Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 06, 2013, 11:08:04 AM
Uh, you have no idea how much money I have happily spent, donated, and given to support your area and people over the years. Just because I don't talk about it doesn't make it true.Ya might want to rethink that statement >:(. As far as in not knowing how your county works, the last time I visited, I had something in mind. After doing some serious investigation, I decided not to make the investment I had being thinking about. Your water problems had a lot to do with it also. My treatment on this forum has done nothing to change my mind. Too bad, and I don't appreciate your cussing in my name. :P

Diane you know i have been called an outsider by your friends, the Elk Konnected Followers. But the real truth is I live here and I vote here and i pay property taxes here. Where as you living in Delaware make you the real outsider and all that ratchet jawing from you just because you have few friends with in Elk Konnected, LLC means nothing to the majority of Elk County citizens. Especially since you try to make everything about you. And it all just sounds real phony. Sure you were going to invest in Elk County but you don't say where or how, B. S. If you were as smart as you want us to believe, you would know there are probably much better investments in your own community in Delaware. Why don't you just stick with e-mailing your B.S. to your friend Liz about those investments and spare us.

Now, for some real information, just in case anyone has missed the latest post in the coffee shop, great and positive news.
The link is http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,14974.0.html

Oh and I hear them konnected folks plan to present their petition to the County Commissioners on Monday.
If you like what the county commissioners are doing for you and our county it might be a good day to show up at the meeting to show them your support. I really wanted to be at the last meeting but was in Wichita for a doctors appointment. I will try to make this one on Monday. I hope to see a few of you other people and to be able to say howdy to you. This could be a very interesting meeting.
I know Diane won't be able to be there to support her little hillbilly clan, sorry Diane.


Lobbying is a group of persons engaged in lobbying especially as representatives of a particular interest group. In this case isn't it the tiny self interest group known as Elk Konnected?

Is Elk Konnected finally showing their faces, by attending County Commissioners Meetings and publicizing in the newspaper? Sure isn't very many of them, is there?

Why isn't their Logo and name being used on their petition and newspaper articles?
Are they still trying to hide? I don't think they are doing a very good job of hiding, do you.

It was even in the minutes of the County Commissioners Meeting published in the newspaper this week that Dana Denton provided what I believe was a report for Elk Konnected to the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners. That happened at the year end meeting on December 31, 2012.

That was nice of Elk Konnected to give a report on their previous two years activity, but why during the time an official meeting where the department heads are suppose to give their reports. Was it because our Youth Development Employee is incapable of doing her job?

Would you as a private citizen or any other organization or business be allowed to be disruptive of a business reporting period of the County Commissioners meeting. Hell no, it would not be allowed. You would be required to be placed on the agenda or wait for the open forum of the County Commissioners meeting. So why was it allowed for Elk Konnected and Dana Denton?

Now they, the few Konnected ones appear to be lobbying to re-instate for the Youth Develpement Position that they force on us in the first place, at great expense to our wallets through property taxes.  And this employee couldn't even give a year end busyness' report to the county commissioners, why?  

I was just told that this thread is being read far more than the newspaper, if that is true people must be interested, and talking about what is best for Elk County. I wish, I had the edumaction of a writer so I could make far more sense of what I see, hear and feel. But I don't! And that is why, I ask people not to take me serious, but to talk with your family, friends and neighbors. And I ask you to make your own decisions. I am a nobody, I am nst an elected official or on any ones steering committee and above all I am not a self proclaimed visionary, I am just a property owner which makes me a taxpayer in Elk County.

If you support Mr. Hebb and Mr. Ritz and their efforts to improve the Quality of Life in Elk County for everyone, let them know. This is the very first I have seen anything done for improving the Quality of Life in Elk County for everyone.

•   They have paid off all of the County Debt's which is a very good thing because we no longer have to pay interest on those debt's with tax payer dollars.

•   They have increased efforts to perform maintenance and repairs to county roads, which is a very good thing.

•   They have implemented a reduction of your property taxes.

•   They rescinded the blood sucking, I mean "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" program called "Neighborhood Revitalization Program", that would return property tax money to a few special people.  I have refered to it as welfare to people that don't need it.

•   They abolished the Youth Development position that provide very little for very few youth on a very sporadic basis. Which was very expensive to the taxpayer.

Aren't these things all in the best interest of all the people of Elk County instead focusing on what small group of people wants for themselves?

