Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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  I've been reading all the posts about this and all the different threads....I've been stayin out of it since we no longer live there.

  I have been watchin a very underhanded campaign of insinuation......trying to implant and play on peoples natural tendencies to be suspicious of any change and any dislike of people involved or distrust of government that has kept much from happening or changing since I was a kid there in Severy. Just stirrin turds to see if any float.........be careful the septic dont burp and splash back on you.



Quote from: Mom70x7 on April 30, 2011, 07:20:51 AM
Ross -

As requested, this is where I searched:

If you type in Elk Konnected, you'll find about 3 pages of forum messages.

Thanks a lot I'll check it out.


Quote from: Wilma on April 30, 2011, 07:50:07 AM
Ross, just who have you been questioning that are not giving you any answers?  I think that if someone wants to know more about an organization, they should join that organization, participate as a follower until they are sure they want to be a member.  You can learn more from the inside of a book than you can from the cover.

There used to be something called EEFECD, I can't even remember now.  Whatever happened to it?  I think it was for the purpose of promoting Elk County.

So what if we have to go to someone outside the county?  If the county would give these citizens a chance to do it themselves, they wouldn't have to ask for outside help.

I'm sorry, but I will not believe that Liz Hendricks is in this for just what she can get out of it.  I will believe that she has found something that has worked and wanted the same chance for Elk County.  If you insist on driving her out of office on whatever pretext, it is the county that will be losing.

I tried asking at a community conversation, and had the sheriff's deputies called so I excused my self and walked out. I have been asking right here on this forum and I know they are out there but won't respond. Why?

Elk konnected is not just an organization it is a privately hel company. Have you ever been to one of the company meetings? Not the so called communittee coversations but on of the companies private meetings. A book I can open up and read, a company is not a book.

I just don't understand this statement, "If the county would give these citizens a chance to do it themselves, they wouldn't have to ask for outside help."

I have never tried to drive anyone out of office, never. But she does tend to confuse the hat's she wears. While acting as County commissioner she took a defensive stance as Elk Konnected. That is quite confusing.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 30, 2011, 09:25:10 AM
If I remember correctly, they did use donations from the original interested people as seed money.  Remember this all goes back to 2007. Isn't that before the wind farm issue?  Perhaps not. Don't forget, leave your guns with the sheriff when you come in to the meetings. ;) It has become obvious that there is some hot blood out there and some people might feel intimidated.

Not that's not nice, something said like that could incite something . I don't think anyone really feels like that around here.. Tell me you are joking.


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on April 30, 2011, 10:34:50 AM
  I've been reading all the posts about this and all the different threads....I've been stayin out of it since we no longer live there.

  I have been watchin a very underhanded campaign of insinuation......trying to implant and play on peoples natural tendencies to be suspicious of any change and any dislike of people involved or distrust of government that has kept much from happening or changing since I was a kid there in Severy. Just stirrin turds to see if any float.........be careful the septic dont burp and splash back on you.
Do You live in Stella, Missouri now. Is that part of the beautiful Ozarks?
All I've been doing is asking questions and I don't get no answers and I don't believe that is insuating anything. As a taxpayer, living here I feel I have that right when someone is trying to influence the use of my taxes. Elk Konnectedd is leading everyone to believe they run Elk Konnected when they are not even members. Now that's insuating something that is not true. Who is really play games here. If perhaps we would have had people asking questions about our financial world our country would not be in a financial crisis and millions of people would not have lost their homes and retirement funds. No body cared to ask the questions. But I'd almost bet, (because I am not a betting man) they would not have recieved any answers. Much like our situation right now, nobody answere for Elk Konnected. Oh and the financial world di great untill it fell apart. and who pays.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 30, 2011, 09:25:10 AM
If I remember correctly, they did use donations from the original interested people as seed money.  Remember this all goes back to 2007. Isn't that before the wind farm issue?  Perhaps not. Don't forget, leave your guns with the sheriff when you come in to the meetings. ;) It has become obvious that there is some hot blood out there and some people might feel intimidated.

I believe, I stated that it appears the Elk Konnected came about, at about the same time that the wind farm company was doing it's consideration of tis area and before the contracts were signed. These people that do this stuff with land surveys and wind study's and such don't work over night.

Do people carry guns to meetings in Delaware? I've never seen it here.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 30, 2011, 09:25:10 AM
If I remember correctly, they did use donations from the original interested people as seed money.  Remember this all goes back to 2007. Isn't that before the wind farm issue?  Perhaps not. Don't forget, leave your guns with the sheriff when you come in to the meetings. ;) It has become obvious that there is some hot blood out there and some people might feel intimidated.

What people, whi were they?

Diane Amberg

Yes, of course I was kidding about checking guns.....I'll leave it at that.  Yes, we've had people with carry permits have guns at meetings, but when a US Marshal or police officer we all know comes it's no big deal. We all know each other. Now a stranger displaying a weapon might be something else. I'm sure the first people who donated were known and acknowledged but I'm not the one to ask. Someone else on here may remember.  May I ask why it matters now?

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