Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Janet Harrington

I do have a question for you, Ross. I remember you posting that our West Elk High School was built to house 600 students. Where di you get that information if you don't mind sharing. If you do, no worries.


Quote from: ROSS on February 25, 2013, 08:18:55 PM
Just ask the owners to erase this thread if you feel that way about the bickering that is!
See what they tell you.

But why read backwards, most people read forward. Shouldn't a person have a clear understandin of the issues?
They can't get that reading backwards now can they?

Why would I ask for this thread to be deleted? You have said yourself that people should read the whole thread to get a clear understanding of the issue. Why change you mind now? Yes reading backwards and forwards is good. Make up your mind. Is this thread just for your ego or do you really want to accomplish something? Mistakenly, I read backwards a nd found you had valid complaints. Then reading forward I saw this evolving into you stroking your ego and bickering. Not that you have not had help on both sides.


Quote from: flintauqua on February 25, 2013, 08:22:15 PM


(Psychology) A person of mild mental retardation having a mental age of from 7 to 12 years and generally having communication and social skills enabling some degree of academic or vocational education. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive.

So you are trying to perform a psychiatric diagnosis of me via the internet? 

Garsh no, I ain't qualified to diagnose anybody or anything.
I got me no papers, degrees or pedigrease.
I'se just a redneck hick enjoying retirement.

Quote from: flintauqua on February 25, 2013, 08:22:15 PM
Using your words, that would make you a moron also wouldn't it?

By golly, by gun youse rite Is'e a moron.
Thank you fer letting me know bout that there stuff.

Why is it you fail at discussing the real issues of this thread.
Ya ain't got no answers, er or is it ya ain't up to date on current events and there unable to respond. Inquiring minds want to know.

Lets review the real questions shall we?
Let me quote myself, okay?

Quote from: ROSS on February 25, 2013, 08:12:23 PM
So Flint do you believe that the Konnected President of the West Elk School Board will pull it off?  The excessive spending to add a wing to West Elk to house class rooms and a new gymnasium is what I am referring to!

Or will he lease the Church at great expense to the taxpayers?

Have you heard that Friday the state of Kansas may stand to lose $5 million dollars and that perhaps 80 school employee's state wide may lose their jobs?

Do you believe excessive spending is the way to go these days?


Quote from: jacksonpollochjr on February 25, 2013, 08:49:06 PM
Why would I ask for this thread to be deleted? You have said yourself that people should read the whole thread to get a clear understanding of the issue. Why change you mind now? Yes reading backwards and forwards is good. Make up your mind. Is this thread just for your ego or do you really want to accomplish something? Mistakenly, I read backwards a nd found you had valid complaints. Then reading forward I saw this evolving into you stroking your ego and bickering. Not that you have not had help on both sides.

I see nothing wrong with this thread but you apparently do.
So I simply made a suggestion!
People bicker around the world, we are no exception.
You will find bickering ove politics, sports, religion and any multitude of things if you chose to look.
Also community rivalries, which amount to bickering.

I believe it is a normal thing as long as it doesn't become the Hatfield an Mc Coys, if you know what I mean.

Just take a look at the bickering inside the Vatican right now. Does that mean the whole of the Vatican is bad? I don't think so.
But there are differences going on! Do we condemn the whole place, no.

Elk County is just having some differences, that is all.


I have had more then enough fun today.
Thanks for providing the entertainment.
I'm gonna watch the snow falling for a few
and the off to bed.

Early to bed
Early to rise ya know.


Quote from: ROSS on February 25, 2013, 09:19:38 PM
I see nothing wrong with this thread but you apparently do.
So I simply made a suggestion!
People bicker around the world, we are no exception.
You will find bickering ove politics, sports, religion and any multitude of things if you chose to look.
Also community rivalries, which amount to bickering.

I believe it is a normal thing as long as it doesn't become the Hatfield an Mc Coys, if you know what I mean.

Just take a look at the bickering inside the Vatican right now. Does that mean the whole of the Vatican is bad? I don't think so.
But there are differences going on! Do we condemn the whole place, no.

Elk County is just having some differences, that is all.

