone wall?  I wouldn't give you any answers now, even if I had any.

My main issue is that you are maligning our public officials, challenging them to answer YOUR questions on a public forum.  What I can't understand is why Mr. Liebau and Mr. Ritz are standing by and letting you do it.  And why other members of this forum are not coming to the defense of the group that is being impugned.

I hope that all of you hanger-ons that are reading this thread and sitting there laughing about the idiots in Elk County don't believe that all of Elk County is llike that.  Most of the citizens of Elk County are as upstanding as you can find.  There are a few though, that don't like anything that they didn't think of first.  And if they aren't treated like royalty when they show up someplace, they are offended and swear that they will never go back.  Instead they just bad mouth the organization by any means possible.  Please, readers of this forum, don't judge all of us by the majority of the postings on this thread.

Roma Jean Turner

It is good to stand back and get a little perspective.  It is easy to feel like the Forum is Elk Co.  Just a small percentage of the county probably even looks at the this.  Out of that probably a small percentage could care less.  However, it does serve as an audience for those looking for one.  In the grand scheme of things, this little thread is BUPKUS.


Quote from: Wilma on May 30, 2011, 10:37:48 AM

My main issue is that you are maligning our public officials, challenging them to answer YOUR questions on a public forum.  What I can't understand is why Mr. Liebau and Mr. Ritz are standing by and letting you do it.  And why other members of this forum are not coming to the defense of the group that is being impugned.

Letting us do it?  From what despot government egg did you hatch?  Letting us do it?  

Come on Wilma, who's telling you what to post here?  Surely you aren't personally so ignorant of government affairs, the Constitution and free speech!  Perhaps some readers don't defend, because they know we are right.

Ok, which Elk Konnected manager is coaching you?

Quote from: Wilma on May 30, 2011, 10:37:48 AM
Please, readers of this forum, don't judge all of us by the majority of the postings on this thread.

No, judge by reason  based on the logic and facts presented.  Judge with a soiund knowledge of how government is expected to behave, judge on matters of fact, not emotion.  Judge knowing that our county has been shrinking for years under the same leadership.  Judge knowing that ACORN style 'community organization' erodes government's proper roles.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on May 30, 2011, 10:55:53 AM
Ok, which Elk Konnected manager is coaching you?

Now, that's just funny. If you think Wilma is being "coached" then you don't know Wilma!
;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D


Quote from Wilma:
hope that all of you hanger-ons that are reading this thread and sitting there laughing about the idiots in Elk County don't believe that all of Elk County is llike that

Whoa there Hoss !! Which one of the hanger -oners (is that a word ?? ) are you calling an idiot ? The ones asking the questions or the ones telling them to shut the hell up ? Please clear this up.
Respectfully: A Possible/ probably  Elk County Idiot

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