Isn't lobbying what this little group doing?
They got placed on the County Commissioners agenda and took an hour to plead their case and were told sorry but no.
Now they have a little petition they are taking to the County Commissioners on Monday, isn't that just more lobbying for their little group?

You decide for your self. Should our county be run by petition, by some small lobbying group?

Just my personal opinions stated here, no little groups involved, just me.

And as you know you are free to ignore me.

Perhaps, I'll see you at the County Commissioners meeting Monday? I am going to try to be there. Just like you, I do have thing arise the change my desires and wants. But I do want to be there..

Diane Amberg

So then, if I'm so terrible ,why do you keep talking to me?
Back when I first joined, I was treated so well I considered an investment opportunity out there. We had already sold the family place by then, as I didn't really want to be an absentee landlord on that large a scale. We had already rented out the property that hadn't been sold, you probably know to whom. As far as what I had hoped to do, why in the world would I tell you? That's a very personal question and very rude to ask!  I promise you nobody is interested in hearing about it....except you, apparently. I do have investments here too, but I'll not share that either. I also won't be rude enough to pry into your life and ask about your investments or how you handle your money. Why would that be anybody's business?
It matters not to me if you believe me or not. There are those out there who do know I speak the truth, but there is no gain for me by asking anybody to stand up and prove it. I wouldn't want to cause trouble for them.


I think we need to start a petiton to get my job back with the road dept.  layed off in 09 still waiting


Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 07, 2013, 10:05:23 AM
So then, if I'm so terrible ,why do you keep talking to me?

I really don't know why? Perhaps to just fill up space on the thread. Or to practice my typing, You really have nothing to offer except your personal stuff. You fail to stay on topic. Oh, I guess I'm just stupid.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 07, 2013, 10:05:23 AM
Back when I first joined, I was treated so well I considered an investment opportunity out there. We had already sold the family place by then, as I didn't really want to be an absentee landlord on that large a scale. We had already rented out the property that hadn't been sold, you probably know to whom.

Really you were treated so well. That is extremely nice.
What happened?
Was it your obstinate attitude as far as Elk Konnected is concerned?
And posting your personal information and not liking the fact that people don't believe it and really don't care, is that it?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 07, 2013, 10:05:23 AM
As far as what I had hoped to do, why in the world would I tell you? That's a very personal question and very rude to ask!  I promise you nobody is interested in hearing about it....except you, apparently. I do have investments here too, but I'll not share that either. I also won't be rude enough to pry into your life and ask about your investments or how you handle your money. Why would that be anybody's business?
It matters not to me if you believe me or not. There are those out there who do know I speak the truth, but there is no gain for me by asking anybody to stand up and prove it. I wouldn't want to cause trouble for them.

You my dear started the conversation about your investments, not me.
I could care less about your personal life.
You might benefit by taking that to your Konnected friends on your FaceBook page.
They might care.

Now, about the present topic. Don't you think the new County Commissioner Board is doing a great and positive job for the "Quality of Life" for all the people of Elk County?,
I forgot you live way up there in Delaware, sorry about that.

Isn't that better than a little bitty Howard based organization who appears to only be interested in a few peoples desires and wants?

Isn't this why we have good men elected to our County Commissioners.

If you didn't see the voting numbers even Howard saw a need for change and they did the right thing. My hat is off to them in Howard that recognized serious change was needed.

So can we make this thread less about you and more about our Beautiful County?

Three cheers of Mr. Hebb and Mr. Ritz.

Hip, Hip Horray!

                           Hip, Hip Horray!

                                                     Hip, Hip Horray!


Quote from: oldfart on February 07, 2013, 10:54:55 AM
I think we need to start a petiton to get my job back with the road dept.  layed off in 09 still waiting

Sorry to have to tell you.

But then again on the other hand I thankfully able to say so.

Lobbying and petitions of this nature don't have any legal standing, or anyway I have been told they don't.

Look at all the petitions the Federal Government gets.
And they just ignore them.

However, Elk County appears to be on the right track now.

Diane Amberg

 ;D ;D ;D ;D "up" there in Delaware? ;D ;D ;D ;D
   Howard 37.47 north/96.26west    Newark 39.41North/75.45 west  That's really not very far north of you.


Did you happen to read the letter to the editor from our apparently konnected Appraiser?
It appears to be one of those positive konnected attitude attempts, but it comes across as undermining our County Commissioners.  