What??  Your conclusions are not logically connected to what I said. Then the tirade on Hatfield\McCoys and the Vatican. You are 3/4 of the way from being unconnected to reality. Next step for you Psych Emergency. You have lost it completely. My fault for trying to have a legitimate conversation with you.


You have been on this forum a couple of days and have made all of 7 post.

Name:    jacksonpollochjr
Posts:    7 (3.500 per day)
Position:    Forum Member
Date Registered:    February 24, 2013, 12:28:35 am

February 24, 2013, 12::55 am            Your first post on this thread.

Quote from: jacksonpollochjr on February 24, 2013, 12:37:55 AM
Come to Elk County where we eat our young.  Please don't take this thread as the real Elk County.  This thread has been going on way too long.


February 24, 2013, 08:33:59 PM               
Quote from: jacksonpollochjr on February 24, 2013, 08:33:59 PM
Sorry Ross, to have hit a nerve. I never said anything about getting rid of this thread. In fact in my other post I praised you for shaking the tree that needed to be shook.

February 25,  2013, 08:00:28 PM
Quote from: jacksonpollochjr on February 25, 2013, 08:00:28 PM
My point is this thread has evolved into  bickering.

Quote from: jacksonpollochjr on February 25, 2013, 09:43:33 PM
What??  Your conclusions are not logically connected to what I said. Then the tirade on Hatfield\McCoys and the Vatican. You are 3/4 of the way from being unconnected to reality. Next step for you Psych Emergency. You have lost it completely. My fault for trying to have a legitimate conversation with you.

You talk about eating children right off the bat, your very post on the forum. I don't care what you mean by it, it in my opinion is in bad taste for a first post on the forum. And then you say this thread has been going on way too long. This indicates that you think this thread should end, very simple.

In your second post on this thread you praise me, big deal, I'm not impressed.

In your third post you complain about bickering on this thread.
So, I simply point out that bickering is every wherein the world even at the Vatican and at least it is not violent like the Hat Fields and McCoy's.  To clarify further about Hat Fields and McCoy's there is no shooting just talking.

If you as a newcomer to the forum are so dissatisfied with this thread I'd suggest moving on. There are plenty of other threads. There are a Total of 13107 Topics or other threads available for you to indulge in.

Try to find something that you like and have a great wintery day.


      Ross, he has posted much more on this forum, just under different handles. For instance, does Sodbuster ring a bell ?


Quote from: Bullwinkle on June 21, 2012, 09:15:42 AM
    This whole thread is one big cartoon. A bunch of finger pointing and back slapping. It has accomplished absolutely nothing except make certain people feel empowered by slighting others and boasting about what they think they know. It would work well with the three stooges playing the parts. Patriot, Moe since he thinks he's the smartest person in the county. Ross, Larry since he follows Patriots lead all the time. Duck, Curly just because he's relatively clueless.

   BTW, Mad magazine had nothing to do with the Rocky and Bullwinkle show. It's obvious my posts went completely over you stooges heads. Since you are always looking to retaliate against those who don't like you, you missed the point. ::)

    You call this a discussion ? Better google the definition of that word. I expected the response of immature, adolescent, yadda, yadda, you can find it many ,many times on here as a way to belittle anyone who puts forward any view opposed to the stooges.

   Larry er Ross, I HAVE sat and BS'ed with you,  :o I actually like you. You have great staying power ;) I just don't always agree, no problem.

    Patriot, ( now there's a conflict of terms ) you're hopeless , you offer nothing but a broken record. :-* :P

   Curly, Ready for the loony bin. :laugh:


Bullwinkle, why so hard on Ross, Patriot and the boys\girls?


Quote from: ROSS on June 20, 2012, 08:01:53 PM

Duh, Rocky the squirrel is Bullwinkle's buddy.
And both seem to get into a lot of trouble in their cartoon.
Thought I'd be kind and let you know about the squirrel, so you would have it right.

So are you switching now that you know?

Or, perhaps you can tell us exactly what Elk Konnected, LLC  has accomplished besides commandeering our County Commission, adoringly know as Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners?

You don't have any answers either do you?

Just more attempts at bullying for you, right?

I rest my case, we eat our young. 

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