It really doesn't matter how much it cost per property to pay for something that is useless, just because Elk Konnected, LLC suggested it to the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners to make the positions and the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners voted to make the position.

Don't ya get it, Elk Konnected, LLC no longer has the kontrolling votes.

If them folks and their positive company, positively want a Youth Development Employee, hire her. She already works for you in your (Board of Governors) Steering Committee and most likely in your Youth Development program.

What is the real problem?
Is it if she chooses to leave Elk County, because she no longer has a full time job?  
And wouldn't that mean, you no longer have a Youth Development person with out having to pay her a salary?

But undermining our County Commissioners is just wrong in my opinion. Especially after the talk she gave me about how people in Elk County need to have a more positive attitude.

I do happen to like the lady and have always enjoyed visiting with her and as best I can tell she does an excellent job, which I appreciate.

Once again, this is just my personal opinion.


Here it is, I just checked Elk konnected, LLC's FaceBook page and look what I found.

Copied and pasted from that FaceBook Page with the link if you wish to check it out:

Elk Konnected's Youth Development Action Team hopes to create and provide fun activities for the youth in the area communities! Our committee consists of... *Bev Signer *Boyd Koehn *Kate Perkins *Michelle Moore *Alli Moore *Dana Denton *Nikki Hankins *Jennifer Montgomery

o   Our committee would love to hear from the youth! If you have any activities in mind please email, elkkonnectedyouth@gmail.com. We would love to have your input.
o   Lives in Howard, Kansas


They don't want to loose their employee/volunteer, now do they?
It appears they want the taxpayer to continue to pay her for their benefit, don't you see it that way?

Is it our responsibility to pay an employee, just so Elk Konnected can have a Youth Development volunteer?
I don't think so, do you? No rumor in this is there?

And if you notice they state on their FaceBook page that Elk Konnected, LLC lives in Howard, doesn't that just make it all about Howard?

Just asking.


A note from your local Elk County Terrorist: (jesting)

I am not immune, so here it is.

Rumor has it that during the last school board meeting I attended, the sheriff's office was called by one of the school board members and was asked to send over a deputy because they were concerned about a member of the audience. (Me)

Well about an hour into the meeting the deputy showed up and sat down about two seats over from me. I had no knowledge why he was there, He just sat there like gentleman. It didn't bother me a bit while I simply sat there and made notes, Nothing happened. Wow!

Well, I guess, I am now the county terrorist of the school board meetings. I'm told the rumor says the elite are that scared of me. Have fun with that people. It is good for a laugh.

Now, I don't believe for one minute, that they believe, I am a physical threat.

But, only because I take notes and I post on the local forum, which would be their only fear.

I do not believe the majority of the school board is involved in the rumor because I talk with a few of them from time to time and they are good people.  

So, it appears an attempt, just to make me look bad by a few select people, I simply say good luck with that.

I did call and talk with our Sheriff about it. And he said not to worry about it, it is just a rumor. The local Sheriff and I are on very good speaking terms, I do believe. I also believe he knows me and he knows if I can ever be of help to him and his deputies all he needs do is call me. I am a law abiding citizen of Elk County.

I told him, I might be crazy, but I'm not insane. I also told him, I'm high, but not on drugs, I'm high on life. And we just had a good laugh.

So, I guess for the moment, I am being considered the Terrorist of Elk County by rumor from a few people. Bless their little pea picking hearts. Trying to build a platform for me, I guess. I don't really like platforms or pedestals because people tend to fall off of them. LOL

But really, people that know me personally, know, I am not a violent person.
Yes, I will defend my property and family just as you would and I won't let anyone verbally abuse me with out a verbal response. If that person can not handle it and decides to assault me, I naturally would have to defend my self, just as you would. I do not look for or want any kind of physical confrontation, just as you don't want it either.

I do enjoy life and I do laugh at myself, especially some of my errors learning to be a wanna-be retired farmer/rancher. I laugh with some of the best that laugh at my mistakes. Now If that is the blueprint of a terrorist, so be it.

Smearing me with rumors won't stop me from doing what I believe in.
I believe Elk County can do better and I do believe Elk County is on the right path despite a few special people that don't want to fit in. Sometimes the truth hurts that bad for some people.

I think, I'll take it all as a bad joke. LOL

Thank you,
Your Friendly
Elk County Terrorist-er-Taxpayer

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